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a guest
Nov 19th, 2017
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  1. Breaking,Placing betterwithmods:unfired_pottery In entire booth is fine, as long as we can break and place
  2. Breaking betterwithmods:vase In entire booth
  3. Rightclick/Interact(No Sneaking) RFTools screens In entire booth
  4. Leftclick(I think) thermalexpansion:cache In entire booth
  5. Rightclick/Interact quark:custom_chest In entire booth
  6. Rightclick/Interact betterwithaddons:pcb_block In entire booth
  7. Rightclick/Interact(Sneaking) minecraft:banner In entire booth
  8. Rightclick/Interact cyclicmagic:exp_pylon In entire booth
  9. Rightclick/Interact minecraft:anvil In entire booth
  10. Rightclick/Interact betterwithmods:infernal_enchanter In entire booth
  11. Rightclick/Interact betterwithaddons:legendarium In entire booth
  12. Rightclick/Interact betterwithmods:hand_crank In entire booth
  13. Rightclick/Interact minecraft:stone_button In entire booth (I think this is implicitely enabled anywhere, right?)
  14. Attacking it's either betterwithaddons:karate_zombie or just karate_zombie In entire booth (Is this possible?)
  15. Rightclick in air betterwithmods:manual Anywhere
  17. Assorted
  19. I need one block of betterwithmods:nether_growth set down, this can only be done in creative because normally it only places in the nether.
  20. I've marked the location with a sign.
  21. I need two give commands run:
  23. /give @p minecraft:diamond_axe 1 1500 {RepairCost:15}
  24. /give @p minecraft:diamond_leggings 1 1500 {RepairCost:15}
  26. Thanks!
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