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Jun 20th, 2017
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  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Collections;
  4. using System.ComponentModel;
  5. using System.Data;
  6. //using System.Drawing;
  7. using System.Linq;
  8. using System.Text;
  9. //using System.Windows.Forms;
  10. using System.Data.Odbc;
  11. using System.Data.OleDb;
  12. using System.Xml;
  13. using System.IO;
  14. using System.IO.Ports;
  15. using System.Net.Mail;
  16. using System.Diagnostics;
  17. using System.Security;
  18. using System.Security.Permissions;
  19. using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
  21. namespace aGQaInvoiceMonitoringSystem
  22. {
  23. class InvoiceMonitor
  24. {
  25. public AutoCert.AutoCert ac = new AutoCert.AutoCert();
  26. public DateTime daysBack = (DateTime)Properties.Settings.Default["SeedDate"];
  27. public FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
  28. [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")]
  30. private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
  31. {
  32. try
  33. {
  34. DoInvoice();
  35. }
  36. catch (Exception err)
  37. {
  38. LogMonitorEvent(err.ToString(), true);
  39. SendEmail(true, "", "", "", "", "MONITORING FAILED!!!!", err.ToString());
  40. }
  41. }
  43. public void MonitorStart()
  44. {
  45. watcher.Path = Properties.Settings.Default["WatchPath"].ToString();
  46. watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
  47. watcher.Filter = "recvbls.dbf";
  48. watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
  49. watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
  50. }
  52. public void MonitorStop()
  53. {
  54. watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
  55. }
  57. private void DoInvoice()
  58. {
  59. try
  60. {
  61. OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection();
  62. conn.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default["ConnStrFoxPro"].ToString();
  63. conn.Open();
  65. string sqlSt = "SELECT as 'supplierSalesman', * FROM recvbls JOIN customer ON recvbls.cust_no = customer.cust_no JOIN salesman ON recvbls.salesman1 = salesman.salesman ";
  66. sqlSt += " WHERE d_type='I' AND date >= {^" + daysBack.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "} ";
  67. if ((bool)Properties.Settings.Default["WhitelistedRetailersOnly"]) { sqlSt += " AND customer.cust_no IN (SELECT alias FROM agaRetailers WHERE active = 1) "; }
  68. sqlSt += " ORDER BY INVOICE_NO";
  70. OdbcDataAdapter dAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(sqlSt, conn);
  71. DataSet dsInvoices = new DataSet();
  72. dAdapter.Fill(dsInvoices, "invoices");
  74. string invoices = "";
  75. DataSet dsItems;
  76. Boolean isNotLooseStoneItem;
  78. foreach (DataRow i in dsInvoices.Tables["invoices"].Rows)
  79. {
  80. //is this a new invoice or one that has been processed to aGQa AutoCert already?
  81. //if this invoice has been processed already, change it's revision number and carry on without sending again to aGQa.
  82. if (iMonHasInvoiceBeenRecordedPreviously(i["invoice_no"].ToString()))
  83. { continue; } //invoice has already been processed, so just skip and goto the next in the list
  85. //Get invoice items for this invoice
  87. string itemsJew = " ";
  88. itemsJew += " jewhst.item_no as 'style', "; //style
  89. itemsJew += " q2 as 'itemQty', "; //item qty
  90. itemsJew += " jewhst.price as 'price', "; //invoice price
  91. itemsJew += " category2 as 'cut', "; //cut
  92. itemsJew += " color as 'color', "; //color
  93. itemsJew += " clarity as 'clarity', "; //clarity
  94. itemsJew += " sto_no as 'carat', "; //carat
  95. itemsJew += " category1 as 'department', "; //department
  96. itemsJew += " category3 as 'category', "; //category
  97. itemsJew += " metal as 'metal', "; //metal
  98. itemsJew += " sty_no as 'StyleForImage' "; //special order
  99. sqlSt = "SELECT " + itemsJew + " FROM jewhst JOIN jewelry ON jewhst.item_no = jewelry.item_no JOIN qualities ON jewelry.dia_qual = qualities.quality WHERE d_no = " + i["d_no"] + " ORDER BY jewhst.item_no ";
  101. isNotLooseStoneItem = true;
  102. dAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(sqlSt, conn);
  103. dsItems = new DataSet();
  104. dAdapter.Fill(dsItems, "items");
  106. if (dsItems.Tables["items"].Rows.Count < 1) //invoice had no manufacturered items, maybe it has loose gem items from the diaHst table?
  107. {
  108. isNotLooseStoneItem = false;
  109. string itemsDia = " ";
  110. itemsDia += " descrip as 'description', "; //invoice description line
  111. itemsDia += " cerhst.item_no as 'style', "; //style
  112. itemsDia += " q2 as 'itemQty', "; //item qty
  113. itemsDia += " cerhst.price as 'price', "; //invoice price
  114. itemsDia += " category1 as 'cut', "; //cut
  115. itemsDia += " category2 as 'color', "; //color
  116. itemsDia += " category3 as 'clarity', "; //clarity
  117. itemsDia += " avg_wght as 'carat', "; //carat
  118. itemsDia += " 'Loose Diamond(s)' as 'department', "; //department
  119. itemsDia += " 'Loose Diamond(s)' as 'category', "; //department
  120. itemsDia += " category4 as 'labName', "; //metal
  121. itemsDia += " cert_no as 'labCertNo', "; //qty1
  122. itemsDia += " length, width, depth "; //qty2
  123. sqlSt = " SELECT " + itemsDia + " FROM cerhst JOIN certs ON cerhst.item_no = certs.item_no WHERE d_no = " + i["d_no"] + " ORDER BY cerhst.item_no ";
  124. dAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(sqlSt, conn);
  125. dsItems = new DataSet();
  126. dAdapter.Fill(dsItems, "items");
  128. if (dsItems.Tables["items"].Rows.Count < 1) //no manufactured items or loose stones found.... strange! just continue on, skipping this invoice.
