

Mar 17th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 "You've got your own issues, and I don't really care enough to try and dig them out of you. If you want to tell me, you can; if not, I don't care. What I care about is that we don't go back to dodging each other because of stupid shit. So. You want it? 'Cuz I'm pretty sure this [Wizard's Staff] does." Nudge nudge.: (Guile)
  2. [X] 1 Continue dealing with her guilt complex. Possibly in a sexy way, or possibly not.: (Winged One)
  3. [X] 1 Don't care if this is resolved sexily, so much as it is resolved.: (Guile)
  4. -[X] 1 Keep an eye out for Ninja Mom, and quietly flip her the bird if she's peeping.: (Winged One)
  5. [X] 4 Keep going. She wants you, and you want her quite badly. Make sure she remembers that its you that will be the [father?] of her child. And if she wants to feel guilty about that, thenΒ  she should know that you've grown to Love the fact that she was the means by which this could happen. She can stop looking for ways to make [Magnum] go away, in fact she can turn her research around on ways to make sure it stays put... after all she'd miss it if it were to leave.: (mc2rpg, Silversun17, Xicree, gibbousmoons)
  6. [X] 1 Press the attack, Magnum's ready to go, let's see if we can't make round two more enjoyable then round one for her.: (Redon)
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