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Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. # Class 9
  2. A refreshingly, fairly straight-forward day today. I wish I had offered up my code for review but the review was super helpful as was
  3. the read-through we did with the diagraming. It really helped understand more about the mechanics of a script. Also reinforced (as did
  4. the lab) that order matters more than I pay attention to. I got caught up during lab, my page is functional and with a day or two to
  5. work on the css/html it'll be ready to go by Sunday. I can fly through the CSS for the most part but want to take more time to design
  6. the page BEFORE trying to add and move elements around. Things that still need work but that I understand much better now that I survived
  7. the week: calling functions in the correct order, for loops, if/else statements, eventHandlers are challenging but the hardest part is
  8. getting the element and appending the child/keeping decendends/ancestors in the right order. I can figure it out.
  9. Got 9/10 3 times on the quiz. Stupidly missed the fine print on the same question 3 times in a row.
  10. Exploring float tonight.....
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