  129. { continue; }
  130. }
  132. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
  133. XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("Invoices");
  134. XmlElement nInv;
  135. XmlElement node;
  137. nInv = doc.CreateElement("Invoice");
  138. root.AppendChild(nInv);
  140. //Invoice Date
  141. node = doc.CreateElement("Date");
  142. node.InnerText = ((DateTime)i["date"]).ToShortDateString();
  143. nInv.AppendChild(node);
  145. //Invoice No
  146. node = doc.CreateElement("Number");
  147. node.InnerText = i["invoice_no"].ToString().Trim();
  148. nInv.AppendChild(node);
  150. //Retailer Node
  151. XmlElement nRetailer;
  152. nRetailer = doc.CreateElement("Retailer");
  153. nInv.AppendChild(nRetailer);
  155. //Retailer ID
  156. node = doc.CreateElement("ID");
  157. node.InnerText = i["cust_no"].ToString().Trim();
  158. nRetailer.AppendChild(node);
  160. //Retailer Name
  161. node = doc.CreateElement("Name");
  162. node.InnerText = i["Name"].ToString().Trim();
  163. nRetailer.AppendChild(node);
  165. //Retailer Address
  166. string addStr = "";
  167. if (i["Address"].ToString().Trim() != "") { addStr += i["Address"].ToString().Trim() + ", "; }
  168. if (i["Address2"].ToString().Trim() != "") { addStr += i["Address2"].ToString().Trim() + ", "; }
  169. if (i["City"].ToString().Trim() != "") { addStr += i["City"].ToString().Trim() + ", "; }
  170. if (i["State"].ToString().Trim() != "") { addStr += i["State"].ToString().Trim() + ", "; }
  171. if (i["Zip"].ToString().Trim() != "") { addStr += i["Zip"].ToString().Trim(); }
  173. node = doc.CreateElement("Address");
  174. node.InnerText = addStr;
  175. nRetailer.AppendChild(node);
  177. //Emails Node
  178. XmlElement nEmails;
  179. nEmails = doc.CreateElement("Emails");
  180. nInv.AppendChild(nEmails);
  182. //Retailer Salesperson Email
  183. node = doc.CreateElement("Email");
  184. node.SetAttribute("type", "retailerSalesperson");
  185. node.InnerText = i["email"].ToString().Trim();
  186. nEmails.AppendChild(node);
  188. XmlElement nSupplierSpecificInvoice;
  189. nSupplierSpecificInvoice = doc.CreateElement("SupplierSpecific");
  190. nInv.AppendChild(nSupplierSpecificInvoice);
  192. node = doc.CreateElement("AddressStreet");
  193. node.InnerText = i["Address"].ToString().Trim();
  194. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  196. node = doc.CreateElement("AddressStreet2");
  197. node.InnerText = i["Address2"].ToString().Trim();
  198. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  200. node = doc.CreateElement("AddressCity");
  201. node.InnerText = i["City"].ToString().Trim();
  202. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  204. node = doc.CreateElement("AddressState");
  205. node.InnerText = i["State"].ToString().Trim();
  206. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  208. node = doc.CreateElement("AddressZip");
  209. node.InnerText = i["Zip"].ToString().Trim();
  210. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  212. node = doc.CreateElement("ShipMethod");
  213. node.InnerText = i["shipvia"].ToString().Trim();
  214. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  216. node = doc.CreateElement("Shippable");
  217. node.InnerText = "true";
  218. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  220. node = doc.CreateElement("PONumber");
  221. node.InnerText = i["po_no"].ToString().Trim();
  222. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  224. node = doc.CreateElement("Salesman");
  225. node.InnerText = i["supplierSalesman"].ToString().Trim();
  226. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  228. node = doc.CreateElement("orderedby");
  229. node.InnerText = i["attention"].ToString().Trim();
  230. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  232. //Terms
  233. node = doc.CreateElement("Terms");
  234. node.InnerText = i["Terms"].ToString().Trim();
  235. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  237. //Due Date
  238. node = doc.CreateElement("DueDate");
  239. node.InnerText = ((DateTime)i["d_date"]).ToShortDateString();
  240. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  242. //put in Cert/Item nodes
  243. XmlElement nCerts;
  244. nCerts = doc.CreateElement("Certificates");
  245. nInv.AppendChild(nCerts);
  247. XmlElement nCert;
  249. foreach (DataRow r in dsItems.Tables["items"].Rows)
  250. {
  251. nCert = doc.CreateElement("Certificate");
  252. nCert.SetAttribute("templatable", "true");
  253. nCerts.AppendChild(nCert);
  255. node = doc.CreateElement("SpecialOrder");
  256. if (isNotLooseStoneItem) { if (r["StyleForImage"].ToString().Trim() == "SP ORDER") { node.InnerText = "true"; } else { node.InnerText = "false"; } }
  257. else { node.InnerText = "false"; }
  258. nCert.AppendChild(node);
  260. node = doc.CreateElement("RingSize");
  261. if (isNotLooseStoneItem)
  262. {
  263. if (r["Style"].ToString().Trim().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper().Contains("R") || r["Style"].ToString().Trim().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper().Contains("Y"))
  264. { node.InnerText = "Stock"; }
  265. else
  266. { node.InnerText = ""; }
  267. }
  268. else { node.InnerText = ""; }
  269. nCert.AppendChild(node);
  271. node = doc.CreateElement("Style");
  272. node.InnerText = r["style"].ToString().Trim();
