
Blank patient 5

Mar 15th, 2022
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text 324.48 KB | None | 0 0
  1. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Cache Miss Count: 0
  2. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Cache Put Count : 0
  3. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Execution Count : 3
  4. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Average time : 5
  5. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Row Count : 3
  6. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=40 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  7. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Cache Hit Count : 0
  8. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Cache Miss Count: 0
  9. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Cache Put Count : 0
  10. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Execution Count : 4
  11. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Average time : 2
  12. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Row Count : 4
  13. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.provider_id as provider1_108_0_, this_.person_id as person_i2_108_0_, as name3_108_0_, this_.identifier as identifi4_108_0_, this_.creator as creator5_108_0_, this_.role_id as role_id6_108_0_, this_.speciality_id as speciali7_108_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre8_108_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_108_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_108_0_, this_.retired_by as retired11_108_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re12_108_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_13_108_0_, this_.retired as retired14_108_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_108_0_ from provider this_ where this_.person_id=? order by this_.retired asc, this_.provider_id asc
  14. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Cache Hit Count : 0
  15. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Cache Miss Count: 0
  16. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Cache Put Count : 0
  17. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Execution Count : 9
  18. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,984| Average time : 3
  19. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| Row Count : 9
  20. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=39 and name = 'PATIENT.MIDDLE_NAME'
  21. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| Cache Hit Count : 0
  22. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| Cache Miss Count: 0
  23. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| Cache Put Count : 0
  24. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| Execution Count : 4
  25. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| Average time : 2
  26. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| Row Count : 4
  27. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=28 and name = 'PATIENT.MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER'
  28. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,985| Cache Hit Count : 0
  29. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Cache Miss Count: 0
  30. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Cache Put Count : 0
  31. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Execution Count : 3
  32. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Average time : 3
  33. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Row Count : 3
  34. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| QUERY: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId
  35. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Cache Hit Count : 0
  36. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Cache Miss Count: 0
  37. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Cache Put Count : 0
  38. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Execution Count : 2
  39. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Average time : 32
  40. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Row Count : 2
  41. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  42. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Cache Hit Count : 0
  43. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Cache Miss Count: 0
  44. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Cache Put Count : 0
  45. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Execution Count : 1
  46. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Average time : 2
  47. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,986| Row Count : 0
  48. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  49. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Cache Hit Count : 0
  50. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Cache Miss Count: 0
  51. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Cache Put Count : 0
  52. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Execution Count : 6
  53. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Average time : 2
  54. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Row Count : 6
  55. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select count(*) as y0_ from encounter this_ left outer join visit visit1_ on this_.visit_id=visit1_.visit_id where this_.patient_id=? and this_.voided=? order by visit1_.date_started desc, visit1_.visit_id desc, this_.encounter_datetime desc, this_.encounter_id desc
  56. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Cache Hit Count : 0
  57. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Cache Miss Count: 0
  58. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Cache Put Count : 0
  59. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Execution Count : 129
  60. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Average time : 1
  61. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Row Count : 129
  62. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'PATIENT.MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER'
  63. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Cache Hit Count : 0
  64. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Cache Miss Count: 0
  65. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Cache Put Count : 0
  66. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,987| Execution Count : 1
  67. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Average time : 2
  68. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Row Count : 1
  69. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=37 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  70. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Cache Hit Count : 0
  71. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Cache Miss Count: 0
  72. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Cache Put Count : 0
  73. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Execution Count : 2
  74. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Average time : 2
  75. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Row Count : 2
  76. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| QUERY: select given_name, middle_name, family_name, preferred from person_name where voided = 0 and person_id=174
  77. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Cache Hit Count : 0
  78. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Cache Miss Count: 0
  79. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Cache Put Count : 0
  80. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Execution Count : 3
  81. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Average time : 33
  82. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Row Count : 0
  83. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  84. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Cache Hit Count : 0
  85. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Cache Miss Count: 0
  86. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,988| Cache Put Count : 0
  87. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Execution Count : 1
  88. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Average time : 2
  89. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Row Count : 1
  90. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=39 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  91. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Cache Hit Count : 0
  92. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Cache Miss Count: 0
  93. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Cache Put Count : 0
  94. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Execution Count : 4
  95. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Average time : 2
  96. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Row Count : 4
  97. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.provider_id as provider1_108_0_, this_.person_id as person_i2_108_0_, as name3_108_0_, this_.identifier as identifi4_108_0_, this_.creator as creator5_108_0_, this_.role_id as role_id6_108_0_, this_.speciality_id as speciali7_108_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre8_108_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_108_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_108_0_, this_.retired_by as retired11_108_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re12_108_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_13_108_0_, this_.retired as retired14_108_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_108_0_ from provider this_ order by this_.retired asc, asc
