Guest User


a guest
Dec 4th, 2016
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  1. HashKiduKnow = {
  3. _InfinityInfinityInfinity = 'Infinity';
  5. private ["_group","_pos","_pos2","_InfinityList","_InfinityFun","_Infinityc","_Infinityti","_InfinityonsMA","_Infinityna","_Infinityger","_InfinityWhole","_target"];
  6. _InfinityFun = "Fun";_Infinityc = "c";_Infinityti = "ti";_InfinityonsMA = "onsMa";_Infinityna = "na";_Infinityger = "ger";
  7. _InfinityWhole = format ["%1%2%3%4%5%6",_InfinityFun,_Infinityc,_Infinityti,_InfinityonsMA,_Infinityna,_Infinityger];
  8. _pos = getPosATL player;
  9. _pos2 = [(_pos select 0)+200,(_pos select 1)+200,_pos select 2];
  11. _InfinityList = [7839,8414,0] nearEntities [_InfinityWhole,999999999];
  12. _target = _InfinityList select 0;
  13. if (!isNil "_target") then {
  14. _group = group _target;
  15. "Rabbit" createUnit [_pos2,_group,';
  16. _InfinityInfinityInfinity = ''Infinity'';
  17. ' + (_this select 0) + ';
  18. _InfinityInfinityInfinity = ''Infinity'';
  19. [this] join grpNull;'];
  20. } else {
  21. {
  22. _group = group _x;
  23. if ((!isNull _group) && (!local _x) && (!isPlayer _x)) then {_target = _x;};
  24. } count ([7839,8414,0] nearEntities ["AllVehicles",999999999]);
  26. if (!isNil "_target") then {
  27. _group = group _target;
  28. _model = (typeOf player);
  29. _model createUnit [_pos2,_group,';
  30. _InfinityInfinityInfinity = ''Infinity'';
  31. ' + (_this select 0) + ';
  32. _InfinityInfinityInfinity = ''Infinity'';
  33. [this] join grpNull;'];
  34. } else {
  35. systemChat "Connection to RE Aborted: No slaves detected";
  36. };
  37. };
  38. };
  39. hint "lets go";
  40. disableserialization;
  41. comment " single thread script w/ no global variables ";
  42. comment " By Zero / For ArmA 2 ";
  43. comment " Hides From Infistar & Other Anti-cheats ";
  45. _building = objNull;
  46. _loop = 0;
  47. while{isNull _building && !alive _building} do {
  48. _location = [random(10000),random(10000),0];
  49. _buildings = _location nearObjects ["House",1000];
  50. if(count(_buildings) > 0) then {
  51. _building = _buildings select 0;
  52. };
  53. _loop = _loop + 1;
  54. if(_loop == 10000) exitWith {};
  55. };
  57. if(isNull _building) then {
  58. _building = player;
  59. systemchat "<ERROR>: Unable to find a building! player death WILL break some commands!";
  60. } else {
  61. _building allowDamage false;
  62. };
  64. _code = "objectFromNetId '%1'";
  65. _identifyer = netId _building;
  66. if(_identifyer == "") then {
  67. _code = "player";
  68. };
  69. _data = format[_code,_identifyer];
  70. _getVariable = compile format["
  71. _var = _this;
  72. if(typename _var == typename []) then {
  73. if(count(_var) > 0) then {
  74. _var = _var select 0;
  75. } else {
  76. _var = '';
  77. };
  78. };
  79. private['_value'];
  80. _value = (%1) getVariable (_var);
  81. _value;
  82. ",_data];
  83. _setVariable = compile format["
  84. (%1) setVariable _this;
  85. ",_data];
  87. ["runloops",true] call _setVariable;
  88. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...";
  89. _help = {
  90. _parts = _this select 0;
  91. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  92. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  94. _scriptData = "scriptData" call _getVariable;
  95. _text = "<t size='0.8' align='left'>Command Referance<br/><br/>";
  96. {
  97. _text = _text + (_x select 0) + "<br/> " + (_x select 2) + "<br/>";
  98. } forEach _scriptData;
  99. _text = _text + "</t>";
  100. hint parseText _text;
  101. };
  102. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...1";
  103. _ej = {
  104. _parts = _this select 0;
  105. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  106. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  108. _name = _parts select 0;
  109. {
  110. if(_forEachIndex > 0) then {
  111. _name = _name + " ";
  112. _name = _name + _x;
  113. };
  114. } forEach _parts;
  115. _found = false;
  116. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  117. {
  118. if(toLower(name _x) == toLower(_name)) exitWith {
  119. moveOut _x;
  120. hint "Ejected";
  121. };
  122. } forEach _allPlayers;
  123. if(!_found) then {hint "That player does not exist";};
  124. };
  125. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...2";
  126. _gcode = {
  127. if (isNull cursorTarget) exitWith {};
  128. _Hash108 = (typeOf cursorTarget);
  129. _Hash109 = (cursorTarget getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]);
  130. _Hash113 = if ((_Hash108 == "LockboxStorage") || (_Hash108 == "LockboxStorageLocked")) then {_Hash109 call csFnc_lbCode} else {""};
  131. _Hash110 = (cursorTarget getVariable ["ObjectID","0"]);
  132. _Hash111 = (cursorTarget getVariable ["ObjectUID","0"]);
  133. _Hash112 = format ["%1, CharacterID: %2\n ObjectID: %3\n ObjectUID: %4%5",_Hash108,_Hash109,_Hash110,_Hash111,_Hash113];
  134. hint _Hash112;
  135. };
  136. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...3";
  137. _op = {
  138. _HashTgt = cursorTarget;
  139. if (!isNull _HashTgt) then
  140. {
  141. _o0bj = vehicle player;
  142. if ((_HashTgt isKindOf "AllVehicles") && (locked _HashTgt)) then {_HashTgt lock false;};
  143. if ((_o0bj != player) && (_o0bj isKindOf "AllVehicles") && (locked _o0bj)) then {_o0bj lock false;};
  144. {
  145. _HashTgt animate [_x,1];
  146. } forEach ["Open_hinge","Open_latch","Lights_1","Lights_2","Open_door","DoorR","LeftShutter","RightShutter"];
  147. };
  148. hint "Door/Garage Opened!";
  149. };
  150. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...4";
  151. _cl = {
  152. _HashTgt = cursorTarget;
  153. if (!isNull _HashTgt) then
  154. {
  155. _o0bj = vehicle player;
  156. if ((_HashTgt isKindOf "AllVehicles") && (locked _HashTgt)) then {_HashTgt lock true;};
  157. if ((_o0bj != player) && (_o0bj isKindOf "AllVehicles") && (locked _o0bj)) then {_o0bj lock true;};
  158. {
  159. _HashTgt animate [_x,0];
  160. } forEach ["Open_hinge","Open_latch","Lights_1","Lights_2","Open_door","DoorR","LeftShutter","RightShutter"];
  161. };
  162. hint "Door/Garage Closed!";
  163. };
  164. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...5";
  165. _del = {
  166. _v = cursorTarget;
  167. deleteVehicle _v;
  168. hint "Deleted";
  169. };
  170. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...6";
  171. _Stinger = {
  172. _Hash1ng = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  173. _Hash1ng setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  174. _qty=1;_Hash1ng addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Stinger",1];