  273. nCert.AppendChild(node);
  275. node = doc.CreateElement("Stock");
  276. node.InnerText = r["style"].ToString().Trim();
  277. nCert.AppendChild(node);
  279. node = doc.CreateElement("Quantity");
  280. node.InnerText = (Convert.ToInt32(r["itemQty"]) * -1).ToString().Trim(); //quantities are negative in their tables because they are being sold out of inventory
  281. nCert.AppendChild(node);
  283. node = doc.CreateElement("Price");
  284. node.InnerText = r["price"].ToString().Trim();
  285. nCert.AppendChild(node);
  286. //---------------------------------------------------------------Supplier Specific Items-------------------------
  287. XmlElement nSupplierSpecific;
  288. nSupplierSpecific = doc.CreateElement("SupplierSpecific");
  289. nCert.AppendChild(nSupplierSpecific);
  291. node = doc.CreateElement("Valid");
  292. node.InnerText = "1";
  293. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(node);
  295. node = doc.CreateElement("Templatable");
  296. node.InnerText = "true";
  297. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(node);
  299. string aliasedCategoryID = "0";
  300. string aliasedQty = "";
  302. node = doc.CreateElement("Image");
  303. node.InnerText = AliasImageFromStyle(r["style"].ToString().Trim(), isNotLooseStoneItem, aliasQualityCut(r["cut"].ToString().Trim()), out aliasedCategoryID);
  304. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(node);
  306. if (aliasedCategoryID != "0") { aliasedQty = aliasQualityQty(aliasedCategoryID); }
  308. node = doc.CreateElement("CategoryID");
  309. if (isNotLooseStoneItem) { node.InnerText = aliasedCategoryID; }
  310. else { node.InnerText = "85"; }
  311. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(node);
  313. if (isNotLooseStoneItem)
  314. {
  315. node = doc.CreateElement("Metal");
  316. node.InnerText = aliasMetal(r["metal"].ToString().Trim());
  317. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(node);
  318. }
  320. node = doc.CreateElement("ItemTypeID");
  321. node.InnerText = "1";
  322. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(node);
  324. if (isNotLooseStoneItem)
  325. {
  326. node = doc.CreateElement("ProductLineID");
  327. node.InnerText = "6";
  328. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(node);
  330. node = doc.CreateElement("Subcategory");
  331. node.InnerText = aliasProductCategory(r["category"].ToString().Trim());
  332. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(node);
  334. XmlElement nOrns;
  335. nOrns = doc.CreateElement("Ornamentals");
  336. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(nOrns);
  338. XmlElement nOrn;
  339. nOrn = doc.CreateElement("Ornamental");
  340. nOrns.AppendChild(nOrn);
  342. node = doc.CreateElement("Label");
  343. node.InnerText = "Diamond(s)";
  344. nOrn.AppendChild(node);
  346. //4 C's
  347. node = doc.CreateElement("Cut");
  348. if (aliasQualityCut(r["cut"].ToString().Trim()).Length > 0)
  349. { node.InnerText = aliasQualityCut(r["cut"].ToString().Trim()); }
  350. else
  351. { node.InnerText = r["cut"].ToString().Trim(); }
  352. nOrn.AppendChild(node);
  354. node = doc.CreateElement("Color");
  355. if (aliasQualityColor(r["style"].ToString().Trim()).Length > 0)
  356. { node.InnerText = aliasQualityColor(r["style"].ToString().Trim()); }
  357. else
  358. { if (r["color"].ToString().Trim() != "") { node.InnerText = r["color"].ToString().Trim(); } }
  359. nOrn.AppendChild(node);
  361. node = doc.CreateElement("Clarity");
  362. if (aliasQualityClarity(r["style"].ToString().Trim()).Length > 0)
  363. { node.InnerText = aliasQualityClarity(r["style"].ToString().Trim()); }
  364. else
  365. { if (r["clarity"].ToString().Trim() != "") { node.InnerText = r["clarity"].ToString().Trim(); } }
  366. nOrn.AppendChild(node);
  368. node = doc.CreateElement("Carat");
  369. node.InnerText = FractionToDecimal(r["carat"].ToString().Trim());
  370. nOrn.AppendChild(node);
  372. node = doc.CreateElement("TQty");
  373. node.InnerText = aliasedQty;
  374. nOrn.AppendChild(node);
  375. }
  376. else //loose stones go thru this section
  377. {
  378. node = doc.CreateElement("ProductLineID");
  379. node.InnerText = "9";
  380. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(node);
  382. node = doc.CreateElement("Description");
  383. node.InnerText = r["description"].ToString().Trim();
  384. nSupplierSpecificInvoice.AppendChild(node);
  386. XmlElement nStones;
  387. nStones = doc.CreateElement("CenterStones");
  388. nSupplierSpecific.AppendChild(nStones);
  390. XmlElement nStone;
  391. nStone = doc.CreateElement("CenterStone");
  392. nStones.AppendChild(nStone);
  394. node = doc.CreateElement("Label");
  395. node.InnerText = "Diamond(s)";
  396. nStone.AppendChild(node);
  398. //4 C's
  399. node = doc.CreateElement("Cut");
  400. if (aliasQualityCut(r["cut"].ToString().Trim()).Length > 0)
  401. { node.InnerText = aliasQualityCut(r["cut"].ToString().Trim()); }
  402. else
  403. { node.InnerText = r["cut"].ToString().Trim(); }
  404. nStone.AppendChild(node);
  406. node = doc.CreateElement("Color");
  407. if (r["color"].ToString().Trim() != "") { node.InnerText = r["color"].ToString().Trim(); }
  408. nStone.AppendChild(node);
  410. node = doc.CreateElement("Clarity");
