
The Untold Story Chapter V (The Unseen Enemy)

Nov 16th, 2015
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  1. (Chapter V) The Unseen Enemy
  5. > Be Anon
  7. > It's been three days since your battle on Bothawui, and your fleet has just joined up with Master Cadence’s forces on Kashyyyk. You were told to prepare for imminent attack, and that you were to be a part of the Wonderbolts. The group led by Master Spitfire during the battle.
  8. > That was all well and good, but you wanted to catch up with Twilight and Applejack. Unfortunately, Applejack had to depart before you got the chance to speak with her. You asked Twilight about the details, but she was only able to tell you that she and Master Scorpan were leaving for Nar Shadda.
  9. > Apparently someone was hunting the Wookie populous and selling them into slavery. On top of that there was a turncoat in your midst. Offering help to the slaver, and possibly the Empire.
  10. Fluttershy: “That’s terrible. I know Wookies aren’t the nicest species to be around, but actively hunting them. That’s just cruel.”
  11. > “Slavers aren’t exactly known for their humanitarian values Fluttershy.”
  12. Twilight: “Even so. The Wookies are going to have a hard time fighting back the Empire if they make it to the planet’s surface. It’s imperative that we prevent that from happening.”
  13. > “Agreed. The Republic is running out of time to come back from this war. If we don’t stop the Empire here. Who knows what will happen.”
  14. Twilight: “The Empire probably knows that too. They’ll be throwing everything they have at us.”
  15. > “Yeah, and trust me when I say that you’re both in for a rude awakening. The Sith I faced on Bothawui was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. We can’t hold anything back.”
  16. Twilight: “What was she like? You said she’s fought my brother several times before, but what else can you tell us about her?”
  17. > “Honestly, there’s only one word that comes to mind. A monster."
  19. > "Shining Armor said that she has the ability to nullify a Jedi’s greatest strength, and make that power her own. When she did it to Master Redheart she was able to regenerate serious wounds with little to no effort at all.”
  20. Twilight: “Then how are we supposed to defeat her?”
  21. > “I don’t know. I guess we just have to rely on the masters for the time being. Until we can get strong enough to fight her ourselves.”
  22. Fluttershy: “I think that’s for the best. We’d just get in the way if we tried anything now.”
  23. > “Yeah, thankfully I don’t see us fighting her one-on-one this time around. If we can keep the battle in space we won’t have to worry about that at all. Which means we’ll be relying on you Twilight. Now that you’ve learned to use Battle Meditation.”
  24. Twilight: “Yeah, well... I haven’t mastered using it... exactly.”
  25. > “What do you mean?”
  26. Twilight: “Since that time on Tython I haven’t been able to duplicate that feeling I got, and every time I try to think back to it I end up with nothing.”
  27. Fluttershy: “I’m sorry Twilight. I know it can’t be easy, but I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it eventually.”
  28. Twilight: “But I need to know now! The fate of the galaxy literally depends on it.”
  29. > “Twilight.”
  30. > You place your hand on her shoulder.
  31. > “Whatever happens I want you to know that we’ll be here for you. Even if you can’t find the strength within yourself. Look to us, and believe in the friends that believe in you. Because if anyone can do this it’s you.”
  32. Fluttershy: “Wow Anon. That was beautiful.”
  33. Twilight: “Yeah, where did that come from?”
  34. > “You think so? Heh, I guess I have my grandfather to thank for that. He always had these great sayings of wisdom that would make you feel better about yourself. I guess that part of him just rubbed off on me.”
  35. Twilight: “Well regardless. Thank you. I’ll do my best.”
  37. > As the hours go by you spend your time in the hanger bay getting ready. Adjusting the power settings, testing the engines, checking the G-diffusers, recycling the shields. Everything you can think of.
  38. Soarin: “Hey Anon got a sec?”
  39. > You poke your head out from underneath the starfighter.
  40. > “Sure what is it Soarin?”
  41. Soarin: “I just wanted to tell you that if you find yourself in trouble out there don’t hesitate to call me. We’re bros. We’ve got each other’s back.”
  42. > You can’t help but laugh at what he said.
  43. Soarin: “Did I say something funny?”
  44. > “No. It’s just that I told Twilight almost the exact same thing a little while ago. Only cooler and more mature sounding.”
  45. Soarin: “You think so?”
  46. > “I know so. If there’s one thing I know Soarin it’s how to be mature.”
  47. > Soarin just snickers at you.
  48. Soarin: “If you’re mature than I’m a blasted Jedi Master.”
  49. > “A Jedi Master with his shoes untied.”
  50. > He looks down, and sure enough his shoes are untied. Not only that, but they are tied to each other.
  51. Soarin: “Very funny. What would have happened had I decided to take step forward?”
  52. > “Well more than likely you would have face planted right into the port side of my starfighter here.”
  53. Soarin: “A brilliant deduction oh wise one.”
  54. > “Why thank you my dear flying jockey.”
  55. > It was nice that you were able to take it easy in this time of crisis. Even though the galaxy was in peril it didn’t change who you were.
  56. > Still, you knew it was important that you took this seriously, but not some much so that it prevented you from being yourself.
  57. > You didn’t know if that would be the case for all your friends, but you would be sure to be there for them if they ever needed you.
  58. > Then suddenly.
  61. ???: “Attention. Enemy fleet has just come out of hyperspace. All personal man your battle stations.”
  62. Soarin: “Guess that’s our cue.”
  63. > “Wait Soarin.”
  64. Soarin: “What is it?”
  65. > “May the Force be with you.”
  66. Soarin: “And you too Anon.”
  67. > As soon as the siren went off the entire ship came alive. Pilots rushing to their fighters, gunners manning their turrets, and everyone else prepping for battle.
  68. > Masters Shining Armor and Luna would be joining you in the firefight. While Master Cadence would remain on the bridge with Twilight to oversee the battle.
  69. Spitfire: “Listen up boys and girls this is Bolt one ready for take off. All wing leaders check-in.”
  70. Soarin: “Bolt two ready when you are master.”
  71. ??? “Bolt three standing by.”
  72. SA: “Bolt four ready and waiting.”
  73. > “Bolt five waiting for mother bird.”
  74. Luna: “Bolt six standing at the ready.”
  75. ???: “Bolt seven standing by.”
  76. ???: “Bolt eight standing by.”
  77. ???: “Bolt nine standing by.”
  78. ???: “Bolt ten standing by.”
  79. Cadence: “Good hunting out there everyone. May the Force be with you.”
  80. Spitfire: “Thanks, you too. Alright fellow Wonderbolts today’s a good day to die, so let’s bring the thunder.”
  81. Soarin: “Roger that.”
  82. > You liked the sound of that. No wonder Soarin wanted to be her apprentice so much.
  83. > One by one the fighters leave their hangers. Gathering in groups of five with their respective wing leaders. The enemy fleet was just as large as the one on Bothawui. In fact, you think it’s the exact same one. If that’s the case then Darth Nihilus would be aboard one of those ships.
  84. > Both fleets were roughly the same size. Meaning it was going to be a close battle.
  85. Spitfire: “Tighten up everyone. Wait until we’re within range of their cannons before we-”
  86. Cadence: “Bolt squadron we’re receiving a transmission from the planet. Chieftain Iron Will has just been assassinated.”
  87. Soarin: “What!? How!?”
  88. Cadence: “There was a bombing at his personal quarters.”
  89. > Out of the corner of your eye you are able to see a Republic transport drifting through space. Slowly making it’s way towards the enemy fleet.
  90. > “Master there’s a Republic transport out here. What are they doing?”
  91. Cadence: “I don’t know. We’ve tried hailing them and we aren’t getting a response.”
  92. Luna: “It is undoubtedly the traitor we’ve been looking for.”
  93. SA: “Even if it is the coming battle is more important than capturing one spy.”
  94. Spitfire: “He’s right. We can’t risk breaking formation. The first strike is the most important.”
  95. Cadence: “Agreed. As long we keep their bombers away from the capital ships we will emerge victorious.”
  96. Spitfire: “Roger that.”
  97. > You sit there in silence as you continue watching the ship slowly crawl closer and closer to the enemy fleet. Before it docks with the capital ship. At the same time Sith fighters of all classes begin pouring out of all the enemy ships.
  98. Spitfire: “Here they come.”
  99. > Just then, everything you see becomes a flurry of red laser fire. With explosions taking place all around you.
  100. > The comlink becomes overwhelmed with chatter. Superiors barking orders. Pleas of help from fellow squad mates. Screams of dying soldiers. All encompassed together.
  102. > Be Darth Nihilus
  104. > Aboard your personal flagship the Ferocious. In the middle of a meeting with the Dark Council.
  105. > “I understand your concerns, but our losses at Bothawui were minimal. I shall be able take Kashyyyk without any assistance.”
  106. ??#1: “You still should have waited for us to come to that decision beforehand. You are commanding nearly seventy-five percent of our forces in that sector. Any losses you incur will have devastating repercussions.”
  107. > “You should have more faith in me Lord Scath. I did liberate half of the Mid-Rim from the Republic by myself. Did I not?”
  108. ??#2: “Your accomplishments are not what concern us. It is your overconfidence that we wish to keep in check. It is true that you amassed great power in a short amount of time, but that does not put you above the Council’s decisions. As a member you should know this.”
  109. > “But of course Lord Tercept. You speak as if I wish to overthrow the Empire itself.”
  110. Tercept: “Do not try and fool us into believing you have not considered it.”
  111. > You just chuckle to yourself.
  112. > “You flatter me my lords. However, I know that such a task is out of even my capabilities.”
  113. ??#3: “Your honesty is noted. Still, the fact remains that you are taking a great and unnecessary risk.”
  114. > “Who said I was doing it alone Lord Dross.”
  115. Dross: “What?”
  116. > “I placed a worm on Kashyyyk many years ago. Waiting for the perfect time to use it. That time has come, and it’s mission success is guaranteed.”
  117. ??#4: “One of your ‘experiments’ I presume. You place too much faith in those things for my liking.”
  118. > “Do I sense a hint of jealousy Lord Alssla?”
  119. Alssla: “Do not insult me! I am above using such weak tactics to win in battle.”
  120. > “All tactics are viable in war my lord. To believe otherwise would be foolish.”
  121. > She was going to burst at you again, but the opening of the blast doors behind you silences any comments.
  123. > “Did I not explicitly tell you that I was not to be disturbed admiral?”
  124. ???: “Yes my lord, but we have a single Republic transport attempting to hail us.”
  125. > “Ah speak of the devil. My pet has returned to me. Allow them to land in the main hanger bay. You may also commence our attack. I shall join you shortly.”
  126. ???: “At once my lord.”
  127. > After he leaves you are filled with a feeling of overwhelming joy.
