
Saint Anon in Equestria:Chapter 2 -Dangerous Development-WIP

Apr 16th, 2012
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  1. Blood.....
  2. >There's blood dripping off of you
  3. >Both from the gaping hole in your chest, and the deep wound inflicted on your opponent, as his own spills over the fist you've embedded into his stomach
  4. >The two of you stand there, you in your white armor, he in his jet black raiment
  5. >You know you've beaten him, yet why is he still smiling?
  6. >He's the first to fall, turning into a strange purple fog that slowly dissipates
  7. >Suddenly,you feel a sharp pain in your chest
  8. >Looking down you see that a bit of the mist has remained clinging to your chest cavity
  9. >As you watch, you see it slowly start to spread through your wound going deeper into your chest
  10. > Your body struggles to repel this foreign invader but after a short but brutal struggle the darkness eventually spreads further in
  11. >You fall to your knees, quickly losing consciousness
  12. >The last thing you hear, before your vision fades to black, is a sweet clear  
  13. voice calling out your name
  14. >Anonymous....anonymous......Anonymous......ANONYMOUS!
  15. >Your eyes snap open, and you quickly sit up, taking stock of the room around you
  16. >There are several birdcages hanging off the walls, as well as an assortment of other knickknacks in the immediate vicinity
  17. >Not far-off, you hear the chirping of the birds
  18. >You raise a hand to your eyes, as the soft light of the sun caresses your face
  19. >Damn this couch is comfy, you think to yourself, as you slowly begin to lie back down
  20. >For a moment, you just lie there, thinking of how peaceful it is....Here?
  21. >You bolt upright, panicking for a moment, as you try to figure out where in blazes you might be
  22. >You calm yourself fairly quickly, upon seeing the door, remembering how you smacked your head against it, despite ducking down
  23. >Memories of yesterday flood your mind
  24. >Waking up in the forest, with no memory to speak of
  25. >Somehow fighting off Timberwolves
  26. >You laughed quite a bit when you found out their proper names
  27. >Then leaving said forest, only to encounter a world where colorful ponies were apparently the norm
  28. >What did that make you then?
  29. >An uncaring fuck,that's what
  30. >Yet you cared enough to save Fluttershy apparently
  31. >Afterwards you accepted her generous offer of staying at her house for the night
  32. >The last thing you did before going to sleep was answering the multitude of questions Fluttershy threw at you
  33. >For such a shy mare, she sure did like to ask questions
  34. >Everything from "what's it like having fingers", to "why are you wearing clothes?"
  35. >Most of the time you could only shrug, knowing very little about most things, what with your seemingly selective amnesia and everything
  36. >After the unending barrage of questions was over, she finally retired to her room, while you slept on the couch, after reassuring her you were perfectly fine with it.
  37. >Many, many times
  38. >Now that you're feeling a bit more relaxed, you decide to go back to sleep, seeing as how it's still early
  39. >Whoomph!
  40. >Just as you get into a comfortable position, something small impacts your chest with enough force to knock the wind out of you
  41. >looking down, you see the small white bunny from yesterday on your chest, arms folded and foot tapping in a remarkably close imiitaton of anger
  42. >You think you recall Fluttershy calling it "Angel bunny" yesterday, which makes wonder what it was about him that made him an "Angel" because it certainly wasn't his arttitude
  43. >What's his problem anyway?
  44. >"What's your probl- you start to say, before being cut off by a violent slap to the face from the little bugger
  45. >"Ow, what the he-SMACK!