  411. if (r["clarity"].ToString().Trim() != "") { node.InnerText = r["clarity"].ToString().Trim(); }
  412. nStone.AppendChild(node);
  414. node = doc.CreateElement("Carat");
  415. node.InnerText = FractionToDecimal(r["carat"].ToString().Trim());
  416. nStone.AppendChild(node);
  418. node = doc.CreateElement("TQty");
  419. node.InnerText = "1";
  420. nStone.AppendChild(node);
  422. node = doc.CreateElement("LabName");
  423. node.InnerText = r["labName"].ToString().Trim();
  424. nStone.AppendChild(node);
  426. node = doc.CreateElement("LabCertNo");
  427. node.InnerText = r["labCertNo"].ToString().Trim();
  428. nStone.AppendChild(node);
  430. node = doc.CreateElement("DiamondDimensions");
  431. string dimensions = "";
  432. if (Convert.ToDecimal(r["length"]) > 0) { dimensions += r["length"].ToString().Trim() + " x "; }
  433. if (Convert.ToDecimal(r["width"]) > 0) { dimensions += r["width"].ToString().Trim(); }
  434. if (Convert.ToDecimal(r["depth"]) > 0) { dimensions += " x " + r["depth"].ToString().Trim(); }
  435. node.InnerText = dimensions;
  436. nStone.AppendChild(node);
  438. }
  439. }
  441. doc.AppendChild(root);
  443. invoices = IndentXMLString(doc.InnerXml) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
  444. SendEmail(false, "", "", "", "", "IDD Invoice: " + i["invoice_no"].ToString().Trim() + " Doc#: " + i["d_no"].ToString().Trim() + " Date: " + ((DateTime)i["date"]).ToShortDateString() + " - No of Item(s): " + dsItems.Tables["items"].Rows.Count.ToString() + " - Orn: " + isNotLooseStoneItem.ToString(), invoices);
  446. try
  447. {
  448. ac.UpdateDatabase("IDD", "diamonds", invoices);
  449. }
  450. catch (Exception err)
  451. {
  452. SendEmail(true, "", "", "", "", "MONITORING FAILED!!!!" + i["Invoice_No"].ToString().Trim(), err.ToString());
  453. }
  455. //this invoice has now been processed, mark it as such in the agaIMon table.
  456. iMonInsertNewInvoice(i["invoice_no"].ToString());
  457. }
  458. conn.Close();
  459. }
  460. catch (Exception err)
  461. {
  462. LogMonitorEvent(err.ToString(), true);
  463. SendEmail(true, "", "", "", "", "DO_INVOICE FAILED!!!!", err.ToString());
  464. }
  465. }
  467. #region utilsGeneral
  468. private bool iMonHasInvoiceBeenRecordedPreviously(string invoiceNo)
  469. {
  470. OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection();
  471. conn.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default["ConnStrFoxPro"].ToString();
  472. conn.Open();
  473. string sqlSt = "SELECT * FROM agaIMon WHERE invoice = '" + invoiceNo + "'";
  474. OdbcDataAdapter dAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(sqlSt, conn);
  475. DataSet dsInvoices = new DataSet();
  476. dAdapter.Fill(dsInvoices, "inv");
  477. if (dsInvoices.Tables["inv"].Rows.Count > 0)
  478. { return true; }
  479. else
  480. { return false; }
  481. }
  482. public void LogMonitorEvent(string sEvent, bool isError)
  483. {
  484. string sSource;
  485. string sLog;
  486. sSource = "aGQa Invoice Monitoring System";
  487. sLog = "Application";
  488. if (!EventLog.SourceExists(sSource)) EventLog.CreateEventSource(sSource, sLog);
  489. if (!isError)
  490. { EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, sEvent, EventLogEntryType.Information); }
  491. else
  492. { EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, sEvent, EventLogEntryType.Error); }
  493. }
  494. private string IndentXMLString(string xml)
  495. {
  496. string outXml = string.Empty;
  497. MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
  498. XmlTextWriter xtw = new XmlTextWriter(ms, Encoding.Unicode);
  499. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
  500. try
  501. {
  502. doc.LoadXml(xml);
  503. xtw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
  504. doc.WriteContentTo(xtw);
  505. xtw.Flush();
  506. ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
  507. StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
  508. return sr.ReadToEnd();
  509. }
  510. catch (Exception err)
  511. {
  512. LogMonitorEvent(err.ToString(), true);
  513. SendEmail(true, "", "", "", "", "Formating XML for Email FAILED!!!!", err.ToString());
  514. return string.Empty;
  515. }
  516. }
  517. public void SendEmail(bool isHtml, string eTo, string eFrom, string eCC, string eBCC, string eSubject, string eBody)
  518. {
  519. if (!eTo.Contains("@")) { return; }
  521. MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(eFrom, eTo, eSubject, eBody);
  522. mail.To.Add("");
  523. mail.To.Add("");
  524. if (isHtml) { mail.IsBodyHtml = true; }
  525. if (eCC.Length > 0) { mail.CC.Add(eCC); };
  526. if (eBCC.Length > 0) { mail.Bcc.Add(eBCC); };
  527. SmtpClient sender = new SmtpClient();
  528. sender.Host = ""; //Properties.Settings.Default["MailServer"].ToString();
  529. sender.Port = 25;
  530. try
  531. {
  532. sender.Send(mail);
  533. }
  534. catch (Exception ex)
  535. { }
  537. }
  538. private void iMonInsertNewInvoice(string invoiceNo)
  539. {
  540. OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection();
  541. conn.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default["ConnStrFoxPro"].ToString();
  542. conn.Open();
  543. string sqlSt = "SELECT guid, date, invoice, revision FROM agaIMon";
  545. OdbcDataAdapter dAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(sqlSt, conn);
