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May 6th, 2015
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  1. The advancement of technology has been doubling every year, new things come out every year such as self driving cars, grown organs, and more advanced artificial intelligence. The main point that I'll be speaking about is how artificial intelligence,and how it is going to be one of the biggest advancements in technology. We already have really simple AI in our lives. Email inboxes, language translators and websites that recommend things you have been searching are all types of the first tier of artificial intelligence, which are called Artificial Narrow Intelligence, or ANI. Since it has been proven that artificial intelligence can perform human like tasks if given a body to do so, in the next few years large companies are going to replace Humans, with robots. But the problem is, we already have the technology to do so, and it's just starting to be implemented. Self driving cars are a large buzz that have come about and they are already near perfect, and companies have already started replacing their drivers with self driving cars. Thats only one of the blue collar jobs that are going to be replaced, things like cashiers, factory workers, and constructions workers can already have their job replaced, the companies have just not invested in it yet. But thats only blue collar. White collar and professions are being hunted down too. Things like newspapers and reports have already been worked on by bots, and its not too soon until most professions have been taken over either. You might think that theres now way that you can program an AI to write newspapers or work white collar jobs and you are right. The high end of programming is teaching AI to do really complex things, it's teaching AI to learn how to do that thing that the programmer could never teach themselves. A place where this technology has been implemented already is the stock market, where 99% of the people on there are actually AI taught how to manage the stock market. The next set of jobs that can get replaced by AI is professions. Careers like lawyers and doctors are all remembering information and research, something that AI has a huge advantage of over us. IBM's Watson is a robot that was designed to replace doctors, his job is to listen to what you have said to him and then give you a diganosis. He is already doing this with lung cancer patients, and has recently moved to helping with most types of cancer. As most jobs can be replaced in all those catagories there is still one more catagory to cover that they can also replace, creative jobs. You may think that artistic creativity is a human only skill, but that isn't true. There is a musical bot called Emily Howell who can create a near infinite amount of music, and when humans need to define which one is human an AI, only 9/10 people can tell the difference. All of this may sound crazy but it isn't, as all of this technology listed exists now. It is just a matter of time before it can be implemented into jobs, and it most likely won't. Not because of the companies sake, it would be the government who would put a restraint on it. The jobs that can be replaced right now is around 45%, and the great depression was only 25%. If suddenly near half of the work force went unemployed it would cause riots everywhere. I can connect this to what we have been learning with the industrial revolution and how mechanical machines brought more jobs and easier work. Now onto questions. Do you believe that the governments are going to try and prevent this type of automation, and why? What is your opinion on artificial intelligence, is it going to help the human race?
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