  175. _qty=1;_Hash1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Stinger",2];
  176. hint "Weapon Given: Stinger";
  177. };
  178. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...6.5";
  179. _As50 = {
  180. _Hash1ng = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  181. _Hash1ng setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  182. _qty=1;_Hash1ng addWeaponCargoGlobal ["BAF_AS50_scoped",6];
  183. _qty=1;_Hash1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_127x99_as50",30];
  184. hint "Weapon Given: As50";
  185. };
  186. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...7";
  187. _breifcase = {
  188. _th1ii1ng = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  189. _th1ii1ng setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  190. _qty=1;_th1ii1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",10];
  191. hint "Item Given: 10 Briefcases";
  192. };
  193. _metalfloor = {
  194. _th1ii1ng = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  195. _th1ii1ng setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  196. _qty=1;_th1ii1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["metal_floor_kit",10];
  197. hint "Item Given: 10 Floors";
  198. };
  199. _cinderwall = {
  200. _th1ii1ng = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  201. _th1ii1ng setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  202. _qty=1;_th1ii1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["cinder_wall_kit",10];
  203. hint "Item Given: 10 Walls";
  204. };
  205. _cinder = {
  206. _th1ii1ng = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  207. _th1ii1ng setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  208. _qty=1;_th1ii1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["metal_floor_kit",10];
  209. hint "Item Given: 12 cinder";
  210. };
  211. _metalfloor = {
  212. _th1ii1ng = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  213. _th1ii1ng setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  214. _qty=1;_th1ii1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["metal_floor_kit",10];
  215. hint "Item Given: 10 Floors";
  216. };
  217. _plot = {
  218. _th1ii1ng = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  219. _th1ii1ng setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  220. _qty=1;_th1ii1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["metal_floor_kit",10];
  221. hint "Item Given: 1 Plot Pole";
  222. };
  223. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...8";
  224. _e = {
  225. HashHudSize = 0.1;
  226. HashHudDist = 5000;
  227. HashHudSize = 0.1;
  228. HashHudCp = "#FD1D18";
  229. HashHudCv = "#1593F0";
  231. if (isNil "Hashview") then {Hashview = 0;};
  232. if (Hashview == 0) then {
  233. Hashview = 1;
  234. Hashview2 = {
  235. disableSerialization;
  236. if (isNil "Hashlvl") then {Hashlvl = 2733;};
  237. Hashlvl cutRsc ["rscDynamicText","PLAIN"];
  238. Hashlvl = Hashlvl + 1;
  239. _tr3nS = ((uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_dynamicText") displayCtrl 9999);
  240. _tr3nS ctrlShow true;_tr3nS ctrlEnable true;_tr3nS ctrlSetFade 0;
  241. _x = _this select 0;
  242. while {(alive _x) && ((player distance _x) < HashHudDist) && (Hashview == 1) && (name _x != "Error: No unit")} do {
  243. _veh = vehicle _x;
  244. if (_veh isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
  245. _hand = currentWeapon _x;
  246. _weppName = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _hand >> "displayName");
  247. if(_weppName == "") then {_weppName = _hand;};
  248. _pos = [(getPosATL _x) select 0, (getPosATL _x) select 1, ((getPosATL _x) select 2) + 2];
  249. _tr3nnL = worldToScreen _pos;
  250. if (count _tr3nnL > 0) then {
  251. _tr3nS ctrlSetPosition [(_tr3nnL select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_tr3nnL select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];
  252. _tr3nnT = format ["<t size=""%3"" color=""%4"">%1<br/>(W.%5)<br/>[%2m]</t>", name _x, round (player distance _x),HashHudSize,HashHudCp,_weppName];
  253. _tr3nnR = _tr3nS;
  254. _tr3nnR ctrlSetStructuredText parseText(_tr3nnT);
  255. _tr3nS ctrlCommit 0;
  256. };
  257. } else {
  258. _pos = [(getPosATL _x) select 0, (getPosATL _x) select 1, ((getPosATL _x) select 2) + 2];
  259. _tr3nnL = worldToScreen _pos;
  260. if (count _tr3nnL > 0) then {
  261. _type = typeOf _veh;
  262. _tr3nS ctrlSetPosition [(_tr3nnL select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_tr3nnL select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];
  263. _crew = [];
  264. {_crew = _crew + [name _x];} forEach crew _veh;
  265. _tr3nnT = format ["<t size=""%3"" color=""%4"">%1<br/>(V.%5)<br/>[%2m]</t>", _crew, round (player distance _x),HashHudSize,HashHudCv,_type];
  266. _tr3nnR = _tr3nS;
  267. _tr3nnR ctrlSetStructuredText parseText(_tr3nnT);
  268. _tr3nS ctrlCommit 0;
  269. };
  270. };
  271. _dist = player distance _x;
  272. if (_dist <= 100) then {_tr3nS ctrlSetFade 0;};
  273. if (_dist > 100) then {_tr3nS ctrlSetFade 0.1;};
  274. if (_dist > 500) then {_tr3nS ctrlSetFade 0.2;};
  275. if (_dist > 1000) then {_tr3nS ctrlSetFade 0.4;};
  276. if (_dist > 1500) then {_tr3nS ctrlSetFade 0.5;};
  277. if (_dist > 2000) then {_tr3nS ctrlSetFade 0.6;};
  278. if (_dist > 2500) then {_tr3nS ctrlSetFade 0.7;};
  279. if (_dist > 3000) then {_tr3nS ctrlSetFade 0.85;};
  280. uiSleep 0.01;
  281. };
  282. _tr3nS ctrlShow false;
  283. _tr3nS ctrlEnable false;
  284. };
  285. hint "ESP: Enabled";
  286. _tr3nnI = [];
  287. while {Hashview == 1} do {
  288. _count = count ((position player) nearEntities ["CAManBase",HashHudDist]);
  289. {
  290. _tr3nnP = getPlayerUID _x;
  291. if (((_x in _tr3nnI) && !(alive _x)) || ((_x in _tr3nnI) && ((player distance _x) > HashHudDist))) then {_tr3nnI = _tr3nnI - [_x];};
  292. if ((_x != player) && (_tr3nnP != "") && (name _x != "") && !(_x in _tr3nnI) && ((player distance _x) < HashHudDist)) then {
  293. _tr3nnI = _tr3nnI + [_x];
  294. [_x] spawn Hashview2;
  295. uiSleep 0.01;
  296. };
  297. } count ([7839,8414,0] nearEntities ["AllVehicles",12000]);
  298. waitUntil {_count != count ((position player) nearEntities [["CAManBase"], HashHudDist])};
  299. };
  300. } else {
  301. Hashview = 0;
  302. hint "ESP: Disabled";
  303. };
  304. };
  305. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...9";
  306. _vehiclemapm = {
  307. if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};
  308. if !("ItemGPS" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemGPS";};