  546. DataSet dsInvoices = new DataSet();
  547. dAdapter.Fill(dsInvoices, "inv");
  549. OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand();
  550. string myGuid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
  551. string sql = "INSERT INTO agaIMon ([guid], [date], [invoice], [revision]) VALUES ";
  552. sql += "('" + myGuid + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','" + invoiceNo + "','0')";
  553. cmd = new OdbcCommand(sql, conn);
  554. cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
  555. }
  557. #endregion //utilsGeneral
  559. #region ItemAliases
  560. static string AliasImageFromStyle(string style, bool isNotLooseStone, string cut, out string categoryId)
  561. {
  562. //default this to zero incase we don't catch the category correctly.
  563. categoryId = "0";
  565. if (!isNotLooseStone) //it IS a loose stone!
  566. {
  567. string folder = "1345/";
  568. categoryId = "85";
  569. switch (cut.ToLower())
  570. {
  571. case "asscher": return folder + "asscher.png";
  572. case "baguette": return folder + "baguette.png";
  573. case "cushion": return folder + "cushion.png";
  574. case "emerald": return folder + "emerald.png";
  575. case "flower round": return folder + "flower-round.png";
  576. case "heart": return folder + "heart.png";
  577. case "marquise": return folder + "marquise.png";
  578. case "oval": return folder + "oval.png";
  579. case "pear": return folder + "pear.png";
  580. case "princess": return folder + "princess.png";
  581. case "princess quad": return folder + "princess-quad.png";
  582. case "round": return folder + "round.png";
  583. case "square radiant": return folder + "square-radiant.png";
  584. case "trilliant": return folder + "trilliant.png";
  585. default: return "unknown";
  586. }
  587. }
  589. //it IS a finished good
  590. if (style.Length < 4) style += "JUNKSTYLE#"; //stops style#'s that are less than 4chars in length
  591. string pix = "";
  592. style = style.ToUpper();
  593. //-----EARRINGS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  594. if (style.Substring(0, 1) == "E")
  595. {
  596. if (Regex.Match(style, "E[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "EARRING-3"; categoryId = "110"; }
  597. if (Regex.Match(style, "EM[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "EARRING-2"; categoryId = "110"; }
  598. if (Regex.Match(style, "EB[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "EARRING-3"; categoryId = "110"; }
  599. if (Regex.Match(style, "EP[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "EARRING-1"; categoryId = "111"; }
  600. if (Regex.Match(style, "EPV[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "EARRING-1"; categoryId = "111"; }
  601. if (Regex.Match(style, "ERP71[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "ERP71"; categoryId = "151"; }
  602. if (Regex.Match(style, "ER71[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "ER71"; categoryId = "150"; }
  603. if (Regex.Match(style, "ERR[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "ERR050"; categoryId = "134"; }
  604. if (Regex.Match(style, "ER61[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "ER61"; categoryId = "145"; }
  605. if (Regex.Match(style, "ER81[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "ER81"; categoryId = "144"; }
  606. if (Regex.Match(style, "ER51[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "ER51"; categoryId = "146"; }
  607. if (style.Length >= 6)
  608. {
  609. if (style.Substring(0, 6) == "ER4003" || style.Substring(0, 6) == "ER4008") { pix = "ER4003"; categoryId = "147"; }
  610. if (style.Substring(0, 6) == "ER4004" || style.Substring(0, 6) == "ER4009") { pix = "ER4004"; categoryId = "148"; }
  611. if (style.Substring(0, 6) == "ER4001" || style.Substring(0, 6) == "ER4002") { pix = "ER4001"; categoryId = "149"; }
  612. if (style.Substring(0, 6) == "ER4005" || style.Substring(0, 6) == "ER4006") { pix = "ER4001"; categoryId = "149"; }
  613. }
  614. }
  615. //-----END OF EARRINGS---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  616. //-----RINGS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  617. if (style.Substring(0, 1) == "R" || style.Substring(0, 1) == "Y")
  618. {
  619. if (Regex.Match(style, "R0[?0-9]").Success || Regex.Match(style, "R10[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "R01"; categoryId = "112"; }
  620. if (Regex.Match(style, "RP0[?0-9]").Success || Regex.Match(style, "RP10[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "RP01"; categoryId = "113"; }
  621. if (style.Length >= 5)
  622. {
  623. if (style.Substring(0, 5) == "R6067" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "R6085" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "R6088") { pix = "R6067"; categoryId = "114"; }
  624. if (style.Substring(0, 5) == "R6066" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "R6086" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "R6089") { pix = "R6066"; categoryId = "114"; }
  625. if (style.Substring(0, 5) == "R6068" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "R6087" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "R6090") { pix = "R6068"; categoryId = "114"; }