  128. > “Such marvelous things come to those who wait. My agent has successfully infiltrated the Republic’s defenses and effectively neutralized the great Chieftain Iron Will.”
  129. Dross: “Impressive, but you still have the Republic fleet to contend with.”
  130. > “Their power is nothing compared to the Dark Side. I shall use my Battle Meditation to invoke fear into our enemies hearts. Allowing my forces to kill them in droves.”
  131. > “A fitting tactic for one so ‘weak’ such as myself.”
  132. > Looking at Darth Alssla in your peripheral vision.
  133. Tercept: “Then we shall not keep you. Contact us immediately once Kashyyyk has been taken.”
  134. > “Of course.”
  135. > The blue holograms slowly fizzle out. Leaving you in your private chambers alone. With darkness all around you. Such an invigorating feeling to be embraced by it.
  136. > It’s siren song humming to you in the back of your mind. Telling you of things to come, and events that have already been. Such a gift was wasted on those unworthy of heeding it’s call.
  137. > As you make your way to the hanger bay you witness the excitement of your troops hustling their way to their designated stations. Soaking in their emotions like a sponge. Fear, anger, hate, and the insatiable hunger to kill. It was intoxicating.
  138. > Upon entering the massive hanger one starfighter after another flew through the deflector shields into the void of space. Until a single ship remained. The one you’ve been waiting for.
  139. > A Republic transport with it’s boarding ramp lowered with a single person waiting.
  141. > “Welcome home my child. Your mother is so happy to see you again. Congratulations on completing your mission.”
  142. Roseluck: “Thank you mother. It is good to be home again.”
  143. > “A rather interesting disguise you chose. Who was this female you took the place of?”
  144. Roseluck: “Her name was Roseluck. A rather stern and strong woman. She put up quite a fight.”
  145. > “I assume you tied up any loose ends.”
  146. Roseluck: “Of course there’s nothing to worry about.”
  147. > “Excellent, return to the hive. Your brothers and sisters are waiting for you.”
  148. Roseluck: “Thank you mother.”
  149. > With that said, the once beautiful woman in front begins to transform. Her red curls fall to the ground, her uniform vanishes into thin air, and her smooth pale skin turns into a mix of moldy brown and green.
  150. > When it’s finally done a roughly five foot tall anthropomorphic Geonosian stands before you. Letting out a soft clicking noise through its nose.
  151. > “Run along now. I'll be sure to come feed you personally afterwards.”
  152. > The creature obeys and quickly makes it’s way through the ship.
  153. > Such an incredible accomplishment. To be able to use your knowledge of the Dark Arts and a mixture of science you were able to create the perfect infiltration unit. You called them Changelings.
  154. > Geonosians taken from their home and infused with the power of the Dark Side. Completely undetectable even for most Jedi, and the fact that you had hundreds of them seeded across the galaxy made the fact all the sweeter.
  155. > It wouldn’t be long now before the entire galaxy was kneeling at your feet. At any time you could have your children tear down entire societies, infrastructures, planets even. All at the drop of a hat. It was good to be a queen.
  156. > One day soon it will happen, and then you alone will be on top.
  157. (Evil maniacal laughter)
  158. > “All according to plan.”
  160. > Be Anon
  162. > In the middle of the fight of your life. Flying around frantically in space in your NovaDive Starfighter.
  163. > “I’ve got two on my tail. Bolt two see if you can try and swing around and get these hitchhikers off of me.”
  164. Soarin: “Copy that Bolt five. Coming around now.”
  165. > You make a sudden dive under an Imperial starship. Coming within a few feet of the hull. With the two Imperial fighters still hot on your tail. Continuing to skim across it; until, you reach the edge of the ship. Immediately pulling up as hard as you can.
  166. > As soon as your two pursuers make the turn they are instantly gunned down by Soarin as he zips by you.
  167. > “Nice one Soarin. Thanks for the help.”
  168. Soarin: “Don’t mention it Anon.”
  169. Cadence: “Attention all fighters. We have three squadrons of Imperial bombers heading straight for us. We require assistance.”
  170. > “On our way master.”
  171. ???: “This is Bolt seven. I see them now. They have at least a dozen fighters protecting them. They’re approximately five clicks out from our capital ship.”
  172. Spitfire: “Copy that Bolt seven. Converging on your position now.”
  173. > Breaking off from your initial attack on the enemy fleet. You slowly begin to make your way back. Avoiding enemy cannon fire along the way.
  174. ???: “This is Bolt seven we have the enemy in our sights preparing t-” (static)
  175. Spitfire: “Bolt seven repeat. What’s going on?”
  176. ???: “Where did they come from? Break off. Evade! Evade! W-” (static)
  177. Cadence: “We just lost squad seven.”
  178. > All of them!? An entire squad was taken out in mere seconds? What type of fighters did they have protecting those bombers?
  179. > “That was way too fast. Master they may have Sith escorting those bombers.”
  180. Spitfire: “You may be right. All fighters are to proceed with caution upon contact.”
  181. ???: “This is Bolt three ready to make our attack run. What are your orders?”
  183. Spitfire: “Wait for us. We’ll be there soon.”
  184. Cadence: “Those bombers are less than one click out. Bolt three we need you to run interference NOW!”
  185. ???: “Roger that. All wings form up on me.”
  186. Spitfire: “Be careful Bolt three. Report to us what you see.”
  187. ???: “We’re closing in. Almost locked on. Just a little-” (static)
  188. > Damn it not again.
  189. Spitfire: “Someone give us an update!”
  190. ???: “They’re all over me. Fighters came out of nowhere. They just aagggghhhhh!” (static)
  191. > Not good.
  192. Cadence: “Those bombers have broken off their attack, but they’re coming around for another run.”
  193. > “This is Bolt five. I’m almost within range does anyone copy?”
  194. Luna: “Bolt six here. I see you. Let us take them head on so they cannot attack us from behind.”
  195. > “Copy that master. I'm with you.”
  196. > You both fly diagonally from each other. To prevent the risk of flying into one another, and to make it harder for the enemy to shoot you both down.
  197. > The enemy ships soon come into view. You count roughly twenty in total. With fifteen of them being bombers. That’s way too few starfighters for escorting that large a group, so the question remained. Where did the rest of their forces go?
  198. > “I only see a handful of fighters escorting them. Where did the rest of them go?"
  199. Luna: "I'm not sure, but stay on your toes."
  200. > Something was definitely wrong. Based on how fast your allies were destroyed this small contingency of fighters shouldn't be capable of taking out entire squads in the blink of an eye. Even if they were Sith.
  201. > As you close in a cold chill begins to slowly creep up the back of your spine. Causing the hairs on your body to stand on end.
  202. > “I have a bad feeling about this.”
  204. > Without thinking you barrel roll. Narrowly dodging a stream of deadly laser fire.
  205. > "They're behind us!"
  206. Luna: "Affirmative. I'll focus on the bombers you keep them off me Bolt five."
  207. > "Understood breaking off."
  208. > It was good thing you were a Jedi. If you weren't you would definitely be dead right now. You didn't even see them appear on your radar, but there they were clear as day.
  209. > However, these ships were different from the others. They were more elongated and slightly larger than your typical Sith Interceptor. They must be an elite group of pilots flying the best ships the Empire had to offer. Wonderful.
  210. Twilight: "Anon are you okay?"
  211. > "Twilight!? What are you doing! You're supposed to be supporting our forces with your Battle Meditation!"
  212. Twilight: "I heard you were in trouble, and I had to know if you were alright."
  213. > "I'm fine, but you shouldn't worry about me."
  214. Twilight: "But Anon-"
  215. > "No buts. Twilight listen to me. If you really want to help me the best thing you can do is focus what you’re supposed to be doing. You have to trust me. I can handle myself."
  216. Twilight: “Okay, but one last thing. Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”
  217. > “Come on Twilight this is me we’re talking about.”
  218. Twilight: “Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about.”
  219. Cadence: "Twilight please get back. You’re clogging up the comms. Sorry about that Bolt five. What's your status."
  220. > "Currently in pursuit of the mystery fighters. They are definitely not ordinary enemies that's for sure. I think-"
  221. > Then, as suddenly as the appear they vanish without a trace.
  222. > "What the- how-"
  223. Cadence: “Bolt five what’s happening out there?”
  224. > "I've lost sight of them. They were just there a second ago, but they just vanished.”
  226. Spitfire: “I was afraid that was the case. Their ships must have cloaking capabilities."
  227. Cadence: "That would explain why we haven't been able to track them. They must be remnants of Darth Malgus' stealth armada.”
  228. Spitfire: “Probably. Which means they can’t fire their weapons unless they uncloak first.”
  229. > “That’s good news I guess. Doesn’t exactly give us a big window of opportunity though.”
  230. Spitfire: “Not for ordinary pilots, but for Jedi a few seconds is all we need.”
  231. Luna: “The squadron of bombers has just split up. They’re attempting to bomb the rest of the fleet.”
  232. Spitfire: “Crap. Bolt five head after the squad on the left. Me and Bolt six will handle the others.”
  233. > “Right, I’m on it.”
  234. > Accelerating to attack speed you plunge head long after your targets. While remaining weary of the inevitable ambush waiting for you. Still, you had five bombers you had to take care of. You couldn‘t afford to play it safe.
  235. > Unleashing a flurry of laser fire into their ranks the two fighters escorting them break off. No doubt moving to engage you.
  236. > You use your superior maneuverability to slip past them and gun down the left-most bomber. As long as you continued to strafe and evade getting locked-on to you should be fine.
  237. > Unfortunately the bombers were beginning to start dropping their payloads, and causing massive damage. You were going to need to work faster if you were to save the fleet.
  238. > Suddenly you get pelted from a storm of shots raining from above. Disabling your shields and dealing damage to your left wing.
  239. > “Damn I’m hit. My shields are gone. I’m as good as dead if I take another hit.”
  240. SA: “Copy that Bolt five I’m right behind you.”
  241. > “Master!”
  242. SA: “Having a little trouble there Anon?”
  243. > “You could say that. Also, can you try to show up a little sooner please? This endangering my life and then coming in to save me at the last second is going to give me gray hairs.”
  245. SA: “Hehe. We’ll do.”
  246. > After taking a second to recharge your weapons you boost yourself to catch up with your targets.
  247. SA: “Watch my six Bolt five. I’m going to go soften them up.”
  248. > “You can count on me.”
  249. > As he speeds off you got to thinking about the battle so far, and something was bugging you. You were no great strategist or pilot for that matter, but something about the enemy’s movements seemed to; perfect.
  250. > Even though you were flying one of the Republic’s most agile fighters you were finding it difficult to keep up and shoot down your foes.