  98. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Cache Hit Count : 0
  99. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Cache Miss Count: 0
  100. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Cache Put Count : 0
  101. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Execution Count : 2
  102. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Average time : 0
  103. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Row Count : 124
  104. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.visit_id as visit_id1_127_0_, this_.date_started as date_sta2_127_0_, this_.date_stopped as date_sto3_127_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_127_0_, this_.voided as voided5_127_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_127_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_127_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_127_0_, this_.uuid as uuid9_127_0_, this_.visit_type_id as visit_t10_127_0_, this_.patient_id as patient11_127_0_, this_.indication_concept_id as indicat12_127_0_, this_.location_id as locatio13_127_0_, this_.creator as creator14_127_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_127_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_16_127_0_ from visit this_ where this_.patient_id in (?) and this_.voided=? order by this_.date_started desc, this_.visit_id desc
  105. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Cache Hit Count : 0
  106. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,989| Cache Miss Count: 0
  107. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Cache Put Count : 0
  108. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Execution Count : 172
  109. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Average time : 9
  110. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Row Count : 1934
  111. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.encounter_id as encounte1_42_5_, this_.uuid as uuid2_42_5_, this_.encounter_datetime as encounte3_42_5_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_42_5_, this_.voided as voided5_42_5_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_42_5_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_42_5_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_42_5_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_42_5_, this_.patient_id as patient10_42_5_, this_.location_id as locatio11_42_5_, this_.form_id as form_id12_42_5_, this_.encounter_type as encount13_42_5_, this_.creator as creator14_42_5_, this_.voided_by as voided_15_42_5_, this_.visit_id as visit_i16_42_5_, location4_.location_id as location1_68_0_, location4_.uuid as uuid2_68_0_, as name3_68_0_, location4_.description as descript4_68_0_, location4_.address1 as address5_68_0_, location4_.address2 as address6_68_0_, location4_.city_village as city_vil7_68_0_, location4_.state_province as state_pr8_68_0_, as country9_68_0_, location4_.postal_code as postal_10_68_0_, location4_.latitude as latitud11_68_0_, location4_.longitude as longitu12_68_0_, location4_.county_district as county_13_68_0_, location4_.address3 as address14_68_0_, location4_.address4 as address15_68_0_, location4_.address6 as address16_68_0_, location4_.address5 as address17_68_0_, location4_.address7 as address18_68_0_, location4_.address8 as address19_68_0_, location4_.address9 as address20_68_0_, location4_.address10 as address21_68_0_, location4_.address11 as address22_68_0_, location4_.address12 as address23_68_0_, location4_.address13 as address24_68_0_, location4_.address14 as address25_68_0_, location4_.address15 as address26_68_0_, location4_.date_created as date_cr27_68_0_, location4_.date_changed as date_ch28_68_0_, location4_.parent_location as parent_29_68_0_, location4_.changed_by as changed30_68_0_, location4_.creator as creator31_68_0_, location4_.retired_by as retired32_68_0_, location4_.date_retired as date_re33_68_0_, location4_.retire_reason as retire_34_68_0_, location4_.retired as retired35_68_0_, encountert5_.encounter_type_id as encounte1_46_1_, as name2_46_1_, encountert5_.description as descript3_46_1_, encountert5_.date_created as date_cre4_46_1_, encountert5_.creator as creator5_46_1_, encountert5_.edit_privilege as edit_pri6_46_1_, encountert5_.view_privilege as view_pri7_46_1_, encountert5_.uuid as uuid8_46_1_, encountert5_.retired_by as retired_9_46_1_, encountert5_.date_retired as date_re10_46_1_, encountert5_.retire_reason as retire_11_46_1_, encountert5_.retired as retired12_46_1_, encountert5_.changed_by as changed13_46_1_, encountert5_.date_changed as date_ch14_46_1_, visit1_.visit_id as visit_id1_127_2_, visit1_.date_started as date_sta2_127_2_, visit1_.date_stopped as date_sto3_127_2_, visit1_.date_created as date_cre4_127_2_, visit1_.voided as voided5_127_2_, visit1_.date_voided as date_voi6_127_2_, visit1_.void_reason as void_rea7_127_2_, visit1_.date_changed as date_cha8_127_2_, visit1_.uuid as uuid9_127_2_, visit1_.visit_type_id as visit_t10_127_2_, visit1_.patient_id as patient11_127_2_, visit1_.indication_concept_id as indicat12_127_2_, visit1_.location_id as locatio13_127_2_, visit1_.creator as creator14_127_2_, visit1_.changed_by as changed15_127_2_, visit1_.voided_by as voided_16_127_2_, visittype2_.visit_type_id as visit_ty1_130_3_, as name2_130_3_, visittype2_.description as descript3_130_3_, visittype2_.uuid as uuid4_130_3_, visittype2_.date_created as date_cre5_130_3_, visittype2_.date_changed as date_cha6_130_3_, visittype2_.date_retired as date_ret7_130_3_, visittype2_.retired as retired8_130_3_, visittype2_.retire_reason as retire_r9_130_3_, visittype2_.creator as creator10_130_3_, visittype2_.changed_by as changed11_130_3_, visittype2_.retired_by as retired12_130_3_, visitlocat3_.location_id as location1_68_4_, visitlocat3_.uuid as uuid2_68_4_, as name3_68_4_, visitlocat3_.description as descript4_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address1 as address5_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address2 as address6_68_4_, visitlocat3_.city_village as city_vil7_68_4_, visitlocat3_.state_province as state_pr8_68_4_, as country9_68_4_, visitlocat3_.postal_code as postal_10_68_4_, visitlocat3_.latitude as latitud11_68_4_, visitlocat3_.longitude as longitu12_68_4_, visitlocat3_.county_district as county_13_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address3 as address14_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address4 as address15_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address6 as address16_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address5 as address17_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address7 as address18_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address8 as address19_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address9 as address20_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address10 as address21_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address11 as address22_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address12 as address23_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address13 as address24_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address14 as address25_68_4_, visitlocat3_.address15 as address26_68_4_, visitlocat3_.date_created as date_cr27_68_4_, visitlocat3_.date_changed as date_ch28_68_4_, visitlocat3_.parent_location as parent_29_68_4_, visitlocat3_.changed_by as changed30_68_4_, visitlocat3_.creator as creator31_68_4_, visitlocat3_.retired_by as retired32_68_4_, visitlocat3_.date_retired as date_re33_68_4_, visitlocat3_.retire_reason as retire_34_68_4_, visitlocat3_.retired as retired35_68_4_ from encounter this_ left outer join location location4_ on this_.location_id=location4_.location_id left outer join encounter_type encountert5_ on this_.encounter_type=encountert5_.encounter_type_id left outer join visit visit1_ on this_.visit_id=visit1_.visit_id left outer join visit_type visittype2_ on visit1_.visit_type_id=visittype2_.visit_type_id left outer join location visitlocat3_ on visit1_.location_id=visitlocat3_.location_id where this_.patient_id=? and this_.voided=? and (lower( like ? or lower( like ? or lower( like ? or lower( like ?) order by visit1_.date_started desc, visit1_.visit_id desc, this_.encounter_datetime desc, this_.encounter_id desc
  112. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Cache Hit Count : 0
  113. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Cache Miss Count: 0
  114. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Cache Put Count : 0
  115. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Execution Count : 55
  116. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Average time : 19
  117. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Row Count : 1278
  118. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.time_slot_id as time_slo1_10_0_, this_.start_date as start_da2_10_0_, this_.end_date as end_date3_10_0_, this_.appointment_block_id as appointm4_10_0_, this_.uuid as uuid5_10_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre6_10_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha7_10_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi8_10_0_, this_.voided as voided9_10_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re10_10_0_, this_.creator as creator11_10_0_, this_.changed_by as changed12_10_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_13_10_0_ from appointmentscheduling_time_slot this_ where this_.appointment_block_id=? and this_.voided=?