  626. if (Regex.Match(style, "YP0[?0-9]").Success || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YP100" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YP150" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YP200" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YP300")
  627. { if (style.IndexOf("F2") > 0) { pix = "YP100F2"; categoryId = "130"; } else { pix = "YP100"; categoryId = "128"; } }
  628. if (style.Substring(0, 5) == "YE050" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YE100" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YE150" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YE200") { pix = "YE100"; categoryId = "133"; }
  629. if (style.Substring(0, 5) == "YR050" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YR075" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YR100" || style.Substring(0, 5) == "YR150") { pix = "YR100"; categoryId = "135"; }
  630. }
  631. if (Regex.Match(style, "R171[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "R171"; categoryId = "115"; }
  632. if (Regex.Match(style, "RP171[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "RP171"; categoryId = "116"; }
  633. if (Regex.Match(style, "R161[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "R161"; categoryId = "117"; }
  634. if (Regex.Match(style, "R141[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "R141"; categoryId = "118"; }
  635. if (Regex.Match(style, "R151[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "R151"; categoryId = "119"; }
  636. if (Regex.Match(style, "R191[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "R191"; categoryId = "124"; }
  637. if (Regex.Match(style, "R181[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "R181"; categoryId = "115"; }
  638. if (Regex.Match(style, "RP181[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "RP181"; categoryId = "116"; }
  639. if (Regex.Match(style, "R101[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "R101"; categoryId = "125"; }
  640. if (Regex.Match(style, "R40[?0-9]").Success || Regex.Match(style, "R41[?0-9]").Success || Regex.Match(style, "R42[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "R4004"; categoryId = "126"; }
  641. if (style.Length >= 6)
  642. {
  643. if (style.Substring(0, 6) == "RET100" || style.Substring(0, 6) == "RET150" || style.Substring(0, 6) == "RET200" || style.Substring(0, 6) == "RET300")
  644. { if (style.IndexOf("CH") > 0) { pix = "RET100CH"; categoryId = "123"; } else { pix = "RET100"; categoryId = "123"; } }
  645. }
  646. if (style.Length >= 7)
  647. {
  648. if (style.Substring(0, 7) == "RET2002" || style.Substring(0, 7) == "RET2003" || style.Substring(0, 7) == "RET2004") { pix = "RET2000"; categoryId = "121"; }
  649. if (style.Substring(0, 7) == "RET3000" || style.Substring(0, 7) == "RET3001") { pix = "RET3000"; categoryId = "122"; }
  650. }
  651. if (style.Length >= 8)
  652. {
  653. if (style.Substring(0, 8) == "RETP100" || style.Substring(0, 8) == "RETP150" || style.Substring(0, 8) == "RETP200" || style.Substring(0, 8) == "RETP300") { pix = "RETP100"; categoryId = "123"; }
  654. }
  655. if (style.Length >= 4)
  656. {
  657. if (Regex.Match(style, "Y0[?0-9]").Success || style.Substring(0, 4) == "Y100" || style.Substring(0, 4) == "Y150" || style.Substring(0, 4) == "Y200" || style.Substring(0, 4) == "Y300")
  658. { if (style.IndexOf("F1") > 0) { pix = "Y100F1"; categoryId = "131"; } else if (style.IndexOf("F2") > 0) { pix = "Y100F2"; categoryId = "131"; } else { pix = "Y100"; categoryId = "127"; } }
  659. }
  660. if (Regex.Match(style, "RR400[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "RR400"; categoryId = "130"; }
  661. if (Regex.Match(style, "RE400[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "RE400"; categoryId = "132"; }
  662. }
  663. //-----END OF RINGS------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  665. //----- PENDANTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  666. if (style.Substring(0, 1) == "P" || style.Substring(0, 2) == "JP")
  667. {
  668. if (Regex.Match(style, "JP30[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "JP30"; categoryId = "137"; }
  669. if (Regex.Match(style, "P0[?0-9]").Success || style.Substring(0, 4) == "P100") { pix = "P100"; categoryId = "138"; }
  670. if (Regex.Match(style, "PP[?0-9]").Success) { pix = "PP100"; categoryId = "139"; }
  671. }
  672. //----- END OF PENDANTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  674. //----- BRACELETS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  675. if (style.Length >= 4 && style.Substring(0, 1) == "B")
  676. {
  677. if (style.Substring(2, 2) == "02") { pix = "B02"; categoryId = "140"; }
  678. if (style.Substring(2, 2) == "24") { pix = "B24"; categoryId = "141"; }
  679. if (style.Substring(2, 2) == "04") { pix = "B04"; categoryId = "142"; }
  680. if (style.Substring(2, 2) == "28") { pix = "B28"; categoryId = "143"; }
  681. }
  682. //----- END OF BRACELETS ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  684. if (pix.Length > 0)
  685. {
  686. return "1345/" + pix + ".png";
  687. }
  688. else
  689. {
  690. return "unknown";
  691. }
  692. }
  693. static string aliasQualityQty(string catId)
  694. { //if marked with //, the item actually does have qty 1 :)
  695. switch (catId)
  696. {
  697. case "110": return "2";
  698. case "111": return "2";
  699. case "112": return "1"; //
  700. case "113": return "1"; //
  701. case "114": return "1"; //?