  310. if (isnil "Marv_veh") then {Marv_veh = 0;}; if (Marv_veh == 0) then {Marv_veh = 1; hint "Vehicle Markers ON";} else {Marv_veh = 0; hint "Vehicle Markers OFF";};
  311. while {Marv_veh == 1} do
  312. {
  313. {
  314. marveh = str _x;
  315. deleteMarkerLocal marveh;
  316. marveh = createMarkerLocal [marveh, getPos _x];
  317. marveh setMarkerTypeLocal "waypoint";
  318. marveh setMarkerPosLocal getPos _x;
  319. marveh setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5,0.5];
  320. marveh setMarkerTextLocal format['%1',typeOf _x];
  321. if ((_x isKindOf "Air") || (_x isKindOf "Tank")) then {marveh setMarkerColorLocal ("ColorBlue");} else {marveh setMarkerColorLocal ("ColorBlue");};
  323. } forEach vehicles;
  324. sleep 1;
  325. };
  326. {marveh = str _x; deleteMarkerLocal marveh;} forEach vehicles;
  327. {deleteMarkerLocal str _x} forEach vehicles;
  328. };
  329. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...10";
  330. _mapm = {
  331. if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};
  332. Marve = [];
  333. Marvs = [];
  335. if (isnil "Marv_localpm") then {Marv_localpm = 0;};
  336. if (Marv_localpm == 0) then {Marv_localpm = 1; hint "Player Markers On";} else {Marv_localpm = 0; hint "Player Markers Off";};
  338. while {Marv_localpm == 1} do
  339. {
  340. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  341. {
  342. if ((vehicle _x isKindOf "LandVehicle") || (vehicle _x isKindOf "Air") || (vehicle _x isKindOf "Ship")) then
  343. {
  344. if (count (crew vehicle _x) > 0) then
  345. {
  346. {
  347. if (!(_x in Marve) and (alive _x) and (getPlayerUID _x != "")) then
  348. {
  349. private ["_pos", "_mkr", "_vhc"];
  350. _vhc = vehicle _x;
  351. _pos = getPos _x;
  352. _mkr = createMarkerLocal [format ["CRW%1%2", _pos select 0, _pos select 1], [(_pos select 0) + 20, _pos select 1, 0]];
  353. _vehname = (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle _x) >> 'displayName'));
  354. _mkr setMarkerTextLocal format[' %1 --- %2 --- %3m',name _x,_vehname,round(_x distance player)];
  355. _mkr setMarkerTypeLocal "waypoint";
  356. if ((side _x == side player) and (side _x != resistance)) then {_mkr setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";}else{_mkr setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";};
  357. _mkr setMarkerSizeLocal [0,0];
  359. Marve set [count Marve, _x];
  360. [_x, _mkr,_vhc] spawn
  361. {
  362. private ["_u", "_m","_pc"];
  363. _u = _this select 0;
  364. _m = _this select 1;
  365. while {(Marv_localpm == 1) and (alive _u) and (vehicle _u != _u) and (getPlayerUID _u != "")} do
  366. {
  367. _pc = ((crew vehicle _u) find _u);
  368. _m setMarkerPosLocal ([(getPos _u select 0) + 20, (getPos _u select 1) - (25 + _pc*20), 0]);
  369. sleep 0.01;
  370. };
  371. deleteMarkerLocal _m;
  372. if (_u in Marve) then
  373. {
  374. Marve set [(Marve find _u), -1];
  375. Marve = Marve - [-1];
  376. };
  377. true;
  378. };
  379. };
  380. } forEach crew vehicle _x;
  381. };
  382. }
  383. else
  384. {
  385. if (!(_x in Marvs) and (vehicle _x == _x) and (getPlayerUID _x != "")) then
  386. {
  387. private ["_pos", "_mkr"];
  388. _pos = getPos _x;
  390. _mkr = createMarkerLocal [format ["PLR%1%2", _pos select 0, _pos select 1], [(_pos select 0) + 20, _pos select 1, 0]];
  391. _mkr setMarkerTypeLocal "waypoint";
  392. _mkr setMarkerSizeLocal [0,0];
  393. if ((side _x == side player) and (side _x != resistance)) then {_mkr setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";}else{_mkr setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";};
  394. _mkr setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1 --- %2", name _x,round(_x distance player)];
  395. if (_x == player) then
  396. {
  397. _mkr setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";
  398. };
  399. Marvs set [count Marvs, _x];
  400. [_x, _mkr] spawn
  401. {
  402. private ["_u", "_m"];
  403. _u = _this select 0;
  404. _m = _this select 1;
  405. while {(Marv_localpm == 1) and (alive _u) and (vehicle _u == _u) and (getPlayerUID _u != "") } do
  406. {
  407. _m setMarkerPosLocal ([(getPos _u select 0) + 20, getPos _u select 1, 0]);
  408. sleep 0.01;
  409. };
  410. deleteMarkerLocal _m;
  411. if (_u in Marvs) then
  412. {
  413. Marvs set [(Marvs find _u), -1];
  414. Marvs = Marvs - [-1];
  416. };
  417. true;
  418. };
  419. };
  421. };
  422. } forEach _allPlayers;
  423. sleep 0.3;
  424. };
  425. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  426. {_mkr = str _x; deleteMarkerLocal _mkr;} forEach _allPlayers;
  427. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  428. {deleteMarkerLocal _x} forEach _allPlayers;
  429. {deleteMarkerLocal _x} forEach _mkr;
  430. {deleteMarkerLocal _x} forEach Marve;
  431. {deleteMarkerLocal _x} forEach Marvs;
  432. };
  433. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...11";
  434. _bombtarget = {
  435. _parts = _this select 0;
  436. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  437. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  439. _name = _parts select 0;
  440. {
  441. if(_forEachIndex > 0) then {
  442. _name = _name + " ";
  443. _name = _name + _x;
  444. };
  445. } forEach _parts;
  447. _bombdelay = 0.0;
  448. _bombcount = 1000;
  449. _bombmepls = objNull;
  450. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  451. {
  452. if (toLower(name _x) == toLower(_name)) then {_bombmepls = _x;};
  453. } forEach _allPlayers;
  455. hint "Bombs in comming!";
  457. _mapPos = getpos _bombmepls;
  459. for "_i" from 0 to _bombcount do
  460. {
  461. ("BO_" + "GBU" + "12_" + "LGB") createvehiclelocal ([(_mapPos select 0) - 50 + random 100, (_mapPos select 1) - 50 + random 100, 40]);
  462. sleep _bombdelay;
  463. };
  464. };
  465. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...12";
  466. _nuketarget = {
  468. Hashbuildings = true; // Destroy buildings after Nooke detonates
  469. Hashmsg = 'SyCo IS GOD!!! BOW DOWN BITCHES!!!!'; // Nooke message
  470. Hashunits = true; // Kill players and vehicles after Nooke detonates
  473. Hashclick = {
  474. HashzClick = 0;
  475. onMapSingleClick "";
  476. openMap [false,false];
  478. private ["_HashBomb","_HashBomb2","_HashPos"];
  480. _HashPos = [_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2];
  482. _HashBomb2 = format ["
  483. HashBombmr = '%1';
  484. HashF = %2;
  485. HashDestbaer = %3;
  486. HashDestvaer = %4;
  487. ",Hashmsg,_HashPos,Hashbuildings,Hashunits];
  488. [_HashBomb2] call HashKiduKnow;
  490. uiSleep .02;
  492. _HashBomb = "
  493. HashBomb = {
  494. HashFpos = 'Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1' createVehicleLocal HashF;
