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Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. color role for vets - Yesterday at 11:24 PM
  2. is that your main
  3. yukimi♡ - Yesterday at 11:24 PM
  4. no
  5. color role for vets - Yesterday at 11:25 PM
  6. okay thank god
  7. Cole.exe | 245 - Yesterday at 11:25 PM
  8. XD
  9. yukimi♡ - Yesterday at 11:26 PM
  10. why thank god
  11. whats wrong?
  12. ShadowBentinal - Yesterday at 11:26 PM
  13. Your kd
  14. is brilliant
  15. color role for vets - Yesterday at 11:27 PM
  16. if that was your main i would’ve had to stab a bitch
  17. because rank 16 is just pure ew
  18. the scar L
  19. yukimi♡ - Yesterday at 11:38 PM
  20. xd
  22. the scar l isnt too bad
  23. any gun can be good if whoever is playing knows how to use it
  24. Savage Rivale Roadyacht - Yesterday at 11:51 PM
  25. I used to hate scar l
  26. And then I used it
  27. It op
  28. Someone nerf
  29. color role for vets - Yesterday at 11:57 PM
  30. I hate the Scar because EVERYONE USES IT.
  31. Broken as shit
  32. yukimi♡ - Yesterday at 11:57 PM
  33. theres a reason for everything
  34. it only has a 625 firerate
  35. its got a 4 shot kill
  36. color role for vets - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  37. nonexistent recoil and infinite range
  38. speedy reload
  39. yukimi♡ - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  40. maybe if you think its so good then you should use it and see how it fares
  41. color role for vets - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  42. I have.
  43. 58-3.
  44. yukimi♡ - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  45. then stop complaining
  46. color role for vets - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  47. Desert Storm 2.0 Flare Dom.
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