  251. > In the heat of the moment even when forces are perfectly communicating with each other there was still room for human error. It would make sense if the pilots were Sith, but you’ve been reaching out with the Force and haven’t been getting any sensations of fellow Force-users.
  252. > “I don’t like this.”
  253. SA: “Come again Bolt five?”
  254. > “Something’s wrong. Doesn’t it seem a little harder to shoot down enemies than it should be?”
  255. SA: “Yeah I noticed that too.”
  256. > “Why do you think that is?”
  257. SA: “Well the fact that some of the ships are invisible does make it a little tougher, but it’s no just those ships.”
  258. Spitfire: “Their movements are so in tune its like they’re robots, or synchronized swimmers. I’ve only seen this a few times, and each time the army has been assisted by someone using Battle Meditation.”
  259. > “Wait, so is Twilight doing this?”
  260. Cadence: “No. Someone else on the enemy’s side is, and if our intelligence is worth anything. It’s Darth Nihilus’ doing.”
  261. > Great. Is there no limit to what that Sith can do?
  262. Cadence: “Twilight is out of her league in this battle. Even if she was fully trained she would still have a hard time of keeping our forces together.”
  263. SA: “Cadence put me through to Twilight. I know she’s trying to concentrate right now, but I need a word with her.”
  264. Cadence: “Understood. Just give me a sec.”
  266. > Meanwhile, you were busy focusing on staying alive. With no shields you were one slip up away from becoming another statistic in this war. Forcing you to fight more passively. Making long sweeping passes through the enemy lines.
  267. Twilight: "Brother are you there?"
  268. SA: "Twily. It's good to hear from you. I know now might not be the best time, but do you remember that time when we went exploring in those caves back on Tython. When we ended up getting us lost and I couldn't do anything; because I was afraid of the dark."
  269. > It takes every ounce of your will power to stifle your snickering from being heard over the comms.
  270. Twilight: “Of course I remember. You wouldn’t stop talking about how the darkness was going to eat us.”
  271. SA: “Well just pretend that this is the same scenario. When you took my hand and walked me through the pitch black to safety. You knew where to go, and you weren’t afraid of anything. Lead us through these dark times and into the light.”
  272. Twilight: “You can count on me Shiny.”
  273. > That’s more like it. It sounds like she has the conviction to see this through now. All you had to do was concentrate on doing your part.
  274. > Suddenly you see three of the invisible fighters come into view. About to make a run at one of your allies. Prepping the last of your missiles you swerve and pivot to get a lock on them. Before unleashing everything you had.
  275. > One of them blows up instantly, but the other two escape the first pass. However, the missiles come back around and find their intended targets.
  276. > That should even the odds a little bit.
  277. Spitfire: “This is Bolt one. We’ve finished off the rest of the bombers. Now is the time to counter-attack. All wings form up on me. We’re going right for the head of this beast.”
  278. > Awesome. Things were definitely looking up for you in this battle.
  280. > Be Darth Nihilus
  282. > Everything had been going smoothly a minute ago, but now the Republic forces were rallying against you. It didn’t make sense. They shouldn’t be capable of keeping up with you attacks. You were using all of your resources, and to their maximum efficiency. What were you missing?
  283. > As you ponder this you feel an invisible push. Not physically, but in your mind’s eye. Meaning it could only be one thing. A Jedi was using Battle Meditation against you to counteract the affects you had on the enemy.
  284. > That shouldn’t be possible. The only Jedi with that capability according to your intelligence was Celestia, and she had last been seen fighting on Dantooine just days before.
  285. > “Admiral give me a complete scan of the enemy fleet. I want to know exactly who I’m up against.”
  286. ???: “At once my lord.”
  287. > You knew Shining Armor was here. You could smell him parsecs away. He definitely wasn’t the one behind this, and wherever Shining Armor was Cadence wasn’t too far behind. Was it possible that she had acquired this skill?
  288. > “What’s the hold up?”
  289. ???: “My apologies. Here you are.”
  290. > He hands you a datapad; which you scroll through with blazing speed. Using the Force to absorb the information at an accelerated pace. The Wonderbolts were among the starfighters leading the attack. Led by Master Spitfire. The Republic’s best legion of fighter pilots by far.
  291. > One of the cruisers was also part of Luna’s forces. An expert in rallying allies, but nothing as grand a scale as this.
  292. > Who was it then? No matter you’ll have to figure it out later. Failure was not an option, and you had to direct all your attention to the task at hand.
  293. > Frustrating as it may be you still had a job to do. Nothing would stand in your way. Certainly not a Jedi. Although, you could still feel the change in the battle’s tempo begin to swing against you. As the Wonderbolts began their counterattack.
  295. > You focus your efforts on assisting the gunners, and ships protecting your cruisers. It helps, but the fact that you are forced to play defensively in this situation was very irritating.
  296. > You were the one who was supposed to instill fear and doubt into your enemies. Preying on the minds of the weak, and none of those things were happening.
  297. ???: “My lord what’s happening? They’re breaking through our lines. If we don’t do something soon this battle will be lost.”
  298. > “This battle is already lost admiral, but I have a plan to make it worth our while.”
  299. ???: “My lord?”
  300. > “Prepare the boarding ships, and inform all fighters to protect our journey to their capital ship. I must do something there, and once I am finished I will use one of their escape pods to rejoin the fleet. Is that understood?”
  301. ???: “I-I... very well then. I shall do as you ask.”
  302. > “Excellent. Order the retreat as soon as we’ve launched. I wish to keep our losses to a minimum after today’s venture.”
  303. > After leaving the bridge you make your way to the heart of the ship. Entering the deepest levels only you had clearance to go to. To your laboratory.
  304. > A catacomb filled with your personal minions and every experiment ever conducted by you. Plus, a few from various Sith Lords who were no longer with you.
  305. > Each contribution was a treasure, and you made sure to treat it as such. If it could strengthen your connection to the Force it had to be yours.
  306. > As you enter the dreary atmosphere welcomes you. With bleak lighting that covered everything in shadows. Giving attention only to your collection of trophies, creations, and inventions.
  307. > You loved to admire and tinker with them, but now was not the time for that. You knew where you needed to go.
  308. > Upon opening a hatch hundreds of little eyes began to peek up at you through the darkness.
  309. > “Come my children it’s time for us to go outside and play.”
  310. (Evil maniacal laughter)
  312. > Be Anon
  314. > Finally you had the enemy on the run. The Imperial forces were in chaos and it was your job to pick off the stragglers. It was essentially like shooting fish in a barrel now.
  315. > “I could get used to this.”
  316. Cadence: “Attention all fighters the capital ship has just launched boarding ships. All forces move to intercept.”
  317. > This is unexpected. The Sith must be getting desperate if they were trying to pull a move like this.
  318. SA: “Darth Nihilus is aboard one of those ships.”
  319. Spitfire: “Are you sure?”
  320. SA: “There’s no doubt about it. This isn’t the first time she’s done this.”
  321. Cadence: “He’s right. She’ll be coming right for us. This is Master Cadence. All forces aboard the Windsong prepare to repel the enemy.”
  322. > You do everything you can to stop the boarding ships, but it isn’t enough. Most of shuttles make there way through. Piercing the hull of the capital ship.
  323. SA: “I’m going in there.”
  324. > “Right behind you Bolt four. Soarin do you think you can finish cleaning up without us?”
  325. Soarin: “Not a problem Anon. Have fun down there.”
  326. > Flying in tandem, both you and Shining Armor zip into the hanger bay. Quickly landing and jumping from your pilot’s seat. Bringing your lightsaber to your hand and activating it.
  327. SA: “Follow me. She more than likely will be heading for the bridge.”
  328. > “Right behind you.”
  329. > Sprinting through the corridors you stay alert for any surprises the Sith may have set for you. The carnage gradually increased the further you went. Consisting mostly of Republic soldiers charred to the bone, and filled with blaster bolts.
  330. > “We’re getting closer.”
  331. SA: “Yeah. Anon whatever happens stay behind me got it.”
  332. > “No problem I’ll leave all the fun to you.”
  334. > As you round a corner you come in contact with the first of the Imperial troopers protecting a set of heavy blaster doors. They give you everything they have, but you defeat them with relative ease.
  335. > Upon approaching the large metal entrance you begin to hear the sounds of fighting coming from the other side.
  336. SA: “They’re just up ahead. Anon help me with this.”
  337. > You stab all the way through with your lightsaber. Slowly cutting out a makeshift door. After you’re done you look at each other for a moment.
  338. > “Alright, age before beauty.”
  339. > He gives you a smug smirk before kicking down the giant metal slab. Revealing a furious storm of blaster fire before you. Staying true to your defensive forms you deflect every shot thrown your way. Slowly progressing through the room.
  340. > All the way at the other end you could see the empress of evil. Currently clashing with Master Cadence.
  341. > “Go to her. I’ll handle this.”
  342. > Without hesitation he charges towards the battle. Leaving you to act as clean-up. First thing you do is find an opening in their defenses. Once you do you use the Force to augment your movement.
  343. > Dodging and weaving through the crowd and concentrating on taking out their artillery first.
  344. > As the battle intensifies you notice a fellow Jedi close by taking heavy fire. Quickly changing direction you spin and come up from behind. Going back to back.
  345. > “Snowdrop wasn’t it? Are you alright?”
  346. Snowdrop: “I’m fine. Why did the Sith suddenly decide to confront us here? It doesn’t make any tactical sense. They didn‘t even bring enough troops to take this ship.”
  347. > “Darth Nihilus is going after Twilight. Her Battle Meditation won us this battle.”
  348. Snowdrop: “Even so this mission is suicide. What can she hope to accomplish with so many Jedi Masters protecting her.”
  349. > “That’s a real good question. I’ll be sure to ask her the next time I see her.”
  351. > Staying together you begin to make your way through the ship. Wiping out the remaining Imperial forces.
  352. Snowdrop: “Do you think they planted any explosives?”
  353. > “That certainly is a strong possibility. However, I don’t think they’d blow up the ship while still on it. Let’s go help the masters.”
  354. Snowdrop: “Right.”
  355. > The two of you waste no time running as fast as you can to the bridge, but are stopped short when your way is blocked off by debris.
  356. > “Shoot. Is there another way around?”
  357. Snowdrop: “Yes, but it will take us some time if we do.”
  358. > “There’s no choice then. Give me a hand with this.”
  359. > Calling upon the Force you both clip your lightsabers and reach out with both hands. Hearing the rubble slowly give way you direct it off to the sides. Giving you both just enough room to squeeze through.
  360. > “Nice work. Let’s keep moving.”
  361. > Just as you were about to move forward a familiar sound stops you in your tracks. The sound of a lightsaber cutting through metal. Looking up you see a small circle form in the ceiling. Someone was coming down, and you had a gut feeling who it was.
