
Alakzyr: Extermination

May 29th, 2017
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  1. [16:44:35] The journey was rather stretched...
  2. He lacked any form of transportation outside of simple walking and without magical powers, he certainly wasn't going to make it near a setting like Nostvale in a day...
  4. Weeks had passed since his last encounter in the caverns, he had managed find his way out. At long last, he had managed to navigate his way out, and beyond. Despite his many failed attempts in the past, it felt so...
  5. Natural now.
  7. As though it was mere instinct to direct himself back to the great southern plains of Valmasia. Yet, something pulled him west...
  8. He didn't know this area though. He didn't understand many of the general scape on this part of the continent... Yet, he ventured with boastful confidence.
  10. That was, until he saw... Movement.
  11. Not boars, nor even yokai-- A caravan of travelers, merchants? Traders! But how did he manage to find these individuals so...
  12. A sniff... And the answer felt so clear. He could smell them... The delectable scent of their flesh, still taunting him.
  14. --But didn't Quazla fix him? Heal him? Undo his curse?
  15. The next few steps were slow... But they picked up their pace.
  16. They were no longer disorientated, but focused-- Eyes, locked on their prize. The mouth watered for a taste... The mind pushed instinct, and the body followed through.
  18. He was healed... Regenerated to engineer him even better than he was before... The infection still took its toll. The change however, for the worse? Was all the result of Quazla's meddling.
  19. A tackle on the first mercenary taking to the side of the carriage provided a sound-off, their scream of panic for any nearby to stop and investigate.
  21. By time, an arrival would come...
  22. They'd find the culprit...
  23. Hunkered over the body of the fallen mercenary was Alakzyr, gnawing on the nape of one's neck and into the shoulder region. The extensive bleeding and wheezing from their person clearly implied their agonizing descent into the depths of unconsciousness... Likely to falter to worse.
  25. The others took proceeded to flee, with the other mercenary taking to the aggressive defense of the horse-driven carriage, charging the unarmed Alakzyr with cutlass unveiled. Truly, a scene worth an audience...
  26. In the long run, what magi could badger themselves with mere men: metaphorical ants in their presence, killing each other off?
  27. (Alakzyr)
  30. ================================================= Meanwhile, in the looming distance =================================================
  32. He wandered the plains like he had usually done, He seemed pretty lively and active as he wandered about the nature and grass. Checking out the waves of the sea nearby, He then realized the older man just about his height and ptobaby human. They usually caught him around that age it seems but Dree was still growing for sure.
  34. "You seem pretty driven for something, sir."
  36. He spoke with respectfulness as he heard his wheezing, Dree might've been alittle concerned for the aging human.
  37. (Dree Mazingo)
  39. "Hmm?
  40. Gaul says and steadily turns towards the younger man.
  42. "Ah, yes... driven" he says and returns his gaze to the landscape.
  44. "One that focuses on their goal can move mountains. But one cannot move a mountain without the correct preparation"
  45. (Dredgen Gaul)
  47. Looked at Dredgen with a tilt of the head, A smirk revealing from the boy's semi scaled face and slit purple eyes beamed at him with a optimisitc look on his face. He could guess that this man was a a real hard working old school type, He seemed like he'd take on the world if he had to and had years of experience under his belt.
  49. "So what are you preparing for then, If I may ask?"
  50. (Dree Mazingo)
  52. The grunts and screams of the battle-bound could be heard from the distant horizon... Though, what made the scene more eerie was the silence that followed it; only nature's ambience played in the aftermath of agony.
  53. In the far distance, a predator had finally had its way. At long last, the urge had been sated...
  55. The taste for blood had finally been relished; once a metallic discord of flavor but now? So sweet, a crimson nectar that had eluded the senses for too long. The flesh that he chewed upon, felt gummy at first... Before the toughness of the meat finally sated the urge to gnaw, to tear, to chew...
  56. To consume.
  58. Though, it didn't last... The taste eventually got too... 'Old'. Now, infected with the same affliction as himself, it lacked the same vigorous rush it delivered unto him. Thus, he rose, and proceeded to wander south...
  59. But with his venture... Rose the fallen alongside him...
  60. Collectively, they took to their venture; two bloodied men gorged upon by teeth, followed by one splattered in their crimson mess, still seeping from his chin: Alakzyr.
  62. They followed the scent of others here...
  63. Eyes first falling upon Dredgen: A towering man in a suit of armor. Truly, intimidating to the wary... But to this group of oddly animated figures, infected with this radical parasite? It failed to sway them as much. Alakzyr, leading this small group, couldn't help but grin at the appearance of the knight.
