

Jan 8th, 2018
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 10 Activate Sexy Jutsu and hug Yakumo placing your bosom in her face. Try your best to calm her down and tell her that violence is not the solution. Act like Mom but without the neck chopping. Goal is to calm Yakumo down. Since she seems to care heavily for us redirecting her full attention to us in a non-aggresive way is the goal. Yakumo wouldn't hurt us and by putting our bosom in her face we block out the source of her negative emotion from her sight.: (Akuma-Heika, RedWizardAurelius, Psuedo Nym, Derpmind, 1986ctcel, zachol, Kiland, islamy96, ThunderStruck, aoirann)
  3. -[X] 1 Afterward, ask if she can change the genjutsu chains binding Kurenai to normal chains instead of ice because you’re all kind of naked, and you’re freezing your tits off. As a whisper, add that her being frozen solid kind of makes hurting her emotionally somewhat difficult.: (Hyp3rB14d3)
  4. -[X] 1 Also use the current situation to inflame Yakumo's desires. Konoha's most premier genjutsu mistress helpless in her illusion and completely at her mercy is both an ego boost and really hot (validation: "You managed to trap a jonin in your genjutsu by accident. When you manage it at will, you will easily be made Genin at the least."): (Xx_BoneIdle_xX)
  5. -[X] 7 Also use the current situation to inflame her desire. Konoha's most premier genjutsu mistress helpless in her illusion and completely at her mercy is both an ego boost and really hot.: (mizzet, Irked, piens51, Yuki, loneangel, Ttox, Thamerlin)
  6. -[X] 1 As an entity that seems to be acting for Yakumo's good, she should be amenable to trying to give Yakumo the best long-term outcome, which is also our goal. Therefore, we should work together.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  7. -[X] 1 Ask her to look at what she's wrought upon herself, and if she really thinks this is worth her being petty.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  8. --[X] 1 Ask if the Oni clone Yakumo is part of her family's Kekkei Genkai because Goddamn-it that's Jiraya level of sexyness times 2!: (Xx_BoneIdle_xX)
  9. ---[X] 2 Begin massaging the oni. Use 'Totally not a Hyuuga': (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  10. [X] 1 Blabbering and crying your eyes out in as ugly a way as possible (snot and everything). Leverage your acting skill and god-tier foot-in-mouth abilities to make the situation too awkward and embarrassing to remain angry in.: (R.A.G.)
  11. -[X] 1 Blabbering and crying your eyes out in as ugly a way as possible (snot and everything). Leverage your acting skill and god-tier foot-in-mouth abilities to make the situation too awkward and embarrassing to remain angry in.: (Vicjer)
  12. [X] 7 Calm down, channel your mother and other respectable figures of authority giving you a serious lecture, and address Oni!Yakumo. Show no fear. Tell her in no uncertain terms that you support their dreams, and that you want to be a part of helping them come true, and because of that you have to state that in no uncertain terms that killing Kurenai will prevent her dreams from ever coming true. If she kills a jonin of Leaf now just because said jonin is being petty and stupid, then the Hokage would never allow her to become a ninja.: (tempestk, Koled, Enjou, Citizen, amraphen3, Darkoda, jsnider3)
  13. --[X] 7 Convince her that there is more she wants from Kurenai than just her not standing in the way of her dream. Things that wouldn't be possible, if she just froze her. Feed her possibilities: (mizzet, Irked, piens51, Yuki, loneangel, Ttox, Thamerlin)
  14. ---[X] 2 Cuddles afterwords.: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  15. [X] 1 Damage control: (crbox)
  16. [X] 1 Derpmind: (Ph34r_n0_3V1L)
  17. -[X] 1 Don't really go too hard on her if she looks like she already regrets that situation and is planning on apologizing anyways, we don't need to make a Jounin-level enemy. If we defuse this situation, we might even get a staunch ally out of this.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  18. [X] 2 Everything fell through because of Kurenai's childish pettiness and jealousy concerning Yakumo's greatness so Kurenai needs to give recompense to Yakumo for the slight (pointing this to Yakumo's ID should stroke her ego while also staying her hand for Yakumo's sake): (Xx_BoneIdle_xX, theonebutcher)
  19. -[X] 1 Explain that Kurenai not teaching them isn't the end of the world. She might be the best possible teacher, but she's not the the only possible teacher, and if she isn't able to get over being jealous that her student might surpass her in genjutsu then you'll help them find someone else who would be happy to have leave Konoha such a grand legacy while Kurenai can wallow in her self-pity. After all, a student surpassing her master is the best legacy a teacher could hope for. You think Might Guy would be anything but stoked if Lee surpassed him in taijutsu? Hell no. He'd yell something about Youth and blind everyone with his sunset genjutsu: (Darkoda)
  20. -[X] 6 Explain that Kurenai not teaching them isn't the end of the world. She might be the best possible teacher, but she's not the the only possible teacher, and if she isn't able to get over being jealous that her student might surpass her in genjutsu then you'll help them find someone else who would be happy to have leave Konoha such a grand legacy while Kurenai can wallow in her self-pity. After all, a student surpassing her master is the best legacy a teacher could hope for. You think Might Guy would be anything but stoked if Lee surpassed him in taijutsu? Hell no. He'd yell something about Youth and blind everyone with his sunset genjutsu.: (tempestk, Koled, Enjou, Citizen, amraphen3, jsnider3)