  362. > Once the panel gave way a black mass descended from it. Landing with it’s back towards you.
  363. > “Leaving so soon?”
  364. > The shadowy figure turns its head just enough for you to see her piecing green eyes.
  365. Nihilus: “I don’t have time for you.”
  366. > She instantly unleashes a fury of purple lightning at both of you. Filling the hallway with her destructive electricity. You raise your lightsaber to block, but Snowdrop isn’t quick enough on the draw. Becoming encapsulated in the attack. She wouldn’t last long if you didn’t do something.
  367. > With all your strength you inch your way over to her. You weren’t sure if you could shield her from the Sith Lord’s assault, but you had to try.
  369. > The further you went the more intense the beating became. You were sweating bullets from the strain. Reaching the edge of your physical limits and beyond.
  370. > With one last effort you jump in front of Snowdrop feeling the full force of her might. It only lasted for a few seconds, but the pain was the most intense feeling you’ve ever experienced.
  371. > Every cell in your body was screaming. Feeling as if everything was on fire. While at the same time having your skin peeled from your body.
  372. > The dark lord turns to leave, but you take a step forward to follow her.
  373. > “I-is that the best y-”
  374. > You try to say, but fall to the ground. Slowly fading out of consciousness. Hitting the floor and letting go of your lightsaber. Rolling just out of your reach.
  375. Nihilus: “You’re lucky I don’t have time to finish you off. Don’t expect to be as fortunate next time.”
  376. > Then, she was gone.
  377. > Shortly there after Shining Armor and Cadence fall through the ceiling. In hot pursuit of Darth Nihilus, but freeze when they see you.
  378. Cadence: “Anon! Snowdrop!”
  379. > They both rush to your side. Checking to see if you were both okay.
  380. SA: “He’s still breathing. Thankfully he’s just knocked out. What about Snowdrop?”
  381. Cadence: “She’s worse off then him.”
  382. SA: “Can you take care of them I’m going after her.”
  383. Cadence: “I’ll do what I can. Be careful.”
  384. > Quickly summoning up her strength her hands begin to glow with a soothing green light. Healing Snowdrop first.
  385. > “M-master.”
  386. Cadence: “Anon. Don’t move.”
  387. > “I-I’m sorry. I... couldn’t stop her .”
  388. Cadence: “Don’t blame yourself. It was our fault for letting her get the jump on us. You did the best you could. The only thing you need to worry about now is rest.”
  389. > That sounded nice. It had been an exhausting day filled with peril. You could use a good nap.
  391. > When you wake up again you find yourself on a bed situated in the medical bay. How long had you been out?
  392. > Shuffling to the edge of the bed you hop off and stretch a little bit. Amazingly you felt great considering you had a near death experience.
  393. > Looking to the other beds you notice that Snowdrop wasn’t among the patients. If she wasn’t here where was she? You try asking the other patients, but receive no help.
  394. > She had to be here somewhere. There’s no way she could have been released before you. You head to the backroom where they keep the Kolto tanks, and sure enough there she was. Floating in one of the large vats of liquid medicine.
  395. Redheart: “Glad to see you’re up and about.”
  396. > “Thanks, but I’m more concerned about her than myself.”
  397. Redheart: “Well you needn’t worry. She’s suffered some second degree burns, but that’s the worst of it. She’ll be good as new in a few days.”
  398. > “I’m glad. Can you call me if she wakes up?”
  399. Redheart: “Not a problem. However, I want you to take it easy as well. You suffered some minor burns yourself. I don’t want you doing any strenuous work for the next two days. Doctors orders.”
  400. > “Understood. Thanks again.”
  401. > With that out of the way you had a decision to make. Report to the bridge, or try and find your friends.
  402. > As much as you wanted to talk to everyone it would probably be best if you checked in with the masters.
  403. > Before making it to the bridge it quickly became apparent why Master Redheart didn’t want you out and about. You hadn’t walked more than a couple hundred yards, yet it felt like you had just ran a marathon. First thing after this you were going to bed. No shower, no meal, just some good old rest.
  404. > The command deck was surprisingly vacant for the amount of excitement that had gone on today. The only people you knew that were here were: Cadence, Vinyl, and Luna.
  406. Vinyl: “Good to see you on your toes again kid. How you feeling.”
  407. > “Like a Gamorrean forced to go on a diet, but I plan on going to bed right after this. I just wanted to check-in with you guys.”
  408. Luna: “Your devotion to your duty is admirable young one. Regrettably, we don’t have much to bring you up to speed about. The enemy fleet retreated soon after Darth Nihilus escaped.”
  409. > “What about the ship? Did you find anything suspicious?”
  410. Cadence: “No, which is really puzzling. We expected to find something, but everything seems to be in order.”
  411. Vinyl: “I guess she just really wanted to find Twilight.”
  412. > “Did she end up finding out her identity?”
  413. Cadence: “Thankfully no, so she’s safe for now. Still, when they do find out about her she will definitely become a high priority target for the Empire.”
  414. > “I still find it hard to believe she took that huge a risk without having any other ulterior motives.”
  415. Luna: “That is a good attitude to have. We should remain vigilant for the time being; until, we can determine with a one hundred percent certainty that nothing has changed.”
  416. > “Great, guess I’m not needed here anymore. If you’ll excuse me.”
  417. > Right before exiting the room a thought comes to mind. Which makes you feel like an idiot for not mentioning earlier.
  418. > “Master Luna I forgot to mention. Snowdrop is in stable condition down in the medbay. She suffered a few burns, but is otherwise in good health. She should be back to her old self in a few days.”
  419. Luna: “Thank you Anonymous. Your concern is greatly appreciated.”
  420. > You bow in respect before departing once more. It certainly was a mystery. Attempting to infiltrate a ship filled with Jedi Masters. Then, to leave without any hints of sabotage. Something was definitely off.
  421. > These thoughts rattled off in your head. Causing you to lose track of where you were. Before you knew it you were halfway across the ship. Way past your room.
  423. > Maybe you should take it easy for a little while, and let the masters handle it for now. If they needed you you’ll be ready.
  424. > Finally arriving at your destination you open the door and immediately flop down onto your bed. What a day.
  425. > The next morning you awake to the feeling of being groggy and stiff. You check your chronometer and see that you gotten about eight hours of sleep. A little longer than you wanted, but you were supposed to be taking it easy.
  426. > You shuffle around in your bed a little bit when you notice Twilight sitting in a chair fast asleep. Wait was she there when you went to bed? Couldn’t be, she would have said something to you if she was.
  427. > She looked awfully uncomfortable the way she was situated in that chair. Gradually picking yourself up out of bed you lift her up and lay her in your bed. Pulling the sheets over her.
  428. > She must have been worried after hearing what happened to you. It wasn’t that serious, but still it warmed your heart to know she was concerned for you.
  429. > Then, a mighty roar coming from your stomach reminded you that it had been forever since the last time you ate.
  430. > You thought about heading straight for the mess hall, but you took one whiff of yourself and decided you should probably bathe first. Once that was done you put on some new robes and leave a note for Twilight. Hopefully she would come around soon enough to get it.
  431. > As you walk the hallways you anticipate running into someone you know, but are disappointed when you don’t. Perhaps this would be a good time for you to mingle among the troops. Most of your friends were Jedi after all. You didn’t exactly have a lot of opportunities to meet the average person.
  432. > After claiming a tray and stuffing it to the gills with everything you can get your hands on you begin to look for an open seat.
  433. > In one of the far corners you recognize the patterns and colors of the troops under Shining Armor’s command and begin to head over.
  435. > “Excuse me gentleman is this seat.- Captain!”
  436. BB: “Anonymous. I mean sir. What are you doing here?”
  437. > “Looking to stuff my face. Do you mind if I sit here?”
  438. BB: “Not at all. Go ahead.”
  439. > You could tell by his demeanor and the expressions of those at the table that it WAS a problem.
  440. > “Feel free to call me Anon. Should I call you Burly or Biceps?”
  441. BB: “The men call me Big B for short.”
  442. > “Well then Big B why don’t you introduce me to your friends.”
  443. BB: “Ah sure. This is Jacks, Diana, Fitch, Kaleb, and Rolf.”
  444. > All of the people at the people were human. Except for Rolf. Who was a Duros.
  445. > “Nice to meet all of you. Please continue as you were. I’d hate to ruin the mood with my presence. Just pretend like I’m not even here.”
  446. > Quickly stuffing your face you let the others go back to their previous conversations. It would be best to ease yourself in and only give your input when the chance arose. However, it’s been several years since you’ve talked to normal people, so your social skills may be a little rusty.
  447. > After a few minutes of listening in to their conversations you were able to determine several things about these people.
  448. > Captain Burly Biceps loved to talk about his tales of combat. Adding a series of interesting dialogues between him and your master Shining Armor.
  449. > Kaleb and Rolf were close good friends that had been serving together for a long time. Becoming very close and trusting of one another.
  450. > Fitch's mannerisms towards Diana hinted at a romantic interest, and a quick peek with the Force confirmed your theory.
  451. > While Jacks was the clown of the group. Loving to make light of the situation and making others laugh. You'll get along great with him.
  452. > After receiving another large tray of food. You decide it was time to make your move.
  453. Jacks: "Geez Anon didn't you just finish an entire entree?"
  454. > "Yeah, but that was just the appetizer. This is the main course."
  456. Jacks: "Where the heck do you put all that food man?”
  457. > “Is it really that much? This is actually less than I normally get?”
  458. Jacks: “You’re messing with me. Even a Hutt couldn’t eat that much."
  459. > “Really? Care to make a wager on that?”
  460. Jacks: “Okay Jedi you’re on. If you can finish what you have there plus everything else on this table I’ll give you 1,000 credits.”
  461. > That’s a little more than you were bargaining for, but you’ve never been one to back down from a challenge. Especially when food was involved.
  462. > “I’d love to. Sadly, I don’t have 1,000 credits on me. Can I wager something else?”
  463. Jacks: “It have to be something really good if you don’t have any credits on you.”
  464. > Maybe you do. It was a terrible idea, but hey you were the one who wanted to bond with the soldiers.
  465. > “How about this. If I lose I’ll give you my lightsaber.”
  466. > Everybody’s jaws went slack after hearing that. Giving you looks of disbelief.
  467. > “Don’t believe me? Here.”
  468. > Taking the weapon from your belt you set it on the table.
  469. > “I know it’s rude to bring weapons to the dinner table, but I’m hoping you can all make an exception in my case.”
  470. Jacks: "Kid you are one gutsy son of a gun. Deal.”
  471. > You shake on it, and begin tackling the massive task in front of you.
  472. > “I forgot to mention that lessons don’t come with it. Neither do Republic benefits for lost limbs.”
