
Drug Dealer Anon Chapter #3

Jul 29th, 2012
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  1. >After scrubbing off completely and shaving a few parts, you emerged from the surprisingly spacious but bare minimum shower, dried, and reclothed yourself
  2. >Your hair is getting a bit long, It's time
  3. >You open the drawers, fumbling around where the razors are, and then gripping something
  4. >Pulling it out, it reveals itself to be a... Hand crank shaver?
  5. >Fuck this is going to suck
  6. >You began cranking it and surprisingly, the blades don't turn
  7. >Strange, maybe it has a battery or wind up or something
  8. >Continuing to crank it for a solid 5 minutes, you feel content to turn it on.
  9. >Turning it on, it whirrs to life and you hold your head over the sink and begin cutting
  10. >In strips it shaves off hair, not skipping a single spot, leaving a big deposit leftover in your sink, which you toss in the toilet and flush.
  11. >Lathering some soap in your hair, you rinse it out, checking with your hands for any leftover hairs
  12. >None
  14. 1/x
  16. >Leaving the bathroom and entering the warm interior of the house, Buddy's still playing angry birds
  17. >Damn he must really like that
  18. >A quick check of the watch reveals it to be 1300, late for lunch
  19. >You walk into the kitchen and dig through the refridgerator
  20. >Bread
  21. >Lettuce
  22. >Cheese
  23. >And... Damn! There's some cold cuts in here
  24. >You quickly fix some sandwiches, for yourself and Buddy
  25. >You settle down on the couch and put a plate on his lap, he looks down and then snaps it up and begins to take a few bites as he's playing
  26. What level are you on?
  27. >"74, I can't get past this one"
  28. Heh, wanna take a break?
  29. >"Yeah, I guess"
  31. 2/x
  33. >He puts down the ipod, which you check, 40% battery, fuck.
  34. This'll have to be charged, tomorrow when the rain clears, can't be used forever, needs power.
  35. >"So no more playing?"
  36. Nah, not for today, but y'know what?
  37. >You pull out that acousting speaker attachment and put it on
  38. >You flip through a few songs
  40. >"W-what is it?"
  41. Human music, not all of it, we've got hundreds of genres, but hey, I like it.
  42. >"Neat! What else is there on that thing?"
  43. Well...
  44. >You flip to another song
  46. >"I like this song!"
  47. Heh, yeah, you want to take a walk with me or something?
  48. >"Sure!"
  50. 3/x
  52. >You looked out the window, just a light sprinkle now, the storm has died down a fair amount
  53. Let's go then
  54. >Re-equipping your boots, you and buddy depart, and you lock the door
  55. So you said you can communicate with Celestia?
  56. >"Yeah! If I breath fire onto a letter, its sent to Celestia instantly"
  57. Could you send objects as well?
  58. >"I guess..."
  59. Great, I need to send her a package soon
  60. >The walk progresses fairly silently, taking in the fresh air and the wind, eventually progressing down the path and ahead onto cobblestone
  61. Hmm, looks like we're in a town now
  62. >Up ahead are buildings of all types
  63. I know I said I wouldn't come back here, but hey, why not.
  64. >"Whatever you say"
  66. 4/x
  68. >Immediately you are met with the gaze of the townspeople, some fear some with awe
  69. Sup
  70. >"Hello" Buddy eagerly waves towards the townspeople, who then loosen their gaze and continue on their way
  71. >The trip through town takes you, looking around at the various stands put to market
  72. >All fruits, vegetables, nothing you didn't already have
  73. >Eventually you ended up eyeing an applestand, and spotting a familiar pony
  74. You!
  75. >"Now I don't wan't any trouble, ya hear?"
  76. Yeah yeah, tell that to your Rainbow friend
  77. >She scowls at you and you continue on
  78. >This town is boring as hell
  79. >The people are boring, the town is boring, the products are boring.
  80. >Suddenly you spot a stand, filled with gems of all kinds.
  81. >"Three bits each gem! Free sample!"
