
#PastebinMonday 04/10/2023 It Is Done Edition

Apr 10th, 2023
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  1. 'Sup, doods!
  3. It is done. Yoschi is too good at the game. We are all witnesses. We are not worthy. I ran out of superlatives ages ago. There is nothing else left to say about the tournament. It was a great length to manage and full of intrigue. I would like doing it this way going forward, but the players would need time to warm up to it and we're doing these tournaments for them so we'll have to have that dialogue once PPL is all said and done.
  5. Honestly, I am fairly ready to catch up on sleep. I feel like I've been wasting my life away during the tournament. I look at my immediate surroundings and see the disrepair that I have left everything in. I am also done with living like this. I need to get organized before I proceed with anything else.
  7. Next up for the channel will have something to do with the next LPS minor tournament. There is a poll in the League of Puzzle Speedrunners Discord server to help TetrisAttakr and I decide what game to put on next. The current choices are Kirby's Avalanche and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, but you can come nominate more options! I have an itch to play those games for the rest of the month until the game is chosen so come check them out!
  9. Today's (permanent) extra streaming goals:
  11. Goal #1: clean up my immediate environment/bedroom. I sit next to a lot of clutter. A lot of piles of clutter. It's controlled chaos. It's just like my daily thoughts. I need to tidy this shit up.
  12. Goal #5: script and record footage for my Puzzle League tutorial series. I have some scripts to touch up before feeling comfortable with moving on to recording gameplay. Then I will need to record my talking points and edit it all together. I will still want to take time during the week to do all of that instead of stream. Whether I will be able to remains to be seen.
  13. Goal #6: clean up my own stream layout. I am brainstorming how I want the final theming to be. I probably want to give people multiple options, maybe allow spending bits to change the look. I don't have anything written down yet. I don't expect to get to this anytime soon.
  15. One of the games up for the next LPS minor tournament is on the docket for Friday. Come play along!
  17. That’s my life story for the week. Later, doods!
  19. --Cards
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