  473. Jacks: “That’s fine by me. It’s just a sword. I think I can manage.”
  474. > “You think so? If I had a credit for every time I heard that back at the Jedi Temple I would have enough credits to afford this bet.”
  475. Jacks: "Sure you would. Now hurry up so I can start showing off my new toy. And don't try and use any of your Jedi tricks to help you eat all of that food."
  476. > "Trust me it doesn’t work that way. If it did I would never stop eating."
  478. > You finish downing your second tray, and look at Jacks with content.
  479. > "Well how's that for you?"
  480. Jacks: "Not so fast. I said everything on this table. That includes our dishes as well."
  481. > "Wait what? That wasn't part of the deal."
  482. Jacks: "Oh no I said specifically EVERYTHING on the table."
  483. BB: "You don't have to do this Anon. We'll be sure Jacks pays up."
  484. > "No captain. He's right. I can do this"
  485. > You say that, but you know you're reaching your limit. Even though most of their trays were mostly eaten you knew it wouldn't be an easy task.
  486. > All the commotion had attracted a small crowd that started to gather around your table to cheer you on. Never thought this was how your day would turn out to be like.
  487. Twilight: "Anon what are you doing?"
  488. > You turn around to she the purple Twi'lek hovering over you.
  489. > "Participating in an eating contest."
  490. Twilight: "Okay. May I ask why?"
  491. > "These fools doubt my powers, so I'm giving them a demonstration."
  492. > She sighs. Pinching the bridge of her nose contemplating on what to say next.
  493. Twilight: "Anon sometimes I worry about you."
  494. > "I know. I gathered that when you came to my room last night."
  495. > The crowd instantly roars into a flurry of gasps, cheers, and other mixed emotions.
  496. Twilight: "No! It's not what you think."
  497. > "Too late now. The secret's out."
  498. Twilight "Anon stop it! They're going to start spreading rumors."
  499. > "Don't worry. As long as there's no truth behind them there's nothing to worry about."
  500. Twilight: "That's not the point Anon. If my brother finds out."
  501. > "He's my master too Twilight. He trusts my word. If I tell him that there's nothing going on between us he'll believe me, and if he doesn't you can always tell him as well."
  503. > Twilight let's out a sigh of defeat. Letting you return to your mission.
  504. > "Also, Twilight if it's not too much to ask can you meditate for me during this battle?"
  505. Twilight : "You know I'm not going to do that."
  506. > "Yeah, just thought I'd ask."
  507. > After another half hour of forcing down what was left you were finally done. The last few bites were actually painful to stomach, but you did it.
  508. > You lay flat on the floor completely immobile. The crowd explodes with a standing ovation by your triumph.
  509. Rolf: "I've got to hand it to you Anon that was really impressive."
  510. > "Thanks."
  511. > Everyone gives you their congratulations. All except Diana. Who was nowhere in sight. She must have left having better things to do.
  512. Twilight: "Well, I guess this means you're feeling alright after taking those injuries from yesterday."
  513. > "Actually I feel worse."
  514. Twilight: "Well you brought this upon yourself, so you have no one to blame-"
  515. > "But myself yeah I know. Totally worth it though."
  516. Twilight: "Alright mister tough guy let's get you out of here."
  517. > "I don't think that's a good idea. If I move I think I'll throw up."
  518. Twilight: "Then what are you going to do just lay there until you feel better?"
  519. > "That was the plan."
  520. Twilight: "Fine I'll leave you then. You know where to find me."
  521. > "We'll do."
  522. > Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing take on that challenge. Oh well, live and learn you suppose. Best thing you could now was take a nap to help burn off these calories.
  523. > Just as you are about to doze off you hear your comlink buzz with a message. It was from Master Redheart saying that Snowdrop had regained consciousness.
  524. > Perfect. You promised to be there when Snowdrop came to, but now you find yourself in this situation. You had to make it. Even if it killed you, and it very well might.
  526. > After what seemed like an eternity. You finally made it to the medical center, and without heaving once. Thankfully.
  527. > Slowly making your way to the back you see Snowdrop out of the Kolto tank and in a hoverchair. Accompanied by masters Redheart and Luna.
  528. Redheart: “There you are Anon. What’s the matter? Are you feeling alright?”
  529. > “I’m fine. Just ate too much.”
  530. Luna: “Yes well. As you can see my padawan is doing just fine. You’d be wise to get some rest yourself.”
  531. > “Yeah you may be right, but I’ve never claimed to be wise. Plus, they’re is something I wanted to say to her.”
  532. Redheart: “Very well. Go ahead then and say it, but be quick about it. I still have to administer some minor treatments.”
  533. > “Actually I was hoping to say it to her in private.”
  534. > Both masters look at each other perplexed. Before finally deciding to give you two some time alone.
  535. Snowdrop: “What is it Anon? You seem troubled.”
  536. > “I...I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
  537. “Sorry? For what? These injuries aren’t your fault.”
  538. > “I know but, I still feel like I failed you. I was completely fine after what happened with Darth Nihilus, but you. You suffered a lot worse than I did.”
  539. “Anon you shouldn’t beat yourself up over things you can’t control. You’re too nice a person to be self-loathing like this. Besides, I heard what you did. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be here at all.”
  540. > You knew she had a point. In fact, she was exactly right, but it still didn’t make you feel any better.
  541. “Tell you what. Let’s go for a walk. That should help ease your mind.”
  542. > “You can’t what about your injuries?”
  543. “Master Redheart exaggerates a little bit. I’m fine.”
  544. > She quickly jumps out of her chair, and back flips right back into it. Well what do you know.
  546. > Master Redheart wasn’t happy about it, but after arguing for a short while she finally gives in. Snowdrop can be very persuasive when she wants to be.
  547. “Feels good to be back on my feet.”
  548. > “I imagine so.”
  549. “Say Anon. Did the masters end up finding all the bombs on the ship before they were detonated?”
  550. > “I’m surprised you haven’t heard. There weren’t any bombs to be found.”
  551. “What! That’s impossible. Was that Sith Lord really just out to find and kill Twilight?”
  552. > “Apparently so. The masters think it’s possible that Darth Nihilus left us some other type of present, but we have no way of knowing for sure.”
  553. “I wasn’t aware that a skill like Battle Meditation was so valuable.”
  554. > “Neither did I. Thankfully she didn’t discover Twilight’s identity when she was here. However, it’s only a matter of time before they do.”
  555. “Do you think she’ll be ready?”
  556. > To be honest you weren’t entirely sure. Then, you thought about what you’ve been through together.
  557. > “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Twilight isn’t the same bookworm that sleeps in the archives anymore. She’s a full fledged Jedi now. We all are. Whatever the future has planned for us I’m sure we’ll be ready for it.”
  558. “I hope so. The Dark side grows stronger everyday, and the Republic is crumbling. The more this war drags on the less likely we are to win it.”
  559. > “Yeah. If we can just keep winning battles like this it should be a piece of cake.”
  560. “You forget that nearly half the Jedi Council was here, and we only just barely won.”
  561. > “Even so. We can’t give up hope. We’re Jedi after all. We’re supposed to be the beacons of hope for all lifeforms that call out for peace.”
  562. > She giggles a little bit. Before responding.
  563. “You make it sound like we’re living in a fairy tale of good versus evil.”
  565. > “We essentially are. Warriors who wield a mystical power fighting for control of an entire galaxy. If I wasn’t in this position I’d say it sounds a lot like fantasy too.”
  566. “Then, maybe one day they’ll tell stories of our deeds.”
  567. > “Yeah, long after we’ve become one with the Force.”
  568. “What does that mean?”
  569. > “Huh?”
  570. “To become one with the Force?”
  571. > “You honestly think I know?”
  572. “No. I mean. What do you think happens when we die?”
  573. > “Well, before I was a Jedi I used to think people just came in and out of existence with no real reason or purpose. Now, I know there’s something more to it, but I just don’t know what. The possibilities are endless. What about you?”
  574. “I’m not sure. I want to believe that we’ll become one with the universe. In a way where we help form new stars, and create life on distant planets.”
  575. > “But you’re not sure if that’s true or not.”
  576. > She didn’t say it, but the uncertainty in her eyes were all the conformation you needed.
  577. “The masters always tell us that there’s some greater meaning behind everything, but sometimes I think the only reason they say that is because they don’t know themselves.”
  578. > “They’re old and wise, but they don’t know everything. I believe they simply suspect a greater purpose for everything; because, of their attunement to the Force.”
  579. “I wish it was a lot clearer. It would make me feel a lot better if I could just-”
  580. > “See the universe for what it truly is?”
  581. > You stop for a moment. Completely flabbergasted by the stupidity of what you just said.
  582. > “I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by that.”
  583. “No it’s alright. I’ve come to terms with seeing the world like this.”
  584. > “What is it like? If you don’t mind me asking.”
  585. “Well, it’s a little hard to explain, but I’ll try the best I can.”
  587. “Imagine everything you see covered by a dark veil. Where nothing stands out. Just simple outlines.”
  588. > “It sounds dreadful.”
  589. “I thought so too. That is, until I learned to see again. Thanks to the Force everything has more color to it. People, plants, and animals. Even nonliving things like this ship. I can’t even remember what the world looked like before I was blind. To me the world has always looked like this.”
  590. > “That’s nice but I’m having a hard time visualizing it. Okay, how about this. What do I look like? Can you describe me to me? If that makes sense.”
  591. “Sure.”
  592. > She stops and turns to look at you. Her blank pale eyes examining you up and down. Before giving you a small smile.
  593. “I can see that you have a warm and gentle heart. Who cares deeply for those around you. Even if it’s people you’ve never met before. Who’s constantly trying to get on everyone’s good side. Even if it requires you to be quite silly at times.”
  594. > “If you’re trying to butter me up you’re doing a real great job of it. I meant visually. What can you see? Colors, facial features, that sort of thing.”
  595. “You glow with an exuberant blue aura. Much brighter than anyone else I’ve ever seen. Your face is slightly elongated with a bit of stubble around your neck and chin. That extends along your jaw line and around your mouth.”
  596. > “Wow that’s amazing. It’s as if you’ve never lost your sight.”
  597. “Thank you. I’ve had my whole life to learn how to use it. I’m glad that it’s amounted to something.”
  598. > “Do you think you could teach me how to do that.”
  599. "That I’m not sure. When I first tapped into the Force this sight just came to me. I don’t know anything about teaching it to other people.”
  600. > “Could you at least try sometime. It sounds like an incredibly useful thing to have. Plus, I enjoy your company.”
  602. “Thank you. I feel the same way. I suppose it couldn’t hurt to try."
  603. > “Thank you so much.”
  604. > With that both you and Snowdrop begin making your way back to medical center. Making small talk all the while.