  21. ---[X] 2 Get Kurenai involved. Kisses for everyone!: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  22. ---[X] 2 Get Kurenai talking. Regardless of her reasons, does she now see how Yakumo was hurt?: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  23. -[X] 1 Get her to either go back to training Yakumo, if Ido can accept that, or at least promise not to interfere with Yakumo's future training.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  24. ---[X] 2 Get the oni talking. What specifically made Kurenai's actions hurt? Was it the feeling that she didn't like you? The lack of information as to why she left? If Kurenai had to leave, what would have been a better way for her to go about it?: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  25. [X] 1 Give an impressed whistle, then compliment Yakumo on the horns, muscles, and general genjutsu monster vibe she’s got going on. Because wow. Very intimidating.: (Hyp3rB14d3)
  26. --[X] 2 Goal 1: Confuse and redirect: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  27. --[X] 2 Goal 2: Defuse tensions.: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  28. --[X] 2 Goal 3: Talk it out.: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  29. --[X] 2 Goal 4: Build common ground.: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  30. --[X] 2 Goal 5: Once things are getting maudlin, abscond!: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  31. [X] 1 Hug: (QazdaMorquil)
  32. -[X] 1 If Ido refuses to release Kurenai, rehash and reemphasize how this is the best decision for Yakumo's future, either logically or emotionally depending on which is appropriate.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  33. -[X] 7 If it seems like you can do so without setting her off approach her, to massage her lightly from behind. It likely is different for an Oni, but you should be able to relax and maybe steer her towards lust instead of rage. You could also make your points by seductively whispering into her ears from that position.: (mizzet, Irked, piens51, Yuki, loneangel, Ttox, Thamerlin)
  34. -[X] 1 If logic doesn't work, make emotional appeals about being Yakumo's friend and only wanting the best for her. So many people will be mad at Yakumo if Kurenai dies, and Yakumo will be sad and won't be able to fulfill her dreams to be a Konoha ninja if Ido destroys the whole village. (It doesn't matter if she can or can't destroy the whole village, it's probably safer to overestimate Ido so Ido doesn't get offended.): (Rapey_Lemons)
  35. -[X] 1 If the entity seems to actually be acting for Yakumo's good, then point out that Yakumo's future dreams would be destroyed even more by killing Kurenai. Emphasize that this doesn't mean Ido needs to free Kurenai for now, but that Ido should think that over while we get answers from Kurenai for Yakumo's benefit.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  36. -[X] 1 If we believe this will sweeten the deal, tell Yakumo how you will personally, as her friend (and future wife), try to help her find a new mentor who will suit her even better then Kurenai did.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  37. ---[X] 2 Keep the oni focused positively on Kurenai (via makout session): (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  38. -[X] 1 Kiss her and then say "But I think I prefer my lovers cute and nice and huggable, so pretty please could you just relax a little for me? That's much more pleasurable~!": (thegodofsky)
  39. ---[X] 2 Kiss the oni. Right now. Distraction!: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  40. ---[X] 2 Kurenai! Sex the oni!: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  41. -[X] 7 Link back to the fantasies Ino and Mito fed her before.: (mizzet, Irked, piens51, Yuki, loneangel, Ttox, Thamerlin)
  42. --[X] 7 Link into the line about this being the only just path. Disagree and talk about the jealous teacher having to be made to repent and having to earn her forgiveness. Point out the ways in which this could be much more satisfying.: (mizzet, Irked, piens51, Yuki, loneangel, Ttox, Thamerlin)
  43. --[X] 1 More seriously, Yakumo wants/needs for Kurenai to ask her forgiveness especially for trying to belittle her dreams/hopes (that's a big No No in the Ninja world): so helpfully point it to the jonin (make her beg for Yakumo's forgiveness):: (Xx_BoneIdle_xX)
  44. [X] 1 Mouth Limiters Released, Awkward Hug Engaged!: (Vicjer)
  45. [X] 1 Once Kurenai has apologized and made her promises, make sure Ido is satisfied with the resolution of either Kurenai continuing to train Yakumo, or Kurenai promising not to interfere with Yakumo's training in the future, then try to get Ido to release her.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  46. -[X] 1 Once Kurenai is no longer in danger of dying draw all of Yakumo's/Ido's attention onto us (flirt, sexy no jutsu and stick her head in our breasts, what ever it takes to keep her focused completely on us and away from the source of her anger): (crbox)
  47. [X] 1 Once Kurenai is secured, get Kurenai to spill about why she's stomping all over Yakumo's dreams.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  48. -[X] 7 Once you're done, tell Oni!Yakumo that you think she's really hot, that you're really turned on, and ask if she wants to go make out. It might throw her off balance at the end, and who knows, she might say yes!: (tempestk, Koled, Enjou, Citizen, amraphen3, Darkoda, jsnider3)
  49. [X] 2 Plan Georgie Porgie: (abyssmal_kismet, thegodofsky)
  50. [X] 1 Plan I Have the (Moral) High Ground!: (Hyp3rB14d3)
  51. [X] 1 Plan Unleash The Mouth and Acting: (R.A.G.)