  82. >Aww yeah
  84. 5/x
  86. >You approach the stand, the man looking nervous
  87. Hello sir, can I get a free sample for my friend here
  88. >You say pointing to the dragon
  89. >"Ehh, sure, why not" he says pulling a gem out of his desk
  90. Thanks, I'll be sure to come back and purchase some later
  91. >"Always good to have future customers" he says
  92. >You hand Buddy the gem and he begins drooling, and then takes a bite
  93. >"This is pretty good!"
  94. Yeah yeah, hey let's go back to the house, I've gotta send that package sooner or later and I'll get some bits so we can go again next time and buy some stuff, eh?
  95. >"Yeah yeah"
  96. Want to ride on my back and I'll run back to town?
  97. >"You bet!"
  98. You throw him onto your shoulders, and begin your jog
  99. >7 mile jog, you can do it, come on, twice in one day
  100. >Meanwhile buddy is giggling his head off behind you
  102. 6/6
  104. Having fun up there *pant* I see?
  105. >"You bet, It's like I'm flying!"
  106. >By now you're 4 miles into the jog, the air is cold and humid allowing for easy breathing but your body is cramping up a little bit
  107. >The house is in sight, the jog slows down to around 7 mph, your aching muscles showing their discontent with running 13 miles in one day
  108. >6 miles in, no stopping ya
  109. >Eventually you arrive at your door, drop Buddy off, and open the door, letting him run inside and dick around
  110. >Gosh that's cute
  111. >However you head to the shower
  112. >You just flick your wrist and turn the cold water on blast sending icy cold goodness down your body
  113. Gah! hahahahaha
  114. >The cold water made you get into a giggling fit, sending a smile across your face
  115. >Every single time, never gets old
  117. 1/x
  119. >Quickly washing off all the scum, you step out and towel off, inspecting your body
  120. >Toned, but not bulky. Focused on cardio and bodyweight exercises
  121. >There was a reason for that...
  122. >A knock on the door interupts your though
  123. >"Anon, can you hurry up, I really need to use the bathroom..."
  124. Yeah one sec
  125. >You slip on your clothes and open the door, sending a nervous dragon past you and shoving you out the door before locking it
  126. >It's time for business
  127. >Entering the curing room, you take one jar of finely ground weed, then walk out
  128. >By now Buddy has left the room, curious on what you're doing
  129. >"Looking for something Anonymous?"
  131. 2/x
  133. Yeah, uhh... Would you know where any boxes and wrapping paper would be?
  134. >"Oh, uhh, I think I saw some in the back room"
  135. >A quick check proves that to be true, so you wrap up the jar with as much paper as possible, stuff a box ful of packing peanuts, and place the jar in it, before recovering it in peanuts and ceiling it
  136. >Tacking on a quick note on the box, "50% of the grow" It's finally ready
  137. Yo buddy, could you send this to Celestia real quick?
  138. >"This box? Seems a little big, I'll send it though" to which he engulfs the box in flames, sending a whisp of lflame out that flies to the window, opening it, and flying out
  139. >Weird... Magic, gotcha.
  140. >Within seconds he burps up another flame, with a scroll and a sack of bits
  141. >Picking it up, it says, "Dear Anonymous, I see you have upheld your deal so far, so I will uphold mine. Here are 200 bits, and even though you don't want them, I will send 200 bits in case of emergencies and food for you and Buddy, I see you have gotten acquainted with him - Princess Celestia"
  142. >"What's it say?"
  143. Oh nothing, it just says I'm holding up my end of the deal
  144. >You jingle the coins
  145. Ready to go get some gems?
  146. >"You bet!"
  147. >You head for ponyville marked, once again.
  149. 3/3
  151. >Eventually arriving in town, you purchase a small basket for 5 bits, and begin to purchase various goods from around the town, fruits, vegetables, cereal, even finding a specialty cart for animal treats, and you picked up some meat
  152. >180 bits left, and your basket is full, so you purchase another one and head into a few stories
  153. >Furniture, quills, etc, nothing really catches the eye.