  119. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Cache Hit Count : 0
  120. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Cache Miss Count: 0
  121. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Cache Put Count : 0
  122. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Execution Count : 1411
  123. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Average time : 0
  124. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,990| Row Count : 7276
  125. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'PATIENT.MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER'
  126. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Cache Hit Count : 0
  127. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Cache Miss Count: 0
  128. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Cache Put Count : 0
  129. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Execution Count : 1
  130. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Average time : 3
  131. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Row Count : 1
  132. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=28 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  133. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Cache Hit Count : 0
  134. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Cache Miss Count: 0
  135. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Cache Put Count : 0
  136. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Execution Count : 3
  137. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Average time : 2
  138. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Row Count : 3
  139. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  140. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,991| Cache Hit Count : 0
  141. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Cache Miss Count: 0
  142. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Cache Put Count : 0
  143. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Execution Count : 1
  144. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Average time : 16
  145. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Row Count : 1
  146. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  147. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Cache Hit Count : 0
  148. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Cache Miss Count: 0
  149. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Cache Put Count : 0
  150. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Execution Count : 6
  151. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Average time : 2
  152. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Row Count : 6
  153. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  154. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Cache Hit Count : 0
  155. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Cache Miss Count: 0
  156. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Cache Put Count : 0
  157. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Execution Count : 1
  158. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Average time : 2
  159. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| Row Count : 1
  160. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,992| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  161. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Cache Hit Count : 0
  162. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Cache Miss Count: 0
  163. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Cache Put Count : 0
  164. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Execution Count : 1
  165. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Average time : 2
  166. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Row Count : 1
  167. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.patient_identifier_type_id as patient_1_93_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_93_0_, as name3_93_0_, this_.description as descript4_93_0_, this_.format as format5_93_0_, this_.format_description as format_d6_93_0_, this_.required as required7_93_0_, this_.validator as validato8_93_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_93_0_, this_.location_behavior as locatio10_93_0_, this_.uniqueness_behavior as uniquen11_93_0_, this_.creator as creator12_93_0_, this_.retired_by as retired13_93_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re14_93_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_93_0_, this_.retired as retired16_93_0_, this_.changed_by as changed17_93_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch18_93_0_ from patient_identifier_type this_ where this_.retired=? order by this_.required desc, asc, this_.patient_identifier_type_id asc
  168. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Cache Hit Count : 0
  169. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Cache Miss Count: 0
  170. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Cache Put Count : 0
  171. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Execution Count : 3
  172. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Average time : 0
  173. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Row Count : 12
  174. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  175. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Cache Hit Count : 0
  176. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Cache Miss Count: 0
  177. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Cache Put Count : 0
  178. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Execution Count : 1
  179. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Average time : 2
  180. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,993| Row Count : 0
  181. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_name_id as concept_1_25_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_2_25_0_, as name3_25_0_, this_.locale as locale4_25_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_25_0_, this_.creator as creator6_25_0_, this_.voided as voided7_25_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi8_25_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea9_25_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_10_25_0_, this_.concept_name_type as concept11_25_0_, this_.locale_preferred as locale_12_25_0_, this_.uuid as uuid13_25_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_25_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_25_0_ from concept_name this_ where this_.concept_name_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  182. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Cache Hit Count : 0
  183. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Cache Miss Count: 0
  184. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Cache Put Count : 0
  185. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Execution Count : 10015
  186. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Average time : 3
  187. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Row Count : 100150
  188. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_id as concept_1_16_0_, this_1_.uuid as uuid2_16_0_, this_1_.retired as retired3_16_0_, this_1_.date_created as date_cre4_16_0_, this_1_.version as version5_16_0_, this_1_.date_changed as date_cha6_16_0_, this_1_.is_set as is_set7_16_0_, this_1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_16_0_, this_1_.date_retired as date_ret9_16_0_, this_1_.retired_by as retired10_16_0_, this_1_.datatype_id as datatyp11_16_0_, this_1_.class_id as class_i12_16_0_, this_1_.changed_by as changed13_16_0_, this_1_.creator as creator14_16_0_, this_.handler as handler2_21_0_ from concept_complex this_ inner join concept this_1_ on this_.concept_id=this_1_.concept_id where this_.concept_id in (?, ?)