  605. > “Then I said to her. ‘Trixie you know you can’t use mind tricks on other Jedi right.’ Which she replied with. ‘You dare question our powers. Then, we have no choice but to show you.’”
  606. > “She tried. Needless to say it didn’t work, but I decided to pull a prank on her and pretend that it did.”
  607. “Oh my gosh did she ever find out?”
  608. > “Hold on I’m getting to that. Her first couple of commands were mostly about singing her praises. Shocker. After that she had me perform a few acrobatic stunts. Nothing too difficult. It wasn’t until she asked me to make her something to eat that I asked her. ‘Would my fair mistress also wish for me to bend over backwards and say uncle.’”
  609. > Both of you burst out laughing.
  610. “She must have hated you after that.”
  611. > “Yeah. Understandably she didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day, but she got over it. She made me promise not to mention it to anyone else or she’d kill me. Can I trust you to keep a secret?”
  612. “I think I that.”
  613. > That slight pause was rather suspicious.
  614. > “Is something the matter. Do you feel like you have to tell other people about it. If so, then it has been rather nice knowing you Snowdrop.”
  615. “No it’s not that. It’s that woman over there. Something’s wrong.”
  616. > You look over the way she is facing and see a tall slender woman with long silvery hair walking away from you down the hallway. She looks familiar, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
  617. > “When you say wrong with her what exactly do you mean?”
  618. Snowdrop: “I mean it’s red. Her aura. It’s filled with the desire to kill.”
  620. > “Are you sure? I mean. I know you’re the expert on the subject, but are you certain that it’s not just residual feelings?"
  621. “I’m positive. We have to stop her.”
  622. > Before you could say anything else she takes off after her.
  623. > “Wait we should approach this delicately.”
  624. > Too late. She was going to stop her one way or the other.
  625. > “Come back.”
  626. > As you round the corner you see that she’s stopped her. Glaring at her with extreme prejudice.
  627. Snowdrop: “Where do you think you’re going?”
  628. ???: “Is there a problem?”
  629. Snowdrop: “Yeah. You.”
  630. > “Hold on a sec.”
  631. > As you approach. You realize why you recognized her.
  632. > “Diana. Sorry to bother you.”
  633. Snowdrop: “Wait you know her?”
  634. Diana: “Hello Anon. Nice to see you again. Was there something you needed?”
  635. > “Not really. I just wanted to ask why you left before I showed my eating prowess to Jacks.”
  636. Diana: “I had simply finished my meal and had other things to do. Is that so wrong?”
  637. > No, not at all. May I also ask where you’re headed now?”
  638. Diana: “To my room. Did I do something wrong?”
  639. > “No.”
  640. Snowdrop: “Yes.”
  641. > You look at Snowdrop for a second before pulling her off to the side.
  642. > “Listen I know you feel strongly about this, but you can’t just go around accusing people of wrong doing without proof. Even if they aren’t the nicest people in the world.”
  643. Snowdrop: “But she’s dangerous. She could be up to no good if she hasn’t done something already.”
  644. > “Okay how about this. I’ll ask around and have somebody look over her for the time being. Will that suffice.”
  645. Snowdrop: “I suppose.”
  646. > “Sorry about that Diana. You’re free to go.”
  648. > She leaves like nothing ever happened. Leaving you with a much different Snowdrop than before.
  649. “You honestly can’t sense anything from her?”
  650. > “Not really. There’s a hint of concern, but that’s about it.”
  651. “Don’t you think that’s odd for a normal soldier. Not being able to read their inner emotions.”
  652. > “Maybe, perhaps she’s just better at masking her emotions than others. Plus, she’s a woman. I’ve never been really good at reading them.”
  653. “Anon this is serious!”
  654. > “I know relax. I’ll get somebody to watch over her. Don’t worry.”
  655. “I hope you’re right about this.”
  656. > So do you. You’ve never seen this side of Snowdrop before. It was disconcerting to say the least.
  657. > When you got back you didn’t mention anything to masters Luna or Redheart. Instead you promptly left looking for a certain soldier’s room.
  658. > When you found it you knock before entering.
  659. > “Hey Fitch got a sec?”
  660. “Yeah Anon what’s up?”
  661. > “I have a favor to ask you. You’re not going to like it, but it’s vital that you do it.”
  662. “I’m listening.”
  663. > “I need you to ask Diana to be your girlfriend.”
  664. > Fitch physically recoils. Utterly floored by what you’re asking him.
  665. “Look Anon I’m not sure how a Jedi thinks a relationship works, but you can’t just ask someone-”
  666. > “I know you have feelings for her, and don’t assume what I know and don’t know. Besides, there’s more to what I’m asking you than simply trying to make your life more pleasant. Consider it an order as your superior.”
  668. >After explaining the situation more in-depth you were finally able to ask him.
  669. > “So, can I count on you?”
  670. “Sure no problem.”
  671. > “I know this isn’t how you wanted to do this, but I wouldn’t have asked if I thought there was any other choice.”
  672. “It’s fine. Nothing like the fate of the universe hanging in the balance to motivate you to ask your dream girl out.”
  673. > “It would be romantic given a different setting.”
  674. “Yeah I guess. One question though. When you talked about knowing and not knowing about relationships what did you mean by that?”
  675. > “It’s best if you don’t read to much into it. Now I’m going to give you my personal scramble set for my comlink. You are to contact me if you hear or see anything suspicious got it?”
  676. “Roger that.”
  677. > “I wish I could give you some advice, but as you previously stated as a Jedi I have no personal experience in this area. So I’ll let you get to it then.”
  678. > As the door closes behind you you start mentally kicking yourself. You were way to protective of that subject. Like Twilight mentioned soldiers were quick to start rumors. The best thing you could do now was to put your faith in them.
  679. > “Now I know why she was so paranoid before.”
  680. > Speaking of which you hadn’t really talked to any of your friends today. Guess now was a good a time as any for that.
  681. SA: “Anon. Come in Anon.”
  682. > Or not.
  683. > “Yeah master I read you.”
  684. “Can you meet me in the gymnasium. It’s time for your daily training regiment.”
  685. > “I’m on my way.”
  686. > You were pretty surprised to hear that a military ship even had a gymnasium. It made sense the more you thought about it though. Troops have to stay in shape somehow.
  688. > The rest of the evening was relatively uneventful. You caught up with Soarin after your workout, and ate dinner together with the rest of your Jedi friends.
  689. > You didn’t see Snowdrop at all however. Which made you a little worried, but you trusted her.
  690. > You were about to call it a night when you received a call.
  691. > "Yes hello?"
  692. "Anon it's Fitch. You were right about Diana. I tried talking to her, but she barely even looked at me. That's when I noticed she wasn't carrying her vibroblade with her.”
  693. > “Why is that suspicious?”
  694. “Because you couldn’t separate that thing from her if you tried. She always carries it around with her wherever she goes. It wasn’t until now that I realized that she didn’t have it.”
  695. > “Does she have some type of special connection to it?”
  696. “Yeah. Before she entered the service her father forged her the best sword he could make. She treated that thing like her child.”
  697. > “Then there’s no doubt in your mind that she’s an imposter.”
  698. > He’s silent for a moment, so quiet you could almost hear his heart break.
  699. “Yes.”
  700. > "Okay then. First, we have arrest and question this pretender. Where is she now?”
  701. “I’m pretty sure she’s in her room.”
  702. > “Alright I’ll contact you again once I’ve learned something, and for what it’s worth Fitch. I’m sorry. I’ll find out what happened to her. I promise.”
  703. “Thank you Anon. That means a lot.”
  704. > You turn off your communicator and consider your next move. You wanted to trust Fitch on his word, but there was still the small chance that it was a simple misunderstanding.
  705. > Perhaps she just misplaced her weapon, and is mourning over her loss. If that was the case. It would not only alert the actual threat; if there was any. It would also create great distress among the troops.
  707. > You desperately wanted to tell your master about the situation, but you knew that it would only complicate things. Plus, you made a promise to Fitch that you would get to the bottom of this, and that was exactly what you were going to do.
  708. > It dawned on you that if somehow things went south you would need some back-up, and you knew the perfect person to help you with that.
  709. > After making your way through the ship you close-in on your destination. Sensing the eagerness building you enter without even knocking.
  710. “I’ve been expecting you.”
  711. > “I don’t doubt it. You were right. That woman we saw was not the same one known by her friends.”
  712. “Good. I’ve been trying to meditate all day to help calm my nerves, but it hasn’t worked. This will definitely help.”
  713. > “That’s good to hear; because, I was just about to ask you. Do you think you could help me?”
  714. “You’re going to arrest her then?”
  715. > “Yes, but I was hoping to keep this quiet. Just in case it turns out to be nothing. We wouldn’t want to tip off our enemies that we were onto them.”
  716. “It’s dangerous not to inform the masters of the situation. This could easily blow up in our faces.”
  717. > “I’m aware of that Snowdrop. However, I made a promise to someone, and I intend to keep it.”
  718. “Well, what are we waiting for then?”
  719. > “Nothing. Let’s go.”
  720. > As you walk through the crews quarters the tension in the air slowly begins to build. In your gut you knew that was going to go one of two ways. Neither of which were pleasant.
  721. > “I have a bad feeling about this.”
  722. > As you both stand outside Diana’s room you knock on her door. Waiting for a reply.
  723. > “Diana it’s Anon we need to talk.”
  724. > No answer.
  725. > “Listen this is important. Either answer us or we’re coming in. Whether you’re decent or not.”
  726. > Still nothing.
  728. “I think it’s time we make our move.”
  729. > Using the Force to open the door Snowdrop enters first. Flipping on the lights as she enters. There was no one here, but the room was a mess. Bed sheets scattered about, and furniture flipped on its side. As if a fight had broken out.
  730. “This is not a good sign.”
  731. > “Certainly puts her in the wrong light that’s for sure.”
  732. > Continuing to investigate the room you head over to the bathroom where a puddle of thick green slime has accumulated on the floor. The smell was indescribable. Ranging from a mix of sulfur and excrement.
  733. > You knew this; because, you were stupid enough to stick your hand in it without a second thought.
  734. “What the heck is that?”
  735. > “I’m not sure, but remind me to wash my hands later.”
  736. “No problem. Where do you think it came from?”
  737. > “Don’t know, but we’re going to find out.”
  738. > Just then you hear someone enter the other room. Both you and Snowdrop quickly rush out of the bathroom. Expecting to see Diana enter; however, you are surprised when it isn’t.
  739. > An older woman. Around her mid-thirties you guessed entered instead. With short chestnut hair and blue eyes.
  740. Snowdrop: “Who are you?”
  741. ???: “Oh my. What’s going on?”