  65. He was beginning to accept this new... change...
  66. This way of life was becoming... Less.... Atrocious...
  67. (Alakzyr)
  68. Dredgen slowly stood up and tilted his head slightly to gaze at the 'strange' newcomer, then returned to Dree.
  69. "I'm preparing for a great hunt... I desire to cleanse this sickly land of the unpure... The yokai." he responds to Dree.
  71. "I understand the lunacy of this goal. But I will not faulter till I cleanse Valmasia of the ones who have caused the most suffering," he continues.
  73. He raizes his burn scarred hands to his waist and gives them a long look.
  74. "I wish no more to suffer as I... No matter the cost,"
  75. (Dredgen Gaul)
  76. This man had more purpose than the boy himself could account for and he admired it greaty, Lunacy was the boy's last worry of his dream. He could end up dead but he was so driven to keep at such a purpose.
  78. He heard the strange noises traveling the winds and raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like danger."
  80. He drew his blade, Keeping his stance to that of Ifrit. "I admire your cause sir..."
  81. (Dree Mazingo)
  82. Three of them made their approach, all bloodied, but only two of which partially gnawed apart. Their flesh, chewed away-- Openly gouged wounds, still fresh and bleeding. Mouths opened but no words left them, just a loathesome and agonized moan. The most active and least damaged of the three was the leading party: Alakzyr, taking to a slight crouch in his advance.
  84. He was far more conscious than those that followed him, seemingly brain-dead from the monotonous hums they made. Circling around with eyes trained, he sifted his gander, picking out points in one's stance to find weaknesses, failures, potential mistakes...
  85. Though, such was not quite what the others committed to, slowly lumbering over towards Dredgen, considering the closer proximity.
  87. Their contagion wafted a foul odor from their bodies, and as they neared the man, they stumbled for a short jog. Their mouths gaping, their teeth worked for a thoughtless bite at steel armor. All they cared about was a taste of the flesh... Everything else was secondary...
  88. Their initial host however, was far less brain-dead... Calculating even, waiting for one to put their guard down.
  89. (Alakzyr)
  90. Dredgen looks all over Alakzyr and at his animalish looks. He grabs his sword and plants it in the ground. He opens is mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a cough. You swear you see a few particles of ash comes out of his mouth plate. But the observation is overlooked by the old man's action of falling to the ground on one knee.
  91. "Even without this... I feel that I cannot handle this situation young dragonspawn... I dispize to ask favors young one, but may you handle the animal? I will be forever in your debt,"
  92. (Dredgen Gaul)
  93. Dredgen stands up from the rock wall, and falls back onto his knees. You hear no responce from the flaming old man.
  95. He stands back up and the flames subside into his armor. A as flames from the inside of his suit lick from every edge of his armor. He grabs his sword and with a slow exhail he says.
  96. "I am kindled... once again...
  98. His firey from inside his helmet gaze around the scene.
  99. (Dredgen Gaul)
  100. "Ah, what do we have here?"
  102. The towering Umbral Lord once again flew over the Black Gate, even casting a small shadow upon the city's main district for a little bit. Finally, it landed near a bunch of humans who were scattered around, and one of them was Seamus. Sporting a monstruous grin, it landed gracefully amidst the group, causing dust to gust in all directions.
  104. "Onibi is... unimpressed by the appearance of these individuals. Seamus, take this opportunity to spar someone and impress me."
  106. Of course, the powerful Umbral Lord sought to be entertained by these puny mortals. Certainly, it wanted Seamus to prevail over everyone here who was willing to fight.
  107. (Onibi)
  108. Gripped his blade, He erected his wings and his eyes opened wide as he looked at the mindless creatures. Dree had to help this old man, He decided he should join the frey as he steps forward and gained the Ifrit Stance. He prepared the joy of battle in his heart and rage of oppression in his mind, An offensive was his defensive and fire ran through his dragonic veins. He smiled as he took another step and then....
  110. He was interrupted by a Yokai... A rather large one at that, Others seemed to join the fray as well as he did himself. The old man seemed to be getting consumed by flames as we spoke, "The hell-..."
  111. (Dree Mazingo)
  112. The infected made their approach upon the knight, fallen to a knee. As far as they could tell, it was a free meal. Nothing seemed to intervene with their endeavors... Aside from another warrior, younger and seemingly more brazen than the other. If only to further complicate things, a landing from above provided an off-set to the scene: A Kaor, seemingly out of nowhere.