  189. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Cache Hit Count : 0
  190. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Cache Miss Count: 0
  191. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Cache Put Count : 0
  192. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Execution Count : 1
  193. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Average time : 0
  194. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Row Count : 2
  195. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select count(*) as y0_ from encounter this_ left outer join location location4_ on this_.location_id=location4_.location_id left outer join encounter_type encountert5_ on this_.encounter_type=encountert5_.encounter_type_id left outer join visit visit1_ on this_.visit_id=visit1_.visit_id left outer join visit_type visittype2_ on visit1_.visit_type_id=visittype2_.visit_type_id left outer join location visitlocat3_ on visit1_.location_id=visitlocat3_.location_id where this_.patient_id=? and this_.voided=? and (lower( like ? or lower( like ? or lower( like ? or lower( like ?) order by visit1_.date_started desc, visit1_.visit_id desc, this_.encounter_datetime desc, this_.encounter_id desc
  196. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Cache Hit Count : 0
  197. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Cache Miss Count: 0
  198. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Cache Put Count : 0
  199. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Execution Count : 55
  200. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,994| Average time : 1
  201. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Row Count : 55
  202. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  203. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Cache Hit Count : 0
  204. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Cache Miss Count: 0
  205. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Cache Put Count : 0
  206. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Execution Count : 1
  207. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Average time : 2
  208. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Row Count : 1
  209. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as property1_54_0_, this_.property_value as property2_54_0_, this_.description as descript3_54_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_54_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_54_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_54_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_54_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_54_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_54_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_54_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(
  210. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Cache Hit Count : 0
  211. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Cache Miss Count: 0
  212. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Cache Put Count : 0
  213. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Execution Count : 131303
  214. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Average time : 5
  215. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Row Count : 131096
  216. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_name_id as concept_1_25_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_2_25_0_, as name3_25_0_, this_.locale as locale4_25_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_25_0_, this_.creator as creator6_25_0_, this_.voided as voided7_25_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi8_25_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea9_25_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_10_25_0_, this_.concept_name_type as concept11_25_0_, this_.locale_preferred as locale_12_25_0_, this_.uuid as uuid13_25_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_25_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_25_0_ from concept_name this_ where this_.concept_name_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  217. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Cache Hit Count : 0
  218. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Cache Miss Count: 0
  219. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Cache Put Count : 0
  220. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,995| Execution Count : 1
  221. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Average time : 2
  222. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Row Count : 7
  223. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  224. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Cache Hit Count : 0
  225. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Cache Miss Count: 0
  226. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Cache Put Count : 0
  227. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Execution Count : 6
  228. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Average time : 4
  229. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Row Count : 6
  230. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.task_config_id as task_con1_120_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_120_0_, as name3_120_0_, this_.description as descript4_120_0_, this_.schedulable_class as schedula5_120_0_, this_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_120_0_, this_.start_time as start_ti7_120_0_, this_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_120_0_, this_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_120_0_, this_.start_on_startup as start_o10_120_0_, this_.started as started11_120_0_, this_.created_by as created12_120_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_120_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr14_120_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_120_0_ from scheduler_task_config this_
  231. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Cache Hit Count : 0
  232. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Cache Miss Count: 0
  233. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Cache Put Count : 0
  234. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Execution Count : 2
  235. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Average time : 58
  236. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Row Count : 6
  237. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=44 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  238. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Cache Hit Count : 0
  239. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Cache Miss Count: 0
  240. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,996| Cache Put Count : 0
  241. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Execution Count : 1
  242. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Average time : 2
  243. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Row Count : 1
  244. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.location_id as location1_68_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_68_0_, as name3_68_0_, this_.description as descript4_68_0_, this_.address1 as address5_68_0_, this_.address2 as address6_68_0_, this_.city_village as city_vil7_68_0_, this_.state_province as state_pr8_68_0_, as country9_68_0_, this_.postal_code as postal_10_68_0_, this_.latitude as latitud11_68_0_, this_.longitude as longitu12_68_0_, this_.county_district as county_13_68_0_, this_.address3 as address14_68_0_, this_.address4 as address15_68_0_, this_.address6 as address16_68_0_, this_.address5 as address17_68_0_, this_.address7 as address18_68_0_, this_.address8 as address19_68_0_, this_.address9 as address20_68_0_, this_.address10 as address21_68_0_, this_.address11 as address22_68_0_, this_.address12 as address23_68_0_, this_.address13 as address24_68_0_, this_.address14 as address25_68_0_, this_.address15 as address26_68_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr27_68_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch28_68_0_, this_.parent_location as parent_29_68_0_, this_.changed_by as changed30_68_0_, this_.creator as creator31_68_0_, this_.retired_by as retired32_68_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re33_68_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_34_68_0_, this_.retired as retired35_68_0_ from location this_ where this_.parent_location is null order by asc
  245. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Cache Hit Count : 0
  246. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Cache Miss Count: 0
  247. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Cache Put Count : 0
  248. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Execution Count : 8
  249. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Average time : 1
  250. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Row Count : 8
  251. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  252. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Cache Hit Count : 0
  253. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Cache Miss Count: 0
  254. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Cache Put Count : 0
  255. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Execution Count : 1
  256. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Average time : 2
  257. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Row Count : 1
  258. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=37 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  259. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Cache Hit Count : 0
  260. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,997| Cache Miss Count: 0
  261. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Cache Put Count : 0
  262. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Execution Count : 2
  263. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Average time : 3
  264. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Row Count : 2
  265. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select count(*) as y0_ from person_name this_
  266. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Cache Hit Count : 0
  267. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Cache Miss Count: 0
  268. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Cache Put Count : 0
  269. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Execution Count : 1
  270. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Average time : 8
  271. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Row Count : 1
  272. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.patient_identifier_id as y0_ from patient_identifier this_
  273. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Cache Hit Count : 0
  274. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Cache Miss Count: 0
  275. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Cache Put Count : 0
  276. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Execution Count : 1
  277. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Average time : 6
  278. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Row Count : 0
  279. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select count(*) as y0_ from drug this_
  280. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Cache Hit Count : 0
  281. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,998| Cache Miss Count: 0
  282. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Cache Put Count : 0
  283. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Execution Count : 1
  284. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Average time : 0
  285. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Row Count : 1
  286. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION ID'
  287. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Cache Hit Count : 0
  288. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Cache Miss Count: 0
  289. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Cache Put Count : 0
  290. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Execution Count : 6
  291. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Average time : 6
  292. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Row Count : 0
  293. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  294. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Cache Hit Count : 0
  295. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Cache Miss Count: 0