  742. > “We’re Jedi. My name is Anonymous, and this is Snowdrop. We’ve been sent to investigate a person named Diana. Do you know her, or where she is?”
  743. ???: “She’s my roommate, and no I haven’t seen her.”
  744. Snowdrop: “When was the last time you did see her?”
  745. ???: “This morning. Is something wrong?”
  746. > “You tell us. We found your room like this when we got here.”
  748. ???: “That’s terrible. Do you know who did this?”
  749. > “That’s what we’re trying to find out. Anything you could tell us would be helpful.”
  750. ???: “I did notice that she had been acting rather strangely after the last battle.”
  751. > “Strange how?”
  752. ???: “She seemed distant almost distraught even. Like she was actively avoiding people.”
  753. > It was true. She was very illusive when you faced her earlier today. Same with what happened at lunch. Whenever attention was being drawn she went out of her way to avoid it.
  754. > That sealed it then.
  755. Snowdrop: “Anon a moment please.”
  756. > The two of you walk over into the corner and keep your backs to this woman.
  757. > “Do you think she’s onto us?”
  758. Snowdrop: “I think that’s a safe assumption.”
  759. > “Guess the Loth cat is out of the bag then.”
  760. “That’s not all though. This woman. I‘m getting the same vibes from her as I did with Diana.”
  761. > “What!?”
  762. > You look back at her and see that she is still standing in the doorway.
  763. > “Do you think she’s in on it to?”
  764. “It’s possible.”
  765. >“Well, better to be safe than sorry. I’ll call master Shining Armor and telling him-”
  766. > A gurgling roar cuts you off. Resonating from the bathroom. Sending shivers down your spine. All three of you give each other blank stares. As if one of you held the answer to what you just heard.
  767. Snowdrop: “Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who heard that.”
  768. > “No we heard it. Stay here I’ll check it out.”
  769. Snowdrop: “I should come with you.”
  770. > “No you stay here and protect. I’m sorry what was your name?”
  771. “Alice.”
  772. > “Alice here. I’ll be out in a second.”
  774. > Cautiously you approach the restroom once more. Reaching for your lightsaber you slowly place your hand over the grip. Keeping it at the ready just in case. Rounding the corner you look up and see that the ooze you identified from before slowly dripping down onto the floor. Leaking from the ventilation shaft.
  775. > Hearing another soft roar upon approaching you decide to keep your distance. The Force only knows what was up there. You wanted to keep it that way, but knew that if you were going to get to the bottom of this that you were going to have to move forward.
  776. > Reaching out with your left hand you begin to loosen the bolt holding the cover in place. It was almost off when you activated your lightsaber and held it in a ready position.
  777. (SCREAM)
  778. > A blood curdling scream echoes through the ship, but it didn’t come from the vent. It came from the room over.
  779. > “Snowdrop!”
  780. > You rush out of the room to see a green and brown creature latched onto Snowdrop’s back. Sinking it’s fangs into her neck.
  781. > “Get off of her!”
  782. > Zipping to her side you decapitate the horrifying creature. While catching Snowdrop right before she hits to the ground.
  783. > “Snowdrop say something! What happened?”
  784. Snowdrop: “Anon, b-behind you.”
  785. > Turning to look you see the bathroom entrance completely covered with those things. Picking up Snowdrop you sprint out into the hallway and close the door behind you.
  786. > “Hang on I’m going to get you out of here.”
  787. > Before you could get very far the door explodes. Sending dozens of those monsters scurrying about. Some of them actually take flight after you. Gaining ground fast.
  788. > “This is definitely not good.”
  789. > Setting Snowdrop down and placing her against a wall you blow back the fastest pursuers with the Force. Giving a few seconds of breathing room you quickly slam your fist into the emergency button.
  791. > Alarms start blaring and red lights begin flashing every which way. Without a moment to lose you pick up Snowdrop and continue running.
  792. “Anon someone set off the emergency alarm. Where are you?”
  793. > “I’m down in the crews quarters level B-3, and we’ve got a major problem.”
  794. “I’m on my way. Hang in there.”
  795. > Tell that to Snowdrop. You have no idea what that thing did to her, but she was burning up in your arms. Moving as fast as you can you reach the elevators and press the up button.
  796. > “Come on come on come on.”
  797. > You could feel those things hot on your tail, and if you got bit it would be over for both of you. Placing her on the floor once more you face the creatures head on. Sending your lightsaber ablaze as you hacked through them.
  798. > You hear the lift make a ding noise, and push Snowdrop into it. Forcing the doors closed you jump in after her. Just as a monster comes at you. Getting his arm caught in the door. As the doors opens again you stab and kick it away.
  799. > Hitting one of the buttons you use the Force to quickly close the doors before anything else can get at you. The lift takes off at lightning speed. Heading up to the command deck.
  800. > Then, without warning the elevator lurches to a halt. The emergency lights come on, and you know what happened. Those bugs were jamming the lift by cutting off the power.
  801. > It wouldn’t be long before they caught up to you, so you had to keep moving. Brandishing your lightsaber you cut out a small hole in the ceiling. Just large enough to fit through.
  802. > Taking Snowdrop you shove her through first before jumping out yourself. Quickly throwing her over your shoulder you begin climbing. If you couldn’t reach the command deck you could at least reach the next level. Hopefully, there will be someone to help you.
  804. > Upon reaching a door you wave your hand in front of it. Opening automatically for you. You look outside and see three soldiers aiming their blasters rifles at you. One of which you recognize.
  805. > “A little help here.”
  806. > One of them rushes forward and gives you a hand. You take it and he drags both of you out of the elevator shaft.
  807. > “Close the door. They could still be after us.”
  808. Rolf: “What? What was after you?”
  809. > “I don’t know, but it is NOT friendly.”
  810. > Rolf reaches for the switch when something grabs at his head. Yanking him into the darkness.
  811. ???: “Rolf!”
  812. > “Leave him! He’s a dead man. We need to get moving.”
  813. > Again you start running with Snowdrop in tow. All the while the two troopers try in vain to slow their advance. Before getting swallowed up by the swarm.
  814. > You weren’t sure where you were even going anymore. The only thing on your mind was to get away. Get away as fast as possible.
  815. > As you zig and zag through the corridors you could feel Snowdrop’s energy slowly slipping away.
  816. > “Don’t you dare die on me!”
  817. > Suddenly you have to stop. Without realizing it you had inadvertently backed yourself into a corner. You turned around, but it was too late. They had already surrounded you. The only thing you could do now was fight.
  818. > “You’re not getting near her.”
  819. > Adopting an aggressive stance you wait for them to make the first move. Hoping to overwhelm you they all rush you at once.
  820. > Focusing your mind on your body’s movements you travel with lightning speed. Utilizing the acrobatic style of Form IV to cover the entire hallway. Preventing a single one of those things from getting past you.
  821. > Even though you were primarily an Ataru practitioner it was still incredibly exhausting to use. Knowing that you couldn’t keep this up forever you were left with two options. One, change your fighting style, and take the chance that they would get to Snowdrop. Two, fight to the death.
  823. > Seconds go by. Seconds then become minutes, and feel yourself slowing down. Not only that but these bugs had gotten smarter too. Instead of attacking all at once they came in waves. From different angles and with different objectives.
  824. > Where the hell was your back-up? You couldn’t take much more of this. In the battle between an unstoppable force and an immovable object something had to give. That something was more than likely going to be you.
  825. > As you hold out your lightsaber you prepare yourself for one last stand. The first three come directly at you. Spinning like a top you sweep the feet of the first one before slashing the second. The first one goes to bite at your leg, but you stab it through the head.
  826. > Lastly, the third assailant tackles you. Pinning you to the floor. You try to wiggle free, but the dead creature from before is still holding onto you leg. While the monster pinning you holds down your lightsaber arm.
  827. > Instead of dog piling on you the rest fly past you. Heading straight for Snowdrop.
  828. > Time slows down.
  829. > Your mind goes blank.
  830. > You’ve seen this happen before.
  831. > A long time ago.
  832. > Back when you spent your days on Alderaan with Spike.
  833. > The day you discovered your ability to wield the Force.
  834. > He would have died had it not been for you. In fact, you both probably would have died.
  835. > Now you return to the present, and know that it’s the exact same scenario.
  836. > Things were different however. You were stronger now, but so to was your enemy. Calling on every fiber of strength you had left you grabbed the unknown being by it’s throat. Squeezing until the flesh gave way. Causing green blood to splatter all over you, and the figure’s body to go limp.
  837. > Tossing it aside you get up and roar a mighty battle cry. Facing them head on. You couldn’t see where Snowdrop was, but you knew she was near. You could sense it. She was alive, but for how long?
  839. > Lashing out with all your fury you are only stopped when two bugs grab each one of your arms. They hold you in place as more come swooping in. You blow them away with you mind. Doing the same to the other two holding you.
  840. > As you look around Snowdrop is no where to be seen. Grabbing one the disgusting worms you slam them against the wall and place your lightsaber at it’s neck.
  841. > “Where is she! Where did you take her!?”
  842. > It only lets out a soft cry. Sounding more like an animal than a sentient being. In frustration you cut off its head. Glaring at those who remained.
  843. > “If any of you harm one hair on her head. I’ll kill all of you!”
  844. > As you continue to fight you could feel your anger climbing higher and higher. At the same time you were becoming more and more reckless. Fending them off with nothing but physical attacks. Coming dangerously close to being bitten several times.
  845. > None of that mattered to you though. All that was running through your mind was her. Wondering if she was safe, or if it was already too late.
  846. > That thought alone kept you rampaging long after your body would have worn out. Sustaining your ability to fight even though you shouldn’t even be standing.
  847. > In the midst of your madness a whisper crawls into your ear.
  848. “Anon.”
  849. > You knew that voice.
  850. > “Anon stop!”
  851. > It belonged to your master.
  852. “Anon can you hear me?”
  853. > “Master. They...they.”
  854. > You tried to say, but could not finish. As the corners of your vision became clouded you felt your feet give way underneath you.
  855. > Dropping with a thud you see your master run towards you with two other soldiers at his side. Before falling out of consciousness.
  857. > It was dark. Completely void of light. Though small sounds could be heard far away. Where were you? How did you get here? The last thing you remember was-
  858. > “Snowdrop!”
  859. > You lunge forward, but immediately recoil in extreme pain. You were in bed. Bandaged from head to toe, and It felt like your stomach was on fire.
  860. “Master he’s awake!”
  861. > “Fluttershy?”
  862. “Don’t move. You’re safe now.”
  863. > “Where am I? Where’s Snowdrop?”
  864. > She doesn’t say anything. Silently looking at the curtain covering your room.
  865. “It’s better if you don’t think about it right now.”
  866. > “Why? What happened?”
  867. “You nearly died that’s what happened.”