  114. There was so much to account for now...
  115. So many more parties of various accords, outright distracting when considering the threats that warranted the reward reapable from this situation nigh null itself.
  116. There was plenty of flesh to be gorged upon, but Alakzyr had a mind to use in the moment... One, that did not demand of him to charge headstrong into an entire crowd of potential assailants should things go for the worst.
  118. Yet, even so, he contemplated it...
  119. The flames that engulfed the great knight did not fend off the lumbering infected, reaching out to embrace at his burning figure. They'd still try to sink their teeth into him, all the same...
  120. Unless stopped... Or intervened with.
  122. Though, it was in that moment that an opportunity seemed to arise! Another, the youthful that prepared for battle... He had turned his attention for the Kaor! Weakness? Opportunity?! Alakzyr spotted this... and took to the full-on sprint!
  123. Conflict was at-hand.
  124. (Alakzyr)
  125. A small grumble emanated from the child's throat at Onibi's request. Though he knew better than to deny the Kaor Lord his demands, it didn't mean he had to be enthusiastic about it. Plus, he had just started reading that tome on Storm Magic which Onibi had given him. He closed the book with a 'clap', the leatherbound object being slid into an inside pocket of the overcoat he wore.
  127. "Well, I s'pose. I need ta' put the lil' I read into some practical use. Works a whole lot better 'at way." A small grin slid across his countenance, one which could easily be mistaken for a sadistic enjoyment. In truth, it was a bone deep excitement at the use of knowledge he had obtained, however little it was. It was a feeling only one who could consider themselves of the scholarly sort could enjoy -a far cry from the dreams of being a pirate that danced about his head.
  129. As the vampire charged, the youth's aura, which had yet tor ecede from the sudden shock of seeing the flaming man, leap to his rescue. It was only with the heightened reflexes which the lightning which laced his body gave that he barely dove out of the way. A darkness crept into the youth's soul, most likely the influence of the mark upon his stomach. Grinning, the once gentle and compassionate youth prepared for a battle as he rose to his feet, magic dancing along his body like fireworks; popping and cracking at every joint.
  131. "This may be more enjoyable 'an I thought it."
  132. (Seamus O'afro)
  133. Taming the flames in a sense. Gaul is staggered by the kaor's enterance, but recovers his posture. His heavy breathing causes flames to reach out from his helmet.
  134. "Yokai..." he mutters, like in a angry transe.
  136. He knew that the kaor before him outmatched him greatly, but his flames did not make him think straight. He felt heat flow through his veins, at his fingertips, and a desire to release it on one the advarsaries.
  137. He raised his oversized sword with his right arm towards Onibi and says...
  139. "You.... will... BURN"
  140. (Dredgen Gaul)
  141. Purple slit eyes, He could see the beasts infront of him and soon the pain he would inflict. He began to see something he could only remember unfondly, A sword...battlefriend found itself cleavint something before himself. He couldn't move too much, bound by something... The farthest reaches couldn't reach the blade as it found itself stuck there. Ruby red, The boy had fled and before his eyes... His parents were dead.
  143. Two hands grippin a sword, He grabbed a blade and with violence in his mind and in his heart he swung and slashed. Like his dad, It was as gone as something burned to ash. He blazed his enemies and dread fell upon their corpses as a dragon had awakened and someone else was born misfortuned.
  145. He planned on firghting the creature off at first, It was as wild as a wolf anyway so he could probably see it off with a few swings of his blade. He then began to spring forth, A young Ifrit style user with increased speed behind his movements.
  146. (Dree Mazingo)
  147. "ENOUGH!"
  149. ...
  151. This destructive entity let out a thunderous roar that could be felt in the ground beneath the individuals. Suddenly, a surge of depravity emerged from the Yokai's core, launching everyone back many feet. It unsheathed its blade, ready to entertain itself since these mortals were so pathetic at it.
  153. "I am the Umbral Lord Onibi, Commander of the Dark Council. Are you all prepared to face the strongest adversary that you've ever faced?"
  155. It's vibrant blood gaze was now placed on the four individuals nearby. Even Seamus was granted an opportunity to fight, despite being a member of the Council, unknown to everyone here.
  157. "I wish for all of you to face against me if you are not cowards! Even you Seamus, I expect the most from you!"
  159. It snapped its giant fingers, and suddenly it engulfed itself in a powerful shroud of potent depravity, rotting the foliage beneath and causing the stomachs of weaker Magi to turn.