  296. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Cache Put Count : 0
  297. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Execution Count : 1
  298. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Average time : 2
  299. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Row Count : 1
  300. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| QUERY: SELECT appointment FROM Appointment AS appointment WHERE appointment.voided = false AND appointment.timeSlot.startDate >= :fromDate AND appointment.timeSlot.endDate <= :endDate AND appointment.timeSlot.appointmentBlock.provider = :provider ORDER BY appointment.timeSlot.startDate
  301. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:26,999| Cache Hit Count : 0
  302. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Cache Miss Count: 0
  303. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Cache Put Count : 0
  304. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Execution Count : 1
  305. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Average time : 22
  306. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Row Count : 0
  307. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  308. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Cache Hit Count : 0
  309. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Cache Miss Count: 0
  310. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Cache Put Count : 0
  311. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Execution Count : 1
  312. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Average time : 2
  313. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Row Count : 0
  314. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  315. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Cache Hit Count : 0
  316. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Cache Miss Count: 0
  317. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Cache Put Count : 0
  318. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Execution Count : 1
  319. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Average time : 3
  320. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Row Count : 1
  321. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  322. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,000| Cache Hit Count : 0
  323. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Cache Miss Count: 0
  324. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Cache Put Count : 0
  325. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Execution Count : 1
  326. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Average time : 2
  327. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Row Count : 0
  328. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.obs_id as obs_id1_83_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_83_0_, this_.person_id as person_i3_83_0_, this_.obs_datetime as obs_date4_83_0_, this_.value_group_id as value_gr5_83_0_, this_.value_datetime as value_da6_83_0_, this_.value_numeric as value_nu7_83_0_, this_.value_modifier as value_mo8_83_0_, this_.value_text as value_te9_83_0_, this_.value_complex as value_c10_83_0_, this_.comments as comment11_83_0_, this_.accession_number as accessi12_83_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr13_83_0_, this_.voided as voided14_83_0_, this_.date_voided as date_vo15_83_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re16_83_0_, this_.form_namespace_and_path as form_na17_83_0_, this_.status as status18_83_0_, this_.interpretation as interpr19_83_0_, this_.concept_id as concept20_83_0_, this_.value_coded as value_c21_83_0_, this_.value_coded_name_id as value_c22_83_0_, this_.value_drug as value_d23_83_0_, this_.order_id as order_i24_83_0_, this_.location_id as locatio25_83_0_, this_.encounter_id as encount26_83_0_, this_.creator as creator27_83_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_28_83_0_, this_.obs_group_id as obs_gro29_83_0_, this_.previous_version as previou30_83_0_ from obs this_ where this_.person_id in (?) and this_.concept_id in (?) and this_.voided=? order by this_.obs_datetime desc
  329. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Cache Hit Count : 0
  330. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Cache Miss Count: 0
  331. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Cache Put Count : 0
  332. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Execution Count : 829
  333. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Average time : 100
  334. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Row Count : 5223
  335. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION ID'
  336. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Cache Hit Count : 0
  337. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Cache Miss Count: 0
  338. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Cache Put Count : 0
  339. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Execution Count : 1
  340. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Average time : 2
  341. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,001| Row Count : 0
  342. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  343. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Cache Hit Count : 0
  344. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Cache Miss Count: 0
  345. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Cache Put Count : 0
  346. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Execution Count : 1
  347. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Average time : 1
  348. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Row Count : 1
  349. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  350. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Cache Hit Count : 0
  351. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Cache Miss Count: 0
  352. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Cache Put Count : 0
  353. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Execution Count : 1
  354. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Average time : 2
  355. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Row Count : 1
  356. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.patient_identifier_type_id as patient_1_93_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_93_0_, as name3_93_0_, this_.description as descript4_93_0_, this_.format as format5_93_0_, this_.format_description as format_d6_93_0_, this_.required as required7_93_0_, this_.validator as validato8_93_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_93_0_, this_.location_behavior as locatio10_93_0_, this_.uniqueness_behavior as uniquen11_93_0_, this_.creator as creator12_93_0_, this_.retired_by as retired13_93_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re14_93_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_93_0_, this_.retired as retired16_93_0_, this_.changed_by as changed17_93_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch18_93_0_ from patient_identifier_type this_ where this_.required=? and this_.retired=? order by this_.required desc, asc, this_.patient_identifier_type_id asc
  357. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Cache Hit Count : 0
  358. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Cache Miss Count: 0
  359. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Cache Put Count : 0
  360. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,002| Execution Count : 1
  361. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Average time : 4
  362. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Row Count : 0
  363. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=40 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  364. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Cache Hit Count : 0
  365. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Cache Miss Count: 0
  366. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Cache Put Count : 0
  367. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Execution Count : 4
  368. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Average time : 2
  369. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Row Count : 4
  370. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION ID'
  371. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Cache Hit Count : 0
  372. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Cache Miss Count: 0
  373. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Cache Put Count : 0
  374. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Execution Count : 3
  375. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Average time : 2
  376. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Row Count : 0
  377. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  378. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Cache Hit Count : 0
  379. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Cache Miss Count: 0
  380. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,003| Cache Put Count : 0
  381. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Execution Count : 3
  382. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Average time : 2
  383. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Row Count : 3
  384. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION ID'
  385. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Cache Hit Count : 0
  386. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Cache Miss Count: 0
  387. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Cache Put Count : 0
  388. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Execution Count : 4
  389. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Average time : 2
  390. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Row Count : 0
  391. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  392. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Cache Hit Count : 0
  393. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Cache Miss Count: 0
  394. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Cache Put Count : 0
  395. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Execution Count : 1
  396. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Average time : 3
  397. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Row Count : 1
  398. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.encounter_id as encounte1_42_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_42_0_, this_.encounter_datetime as encounte3_42_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_42_0_, this_.voided as voided5_42_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_42_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_42_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_42_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_42_0_, this_.patient_id as patient10_42_0_, this_.location_id as locatio11_42_0_, this_.form_id as form_id12_42_0_, this_.encounter_type as encount13_42_0_, this_.creator as creator14_42_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_15_42_0_, this_.visit_id as visit_i16_42_0_ from encounter this_ where this_.visit_id=? order by this_.encounter_datetime asc
  399. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Cache Hit Count : 0
  400. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,004| Cache Miss Count: 0
  401. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Cache Put Count : 0
  402. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Execution Count : 1
  403. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Average time : 1
  404. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Row Count : 7
  405. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_name_id as concept_1_25_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_2_25_0_, as name3_25_0_, this_.locale as locale4_25_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_25_0_, this_.creator as creator6_25_0_, this_.voided as voided7_25_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi8_25_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea9_25_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_10_25_0_, this_.concept_name_type as concept11_25_0_, this_.locale_preferred as locale_12_25_0_, this_.uuid as uuid13_25_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_25_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_25_0_ from concept_name this_ where (this_.concept_name_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?))
