
The Jade Association

Jun 24th, 2019
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  2. [17:05] He'd smile letting the aura fade away looking at the both of them he had some really strong friends and they were very supportive. He'd offer a suggestion to the both of them hopefully they could agree somewhat.
  4. "What would you think if we all joined a group created by us? we can try to bring some life back to this city."
  5. (Ichida Rikiya)
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [17:09] Rukia would clap her hands together at the suggestion.
  10. "I like that idea~ What do you think Epona?"
  12. The girl would look over to her fellow lightning mage as she said this, an elated look forming upon her features.
  13. (Rukia Bell)
  14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. [17:11] Epona was scribbling down on a semi crumbled up piece of paper, it contained varying things from strategies to techniques she'd witnessed so on and so forth. She looks back up at the mention of creating a group.
  18. For a while she had set her hopes on perhaps joining the Academy, but that idea fizzled from memory after some time. "I'm with it~!" She pauses though realising maybe she was getting ahead of herself a little.
  20. "What kind of group are we talking though?" She steps a little closer onto the sparring mat, platinum hues shifting back and forth between the two.
  21. (Epona Maple)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [17:14] "Some like a group of warriors and we can think of goals, but it's just a though for now... seeing as the city is abandon with everyone even most officials run towards the school.
  26. I don't think a city like this should be abandon and it kind of sucks that instead of people doing their job to keep the city in order they rather be apart of the school.
  28. So why not try to bring the city back to life? or something like that.."
  29. (Ichida Rikiya)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [17:19] Rukia would look to Ichida and nod ecstatically, She liked that idea.
  34. "I'd like that! maybe make guild out of it or something~"
  36. The girl would teleport next Epona now, looking over to Ichida.
  38. "Maybe we can even go to those spires out in the distance, or go adventure in some ancient ruins!"
  40. She seemed to have so many things going on in her mind now in regard to this. Perhaps she was getting ahead of herself, but at the same time she couldn't help it. It was just so exciting~
  43. (Rukia Bell)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [17:25] She could definitely get behind an idea like that, especially when rooted in such a strong sentiment. She wanted Huangzhou to be booming once more, the elders that she often spoke to seem to only reference when the city was at its peak but none of them ever seemed to strive to return it to those days. Fixating her thoughts again on the Regent who she rarely saw roaming through the city, perhaps this was what everyone here needed.
  48. "Count me all in then. We can't blame them all though, people tend to like doing things the easy way" Insinuating to them that this task they would be taking upon themselves would indefinitely be the hard way.
  50. Her eyes drifting towards Rukia as she spouted on about all the adventures that could be had, she herself hadn't thought about it, but a smile now forming on her features she was definitely starting to.
  52. "Yess~ Think of all the places we could see and things we could encounter along the way" she was getting a bit bubbly just from thinking about it now.
  54. "Oooh~! What would we call ourselves, every great group needs a kickass name to boot" Pondering for a moment on a name but none came to mind immediately.
  55. (Epona Maple)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [17:31] "I honestly don't know...., but whatever the name is it should be something we all agree on cause it would really suck to have a name where only one or two people like it.
  60. After we make a name we should find a base or something and then focus on how to make the city lively again. It seems most people had given up on the city as a whole that just means a younger generation should make it better.
  62. I can assume the job gets tiering and they are bored with it, so why not try and do it our way, right?"
  64. He jsut begin to go on and on about this stuff feeling really good about the though of them pulling it off.
  65. (Ichida Rikiya)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [17:37] Rukia would think really deeply on it, the name had to stick for all of them. She'd close her eyes in thought.
  70. "Hmm... The Crimson Dragons? no... Lightning Brigade? uh... The Jade Association?"
  72. She'd just be saying things now, Not too sure if any of those sounded good but wanting to contribute.
  73. (Rukia Bell)
  74. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. [17:43] "I don't have all the material and stuff on me now, but wherever we decide to build it I can make us any kind of setup" All that time in caves was about to pay off for once.
  78. "I agree, though i'm not really sure what we could do to make the place more lively..." She taps at her forehead thinking a bit. "What do people like..." she mumbled to herself out loud.
  80. Turning towards Rukia who had come up with a few names, she kind of liked them all realistically but one of them seemed more neutral.
  82. "What about The Jade Brigade?" It had a nice ring to it and somewhat used up all of the elements of Rukia's suggestions.
  83. (Epona Maple)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [17:50] "I like the Jade Brigade~ it's a nice name, but I'm still open to other names if we decide to come up with something. On that note people jsut like something to do and that's why most of them head off to the school because there isn't anything here to do.
  88. I suggest we get a little set going and then we can try to bring people that don't have anything going on with us. Like kids with no place to go or people that want to be Samurai and learn about didn't ninja tools.
  90. Something like that and maybe some events!: I would hate to see this city go to waste..."
  92. He'd give a few nods towards them.
  93. (Ichida Rikiya)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [17:59] Rukia would look between her two friends with a pleased smile.
  98. "Let's do it then! I'm sure we'll be able to make this place more lively again~"
  100. She'd look towards the door judging the time by the current amount of light. The girl's eyes would widen for a bit.
  102. "mmn... I have to go guys. I have to go find Miss Emi- *Ahem* I mean... my mom."
  104. She'd say that with a certain tenderness in her voice, apparently still getting used to the fact that she had a new parent.
  106. "I'll see you all later ok?"
  108. She'd get ready to leave but would wait just long enough to hear anything they had to say before she left.
  113. (Rukia Bell)
  114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [18:04] He'd offer her a way floating over to give her a good bye hug he'd finally land on the ground giving the girl a thumbs up.
  118. "Well be safe!: I dont' want to have to hunt you damn and punch you for going missing then I'll hug you again. I'll continue to work on the ideas we have and try to make them a reality.
  120. I should really start collecting ores again...., most went to getting me some new items...ALSO! we should probably get you two blades enchanted if they aren't already.
  122. We have a lot to do, but I know we can do it! BE SAFE~"
  123. (Ichida Rikiya)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [18:07] She scribbles down on a piece of paper "Alright the work in progress name is The Jade Brigade"
  128. Motioning her pen as she highlighted that people like something to do, which was in fact true, whether it was fishing, cooking, tending crops, cave spelunking or deep sea diving. There was always someone who'd be interested in it.
  130. "You're probably on to something with this Ichida, but I suppose you can sell them more on the ninja tools and the way of the ninja than either of us could. If they are interested in that at least"
  132. Epona gives a friendly smile and warm wave towards Rukia as it was time for her to leave. "Take care Rukia~. We'll meet up again soon and be safe"
  133. (Epona Maple)
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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