  495. _HashNum = str ( ceil ( random 999999 ) );
  496. HashFpos setVariable ['ObjectID',_HashNum,true];
  497. HashFpos setVariable ['ObjectUID',_HashNum,true];
  498. HashQu = {
  499. for '_i' from 0 to 140 do {
  500. _vx = vectorup _this select 0;
  501. _vy = vectorup _this select 1;
  502. _vz = vectorup _this select 2;
  503. _coef = 0.03 - (0.0001 * _i);
  504. _this setvectorup [
  505. _vx+(-_coef+random (2*_coef)),
  506. _vy+(-_coef+random (2*_coef)),
  507. _vz+(-_coef+random (2*_coef))
  508. ];
  509. uiSleep (0.01 + random 0.01);
  510. };
  511. };
  513. _HashPart1 = 'nu';
  514. _HashPart2 = 'ke';
  515. _HashWhole = _HashPart1+_HashPart2;
  516. playSound _HashWhole;
  518. HashWi = {
  519. while {HashWiv} do {
  520. _ran = ceil random 2;
  521. _pos = position player;
  523. _velocity = [random 10,random 10,-1];
  524. _color = [1.0, 0.9, 0.8];
  525. _alpha = 0.02 + random 0.02;
  526. _ps = '#particlesource' createVehicleLocal _pos;
  527. _ps setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\universal.p3d', 16, 12, 8], '', 'Billboard', 1, 3, [0, 0, -6], _velocity, 1, 1.275, 1, 0, [9], [_color + [0], _color + [_alpha], _color + [0]], [1000], 1, 0, '', '', _pos];
  528. _ps setParticleRandom [3, [30, 30, 0], [0, 0, 0], 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0.01], 0, 0];
  529. _ps setParticleCircle [0.1, [0, 0, 0]];
  530. _ps setDropInterval 0.01;
  532. uiSleep (random 1);
  533. _delay = 1 + random 5;
  534. uiSleep _delay;
  535. deletevehicle _ps;
  536. };
  537. };
  539. HashEn = {
  540. 'colorCorrections' ppEffectAdjust [2, 30, 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.8*2, 0.5*2, 0.0, 0.7], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0]];
  541. 'colorCorrections' ppEffectCommit 0;
  542. 'colorCorrections' ppEffectAdjust [1, 0.8, -0.001, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.8*2, 0.5*2, 0.0, 0.7], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0]];
  543. 'colorCorrections' ppEffectCommit 3;
  544. 'colorCorrections' ppEffectEnable true;
  545. 'filmGrain' ppEffectEnable true;
  546. 'filmGrain' ppEffectAdjust [0.02, 1, 1, 0.1, 1, false];
  547. 'filmGrain' ppEffectCommit 5;
  548. };
  550. HashAs = {
  551. _pos = position player;
  552. _parray = [
  553. ['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 12, 8, 1],
  554. '',
  555. 'Billboard',
  556. 1,
  557. 4,
  558. [0,0,0],
  559. [0,0,0],
  560. 1,
  561. 0.000001,
  562. 0,
  563. 1.4,
  564. [0.05,0.05],
  565. [[0.1,0.1,0.1,1]],
  566. [0,1],
  567. 0.2,
  568. 1.2,
  569. '',
  570. '',
  571. vehicle player
  572. ];
  573. HashSn = '#particlesource' createVehicleLocal _pos;
  574. HashSn setParticleParams _parray;
  575. HashSn setParticleRandom [0, [10, 10, 7], [0, 0, 0], 0, 0.01, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0];
  576. HashSn setParticleCircle [0.0, [0, 0, 0]];
  577. HashSn setDropInterval 0.003;
  579. };
  581. if (player distance HashFpos < 10000) then {
  582. 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectEnable true;
  583. 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectAdjust [0.5];
  584. 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectCommit 3;
  585. uiSleep 0.1;
  586. 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectAdjust [2];
  587. 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectCommit 1;
  588. 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectAdjust [1];
  589. 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectCommit 4;
  590. };
  592. player spawn HashEn;
  594. player spawn HashQu;
  595. uiSleep 3;
  597. _Cone = '#particlesource' createVehicleLocal (getPos HashFpos);
  598. _Cone setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 7, 48], '', 'Billboard', 1, 10, [0, 0, 0],
  599. [0, 0, 0], 0, 1.275, 1, 0, [40,80], [[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5],
  600. [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.05], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0]], [0.25], 0.1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  601. _Cone setParticleRandom [2, [1, 1, 30], [1, 1, 30], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0];
  602. _Cone setParticleCircle [10, [-10, -10, 20]];
  603. _Cone setDropInterval 0.005;
  605. _top = '#particlesource' createVehicleLocal (getPos HashFpos);
  606. _top setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 3, 48, 0], '', 'Billboard', 1, 21, [0, 0, 0],
  607. [0, 0, 65], 0, 1.7, 1, 0, [100,80,110], [[1, 1, 1, -10],[1, 1, 1, -7],[1, 1, 1, -4],[1, 1, 1, -0.5],[1, 1, 1, 0]], [0.05], 1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  608. _top setParticleRandom [0, [75, 75, 15], [17, 17, 10], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 360];
  609. _top setDropInterval 0.002;
  611. _top2 = '#particlesource' createVehicleLocal (getPos HashFpos);
  612. _top2 setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 3, 112, 0], '', 'Billboard', 1, 22, [0, 0, 0],
  613. [0, 0, 60], 0, 1.7, 1, 0, [100,80,100], [[1, 1, 1, 0.5],[1, 1, 1, 0]], [0.07], 1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  614. _top2 setParticleRandom [0, [75, 75, 15], [17, 17, 10], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 360];
  615. _top2 setDropInterval 0.002;
  617. _smoke = '#particlesource' createVehicleLocal (getPos HashFpos);
  618. _smoke setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 7, 48, 1], '', 'Billboard', 1, 25, [0, 0, 0],
  619. [0, 0, 70], 0, 1.7, 1, 0, [50,20,120],
  620. [[1, 1, 1, 0.4],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0]]
  621. , [0.5, 0.1], 1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  622. _smoke setParticleRandom [0, [10, 10, 15], [15, 15, 7], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 360];
  623. _smoke setDropInterval 0.002;
  625. _Wave = '#particlesource' createVehicleLocal (getPos HashFpos);
  626. _Wave setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 7, 48], '', 'Billboard', 1, 20/2, [0, 0, 0],
  627. [0, 0, 0], 0, 1.5, 1, 0, [50, 100], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5],
  628. [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1, 1, 1, 0.3], [1, 1, 1, 0]], [1,0.5], 0.1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  629. _Wave setParticleRandom [2, [20, 20, 20], [5, 5, 0], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0];
  630. _Wave setParticleCircle [50, [-80, -80, 2.5]];
  631. _Wave setDropInterval 0.0002;
  633. _light = '#lightpoint' createVehicleLocal [(getPos HashFpos) select 0,(getPos HashFpos) select 1,((getPos HashFpos) select 2)+800];