  406. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Cache Hit Count : 0
  407. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Cache Miss Count: 0
  408. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Cache Put Count : 0
  409. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Execution Count : 1
  410. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Average time : 1
  411. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Row Count : 38
  412. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_id as concept_1_16_0_, this_1_.uuid as uuid2_16_0_, this_1_.retired as retired3_16_0_, this_1_.date_created as date_cre4_16_0_, this_1_.version as version5_16_0_, this_1_.date_changed as date_cha6_16_0_, this_1_.is_set as is_set7_16_0_, this_1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_16_0_, this_1_.date_retired as date_ret9_16_0_, this_1_.retired_by as retired10_16_0_, this_1_.datatype_id as datatyp11_16_0_, this_1_.class_id as class_i12_16_0_, this_1_.changed_by as changed13_16_0_, this_1_.creator as creator14_16_0_, this_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_28_0_, this_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_28_0_, this_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_28_0_, this_.low_absolute as low_abso5_28_0_, this_.low_critical as low_crit6_28_0_, this_.low_normal as low_norm7_28_0_, this_.units as units8_28_0_, this_.allow_decimal as allow_de9_28_0_, this_.display_precision as display10_28_0_ from concept_numeric this_ inner join concept this_1_ on this_.concept_id=this_1_.concept_id where this_.concept_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  413. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Cache Hit Count : 0
  414. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Cache Miss Count: 0
  415. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Cache Put Count : 0
  416. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Execution Count : 120
  417. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Average time : 4
  418. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Row Count : 1200
  419. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  420. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,005| Cache Hit Count : 0
  421. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Cache Miss Count: 0
  422. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Cache Put Count : 0
  423. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Execution Count : 1
  424. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Average time : 2
  425. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Row Count : 1
  426. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  427. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Cache Hit Count : 0
  428. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Cache Miss Count: 0
  429. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Cache Put Count : 0
  430. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Execution Count : 6
  431. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Average time : 2
  432. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Row Count : 6
  433. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  434. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Cache Hit Count : 0
  435. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Cache Miss Count: 0
  436. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,006| Cache Put Count : 0
  437. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Execution Count : 4
  438. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Average time : 5
  439. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Row Count : 4
  440. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.serialized_object_id as serializ1_122_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_122_0_, as name3_122_0_, this_.description as descript4_122_0_, this_.type as type5_122_0_, this_.subtype as subtype6_122_0_, this_.serialization_class as serializ7_122_0_, this_.serialized_data as serializ8_122_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_122_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_122_0_, this_.retired as retired11_122_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re12_122_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_13_122_0_, this_.creator as creator14_122_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_122_0_, this_.retired_by as retired16_122_0_ from serialized_object this_ where (this_.type=? or this_.subtype=?) and this_.retired like ?
  441. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Cache Hit Count : 0
  442. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Cache Miss Count: 0
  443. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Cache Put Count : 0
  444. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Execution Count : 5
  445. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Average time : 16
  446. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Row Count : 8
  447. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  448. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Cache Hit Count : 0
  449. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Cache Miss Count: 0
  450. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Cache Put Count : 0
  451. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Execution Count : 1
  452. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Average time : 2
  453. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| Row Count : 1
  454. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,007| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  455. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Cache Hit Count : 0
  456. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Cache Miss Count: 0
  457. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Cache Put Count : 0
  458. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Execution Count : 1
  459. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Average time : 4
  460. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Row Count : 1
  461. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  462. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Cache Hit Count : 0
  463. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Cache Miss Count: 0
  464. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Cache Put Count : 0
  465. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Execution Count : 1
  466. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Average time : 3
  467. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Row Count : 1
  468. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.form_resource_id as form_res1_52_0_, this_.form_id as form_id2_52_0_, as name3_52_0_, this_.value_reference as value_re4_52_0_, this_.datatype as datatype5_52_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype6_52_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre7_52_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_8_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid9_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed10_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch11_52_0_ from form_resource this_ where (this_.form_id=? and
  469. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Cache Hit Count : 0
  470. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Cache Miss Count: 0
  471. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Cache Put Count : 0
  472. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Execution Count : 2
  473. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Average time : 22
  474. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,008| Row Count : 1
  475. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.relationship_id as relation1_111_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_111_0_, this_.start_date as start_da3_111_0_, this_.end_date as end_date4_111_0_, this_.voided as voided5_111_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_111_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_111_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre8_111_0_, this_.person_a as person_a9_111_0_, this_.person_b as person_10_111_0_, this_.relationship as relatio11_111_0_, this_.creator as creator12_111_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_13_111_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_111_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_111_0_ from relationship this_ where this_.person_a=? and this_.voided=?