  52. ---[X] 1 Point out to the jealous teacher that she was appointed to teach the Kurama's clan heiress by the current clan head and the Hokage (IIRC) and she is shirking her responsibilities because she is butt-hurt (pun intended) about Yakumo's genius-grasp of genjutsu and so she will be made to repent and earn forgiveness or the two of you will have to report her to the Hokage for her treasonous behavior (trying to undermine Yakumo's training and usefulness to the Village is treason IMO).: (Xx_BoneIdle_xX)
  53. -[X] 1 Refrain from offensive action as much as possible, we need to avoid angering Ido or else we might die.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  54. [X] 1 Say "Oh, you're so hot when you're all dark and threatening-looking and horny like that! It makes me want to just kiss you~!": (thegodofsky)
  55. [X] 1 Seduce: (tenchifew)
  56. -[X] 1 Seduce everyone, and everything(?). This isn't reality, this is a battle of genjutsu! Normal rules don't apply!: (tenchifew)
  57. [X] 7 She said this is about her desires, so appeal to those.: (mizzet, Irked, piens51, Yuki, loneangel, Ttox, Thamerlin)
  58. -[X] 2 So convince IDo to punish her like the misbehaving child she is acting as (child aren't put to death for their childishness after all) so that she learns her lesson and start acting like an adult even/especially when her pride is hurt: put her in a genjutsu shibari, over the Oni's knees and begin the spanking while explaining her grievances:: (Xx_BoneIdle_xX, theonebutcher)
  59. --[X] 2 Spank! "That one is for abandoning us without a good explanation!" Spank! "That's for trying to make us give up on our dream for your own convenience." Spank! "That one is for reneging on the Will of Fire!" Spank! "That's for saying our dreams and hopes are silly...": (Xx_BoneIdle_xX, theonebutcher)
  60. ---[X] 4 Sum up, that this isn't the punishment she wants to give Kurenai and if she actually gave it or something similarly bad to her, she would just be denying herself things she wants. Feed her possible things she wants to do with her with a lewd or otherwise satisfying bend, instead of anything involving killing or serious physical harm.: (Yuki, loneangel, Ttox, Thamerlin)
  61. ---[X] 3 Sum up, that this isn't the punishment she wants to give Kurenai and if she actually gave it or something similarly bad to her, she would just be denying herself things she wants. Feed her possible things she wants to do with her with a lewd or otherwise satisfying bend, instead of anything involving killing or serious physical harm. Try first pointing her towards making Kurenai verbally beg for forgiveness and to be allowed to teach her. After all, Yakumo(?) can make her, being far better at the mental arts. It would be very satisfying to watch and Kurenai should want and be very grateful to be allowed to teach her.: (mizzet, Irked, piens51)
  62. [X] 1 Tell Ido that we need to make sure Kurenai understands or admits what she did wrong, or else Ido would just be killing Kurenai and never giving Yakumo a satisfactory answer about why Kurenai even did this in the first place.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  63. -[X] 1 Use your seduction skills. All of them.: (tenchifew)
  64. --[X] 1 When Yakumo is finally happy with Kurenai's level of begging: ask her if she will take Kurenai back as a teacher or not (point out that she was a good teacher when not acting like a jealous toddler and that if need be she could always put her back in the same position and continue her education through spanking)!: (Xx_BoneIdle_xX)
  65. [X] 1 Whenever appropriate, throw in hugs to keep Yakumo/Ido off-balance or happy, or try to calm them. Definitely initiate HUG if it looks like Kurenai is about to get killed.: (Rapey_Lemons)
  66. -[X] 2 While IDo is focusing her rage and hurt on Kurenai's backside, Mito should approach Yakumo, hug and massage her lightly from behind while giving her light smooch and praising her for her God-Tier genjutsu (stroke her ego to diminish her ire quicker and perhaps replace it with lust).: (Xx_BoneIdle_xX, theonebutcher)
  67. --[X] 1 While also hugging Yakumo. Girl looks like she needs one.: (Vicjer)
  68. -[X] 1 convince Yakumo/Ido to change the ice to Shibari as it would be more satisfying than simply out and out killing her.: (crbox)
  69. -[X] 1 convince her to come with us to visit Ino (which will hopefully get Inoichi involved).: (crbox)
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