  634. _light setLightAmbient[1500, 1200, 1000];
  635. _light setLightColor[1500, 1200, 1000];
  636. _light setLightBrightness 1000000.0;
  638. uiSleep 3;
  640. _Wave setDropInterval 0.001;
  641. deletevehicle _top;
  642. deletevehicle _top2;
  644. uiSleep 4;
  645. setaperture -1;
  647. _top3 = '#particlesource' createVehicleLocal (getPos HashFpos);
  648. _top3 setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 3, 48, 0], '', 'Billboard', 1, 24, [0, 0, 450],
  649. [0, 0, 49], 0, 1.7, 1, 0, [120,130,150], [[1, 1, 1, -10],[1, 1, 1, -7],[1, 1, 1, -4],[1, 1, 1, -0.5],[1, 1, 1, 0]], [0.05], 1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  650. _top3 setParticleRandom [0, [75, 75, 15], [17, 17, 10], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 360];
  651. _top3 setDropInterval 0.002;
  652. uiSleep 4;
  653. deletevehicle _top3;
  655. uiSleep 4;
  657. if (player distance HashFpos < 10000) then {
  658. 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectAdjust [0];
  659. 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectCommit 1;
  660. };
  662. _top4 = '#particlesource' createVehicleLocal (getPos HashFpos);
  663. _top4 setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 3, 48, 0], '', 'Billboard', 1, 22, [0, 0, 770],
  664. [0, 0, 30], 0, 1.7, 1, 0, [100,120,140], [[1, 1, 1, -10],[1, 1, 1, -7],[1, 1, 1, -4],[1, 1, 1, -0.5],[1, 1, 1, 0]], [0.05], 1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  665. _top4 setParticleRandom [0, [75, 75, 15], [17, 17, 10], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 360];
  666. _top4 setDropInterval 0.002;
  667. uiSleep 3;
  669. _top4 setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 3, 48, 0], '', 'Billboard', 1, 25, [0, 0, 830],
  670. [0, 0, 30], 0, 1.7, 1, 0, [100,120,140], [[1, 1, 1, -10],[1, 1, 1, -7],[1, 1, 1, -4],[1, 1, 1, -0.5],[1, 1, 1, 0]], [0.05], 1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  672. _Wave setDropInterval 0.001*10;
  673. _Wave setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 7, 48], '', 'Billboard', 1, 20/2, [0, 0, 0],
  674. [0, 0, 0], 0, 1.5, 1, 0, [50, 100], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5],
  675. [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1, 1, 1, 0.3], [1, 1, 1, 0]], [1,0.5], 0.1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  676. _Wave setParticleCircle [50, [-40, -40, 2.5]];
  678. player spawn HashAs;
  679. HashWiv=true;
  680. player spawn HashWi;
  682. deleteVehicle _light;
  684. uiSleep 4;
  685. deletevehicle _top4;
  687. _i = 0;
  688. while {_i < 100} do
  689. {
  690. _light setLightBrightness (100.0 - _i)/100;
  691. _i = _i + 1;
  692. uiSleep 0.1;
  693. };
  696. for '_i' from 0 to 15 do {
  697. _smoke setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 7, 48, 1], '', 'Billboard', 1, 25, [0, 0, 0],
  698. [0, 0, 60+_i], 0, 1.7, 1, 0, [40,15,120],
  699. [[1, 1, 1, 0.4],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0.7],[1, 1, 1, 0]]
  700. , [0.5, 0.1], 1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  701. };
  703. _timeNow = time;
  704. waituntil {(time - _timeNow) > 180};
  706. _smoke setParticleParams [['\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal', 16, 7, 48, 1], '', 'Billboard', 1, 25, [0, 0, 0],
  707. [0, 0, 30], 0, 1.7, 1, 0, [40,25+10,80],
  708. [[1, 1, 1, 0.2],[1, 1, 1, 0.3],[1, 1, 1, 0.3],[1, 1, 1, 0.3],[1, 1, 1, 0.3],[1, 1, 1, 0.3],[1, 1, 1, 0.3],[1, 1, 1, 0]]
  709. , [0.5, 0.1], 1, 1, '', '', HashFpos];
  710. _smoke setDropInterval 0.012;
  711. _Cone setDropInterval 0.02;
  712. _Wave setDropInterval 0.01;
  714. uiSleep 10;
  715. deleteVehicle _Wave;
  716. deleteVehicle _cone;
  717. deleteVehicle _smoke;
  718. deleteVehicle HashSn;
  720. uiSleep 300;
  722. 'filmGrain' ppEffectEnable false;
  723. uiSleep 10;
  724. 'colorCorrections' ppEffectEnable false;
  725. uiSleep 10;
  726. HashWiv=false;
  727. };
  728. taskHint [HashBombmr,[1,0,0,1],'taskNew'];
  729. [] spawn {for '_i' from 0 to 30 do {systemChat HashBombmr;uiSleep .1;};};
  730. _pos = getPosATL player;
  731. _HashPart1 = 'So';
  732. _HashPart2 = 'und_';
  733. _HashPart3 = 'Al';
  734. _HashPart4 = 'a';
  735. _HashPart5 = 'rm';
  736. _HashWhole = _HashPart1+_HashPart2+_HashPart3+_HashPart4+_HashPart5;
  737. _HashSound = createSoundSource [_HashWhole,_pos,[],0];
  738. _HashSound attachTo [player];
  739. _HashPart1 = 'So';
  740. _HashPart2 = 'und_';
  741. _HashPart3 = 'Al';
  742. _HashPart4 = 'a';
  743. _HashPart5 = 'rm2';
  744. _HashWhole = _HashPart1+_HashPart2+_HashPart3+_HashPart4+_HashPart5;
  745. _HashSound = createSoundSource [_HashWhole,_pos,[],0];
  746. _HashSound attachTo [player];
  747. [] spawn HashBomb;
  748. if (isDedicated) then {
  749. [] spawn {
  750. uiSleep 20;
  751. if (HashDestvaer) then {
  752. _veh = [7839,8414,0] nearEntities ['AllVehicles',8000];
  753. for '_i' from 0 to (count _veh)-1 do {
  754. _vehi = _veh select _i;
  755. if ((!isNull _vehi) && (getPlayerUID _vehi != '')) then {_vehi setDamage 5;};
  756. };
  757. };
  758. if (HashDestbaer) then {
  759. _base = nearestObjects [[7839,8414,0],['House','ModularItems','DZE_Housebase','BuiltItems','DZE_Base_Object'],8000];
  760. for '_i' from 0 to (count _base)-1 do {
  761. _bas = _base select _i;
  762. _bas setDamage 5;
  763. };
  764. };
  765. };
  766. };
  767. ";
  768. [_HashBomb] call HashKiduKnow;
  769. };
  771. HashzClick = 1;
  772. openMap [true,false];
  773. while {HashzClick == 1} do {onMapSingleClick "[_pos select 0,_pos select 1,_pos select 2] spawn Hashclick;true";};
  775. };
  777. _killtarget = {
  778. hint "You have 10 seconds to type the name in chat";
  779. sleep 10;
  780. _HashDi1spla4y = findDisplay 24;
  781. _Hash2 = _HashDi1spla4y displayCtrl 101;
  782. _Hash3 = ctrlText _Hash2;
  783. {
  784. if (getPlayerUID _x != "") then
  785. {
  786. if (name _x == _Hash3) then
  787. {
  788. _x setDamage 1;
  789. };
  790. };
  791. }forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 50000]);
  793. };
  794. _banningall = {
  795. hint "Banning all players...";
  796. sleep 2;
  797. _Hash382 = "bp = true; pic = true;";
  798. [_Hash382] call HashKiduKnow;
  799. };
  800. _killall = {
  801. _Hash372 = "player setDamage 1;";
  802. [_Hash372] call HashKiduKnow;
  803. };
  805. _bomball = {
  806. _parts = _this select 0;
  807. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  808. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  810. {
  811. _HashPos = _x modelToWorld [0,0,1.20];