  160. (Onibi)
  162. Something awakened within the young Sarradian as Onibi declared himself, a grin spreading across his countenance like a fire across dry brush. Within the youth, darkness welled upwards, a depravity before unknown to the youth. It was delicious, and the child could do little but to give into the overwhelming thrill which sent shivers down his spine.
  164. "Very, very fun."
  165. (Seamus O'afro)
  167. The wings erect as the Drakanite sat back away from the Kaor with his eyes deadlocked in it, He felt the depravity and smiled. He grabbed his blade and spun it in his hand twice as he readied himself for a battle, He didn't trust the small monster to be tame either... Even after the Yokai fell he knew it'd turn on them all... The Yokai was probably the most imposing thing here too... despite his 7' 1'' height... Dree was only as imposing as he could bluff himself off to be.
  169. "Ready when you are, buddy."
  170. (Dree Mazingo)
  172. The battle began and surprisingly... the Umbral Lord didn't move... It closed its eyes, placing its palm around the edge of its massive blade, and as soon as the group was about to make contant with Onibi, it opened its eyes viciously, unleashing a plethora of darkness into the groud, corrupting the victim at touch. In a few seconds, the group was defeated with unbelievable ease.
  174. "This is the new generation of mortals? Pathetic."
  176. The Umbral Lord was not very humble in defeat, but not surprised either. It sported a malevolent grin, casting a shadow upon the defeated. It then reached down to pick up Seamus, siphoning the chunks of depravity left on his skin from the wave of Occult.
  178. "I don't want you to be injured, but you fought well for your level. Although, you are still very weak, I am... somewhat impressed."
  179. (Onibi)
  181. From afar, he felt occultic waves, and sounds of battle. The occultic surges were different than of a normal occultist, it's powerful. . . more potent and more dangerous. You couldn't say that it belongs to a mere yokai, because it's still much more dangerous. For Ciel, who was in the presence of various occultists, and even the depraved. He could tell -
  183. That it belongs to a Kaor.
  185. And so, in a blur, he found himself running across the plains and travelled to where the battle might be happening, and there revealed upon him - fallen warriors against the might of a Kaor.
  187. Undoubtedly, even Onibi might have already sensed his presence, as the magi stared at him.
  188. (Ciel)
  190. It was explosion of supermagi-worthy powers that rendered the common infected to particles of ashen dust. Scattered with the generated gales, they were purged from reality-- Their host? Scorched to a nigh blackened remnant of his former self. The very brink was a godsend, given his lack of magus resilencies.
  192. In every regard, he should've been dead. The body refused to budge, the muscles violently ebbed away...
  193. The flesh... The skin... Transcended from its once healthy gleam to a morbid gray. The deathly kiss of the occult hadn't the slightest reason not to relinquish him from his physical form to join his fellow infected in the dusty atmosphere that encompassed them all in that instant.
  195. In that moment... He went from the hunter... To an immobilized victim, likely incapacitated far beyond whatever condition the magi abroad were in. There was no healing, nor willpower that could allow him to stand again... Not anytime soon anyways.
  196. (Alakzyr)
  198. Picking himself off of the ground, the old man's new flames flickered from the battle. He never saw anything like that even during his prime.
  199. "I have been bested... I was not preppared... But I will find you again..."
  201. He set his sword on his back and clutched his right arm. Slowly limping his way to Nostvale
  203. "One day yokai, you will... Burn"
  204. (Dredgen Gaul)
  206. Seamus grumbled underneath his breath, having been thoroughly thrashed by Onibi. The Kaor's strength was overwhelming, and it was then that the youth remembered why he had aligned himself with the beast: That obscene power which only Yokai's of the highest class could achieve. As he pushed himself onto his knees, the healing aura of his water encompassed his body, seeming to push out of his skin itself in order to coat him in a thick layer of his healing fluids. The Sarradian, even with his regenerative abilities as his life-blood flowed through his veins, could barely stay conscious after the abuse the Kaor had inflicted upon them.
  208. Storm mottled hues glanced up at the lumbering figure of Lord Onibi, the Depravity within now threatening to overwhelm the child with its power. It took more effort than the boy knew he could muster to not assault Lord Onibi. The mark's power seemed to retreat as his willpower defeated the dark desires which the depravity held, leaving the youth as shaken as the night his parents had perished nearly four years ago. What an odd twist that depravity both started, and continued, the child's adventures in this twisted world, being manipulated by the whims of those smarter and more world weary than himself. It took a while, but he stood, the light in his eyes fading although the pathetic excuse of a storm aura still attempted to rage around his form. He was still full of mana, even though his body had been demolished by the Kaor's single assault. There was no time for him to even use a fraction of it.
