
oneshot ideas

Jan 10th, 2019
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  1. 1) There was a dangerous excavation project thing (mine? tunnel thru a mountain? the danger comes from normal "rocks can fall" hazards but also like idk maybe there's pockets of weird gas in there or screaming mushrooms nobody wants to deal with or the rocks kick up poisonous dust or it's just cursed somehow idk) that some guy hired goblins/orcs/bugbears/gnolls/other monster race to work in instead of risking humans, but they were being mistreated and not paid well and the mine is dangerous too so they went on strike and are refusing to work or leave, so the guy hires some adventurers to "clear out the monsters in his mine" to deal with them. Telling the adventurers about the hazards of the mine is probably optional for him, and some of the townspeople are unhappy with him so willing to provide clues, and the monsters are nonhostile unless first provoked.
  3. 2) A group of (non-guild) adventurers are new or dumb or idk but they don't know about the differences between a metallic dragon and a chromatic dragon so they've been "menacing" a bronze dragon and her newly hatched wyrmlings that live in the mountains near their seaside village, and she's been tolerating them since they mostly just stand around outside and shout at her, but they've been getting more annoying and more bold, plus her wyrmlings are too young for her to want to move them so soon, so can someone come deal with this situation. Before she does.
  5. 3) A (low wisdom...very low...) wizard decided "what could go wrong" and let their young child/niece/grandchild/whatever play with the couple pots of Marvellous Pigments they had because, like, what harm was there? Small child was just going to make a few flowers or a rock or something, it's not like they could make animate objects or animals, it's probably fine. In the present tense, the wizard is now asking for help because their house is now covered in vines, flowers, other plants, and there's a tree growing out of the middle of it. In a spiral.
  7. 4) All edible and food-bearing plants in a nearby forest have either turned toxic, stopped existing, or died, and the animal life is strangely scarce as well. The people of the nearby town are concerned it's a curse or disease, and either way might spread to their crops, which they need to,, and the loss of being able to hunt isn't looking too good either. So can someone please come check this out? The source is a dryad who is being bitter and petty because a scout type had swore she loved her and would stay forever but actually left as soon as she was done surveying the grove. If killed or talked down, the forest will eventually return to normal, but faster if she's talked down and slower if she's killed.
  9. 5) The child of a hag that was put back into the family of a child that the hag ate as part of the hag's spawn-making process thing has discovered her heritage and doesn't want to be an evil monster so she's been on the run since then, and she's been successfully keeping it secret so far, but her hag-mother is still after her and growing annoyed about how difficult she's being. She approaches the guild asking for help in either killing her mother or helping her go deeper into hiding.
  11. 6) A successful naval battle saw a small pirate fleet (fun fact: these are called "flotillas") destroyed by the Waterdeep navy, though unfortunately the cargo was sunk along with the ships. Many people and businesses want back whatever they can get, and the navy - among other groups - is worried about any potentially dangerous magical items that might have been aboard and are now available to anyone who can survive the depths to reach them. As such they've reached out to the wayfarer's guild to help them secure the area and/or the cargo. Items enchanted to allow water breathing will be provided as required.
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