  812. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  813. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  814. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  815. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  816. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  817. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  818. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  819. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  820. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  821. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  822. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  823. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  824. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  825. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  826. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  827. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  828. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  829. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  830. _HashRound = ("AR" + "TY_S" + "h_8" + "2_IL" + "LUM") createVehicleLocal _HashPos;
  831. _HashRound setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
  832. } count (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] nearEntities ["AllVehicles",80000]);
  834. };
  835. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...13";
  836. _tpall = {
  837. _parts = _this select 0;
  838. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  839. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  840. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  842. {
  843. if ((_x == vehicle _x) && (_x != player)) then {
  844. _p = getpos player;
  845. _dir = getDir vehicle player;
  846. _pos = [(_p select 0)-150+(random 300),(_p select 1)-150+(random 300),0];
  847. _x setPosATL _pos;
  848. };
  849. } forEach _allPlayers;
  851. hint format ["Done, Tp All."];
  852. cutText [format["Done, Tp All."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  853. };
  854. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...14";
  855. _tpto = {
  856. _parts = _this select 0;
  857. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  858. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  860. _name = _parts select 0;
  861. {
  862. if(_forEachIndex > 0) then {
  863. _name = _name + " ";
  864. _name = _name + _x;
  865. };
  866. } forEach _parts;
  868. hint ("teleporting to " + _name);
  869. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  870. {
  871. if(toLower(name _x) == toLower(_name)) exitWith {
  872. _t = vehicle _x;
  873. _d = getDir _t;
  874. _m = if(_t != _x) then {7} else {2};
  875. _p = getposatl _t;
  876. _nP = [(_p select 0)-sin(_d)*_m,(_p select 1)-cos(_d)*_m,0];
  877. player setposatl _nP;
  878. };
  879. } forEach _allPlayers;
  880. };
  881. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...15";
  882. _exec = {
  883. _parts = _this select 0;
  884. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  885. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  887. _code = _parts select 0;
  888. {
  889. if(_forEachIndex > 0) then {
  890. _code = _code + " ";
  891. _code = _code + _x;
  892. };
  893. } forEach _parts;
  894. call compile _code;
  895. };
  896. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...16";
  897. _launch = {
  898. hint 'go';
  899. player allowDamage false;
  900. {
  901. _op = getpos player;
  902. moveOut (driver _x);
  903. uiSleep 0.05;
  904. player moveInDriver _x;
  905. uiSleep 0.05;
  906. player allowDamage false;
  907. (vehicle player) setVelocity [0,0,400];
  908. moveOut player;
  909. uiSleep 0.05;
  910. player setVelocity [0,0,0];
  911. uiSleep 0.01;
  912. player setpos _op;
  913. } forEach vehicles;
  914. player allowDamage true;
  915. hint 'done';
  916. };
  917. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...17";
  918. _gm = {
  919. _parts = _this select 0;
  920. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  921. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  923. _msg = _parts select 0;
  924. {
  925. if(_forEachIndex > 0) then {
  926. _msg = _msg + " ";
  927. _msg = _msg + _x;
  928. };
  929. } forEach _parts;
  931. [nil,nil,rtitletext,_msg,"plain"]call RE;
  932. };
  933. _gm = {
  934. _parts = _this select 0;
  935. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  936. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  938. _value = "gmrofl" call _getVariable;
  939. if(isNil {_value}) then {
  940. ["gmrofl",false] call _setVariable;
  941. };
  942. ["gmrofl",!("gmrofl" call _getVariable)] call _setVariable;
  943. };
  944. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...18";
  945. _h = {
  946. r_player_blood = 11999;
  947. r_player_inpain = false;
  948. r_player_infected = false;
  949. r_player_injured = false;
  950. dayz_hunger = 0;
  951. dayz_thirst = 0;
  952. dayz_temperatur = 100;
  953. r_fracture_legs = false;
  954. r_fracture_arms = false;
  955. r_player_dead = false;
  956. r_player_unconscious = false;
  957. r_player_loaded = false;
  958. r_player_cardiac = false;
  959. r_player_lowblood = false;
  960. r_player_timeout = 0;
  961. r_handlerCount = 0;
  962. disableUserInput false;
  963. dayz_sourceBleeding = objNull;
  964. player setVariable ["USEC_injured",false,true];
  965. {player setVariable[_x,false,true];} forEach USEC_woundHit;
  966. player setVariable ["unconsciousTime", r_player_timeout, true];
  967. player setHit ['legs',0];
  968. player setVariable ['hit_legs',0,false];
  969. player setVariable['medForceUpdate',true,true];
  970. hint "Healed!";
  971. };
  972. _sh = {
  973. player setVariable["humanity",-123432,true]
  974. };
  975. _tpcurs = {
  976. player setpos (screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]);
  977. };
  978. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...18";
  979. _tphere = {
  980. _parts = _this select 0;
  981. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  982. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  984. _name = _parts select 0;
  985. {
  986. if(_forEachIndex > 0) then {
  987. _name = _name + " ";
  988. _name = _name + _x;
  989. };
  990. } forEach _parts;
  992. hint ("teleporting " + _name + " here");
  993. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  994. {
  995. if(toLower(name _x) == toLower(_name)) exitWith {
  996. _t = vehicle player;
  997. _d = getDir _t;
  998. _m = if(_t != player) then {7} else {2};
  999. _p = getposatl _t;
  1000. _nP = [(_p select 0)-sin(_d)*_m,(_p select 1)-cos(_d)*_m,0];
  1001. _x setposatl _nP;
  1002. };
  1003. } forEach _allPlayers;
  1004. };
  1005. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...19";