  476. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Cache Hit Count : 0
  477. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Cache Miss Count: 0
  478. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Cache Put Count : 0
  479. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Execution Count : 239
  480. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Average time : 0
  481. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Row Count : 0
  482. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.appointment_id as appointm1_2_0_, this_.time_slot_id as time_slo2_2_0_, this_.visit_id as visit_id3_2_0_, this_.patient_id as patient_4_2_0_, this_.status as status5_2_0_, this_.reason as reason6_2_0_, this_.cancel_reason as cancel_r7_2_0_, this_.appointment_type_id as appointm8_2_0_, this_.uuid as uuid9_2_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr10_2_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch11_2_0_, this_.date_voided as date_vo12_2_0_, this_.voided as voided13_2_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re14_2_0_, this_.creator as creator15_2_0_, this_.changed_by as changed16_2_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_17_2_0_ from appointmentscheduling_appointment this_ where this_.patient_id=?
  483. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Cache Hit Count : 0
  484. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Cache Miss Count: 0
  485. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Cache Put Count : 0
  486. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Execution Count : 70
  487. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Average time : 1
  488. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Row Count : 683
  489. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select count(*) as y0_ from visit this_ where this_.patient_id=? and not exists (select 1 from encounter where this_.visit_id=visit_id) and this_.voided=? order by this_.date_started desc, this_.visit_id desc
  490. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Cache Hit Count : 0
  491. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Cache Miss Count: 0
  492. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Cache Put Count : 0
  493. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Execution Count : 129
  494. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,009| Average time : 9
  495. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Row Count : 129
  496. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.visit_id as visit_id1_127_2_, this_.date_started as date_sta2_127_2_, this_.date_stopped as date_sto3_127_2_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_127_2_, this_.voided as voided5_127_2_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_127_2_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_127_2_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_127_2_, this_.uuid as uuid9_127_2_, this_.visit_type_id as visit_t10_127_2_, this_.patient_id as patient11_127_2_, this_.indication_concept_id as indicat12_127_2_, this_.location_id as locatio13_127_2_, this_.creator as creator14_127_2_, this_.changed_by as changed15_127_2_, this_.voided_by as voided_16_127_2_, visittype1_.visit_type_id as visit_ty1_130_0_, as name2_130_0_, visittype1_.description as descript3_130_0_, visittype1_.uuid as uuid4_130_0_, visittype1_.date_created as date_cre5_130_0_, visittype1_.date_changed as date_cha6_130_0_, visittype1_.date_retired as date_ret7_130_0_, visittype1_.retired as retired8_130_0_, visittype1_.retire_reason as retire_r9_130_0_, visittype1_.creator as creator10_130_0_, visittype1_.changed_by as changed11_130_0_, visittype1_.retired_by as retired12_130_0_, location2_.location_id as location1_68_1_, location2_.uuid as uuid2_68_1_, as name3_68_1_, location2_.description as descript4_68_1_, location2_.address1 as address5_68_1_, location2_.address2 as address6_68_1_, location2_.city_village as city_vil7_68_1_, location2_.state_province as state_pr8_68_1_, as country9_68_1_, location2_.postal_code as postal_10_68_1_, location2_.latitude as latitud11_68_1_, location2_.longitude as longitu12_68_1_, location2_.county_district as county_13_68_1_, location2_.address3 as address14_68_1_, location2_.address4 as address15_68_1_, location2_.address6 as address16_68_1_, location2_.address5 as address17_68_1_, location2_.address7 as address18_68_1_, location2_.address8 as address19_68_1_, location2_.address9 as address20_68_1_, location2_.address10 as address21_68_1_, location2_.address11 as address22_68_1_, location2_.address12 as address23_68_1_, location2_.address13 as address24_68_1_, location2_.address14 as address25_68_1_, location2_.address15 as address26_68_1_, location2_.date_created as date_cr27_68_1_, location2_.date_changed as date_ch28_68_1_, location2_.parent_location as parent_29_68_1_, location2_.changed_by as changed30_68_1_, location2_.creator as creator31_68_1_, location2_.retired_by as retired32_68_1_, location2_.date_retired as date_re33_68_1_, location2_.retire_reason as retire_34_68_1_, location2_.retired as retired35_68_1_ from visit this_ left outer join visit_type visittype1_ on this_.visit_type_id=visittype1_.visit_type_id left outer join location location2_ on this_.location_id=location2_.location_id where this_.patient_id=? and not exists (select 1 from encounter where this_.visit_id=visit_id) and this_.voided=? and (lower( like ? or lower( like ?) order by this_.date_started desc, this_.visit_id desc
  497. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Cache Hit Count : 0
  498. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Cache Miss Count: 0
  499. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Cache Put Count : 0
  500. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Execution Count : 55
  501. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Average time : 3
  502. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Row Count : 8
  503. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  504. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Cache Hit Count : 0
  505. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Cache Miss Count: 0
  506. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Cache Put Count : 0
  507. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Execution Count : 4
  508. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Average time : 2
  509. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,010| Row Count : 4
  510. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  511. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Cache Hit Count : 0
  512. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Cache Miss Count: 0
  513. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Cache Put Count : 0
  514. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Execution Count : 3
  515. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Average time : 2
  516. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Row Count : 3
  517. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| QUERY: from User u where u.uuid = :uuid
  518. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Cache Hit Count : 0
  519. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Cache Miss Count: 0
  520. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Cache Put Count : 0
  521. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Execution Count : 11
  522. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,013| Average time : 14
  523. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Row Count : 11
  524. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.provider_id as provider1_108_0_, this_.person_id as person_i2_108_0_, as name3_108_0_, this_.identifier as identifi4_108_0_, this_.creator as creator5_108_0_, this_.role_id as role_id6_108_0_, this_.speciality_id as speciali7_108_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre8_108_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_108_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_108_0_, this_.retired_by as retired11_108_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re12_108_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_13_108_0_, this_.retired as retired14_108_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_108_0_ from provider this_ where this_.retired=? order by asc
  525. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Cache Hit Count : 0
  526. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Cache Miss Count: 0
  527. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Cache Put Count : 0
  528. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Execution Count : 6
  529. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Average time : 4
  530. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Row Count : 372
  531. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.location_id as location1_68_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_68_0_, as name3_68_0_, this_.description as descript4_68_0_, this_.address1 as address5_68_0_, this_.address2 as address6_68_0_, this_.city_village as city_vil7_68_0_, this_.state_province as state_pr8_68_0_, as country9_68_0_, this_.postal_code as postal_10_68_0_, this_.latitude as latitud11_68_0_, this_.longitude as longitu12_68_0_, this_.county_district as county_13_68_0_, this_.address3 as address14_68_0_, this_.address4 as address15_68_0_, this_.address6 as address16_68_0_, this_.address5 as address17_68_0_, this_.address7 as address18_68_0_, this_.address8 as address19_68_0_, this_.address9 as address20_68_0_, this_.address10 as address21_68_0_, this_.address11 as address22_68_0_, this_.address12 as address23_68_0_, this_.address13 as address24_68_0_, this_.address14 as address25_68_0_, this_.address15 as address26_68_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr27_68_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch28_68_0_, this_.parent_location as parent_29_68_0_, this_.changed_by as changed30_68_0_, this_.creator as creator31_68_0_, this_.retired_by as retired32_68_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re33_68_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_34_68_0_, this_.retired as retired35_68_0_ from location this_ where this_.retired=? order by asc
  532. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Cache Hit Count : 0