  702. case "115": return "9"; //?
  703. case "116": return "10";//?
  704. case "117": return "7";
  705. case "118": return "5";
  706. case "119": return "5";
  707. case "120": return "23"; //?
  708. case "121": return "1";
  709. case "122": return "58"; //?
  710. case "123": return "84"; //?
  711. case "124": return "31"; //?
  712. case "125": return "20"; //?
  713. case "126": return "11"; //?
  714. case "127": return "3";
  715. case "128": return "3";
  716. case "129": return "15"; //?
  717. case "130": return "11"; //?
  718. case "131": return "1";
  719. case "132": return "1";
  720. case "133": return "3";
  721. case "134": return "2";
  722. case "135": return "3";
  723. case "136": return "1";
  724. case "137": return "7";
  725. case "138": return "1";//
  726. case "139": return "1";//
  727. case "140": return "1";
  728. case "141": return "1";
  729. case "142": return "1";
  730. case "143": return "1";
  731. case "144": return "74"; //?
  732. case "145": return "68"; //?
  733. case "146": return "140"; //?
  734. case "148": return "124"; //?
  735. case "149": return "42"; //?
  736. case "150": return "7"; //?
  737. case "151": return "7"; //?
  738. default: return "1";
  739. }
  740. }
  741. static string aliasQualityCut(string cut)
  742. {
  743. cut = cut.ToLower();
  744. if (cut == "rd") { return "Round"; }
  745. if (cut == "prin") { return "Princess"; }
  746. if (cut == "emer") { return "Emerald"; }
  747. if (cut == "mq") { return "Marquise"; }
  748. if (cut == "hrt") { return "Heart"; }
  749. if (cut == "oval") { return "Oval"; }
  750. if (cut == "pear") { return "Pear"; }
  751. if (cut == "tril") { return "Trilliant"; }
  752. if (cut == "rfl") { return "Flower Round"; }
  753. if (cut == "pr+b") { return "Princess & Baguette"; }
  754. if (cut == "pqd") { return "Princess Quad"; }
  755. if (cut == "dfl") { return "Flower Pear"; }
  756. if (cut == "bag") { return "Baguette"; }
  757. if (cut == "rd+b") { return "Round & Baguette"; }
  758. if (cut == "srad") { return "Square Radiant"; }
  759. if (cut == "rd+p") { return "Round & Princess"; }
  760. if (cut == "hfl") { return "Flower Heart"; }
  761. if (cut == "sqfl") { return "Flower Square"; }
  762. if (cut == "asc") { return "Asscher"; }
  763. if (cut == "q") { return "Quad"; }
  764. if (cut == "cus") { return "Cushion"; }
  765. if (cut == "rad") { return "Radiant"; }
  766. return "";
  767. }
  768. public string aliasMetal(string met)
  769. {
  770. switch (met.ToLower())
  771. {
  772. case "14kw": return "14KW Gold";
  773. case "14ky": return "14KY Gold";
  774. case "10ky": return "10KY Gold";
  775. case "18kw": return "18KW Gold";
  776. case "14tt": return "14K TT";
  777. case "platinum": return "Platinum";
  778. case "18ky": return "18KY Gold";
  779. case "10kw": return "10KW Gold";
  780. case "palladium": return "Palladium";
  781. case "10tt": return "10K TT";
  782. }
  783. return met;
  784. }
  785. public string aliasProductCategory(string cat3)
  786. {
  787. //not used, put into supplier specific for no good reason currently
  788. switch (cat3.ToLower())
  789. {
  790. case "3st+": return "Three Stone";
  791. case "3stn": return "Three Stone";
  792. case "annv": return "Anniversary";
  793. case "br": return "Bracelet";
  794. case "brid": return "Bridal";
  795. case "cir": return "Circle";
  796. case "eter": return "Eternity Band";
  797. case "flw": return "Flower";
  798. case "fshb": return "Fashion Bangle";
  799. case "fshe": return "Fashion Earring";
  800. case "fshp": return "Fashion Pendant";
  801. case "fsr": return "Fashion Ring";
  802. case "hoop": return "Hoop Earring";
  803. case "jour": return "Journey";
  804. case "quad": return "Princess Quad";
  805. case "rdl": return "Rondel";
  806. case "semi": return "Semi-Mounting";
  807. case "sflw": return "Square";
  808. case "sol": return "Solitaire";
  809. case "sp": return "Special Order";
  810. }
  811. return cat3;
  812. }
  813. static string aliasQualityColor(string style)
  814. {
  815. if (style.IndexOf("K3") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N3") > 0) { return "G/H"; }
  816. if (style.IndexOf("K4") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N4") > 0) { return "G/H"; }
  817. if (style.IndexOf("K5") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N5") > 0) { return "G/H"; }
  818. if (style.IndexOf("K6") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N6") > 0) { return "G/H"; }
  819. if (style.IndexOf("K7") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N7") > 0) { return "G/H"; }
  820. if (style.IndexOf("K8") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N8") > 0) { return "G/H"; }