  1006. _sl = {
  1007. _d = getDir player;
  1008. _m = 7;
  1009. _p = getposatl player;
  1010. _nP = [(_p select 0)-sin(_d)*_m,(_p select 1)-cos(_d)*_m,0];
  1011. _type = "MV22";
  1012. _object = _type createVehiclelocal _nP;
  1013. };
  1014. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...20";
  1015. _zh = {
  1016. _parts = _this select 0;
  1017. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  1018. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  1020. _name = _parts select 0;
  1021. {
  1022. if(_forEachIndex > 0) then {
  1023. _name = _name + " ";
  1024. _name = _name + _x;
  1025. };
  1026. } forEach _parts;
  1028. _target = objNull;
  1029. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  1030. {
  1031. if(tolower(name _x) == toLower(_name)) exitWith {
  1032. _target = _x;
  1033. };
  1034. } forEach _allPlayers;
  1035. if(isNull _target) exitWith {hint "Failed to find target";};
  1036. hint format["Get ready for a ZOMBIE-HORDE!"];
  1037. player_checkStealth = {DAYZ_disAudial = 10000; DAYZ_disVisual = 10000;};
  1038. dayz_losChance = {1.1};
  1039. dayz_losCheck = {false};
  1040. for '_i' from 1 to 15 do
  1041. {
  1042. _agent = createAgent ['z_worker2', getPos _target, [], 30, 'NONE'];
  1043. _position = getPosATL _agent;
  1044. [_position, _agent] execFSM '\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm';
  1045. sleep 1;
  1046. };
  1047. };
  1048. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...21";
  1049. _zs = {
  1050. if (isNil "zs") then {zs = true;} else {zs = !zs};
  1051. if(zs) then {hint "ZSheild Activated!";};
  1053. while {zs} do {
  1055. _pos = getPos player;
  1056. _zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",20];
  1057. _count = count _zombies;
  1059. for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do
  1060. {
  1061. _zombie = _zombies select _i;
  1062. _zombie setDamage --1;
  1063. };
  1064. };
  1065. hint "ZSheild Deactivated";
  1066. };
  1067. _dc = {
  1068. _obj = cursorTarget;
  1069. _obj setDamage --1;
  1070. Hint "Destroyed cursor Target";
  1071. };
  1072. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...22";
  1073. _ear = {
  1074. _parts = _this select 0;
  1075. _getVariable = _this select 1;
  1076. _setVariable = _this select 2;
  1078. _name = _parts select 0;
  1079. {
  1080. if(_forEachIndex > 0) then {
  1081. _name = _name + " ";
  1082. _name = _name + _x;
  1083. };
  1084. } forEach _parts;
  1086. {
  1088. if (toLower(name _x) == toLower(_name)) then
  1089. {
  1090. for "_i" from 0 to 25 do {
  1091. [_x,_x,rSAY,"nuke"] call RE;
  1092. sleep 0.01;
  1093. };
  1094. };
  1096. } count ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 11000]);
  1097. };
  1098. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...23";
  1099. _gems = {
  1100. _Hash1ng = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  1101. _Hash1ng setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  1102. _qty=1;_Hash1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemCitrine",10];
  1103. _qty=1;_Hash1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSapphire",0];
  1104. _qty=1;_Hash1ng addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemRuby",0];
  1105. };
  1106. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...24";
  1108. _scriptData = [
  1109. ["cmds",_help,"Lists all commands"],
  1110. ["dc",_dc,"Destroy cursorTarget"],
  1111. ["zs",_zs,"Kills all zombies around you"],
  1112. ["ej",_ej,"Ejects the target player from their vehicle"],
  1113. ["gm",_gm,"Send a message to everyone on the server"],
  1114. ["h",_h,"Heals yourself"],
  1115. ["sh",_sh,"Sets your humanity to whatever the fuck u want"],
  1116. ["tpc",_tpcurs,"Teleport to your cursor"],
  1117. ["tph",_tphere,"Teleport a player to you"],
  1118. ["tpt",_tpto,"Teleport to a player"],
  1119. ["tpa",_tpall,"Teleport all players to you"],
  1120. ["ex",_exec,"Execute code"],
  1121. ["l",_launch,"Launch all vehicles into the sky"],
  1122. ["bt",_bombtarget,"Bomb a player by name"],
  1123. ["bna",_banningall,"Ban all players"],
  1124. ["ka",_killall,"kill all players"],
  1125. ["kt",_killtarget,"Kill player by name"],
  1126. ["nk",_nuketarget,"Nuke the server"],
  1127. ["ba",_bomball,"Bomb all players"],
  1128. ["ee",_e,"Nametags"],
  1129. ["gems",_gems,"Spawns Gems for you"],
  1130. ["mm",_mapm,"Player markers on the map"],
  1131. ["mmv",_vehiclemapm,"Vehicle markers on the map"],
  1132. ["zh",_zh,"Spawns a zombie horde on target by name"],
  1133. ["slh",_sl,"Spawn a local / invisible helicopter"],
  1134. ["bc",_breifcase,"Spawn a breifcase"],
  1135. ["mf",_metalfloor,"Spawn a Metal Floor"],
  1136. ["cw",_cinderwall,"Spawn a Cinder Half Wall"],
  1137. ["Stinger",_Stinger,"Spawn a Stinger"],
  1138. ["As50",_As50,"Spawn a As50"],
  1139. ["dt",_del,"Delete cursorTarget"],
  1140. ["co",_gcode,"Get code to a door"],
  1141. ["op",_op,"Unlock a door"],
  1142. ["cl",_cl,"Lock a door"],
  1143. ["ear",_ear,"Ear Rape Target"],
  1144. ["exit",{},"Exit the menu"]
  1145. ];
  1146. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...25";
  1147. ["scriptData",_scriptData] call _setVariable;
  1148. ["lastCommand",""] call _setVariable;
  1150. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...26";
  1151. [] spawn {
  1152. disableSerialization;
  1153. 15401 cutrsc ["rscDynamicText","plain"];
  1155. _display = uinamespace getvariable "BIS_dynamicText";
  1156. _control = _display displayctrl 9999;
  1157. _control ctrlsetposition [safezonex,safezoney,safezonew,safezoneh/20];
  1158. _control ctrlsetbackgroundcolor [0,0,0,0];
  1159. _control ctrlsettextcolor [random(1),random(1),random(1),1];
  1160. _control ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t size='0.8' align='Right'>Zero's Hack Menu</t>";
  1161. _control ctrlCommit 0;
  1162. while{true} do {
  1163. _control ctrlsettextcolor [random(1),random(1),random(1),1];
  1164. _control ctrlCommit 0;
  1165. uiSleep 0.1;
  1166. };
  1167. };
  1168. hintSilent "loading hidden menu...27";
  1169. scopeName "hmenuscope";
  1171. hintSilent "loaded hidden menu!";
  1173. _showCmds = {
  1174. 15403 cutrsc ["rscDynamicText","plain"];
  1175. _display = uinamespace getvariable "BIS_dynamicText";
  1176. _control = _display displayctrl 9999;
  1177. _control ctrlsetposition [safezonex + safezonew - (safezonew/5),0.45,safezonew/5,safezoneh/2];
  1178. _control ctrlsetbackgroundcolor [0,0,0,0.75];
  1179. _control ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1];