  868. > Master Redheart says as she enters the room with a datapad in hand.
  869. “If it hadn’t been for your master you would have been history.”
  870. > Yet another time he’s saved your life at the last second.
  871. “When he brought you here we threw you into the kolto tanks. When we knew you were going to make it we gave you a room. That was three days ago.”
  872. > Three days. Had you really been out that long?
  873. "I would explain the situation to you, but it's not my place to say such things. Your master should be here shortly. Come Fluttershy."
  874. "Ah...okay."
  875. > She leaves reluctantly.
  876. > Nothing made any sense. Why were they acting so distant from you. What were they keeping from you?
  877. > No more than five minutes later Shining Armor made his appearance.
  878. > "Hey master. Guess you saved my life, again."
  879. "Yeah."
  880. > You could hear in his voice that he wanted to say more, but was reluctant to do so.
  881. > "What's going on master? Something happened, and no one seems too keen on letting me in on it."
  882. "I've had a discussion with the other masters, and we agreed that I should be the one to talk to you."
  883. > "Talk about what? What's with all the secrets?"
  884. > You wait. For what seems like an eternity.
  885. > Finally, he looks at you. With remorse in his eyes and says.
  886. [spoiler] "Snowdrop's dead." [/spoiler]
  888. > You didn't think it was possible, but you could feel tears welling up in your eyes. Long since thinking that becoming a Jedi would slowly strip you of those emotions. How wrong you were.
  889. > "T-that can't be. She was...she was alive. I felt it."
  890. > You slowly start sobbing. Trying your best to hold back your voice. Letting out soft moans of despair.
  891. "Anon I know this is hard for you, but we need to talk about what happened. What were you two doing before you were attacked?"
  892. > What he was saying was right. It was just hard. You've never lost anyone close to you before. You never imagined it would hurt this much.
  893. > "I'm sorry master I should have told you. I thought I was doing the right thing. I had no idea things would end up like this."
  894. "It's not your fault Anon. Just tell me what happened?"
  895. > "There was this soldier, Diana. Snowdrop got this feeling off of her. Like she was a spy, or something. I asked one of her friends to keep an eye on her, and report back to me if they thought anything was amiss."
  896. > "Almost immediately they told me that it wasn't the same person that they once knew. That's when..."
  897. > Your voice trails off as you are unable to finish your sentence.
  898. "When everything went to hell."
  899. > You simply nod your head. Gradually regaining you composure.
  900. > "When we entered her room and she wasn't there we discovered something. Her room was in complete disarray, and there was a strange substance leaking from the vent in the restroom."
  901. > "Before we could figure out what had happened. Diana's roommate Alice showed up. We questioned her, but she claimed that she didn't know anything."
  902. > "Snowdrop thought otherwise. She said that Alice was giving off the same foreboding aura as Diana."
  903. "Why didn’t you sense it?"
  904. > "Snowdrop said that is was her Force Sight that allowed her to see what I couldn't. She was right all along. If I only trusted her judgment from the beginning then she would still be here."
  906. > He places his hand on your shoulder. Forcing you to look at him.
  907. “Listen Anon. You can’t change the past. The best thing you can do is honor her sacrifice by moving forward.”
  908. > Easier said then done. It’s not like you could magically forget everything that happened.
  909. “Anon there’s something else you should know. When I agreed to talk to you that wasn’t the only stipulation.”
  910. > “What do you mean?”
  911. “Before you passed out from fighting those creatures I felt something. You were feeding off your anger to fight, and at that moment you were touched by the Dark Side. It’s not just me either. Every Jedi on this ship sensed it.”
  912. > Did you really do that? It was so hard to remember. It was all a haze once you started fighting.
  913. “You know that it’s forbidden for Jedi to show emotion. Although, I realize that may sound a bit hypocritical coming from me, but it’s a big deal.”
  914. > He sounded more concerned then worried when he said that.
  915. “I never imagined I would have to teach you about self-control, but I gave the Council my word that I would take care of this matter. Do you understand?”
  916. > You weren’t sure. There was a lot of implications going on right now.
  917. > “Not really.”
  918. “It means I’m going to have to put you on a shorter leash. More meditating sessions that sort of thing.”
  919. > Okay that doesn’t sound so bad. Sure it wasn’t the most exciting thing to do, but it could be a lot worse.
  920. “Well I should let you rest. I’ll see you later.”
  921. > After he’s gone you lay back and try to recall your last moments before you passed out. You remember the part about feeling angry, but not much other than that.
  922. “Is okay if I see him now?”
  923. “Yes.”
  924. > Fluttershy reenters and goes straight for a hug.
  925. > You winch in pain, but bare with it when you hear her sobbing. Returning the hug.
  927. > “Sorry I made you worry so much.”
  928. > She replies by holding you tighter; which was starting to really hurt you now.
  929. > “Fluttershy you’re crushing me.”
  930. > She finally lets you go. Rubbing the tears from her eyes.
  931. “Sorry. I was just so worried.
  932. > “I could tell.”
  933. > You both share a little light laughter. When Soarin makes his appearance.
  934. > “Bringing the whole crew?”
  935. Soarin: “Actually Twilight was assigned to a mission when you were out, so it’s just us.”
  936. > “Where did she get assigned to?”
  937. Soarin: “Manaan. It’s just a supply run nothing major.”
  938. > “I’m surprised they left given the situation.”
  939. Fluttershy: “Masters Luna and Redheart say they have the situation in hand, but I’m not sure how safe it is.”
  940. Soarin: “They say that all of those Geonosians were destroyed, but it’s hard to know for sure. For all we know they could still be crawling around.”
  941. > “Geonosians? That’s what they were?”
  942. Soarin: “Yeah, well sort of. When Master Redheart ran some diagnostics they matched the description of their species, but there were several characteristics that didn’t fit their description. Take a look here.”
  943. > He reaches over to a keypad over on the far wall and types in a few codes. The next thing you know a hologram of the bipedal insect shoots out into the middle of the room.
  944. “This is what they look like normally, and this is what attacked you.”
  945. > This time he presses a single button, and a side by side comparison is projected.
  946. Fluttershy: “They both look terrifying.”
  947. > “I imagine that’s why the Sith chose to use them as weapons.”
  948. Soarin: “Master Redheart believes a combination of Sith sorcery and genetic mutations is the cause for why they look like this. That’s not all however. After taking some blood samples they were found to have absolutely identical DNA strands.”
  949. > “Clones?”
  950. “Yeah. Which means someone is pumping these beasts out like clockwork.”
  952. > “I have a pretty good idea who it is.”
  953. “Darth Nihilus.”
  954. > “Yeah.”
  955. “That’s the same conclusion the masters came to as well. It makes sense. The only question is how many of those things she has out there.”
  956. > “Too many I wager.”
  957. “It certainly makes you question how much control we have. With the ability to take on any persona without any hint of detection. Things look bleak to say the least.”
  958. > “That’s not true though.”
  959. Fluttershy: “What do you mean Anon?”
  960. > “Snowdrop could sense it. She told me how she was able to see their aura, and how it gave away their identity.”
  961. “Did she say anything about how to learn it?”
  962. > “Unfortunately no. I asked her to teach me how to do it, but I never got the chance to learn from her.”
  963. > You could feel the mood deflate after that. No one wanting to say anything. Unsure where to go from here.
  964. Soarin: “There has to be someone else in the Jedi Order who knows how to do it as well.”
  965. > “I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Even if we did know another Jedi who could see the way Snowdrop did. We wouldn’t be able to learn from them anyway. We’re padawans now with our own masters.”
  966. > Silence again overtakes the room, but not for long.
  967. > “That’s not going to stop me though. I’m going to learn how to use Force Sight just like Snowdrop. Even if it takes me the rest of my life to master it I won’t let her death be for nothing.”
  969. “Oh which reminds me. Her funeral is going to be held later today. We need to start getting ready for it.”
  970. > “Can you guys take me there? I have to see her one last time.”
  971. “I don’t know Anon you-
  972. Redheart: “I had a feeling you would ask something like that. Which is why I have a hover-chair waiting for you.”
  973. > You couldn’t help but smile at the fact that you becoming this predictable. Guess that tends to happen when you make friends.
  974. > At the ceremony Master Luna gave a short speech about Snowdrop. Talking about her kind-hearted nature and discipline as a Jedi. It was nice to see that she wasn’t as torn up about the situation as you were, but it also concerned you.
  975. > As a master losing your padawan would be a terrible loss. Either she was better at masking her emotions than you were, or she didn’t feel that deeply for her to begin with.
  976. > If that were true then never wanted to become a Jedi Master. No matter how powerful your enemies were. It wasn’t worth giving up what made you human.
  977. > As they were about to jettison her coffin into space a thought crosses your mind.
  978. > “Master Luna I have a favor to ask you. I know it’s uncharacteristic and selfish, but may I ask for her lightsaber crystal.”
  979. > She looks at you with a smile; which really puzzles you.
  980. “It seems that her story has not ended here like I thought it did. She told me this would happen right before she passed away. Saying that you would request for her lightsaber crystal, and that I should give it to you.”
  981. > Did she really know that she was going to die, and the secrets to her ability would be hidden away in her crystal?”
  982. “I’m not sure why she would make such a request, but with respect to her I will honor that final wish.”
  983. >Handing it to you it glows with a with a mix of blue and green hues.
  984. “I hope that it brings you more fortune to you than it did to her.”
  986. > Slipping the shard into your pocket you give her a determined look.
  987. > “I’m sorry I failed master. I promise you won’t regret this. I’ll get stronger, so nothing like this ever happens again.”
  988. “I know you will Anon. I just worry about where that power will take you.”
  989. > “You needn’t worry. I swear on my life I will keep her with me for the rest of my life. I won’t stray from that righteous path again.”
  990. “I’ll be sure to keep your word on that.”
  991. > You could feel the weight of words come crashing down on you as she said that. You suppose that’s her nice way of saying I’ll destroy if you don’t.
  993. > As the days go by you begin the long road to recovery. While also going through the arduous process of reclaiming balance with your emotions. With all the highs and lows you’ve been through you needed the time to clear your mind.
  994. > To remind yourself of the ideals you stand for, and what was a stake should you fail When you weren’t sleeping or spending time with your master you took time to meditate with Snowdrop’s lightsaber crystal.
  995. > Feeling it’s subtle warmth. You tried several times to connect with it, but so far your labor had yet to produce any fruit.
  996. > One day Shining Armor informed you that Master Scorpan and Applejack had gone silent almost a week ago. Way past their scheduled check-in time. Fearing something may have happened to them the Council decided to pair you up with Master Cadence to investigate their whereabouts.
  997. > Your mission was to meet up with them on Toydaria and make your way to Nar Shaddaa.
  999. End Chapter V
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