

Sep 3rd, 2017
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  1. Name: Siegfried The Faceless
  3. Appearance: Siegfried is 6'2, has pale to greying skin, and has a toned and muscular physique. His head is always wrapped in white bandages that conceal everything except a few tuffs of white or greying hair.
  5. His body and limbs are littered with scars of every shape and form as a result of the countless battles he faced in his past. On his upper right quadricep the face of a slain human mage from long ago lays embedded in his flesh. The wrinkles and droops in the face suggest that it had belonged to an older mage once upon a time. The eyes and mouth of the face are usually sewn up with strings of black sealing thread.
  7. Siegfried often travels in hooded cloaks meant to conceal his torso and wrapped head. He wears comfortable yet well fitted trousers that he has full range of motion in. He prefers to walk barefoot and has grey callused feet with the tips of several toes missing.
  9. Equipment: Siegfried carries a spool of black sealing thread which possesses the ability of sealing and masking the magical presence of the mages he has absorbed.
  11. Siegfried also usually carries fresh bandages to rewrap his head incase the ones he has on gets damaged or too dirty.
  13. Background: Siegfried was born blind some 60-70 years ago within the slums of Gastor to a begging whore who had died giving birth to him. Taken in by a tribe of other beggars within Gastor's slums, he was raised and taught how to survive through begging, whoring, and stealing. Despite his handicap, he soon became proficient in all these areas and managed to survive up until his teen years on the streets.
  15. He eventually attempted to pick pocket a traveling Quintie who ended up identifying Siegfried as a fellow Quintie and offered the young blind pickpocket a chance to travel the world with him to learn and train in his Quintie skills.
  17. Siegfried left the slums with the older Quintie and the two traveled the world getting into many adventures together where Siegfried's skill with his Quintie magic grew exponentially. The man who trained Siegfried was a fallen member of those who were Born of Crissa and had rejected the teachings of world peace after seeing the many horrors that the current world had to offer. Instead the man began to seek after forgotten and powerful magic techniques in order to stand up to those who had the privilege of conquering dungeons and possessing Quinths. To this extent, Siegfried and the man eventually parted ways to pursue different sources of power with Siegfried eventually ending with a band of cultists where he learned the Hands of Purgatory magic.
  19. Siegfried went on to wage a one man war on Sengoku,returning to his home city only to find it still overcome with the same militant attitude towards the poor and less fortunate that he had been subjected too as a child. He would soon come to be regarded as a terrorist of sorts within the kingdom of Danton as he performed several assassinations, attacks, robberies, and sabotages against the royal family.
  21. Weapons: None that he carries on his person.
  23. Magic(If any):Siegfried's inherent Quintie power is the ability to create wind vortexes. These vortexes can be created on any point of his body and he can control their range and intensity to great degrees.
  25. Siegfried's learned magical ability is a form of Dark Arts which is tentatively referred to by other dark mages as the "Hands of Purgatory". This ability grants Siegfried the ability to trap mages who he has slain in a state of purgatory within his own body where he feeds off their life force and has full advantage of their own magical talents.
  27. This ability also grants Siegfried the ability to sacrifice one of the souls he holds prisoner If his own like was about to be lost.
  29. As of now Siegfried only holds one soul prisoner within his body and that mage had a unique form of space magic that allowed him to turn his own body into a bottomless storage unit which only the mage could access and control. Throughout the many souls Siegfried has captured and let go he has always kept this one as it's his most useful and used.
  31. Vessel: A scratched and worn silver ring that Siegfried's mentor had given him before they had departed ways from each other.
  33. Quinth type/abilities: Fill this out later
  35. Skills
  37. Strength: 10
  38. Agility: 10
  39. Luck: 3
  40. Resistance: 2
  41. Wisdom: 3
  42. Dexterity: 3
  43. Endurance: 10
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