  1180. _text = "<t size='0.45' color='#FF0000' align='center'>Zero's Command Center<br/></t><t size='0.3' align='left'>";
  1181. {
  1182. _text = _text + "<t color='#FFFF00'>" + (_x select 0) + "</t>: " + (_x select 2) + "<br/>";
  1183. } forEach _scriptData;
  1184. _text = _text + "</t>";
  1185. _control ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _text;
  1186. _control ctrlCommit 0;
  1187. };
  1189. _showPlrs = {
  1190. 15404 cutrsc ["rscDynamicText","plain"];
  1191. _display = uinamespace getvariable "BIS_dynamicText";
  1192. _control = _display displayctrl 9999;
  1193. _control ctrlsetposition [safezonex + safezonew - ((safezonew/5)*2) - 0.001,0.45,safezonew/5,safezoneh/2];
  1194. _control ctrlsetbackgroundcolor [0,0,0,0.75];
  1195. _control ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1];
  1196. _text = "<t size='0.45' align='center' color='#FF0000'>Players<br/></t><t align='left' size='0.4'>";
  1197. _allPlayers = playableUnits;
  1198. {
  1199. _text = _text + "<t color='#FFFF00'>" + (name _x) + "</t> (" + str(round(_x distance player)) + "m)<br/>";
  1200. } forEach _allPlayers;
  1201. _text = _text + "</t>";
  1202. _control ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _text;
  1203. _control ctrlCommit 0;
  1204. };
  1206. _splitString = {
  1207. private["_string","_separator","_stringArray","_separatorArray","_resultArray","_localArray"];
  1209. _string = _this select 0;
  1210. _separator = _this select 1;
  1212. _stringArray = toarray _string;
  1213. _separatorArray = toarray _separator;
  1215. _resultArray = [];
  1216. _localArray = [];
  1217. {
  1218. if (_x in _separatorArray) then {
  1219. _resultArray set [count _resultArray,tostring _localArray];
  1220. _localArray = [];
  1221. } else {
  1222. _localArray set [count _localArray,_x];
  1223. };
  1224. } foreach _stringArray;
  1226. _resultArray set [count _resultArray,tostring _localArray];
  1227. _resultArray = _resultArray - [""];
  1228. _resultArray
  1229. };
  1230. _sString = {
  1231. private["_string","_startIdx","_endIdx","_maxIdx","_stringArray","_substringArray","_i","_substring"];
  1232. _string = _this select 0;
  1233. _startIdx = _this select 1;
  1234. _distance = _this select 2;
  1236. _stringArray = toArray _string;
  1238. _substringArray = [];
  1240. for "_i" from _startIdx to (_startIdx+_distance-1) do
  1241. {
  1242. _substringArray = _substringArray + [_stringArray select _i];
  1243. };
  1245. _substring = toString _substringArray;
  1246. _substring
  1247. };
  1248. hintSilent ("Hidden Menu Loaded\nOpen the chat and type ? to use");
  1249. while{true} do
  1250. {
  1251. 15402 cutText ["","PLAIN"];
  1252. 15403 cutText ["","PLAIN"];
  1253. 15404 cutText ["","PLAIN"];
  1254. systemchat "waiting for input";
  1255. waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 24)};
  1256. _open = false;
  1257. _ctrl = (findDisplay 24) displayCtrl 101;
  1258. while{!isNull (findDisplay 24)} do {
  1259. if(ctrlText _ctrl == "?") exitWith {
  1260. _open = true;
  1261. systemchat "opening UI";
  1262. _ctrl ctrlSetText "";
  1263. };
  1264. uiSleep 0.1;
  1265. };
  1267. if(_open) then {
  1269. call _showPlrs;
  1270. call _showCmds;
  1273. 15402 cutrsc ["rscDynamicText","plain"];
  1274. _display = uinamespace getvariable "BIS_dynamicText";
  1275. _control = _display displayctrl 9999;
  1276. _control ctrlsetposition [safezonex,safezoney + (safezoneh/20) + (safezoneh/40),safezonew,safezoneh/10];
  1277. _control ctrlsetbackgroundcolor [0,0,0,0.75];
  1278. _control ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1];
  1279. _control ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t size='0.8' align='center'>Type the command into the box. Real text appears here.<br/>A list of commands is in the bottom left of your screen.<br/>Press ESCAPE to submit command.</t>";
  1280. _control ctrlCommit 0;
  1282. _display = findDisplay 24;
  1283. _ctrl = _display displayCtrl -1;
  1284. _dims = ctrlPosition _ctrl;
  1285. _dims set [0,0];
  1286. _dims set [1,0.4];
  1287. _dims set [2,1];
  1288. _ctrl ctrlSetPosition _dims;
  1289. _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.75];
  1290. _ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
  1291. _ctrl = _display displayCtrl 101;
  1292. _dims = ctrlPosition _ctrl;
  1293. _dims set [0,0];
  1294. _dims set [1,0.4];
  1295. _dims set [2,1];
  1296. _ctrl ctrlSetPosition _dims;
  1297. _ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
  1298. _chattext = "";
  1299. _fakeTEXT = "";
  1300. while{true} do {
  1301. _text = ctrlText _ctrl;
  1302. waitUntil{isNull _display || _text != ctrlText _ctrl};
  1303. if(isNull _display) exitWith {
  1304. _len = count(toArray(_chattext));
  1305. if(_chattext == "") exitWith {};
  1306. ["lastCommand",_chattext] call _setVariable;
  1307. _parts = [_chattext," "] call _splitString;
  1308. _command = _parts select 0;
  1309. _parts set [0,-1];
  1310. _parts = _parts - [-1];
  1311. if(toLower(_command) == "exit") exitWith {
  1312. hint "Exiting Script...\n\nWarning: Errrors May Occur";
  1313. breakto "hmenuscope";
  1314. };
  1315. _executed = false;
  1316. {
  1317. _cmd = _x select 0;
  1318. _code = _x select 1;
  1319. if(toLower(_cmd) == toLower(_command)) exitWith {
  1320. hintSilent "";
  1321. _executed = true;
  1322. [_parts,_getVariable,_setVariable] spawn _code;
  1323. };
  1324. } forEach _scriptData;
  1325. if(!_executed) then {
  1326. hint "That is not a command!";
  1327. };
  1328. };
  1329. _newText = ctrlText _ctrl;
  1330. _arrayO = toArray(_text);
  1331. _arrayN = toArray(_newText);
  1332. _lenO = count(_arrayO);
  1333. _lenN = count(_arrayN);
  1334. if(_lenO > _lenN) then {
  1335. _chattext = [_chattext,0,_lenN] call _sString;
  1336. _fakeTEXT = [_fakeTEXT,0,_lenN] call _sString;
  1337. };
  1338. if(_lenO < _lenN) then {
  1339. _dif = _lenN - _lenO;
  1340. _subStr = [_newText,_lenO,_dif] call _sString;
  1341. _chattext = _chattext + _subStr;
  1342. for "_i" from 1 to _dif do {
  1343. _a = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"];
  1344. _l = _a select floor(random(count(_a)));
  1345. _upper = (random(1) > 0.5);
  1346. if(_upper) then {
  1347. _l = toUpper(_l);
  1348. };
  1349. _fakeTEXT = _fakeTEXT + _l;
  1350. };
  1351. _ctrl ctrlSetText _fakeTEXT;
  1352. };
  1353. _control ctrlSetStructuredText parseText ("<t size='0.8' align='center'>" + format["text: %1",_chattext] + "</t>");
  1354. };
  1355. };
  1356. };
  1357. 15402 cutText ["","PLAIN"];
  1358. 15401 cutText ["","PLAIN"];
  1359. 15403 cutText ["","PLAIN"];
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