
#PastebinMonday 02/19/2024 It Hurts to Laugh Edition

Feb 19th, 2024
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  1. 'Sup, doods!
  3. It happened again. It's not as major of a problem as the title suggests, but I had another “episode” with a particular type of “movement” (trying not get too graphic here) that left me with a sore ass and, quite frankly, sore everything below the waist and above the knee. Y'all really need to monitor what you're eating and not go overboard on, well, anything. I'm not sure if I went too hard on the cheese or not. Even the lactose-free milk I sometimes drink is messing with my movements.
  5. I strained myself way too hard, dood. I had to get a suppository to soften everything up. I was in pain for at least 30 minutes straight. When I was done, I had to lay down for a long time. It took a whole day for sitting down to not be uncomfortable. I could not focus on anything productive the whole weekend. It was that bad. Even now, my middle of me is full of cramps.
  7. You know, I used to avoid pills of any kind like the plague. Now, I over rely on pain pills to get through various aches that would probably be better resolved through other intervention. In my recent fever episode that I talked about before, I popped acetaminophen to keep the fever down, even at work. I don't know why I'm getting more and more sick, but I also don't know why I hesitate so much to get help.
  9. I've concluded, doods, that I need to cut down my cheese intake by a lot. Milk, in every form, is seemingly off the table for good. I used to think I was just lactose intolerant. Now, I'm not so sure. I should see a doctor about this soon, but I'd rather not take time off from work to take care of it. I am most certainly some kind of moron for thinking this way. I probably need a doctor for that, too.
  11. It hurts to laugh right now. I need to rest, doods.
  13. Programming note: Saturday streams will be on hold after this week throughout the duration of the Tetris Attack tournament.
  15. Today's (permanent) extra streaming goals (actual priority is in constant flux):
  17. Goal #5: make a universal LPS broadcast layout that can be quickly adapted to multiple games. I have lacked the willpower to power through this. This week will make it the number one focus.
  18. Goal #6: script and record footage for my Puzzle League tutorial series. I have some scripts left to touch up before feeling comfortable with moving on to recording gameplay. Then I will need to record my talking points and edit it all together. This will need to wait until after the next Tetris Attack tournament.
  19. Goal #7: clean up my own stream layout. Most of the framework necessary for a semi-proper stream is done now thanks to streaming the process. Next objective is to make transitions and alerts.
  20. Goal #8: release the Puzzle League tutorial series YouTube shorts once a day until they're all done. I really do think I need to time the release of the series with a ramping up of my streaming schedule so that I can take advantage of whatever there is to gain from releasing the shorts.
  22. This week's schedule:
  24. Friday @ 9pm-1am EST – Friday Night Salt Mines – Tetris Attack Tournament Training for Next Week's Qualifying, Dood!
  25. [up in the air depending on LPS progress] Saturday @ 3pm-9pm EST – Stream Construction – I'm at the Point of Needing Transitions, Dood!
  28. That’s my life story for the week. Later, doods!
  30. --Cards
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