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Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. Account Information:
  2. Server: NA
  3. Level: 30
  4. Riot Points: 334
  5. Influence Points: 958
  6. Rank: Unranked
  7. Season 5 Rank: Unranked
  8. Last Play: 11/24/2013 12:00:00 AM
  9. Champions (66):
  10. [spoiler]
  11. Aatrox
  12. Akali
  13. Alistar
  14. Amumu
  15. Blitzcrank
  16. Caitlyn
  17. Cho'Gath
  18. Corki
  19. Darius
  20. Diana
  21. Dr. Mundo
  22. Draven
  23. Elise
  24. Evelynn
  25. Ezreal
  26. Fiddlesticks
  27. Gangplank
  28. Hecarim
  29. Jarvan IV
  30. Jax
  31. Jayce
  32. Jinx
  33. Karthus
  34. Kassadin
  35. Kayle
  36. Kha'Zix
  37. Kog'Maw
  38. Lee Sin
  39. Lissandra
  40. Malphite
  41. Maokai
  42. Master Yi
  43. Mordekaiser
  44. Nasus
  45. Nautilus
  46. Nidalee
  47. Nocturne
  48. Nunu
  49. Rammus
  50. Renekton
  51. Ryze
  52. Sejuani
  53. Shaco
  54. Shen
  55. Shyvana
  56. Singed
  57. Sion
  58. Sona
  59. Swain
  60. Syndra
  61. Taric
  62. Thresh
  63. Trundle
  64. Tryndamere
  65. Twisted Fate
  66. Twitch
  67. Udyr
  68. Urgot
  69. Vayne
  70. Warwick
  71. Xerath
  72. Xin Zhao
  73. Yorick
  74. Zac
  75. Zed
  76. Zyra
  77. [/spoiler]
  78. Skins (24):
  79. [spoiler]
  80. Augmented Singed
  81. Bandito Fiddlesticks
  82. Bloodstone Lissandra
  83. Bloodstone Taric
  84. Championship Thresh
  85. Coral Reef Malphite
  86. Darkforge Jarvan IV
  87. Dragon Fist Lee Sin
  88. Feral Warwick
  89. Full Metal Jayce
  90. Galactic Nasus
  91. Haunted Maokai
  92. Haunted Zyra
  93. Headhunter Nidalee
  94. Judgment Kayle
  95. Justicar Aatrox
  96. Pentakill Karthus
  97. Rusty Blitzcrank
  98. Soul Reaver Draven
  99. Spectral Fiddlesticks
  100. Traditional Trundle
  101. UFO Corki
  102. Underworld Twisted Fate
  103. Vandal Jax
  104. [/spoiler]
  105. Rare Skins (2):
  106. [spoiler]
  107. UFO Corki
  108. Rusty Blitzcrank
  109. [/spoiler]
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