
alakajam 1

Jul 8th, 2018
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  1. x = 2: y = 0
  2. DO
  3. CLS
  4. COLOR 15
  5. PRINT "DAY OFF WORK : The Adventure"
  6. PRINT "----------------------------"
  7. IF x = 2 AND y = 0 THEN
  8. COLOR 8: PRINT "Written by sorceress, for Alakajam #01, September 2017."
  9. COLOR 15: PRINT
  10. END IF
  11. SELECT CASE x + y * 3
  12. CASE 0: PRINT "You are in the hills."
  13. IF water > 0 THEN
  14. PRINT "You are quite thirsty climbing these hills and stop for a drink.": water = water - 1
  15. IF drunk = 1 THEN PRINT "The fresh air and water clear your head.": drunk = 0
  16. END IF
  17. CASE 1: PRINT "You are in a small village. There is a shop here."
  18. INPUT "Would you like to purchase a weapon? [Y/N]"; a$
  19. IF a$ = "Y" OR a$ = "y" THEN
  20. IF gold > 0 THEN
  21. PRINT "You bought a weapon for 1 gold."
  22. gold = gold - 1
  23. weapon = weapon + 1
  24. ELSE
  25. PRINT "You have no gold."
  26. END IF
  27. ELSE
  28. PRINT "Ok, whatever."
  29. END IF
  30. CASE 2: PRINT "You are in your home in a small village."
  31. PRINT "Since it's your day off work, you are thinking about that quest..."
  32. PRINT "The village is plagued by a firey dragon."
  33. INPUT "Would you like to go on a quest? [Y/N]"; a$
  34. PRINT "Ok then!"
  35. CASE 3: PRINT "You are in a meadow near to a forest."
  36. PRINT "You see a philosopher's stone here, reputed for it's alchemical power!"
  37. IF lead = 0 AND water = 0 THEN PRINT "Though it doesn't seem to do anything."
  38. IF lead > 0 THEN PRINT "Your LEAD turns to GOLD in your hands!": gold = gold + lead: lead = 0
  39. IF water = 1 AND wine = 0 THEN PRINT "Your WATER turns to WINE in your flask!": water = 0: wine = 1
  40. CASE 4: PRINT "You are in a forest. Beware of bears!"
  41. IF wine > 0 THEN
  42. PRINT "To suppress your fear of bears, you decide to imbibe your wine."
  43. PRINT "Nothing like being drunk in the middle of a forest!"
  44. wine = wine - 1: drunk = 1
  45. END IF
  46. CASE 5: PRINT "You arrive at a lake. The water is quite still."
  47. IF water = 0 AND wine = 0 THEN PRINT "You fill up your water flask while you are here.": water = 1
  48. CASE 6: PRINT "You approach the slopes of a dormant volcano."
  49. PRINT " 'This must be where the dragon lives', you think."
  50. IF drunk = 0 THEN
  51. PRINT "Realising this makes you feel very scared."
  52. PRINT "Like the coward you are, you make your way back down the slopes."
  53. ELSE
  54. PRINT "A DRAGON swoops down to attack!"
  55. IF weapon = 1 THEN
  56. PRINT "You draw your WEAPON and stick it up."
  57. PRINT "The DRAGON stops his firey attack to admire it, then says..."
  58. PRINT " 'Wow! Can I have that?'"
  59. INPUT "Do you want to give your weapon to the DRAGON? [Y/N]"; a$
  60. IF a$ = "Y" OR a$ = "y" THEN
  61. weapon = 0
  62. PRINT "You give away your only weapon."
  63. ELSE
  64. PRINT "The DRAGON lunges, and you lunge back. It goes on..."
  65. PRINT "Long story short : you win the battle!"
  66. gameover = 1
  67. END IF
  68. END IF
  69. IF weapon > 1 THEN
  70. PRINT "You draw one of your WEAPONS and stick it up."
  71. PRINT "The DRAGON is scared and flies back up the volcano."
  72. PRINT "You must be too intimidating with all these weapons you came with."
  73. PRINT " 'What to do now?', you ask yourself."
  74. END IF
  75. IF weapon = 0 THEN
  76. PRINT "Since you do not have a weapon, the DRAGON is without fear."
  77. PRINT "Before you can scream you are eaten."
  78. PRINT "The last thing you hear before death are your bones crunching."
  79. gameover = 2
  80. END IF
  81. END IF
  82. CASE 7: PRINT "You are in a swamp. Not the nicest of places to visit on your day off."
  83. IF weapon = 1 THEN PRINT "Oh dear, you lost your only weapon in the mud."
  84. IF weapon > 1 THEN PRINT "Oh dear, you lost one of your weapons in the mud."
  85. IF weapon > 0 THEN weapon = weapon - 1
  86. CASE 8: PRINT "You are in a cave. You found some LEAD here.": lead = lead + 1
  88. PRINT "------------------------------------"
  90. IF gameover = 1 THEN
  91. COLOR 10
  92. PRINT
  94. PRINT "... Or was it all just a drunken dream?"
  95. PRINT
  96. PRINT "Find out in our next adventure!"
  97. SLEEP
  98. END
  99. END IF
  100. IF gameover = 2 THEN
  101. COLOR 12
  102. PRINT
  104. PRINT
  106. SLEEP
  107. END
  108. END IF
  110. COLOR 11
  111. PRINT
  112. PRINT "You are carrying:"
  113. IF lead > 0 THEN PRINT lead; "x LEAD"
  114. IF gold > 0 THEN PRINT gold; "x GOLD"
  115. IF weapon > 0 THEN PRINT weapon; "x WEAPON"
  116. IF water > 0 THEN PRINT water; "x WATER"
  117. IF wine > 0 THEN PRINT wine; "x WINE"
  119. IF drunk = 1 THEN
  120. COLOR 12
  121. PRINT
  122. PRINT "You are currently intoxicated."
  123. END IF
  125. COLOR 14
  126. PRINT
  127. a$ = ""
  128. IF y > 0 THEN a$ = a$ + " NORTH,"
  129. IF y < 2 THEN a$ = a$ + " SOUTH,"
  130. IF x < 2 THEN a$ = a$ + " EAST,"
  131. IF x > 0 THEN a$ = a$ + " WEST,"
  132. PRINT "Exits are: " + a$
  133. INPUT "[N/S/E/W]"; a$
  135. COLOR 12
  136. IF a$ = "N" OR a$ = "n" THEN
  137. IF y > 0 THEN y = y - 1 ELSE PRINT "You try, but you can't find a path to the north."
  138. END IF
  139. IF a$ = "S" OR a$ = "s" THEN
  140. IF y < 2 THEN y = y + 1 ELSE PRINT "You try, but you can't find a path to the south."
  141. END IF
  142. IF a$ = "E" OR a$ = "e" THEN
  143. IF x < 2 THEN x = x + 1 ELSE PRINT "You try, but you can't find a path to the east."
  144. END IF
  145. IF a$ = "W" OR a$ = "w" THEN
  146. IF x > 0 THEN x = x - 1 ELSE PRINT "You try, but you can't find a path to the west."
  147. END IF
  149. LOOP
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