  46. >Itison.Tiff.Gif.RAGE
  47. >You make a wild lunge for him, but he jumps off your chest the moment you started moving
  48. >He lands on the floor, and quickly runs to the kitchen
  49. >After a split second of deliberation, you leap of the couch, giving pursuit
  50. >Just as you run into the kitchen, a large pan smashes against your face, leaving a comical, almost cartoon-like, dent in it
  51. >If your Jimmies weren't rustled before, they sure as hell were now
  52. >You make a mad dash towards him, as he pelts you with just about everything except the kitchen sink
  53. >Scratch that, you think to yourself, as said sink flies by, narrowly missing your head
  54. >You reach him, relatively unharmed, except for the part of your face that got hit with the pan
  55. >Which was just about your entire face
  56. >You try to grab him again, and you actually succeed
  57. >At least until he bites you
  58. >You give out a hiss of pain as you let go of the furry menace
  59. >You raise your other hand, ready to smack him into next week, as he raises a roller, getting ready to swing it like a sword
  60. >It's at this juncture in the battle that Fluttershy walks
  61. >You both stop what your doing the moment you catch sight of her
  62. >You lower your fist, he his roller, as Fluttershy stares open mouthed at the level of destruction in her kitchen
  63. >"D-did you two do this?" she asks, her voice deathly quiet
  64. >You both just nod, unsure of how she might react
  65. >She lets out a little sigh, then inexplicably starts to giggle
  66. >You and Angel look on in growing confusion, as the yellow ponies giggles continue to grow, building into full blown laughter, as she walks back to your side of the kitchen
  67. >You'd feel a bit annoyed if the sound weren't so sweet
  68. >"Her laughter dies down after a minute or so, only to start up again at the perplexed look on both your faces
  69. >Eventually she manages to get a few words out
  70. >"Y-you two didn't have to do this for me
  71. >Wut
  72. >"If you wanted to make me some breakfast, you should have at least asked me how to start" she says, eventually getting her laughter back under control, the occasional giggle still breaking through
  73. >"Breakfast? O-oh yeah, breakfast!" you and Angel share a look, both of you knowing that if either of you told Fluttershy what was really happening, the other would be just as guilty
  74. >"Well, now that I'm up, how about we have a little picnic instead?"
  75. --------------/////--------------
  76. >Somewhere in the Everfree forest...
  77. >Three large figures emerge from the shadows, striding purposefully towards their destination
  78. >They'd been walking since the previous night, never stopping, save to kill any kind of creature that came their way
  79. >A trail of corpses could be followed back to thier point of origin, like breadcrumbs
  80. >Each wore a similar black/purple set of armor
  81. >Upon closer inspection, however, each one appeared to represent a different mythological beast
  82. >"Hey Raimi, how much longer do we have to keep going?" Asked the largest of the three, finally breaking the silence around them with his gruff voice
  83. >His armor was that of the Gorgon
  84. >"How the heck should I know?," answered the smallest in an annoyingly scratchy voice, "you're superior to me in every way, or so you keep boasting, you should be able to tell how far away we are Gorgon Ox!"
  85. >The armor on this one was that of a carnivorous worm, with multiple extensions in the back
  86. >"I'M not the tracker specialist here, Worm, you are! Now tell me how much farther it is!"
  87. >"It's about 3 feet up your big Dead A-
  88. >Raimi was interrupted as the third member of the group, the leader as well as the youngest of the three, finally spoke up
  90. "For the love of Hades, would you two just give it a rest!," he asked, his cold tone making his disapproval clear
  91. >"Y-yes Kagaho!" Both warriors both warriors said, immediately shutting up, as their leader, clad in armor shaped like a cross between a heron and a dragon, stopped his relentless marching
  92. >"And besides", he continued, "all this bickering has made you two oblivious to your surroundings"
  93. >Just then, the starving manticore that had been stalking, them ever since they stopped to argue, Leaped from the bushes, hoping to score an easy kill
  94. >Moving in a blur of speed, the young man gave a powerful kick to the creatures' sternum, in mid-jump, promptly killing it
  95. >He looked at the body,kicking it one more time for good measure, before starting off again, the other two picking up the pace, choosing to remain silent for the rest of their march
  96. -----------------/////--------------------------------------------------
  97. >Back at Fluttershys' house, you finish gathering all the food you'll need for the picnic, setting off for her backyard
  98. >You quickly reach the tree where the events of the day before occurred
  99. >You pause for a brief moment, staring at the remains of the tree, wondering again why it was that you had such strange power
  100. >What worried you most was why you didn't seem to even care too much about having such power, or being in such a strange land
  101. >How is it that you have no fucks to give?
  102. >You're broken out of your reverie by Fluttershy, who nudges your side
  103. >"You're not still worried about what happened yesterday, are you?"
  104. >you take a moment before replying
  105. >"Yes...and no"
  106. >Fluttershy tilts her head in confusion
  107. >"I'm not too worried about what happened yesterday, now that i've gotten a chance to calm myself down"
  108. >"But it's precisely for that reason, that I am worried"
  109. >Fluttershy seems even more confused now, as you quickly continue explaining yourself, as she sets off towards your picnic destination
  110. >"What i'm trying to say is that even though I find myself stranded in a strange world, with talking ponies, with no memory of who I was, and seem to be developing a strange power, I just don't seem to care too much"
  111. >"And that, is what worries me", you say, finishing your little monologue right as Fluttershy stops to set up her picnic
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