
WarpedRealm release 1.20

Aug 27th, 2022
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  1. Release 1.20 Changes:
  2. - Fixed an issue where repairing any item in an anvil would flush all data of the item
  3. - Fixed the 30 iron ore quest needing 40 iron ore to be broken
  4. - Added /ping for all players
  5. - Added /ping to TCF
  6. - Added scheduled reminder to check out /ah
  7. - Changed /buyquest to /buyquests
  8. - Added /buyquests to TCF and removed /buyquest
  9. - Added profit / cost descriptions to /buyquests
  10. - Added all trust and untrust commands for claims to TCF
  11. - Changed the builder tag to an axe icon
  12. - Added /delhome to TCF
  13. - Fixed the wraith interceptor buyquest needing less kills than described
  14. - Fixed the 4 iron ore quests showing the wrong icon in /quests
  15. - Fixed some issues with sellwands having broken descriptions
  16. - Fixed the gradient in sellwand prefix being weird
  17. - Fixed issues with rank syncing taking too long
  18. - Added new announcement in chat when a store purchase goes through including a pictogram of the buyer's skin
  19. - Added fireworks and sounds when a store purchase goes through
  20. - Added 4 weekly quests for the buyquests command
  21. - Fixed descriptions of non-upgrade ranks not mentioning the sellwand
  22. - Added new GUI to /buyquests with confirmation GUI
  23. - Added Weekly quests to /buyquests
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