  154. >Man ponyville must be extremely boring if all they have is food and furnitur-
  155. >Your eye catches the sight of a sign nearby, cannon cresting the words
  156. >"Fireworks and Party supplies"
  157. >Entering the store, the inside smelling of gunpowder and chemicals, sulfur, inside is a bit hazy
  158. >The pony at the counter looks a little uneasy, but gradually notices you're just there to shop and smiles
  159. >"Help you find anything stranger?" his smile is genuine, neat.
  160. Well, I saw a cannon on the sign, so I was thinking if you had anything smaller, maybe hand held?
  161. >"Hmm, come with me, we've got some stuff like that in the back" he gestures to follow him, which you do
  163. 1/x
  165. >Back here the smell of sulfur is overwhelming
  166. >There's haze, kegs of blackpowder, fireworks, rockets, everything
  167. >He walks up to a bookcase, pulling a book, which reveals a small door, a bit too small for comfort, but you manage to squeeze through
  168. Stay here buddy, I'll just be a minute
  169. >"Okay then Anonymous!" Buddy says a bit nervous
  170. >Inside the room are various cannons, and muskets
  171. >Oh lawd they have muskets here
  172. >"We only have sold a few of these, people think they're a bit dangerous... but I think they're fun for confetti cannons. We've had only one customer recently..."
  173. I understand
  174. >"Feel free to sample a little bit"
  175. >A musket on the wall spots your eye, as does the one next to it, and the one below it
  176. >One is obviously a blunderbuss, and the other seems to be a precision musket
  178. 2/x
  180. >You stuck your finger down the barrel of the blunderbuss, no rifling, the precision musket appears to have rifling.
  181. Say, what's the diameter of these barrels?
  182. >"Eh, 12.7 or something like that, I'd have to check but all two are the same"
  183. Hmm... What would be the cost for these two?
  184. >"Thirty each"
  185. >You only have 175 bits...
  186. And for a keg of blackpowder?
  187. >"Thirty again"
  188. >90 bits... damnit... Going to have to get a 50 pound bag of rice too at this rate
  189. Deal.
  190. >You pull out the bits and pay him, and then grab the muskets.
  191. >You reach for your pracord bracelet, and fasten a hasty sling and attach the two muskets together and sling them over your shoulder
  192. >The keg however, not as easy
  194. 3/x
  196. >Picking it up, It's over 40 pounds, easy, you're already carrying around 30 with those muskets and your backpack, alongside the baskets
  197. >Slowly but surely, you squeeze through the entrance, and get to buddy
  198. Hey, would you mind carrying these baskets? I'd do it if this wasn't so heavy
  199. >"Sure!" he takes the baskets in hand, and begins to carry them
  200. Nice seeing you man, I'll see you later
  201. >Slowly, you haul the heavy keg and muskets out the door, and head into town
  202. >Everyone's staring at you like you're nuts, not really an issue
  203. >You head home
  205. 4/x
  207. >Jesus christ that was hard
  208. >You're sweaty and panting, as is Buddy
  209. >Goddamnit
  210. >Quickly setting down the keg, you flail your arms like a madman before unlocking the door, Buddy rushes in and puts the baskets onto the table
  211. >You pick up the keg and put it inside, as with the muskets.
  212. >Sooner or later if you actually want to shoot these you're going to have to get a .50 caliber mold and some lead
  213. >Buddy's already occupied the shower, leaving you alone to sweat
  214. >Goddamnit, the plants will have to be planted tomorrow
  215. >Tomorrow you'll need to actually get a good amount of food for this month, and maybe sell some weed while waiting for the bud to grow
  216. >Damn that magic fertilizer, so good but so bad.
  217. >As buddy leaves the shower you enter, hitting the hot air, just smacking the shower knob it blasts that ice cold goodness onto your body
  218. >After showing, you pass out in your bed
  219. >Tomorrow will be a busy day.
  221. 5/5
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