  821. if (style.IndexOf("K9") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N9") > 0) { return "G/H"; }
  822. if (style.IndexOf("K10") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N10") > 0) { return "G/H"; }
  824. if (style.IndexOf("S4") > 0) { return "I/J"; }
  825. if (style.IndexOf("S5") > 0) { return "I/J"; }
  826. if (style.IndexOf("S6") > 0) { return "I/J"; }
  827. if (style.IndexOf("S7") > 0) { return "I/J"; }
  828. if (style.IndexOf("S8") > 0) { return "I/J"; }
  829. if (style.IndexOf("S9") > 0) { return "I/J"; }
  830. if (style.IndexOf("S10") > 0) { return "I/J"; }
  831. return ""; //wasn't able to find
  832. }
  833. static string aliasQualityClarity(string style)
  834. {
  835. if (style.IndexOf("K3") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N3") > 0) { return "VS2"; }
  836. if (style.IndexOf("K4") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N4") > 0) { return "SI1"; }
  837. if (style.IndexOf("K5") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N5") > 0) { return "SI2"; }
  838. if (style.IndexOf("K6") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N6") > 0) { return "SI3"; }
  839. if (style.IndexOf("K7") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N7") > 0) { return "I1"; }
  840. if (style.IndexOf("K8") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N8") > 0) { return "I1/I2"; }
  841. if (style.IndexOf("K9") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N9") > 0) { return "I2"; }
  842. if (style.IndexOf("K10") > 0 || style.IndexOf("N10") > 0) { return "I2/I3"; }
  844. if (style.IndexOf("S4") > 0) { return "SI1"; }
  845. if (style.IndexOf("S5") > 0) { return "SI2"; }
  846. if (style.IndexOf("S6") > 0) { return "SI3"; }
  847. if (style.IndexOf("S7") > 0) { return "I1"; }
  848. if (style.IndexOf("S8") > 0) { return "I1/I2"; }
  849. if (style.IndexOf("S9") > 0) { return "I2"; }
  850. if (style.IndexOf("S10") > 0) { return "I2/I3"; }
  851. return ""; //wasn't able to find
  852. }
  854. #endregion //itemAliases
  856. #region fracsToDecimalUtils
  857. static string FractionToDecimal(string frac)
  858. {
  859. try
  860. {
  861. if (isDecimal(frac)) { return frac; } //no nothing, it's already a decimal value
  863. if (parseJunkCases(frac).Length > 0) { return parseJunkCases(frac); } //convert shit values like 2CT and 11/2
  865. string[] complexParts = frac.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
  866. string fraction;
  868. if (complexParts.Length == 1)
  869. fraction = complexParts[0];
  870. else
  871. fraction = complexParts[1];
  873. string[] simpleParts = fraction.Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
  874. double fractionValue = Convert.ToDouble(simpleParts[0]);
  876. if (simpleParts[0].Length == 2) { return frac; }
  878. if (simpleParts.Length > 1) fractionValue = fractionValue / Convert.ToDouble(simpleParts[1]);
  879. if (complexParts.Length > 1) fractionValue += Convert.ToDouble(complexParts[0]);
  881. fractionValue = Math.Round(fractionValue, 2);
  882. return fractionValue.ToString();
  883. }
  884. catch
  885. { return frac; }
  886. }
  887. static string parseJunkCases(string val)
  888. {
  889. if (val == "1CT") { return "1.00"; }
  890. if (val == "2CT") { return "2.00"; }
  891. if (val == "3CT") { return "3.00"; }
  892. if (val == "4CT") { return "4.00"; }
  893. if (val == "11/2") { return "1.50"; }
  894. if (val == "11/3") { return "1.33"; }
  895. if (val == "11/4") { return "1.25"; }
  896. if (val == "11/8") { return "1.13"; }
  897. if (val == "21/2") { return "2.50"; }
  898. if (val == "21/3") { return "2.33"; }
  899. if (val == "21/4") { return "2.25"; }
  900. if (val == "21/8") { return "2.13"; }
  901. if (val == "31/2") { return "3.50"; }
  902. if (val == "31/3") { return "3.33"; }
  903. if (val == "31/4") { return "3.25"; }
  904. if (val == "31/8") { return "3.13"; }
  905. if (val == "41/2") { return "4.50"; }
  906. if (val == "41/3") { return "4.33"; }
  907. if (val == "41/4") { return "4.25"; }
  908. if (val == "41/8") { return "4.13"; }
  909. if (val == "51/2") { return "5.50"; }
  910. if (val == "51/3") { return "5.33"; }
  911. if (val == "51/4") { return "5.25"; }
  912. if (val == "51/8") { return "5.13"; }
  913. if (val == "61/2") { return "6.50"; }
  914. if (val == "61/3") { return "6.33"; }
  915. if (val == "61/4") { return "6.25"; }
  916. if (val == "61/8") { return "6.13"; }
  918. return ""; //couldn't fix, so short circuit
  919. }
  920. static bool isDecimal(string val)
  921. {
  922. try
  923. {
  924. Convert.ToDouble(val);
  925. return true;
  926. }
  927. catch
  928. {
  929. return false;
  930. }
  931. }
  932. #endregion
  934. }
  935. }
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