  210. It was as he was rising that the Kaor Lord lifted him from the ground, the last remaining depravity that remained on his form being absorbed by the Umbral. He blinked several times, the sensation of so much depravity being siphoned away by Onibi leaving his body feeling lighter and his mind all the clearer. No more was he shaken, instead absorbed by a singular resolve to attain power comparable to his Lord. The Umbral had demonstrated a power which the youth could only dream of in his wildest fantasies.
  212. "Thank you. . . Lord Onibi. ." The child barely was able to speak, his body battered from the incredibly short battle. Dangerous hues died down within the youth's countenance, a calm apathy once more asserting itself upon the once compassionate and naive child. He glanced at the corpse of what he could only assume was a vampire, from the small amount of reading he had done on the subject, he knew that this assault should not damage any living creature in such a fashion. And though it was out of a childlike wonder of connecting to far-fetched dots in a way which only the trustingness of youth could ascertain, his mind began to comprehend a plethora of uses for such an entity. Perhaps one day he would find a way to put them to use, but for now, he could merely wait for the next scenes to unfold, barely paying attention to the other members of the group which the Umbral Lord had defeated with such ease, though his eyes flickered to the newest arrival with the interest of youth. Even such a sound defeat could not suffocate the flames of childish curiosity!
  213. (Seamus O'afro)
  214. He remained, Steadfast in his attack as he continued to go for the beast. He smiled and attempted to fling flames at it when ever he could, Grass began to burn all over and he smiled as he opened his wings and conitnued forward with his wings. He smiled as he was being bested by the beast of a Yokai before him. It was pretty strong of a Yokai, He could tell as not much even phased it as they led a relentless attack on it. He made a single slash but the Yokai making his own had knocked him back on to the ground.
  216. He found himself picking himself up from the dirt, Lifting his blade and shaking his head. "Damn..." The Yokai seemed to have a liking with that Seamus kid anyway but Dree was pretty confident in his abilities at this point. Guess some Yokai were just too powerful for him at this level. He sheathed his blade as he extinguished the flames around his body by snuffing them out.
  217. (Dree Mazingo)
  218. "Defeated, you are dismissed. I have no use for your bodies anymore. Also Seamus, bring the wounded back to Nostvale. I must... 'talk' with this new Magi that has arrived. Anyone who wishes to join my Council after their wounds have healed, visit me in Loranthis."
  220. It didn't even have to turn its body to know another Magi was nearby. The Umbral Lord had heightened senses, and it could detect entities from very far away. It turned its head slowly, probably for dramatic effect, and it pierced the Magi's gaze.
  222. "You... have you also come to face me? I hope that you can entertain me more than these mortals. If not, you'll probably end up like them."
  224. It let out a demonic chuckle, awaiting the Magi's response.
  225. (Onibi)
  226. Seamus nodded his assent to Onibi's demands, taking the defeated, corpselike man by the leg and dragging him like a sack of potatoes towards Nostvale. It was doubtful that the treatment made matters any better, though he did allow his healing magic to spread across the man and begin healing his wounds at a rate which would be considered immensely faster than the man's nature would normally allow. It also revealed he wasn't a vampire. Silly child, jumping to conclusions like that. He eventually just left the man in what -he assumed- would be a guard's path.
  227. (Seamus O'afro)
  228. Medical work commenced immediately...
  229. The extensive healing endeavors, from non-magi to magi entities, all of which, desperately attempting to save one severely scorched by the chilling kiss of occultic wrath. The heart's beat had grown lazy, wishing so desperately to quit under the strain of exterior antagonization and invasion of parasitic infection. Vision blurred... And voices were muffled...
  230. Death loomed over him, but the struggle could only be waged onward.
  232. A fight, that'd last hours...
  233. Days....
  234. Weeks...
  236. Though, it was with months' passing that he'd resurface. Albeit, he was far from his former self. He was not a magi, and suffered for it-- Humanity, was a curse, in this world of unforgiving warriors and beasts. What defense could he have against the supernatural outside villages?
  238. He struggled to stand, legs trembling as his paced down the cobblestone. The skin, was flayed and transmogrified to reveal an alabaster sheen across his vessel. The slight wheeze in his breath implied weakness, and wincing eyes portrayed a display of implied troubled sight. Why he still stood amongst the living? It was beyond him...
  240. All that mattered now was that he started on the route to recovery, as best as a man could in a world such as this.
  241. (Alakzyr)
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