  533. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Cache Miss Count: 0
  534. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Cache Put Count : 0
  535. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Execution Count : 34
  536. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Average time : 0
  537. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Row Count : 34
  538. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'PATIENT.MIDDLE_NAME'
  539. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Cache Hit Count : 0
  540. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Cache Miss Count: 0
  541. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Cache Put Count : 0
  542. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,014| Execution Count : 1
  543. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Average time : 2
  544. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Row Count : 1
  545. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'PATIENT.MIDDLE_NAME'
  546. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Cache Hit Count : 0
  547. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Cache Miss Count: 0
  548. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Cache Put Count : 0
  549. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Execution Count : 6
  550. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Average time : 3
  551. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Row Count : 6
  552. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  553. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Cache Hit Count : 0
  554. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Cache Miss Count: 0
  555. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Cache Put Count : 0
  556. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Execution Count : 1
  557. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Average time : 2
  558. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Row Count : 1
  559. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as id1_116_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_116_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_116_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_116_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_116_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_116_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_116_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_116_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_116_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_116_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_116_0_, this_.status as status12_116_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_116_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_116_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_116_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_116_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_116_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_116_0_, this_.description as descrip19_116_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in (?, ?) order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc
  560. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Cache Hit Count : 0
  561. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Cache Miss Count: 0
  562. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,015| Cache Put Count : 0
  563. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Execution Count : 1
  564. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Average time : 0
  565. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Row Count : 0
  566. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'PATIENT.MIDDLE_NAME'
  567. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Cache Hit Count : 0
  568. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Cache Miss Count: 0
  569. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Cache Put Count : 0
  570. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Execution Count : 1
  571. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Average time : 2
  572. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Row Count : 1
  573. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  574. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Cache Hit Count : 0
  575. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Cache Miss Count: 0
  576. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Cache Put Count : 0
  577. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Execution Count : 3
  578. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Average time : 2
  579. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Row Count : 0
  580. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  581. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Cache Hit Count : 0
  582. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,016| Cache Miss Count: 0
  583. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Cache Put Count : 0
  584. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Execution Count : 1
  585. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Average time : 2
  586. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Row Count : 1
  587. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'PATIENT.MIDDLE_NAME'
  588. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Cache Hit Count : 0
  589. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Cache Miss Count: 0
  590. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Cache Put Count : 0
  591. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Execution Count : 1
  592. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Average time : 2
  593. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Row Count : 1
  594. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=28 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  595. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Cache Hit Count : 0
  596. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Cache Miss Count: 0
  597. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Cache Put Count : 0
  598. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Execution Count : 3
  599. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Average time : 3
  600. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Row Count : 3
  601. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.relationship_id as relation1_111_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_111_0_, this_.start_date as start_da3_111_0_, this_.end_date as end_date4_111_0_, this_.voided as voided5_111_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_111_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_111_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre8_111_0_, this_.person_a as person_a9_111_0_, this_.person_b as person_10_111_0_, this_.relationship as relatio11_111_0_, this_.creator as creator12_111_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_13_111_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_111_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_111_0_ from relationship this_ where this_.person_b=? and this_.voided=?
  602. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,017| Cache Hit Count : 0
  603. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Cache Miss Count: 0
  604. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Cache Put Count : 0
  605. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Execution Count : 239
  606. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Average time : 0
  607. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Row Count : 0
  608. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select count(*) as y0_ from concept_name this_
  609. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Cache Hit Count : 0
  610. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Cache Miss Count: 0
  611. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Cache Put Count : 0
  612. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Execution Count : 1
  613. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Average time : 35
  614. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Row Count : 1
  615. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=40 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION ID'
  616. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Cache Hit Count : 0
  617. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Cache Miss Count: 0
  618. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Cache Put Count : 0
  619. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Execution Count : 4
  620. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,018| Average time : 2
  621. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Row Count : 0
  622. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  623. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Cache Hit Count : 0
  624. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Cache Miss Count: 0
  625. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Cache Put Count : 0
  626. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Execution Count : 1
  627. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Average time : 2
  628. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Row Count : 1
  629. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  630. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Cache Hit Count : 0
  631. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Cache Miss Count: 0
  632. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Cache Put Count : 0
  633. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Execution Count : 4
  634. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Average time : 2
  635. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Row Count : 4
  636. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=37 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  637. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Cache Hit Count : 0
  638. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Cache Miss Count: 0
  639. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Cache Put Count : 0
  640. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Execution Count : 2
  641. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,019| Average time : 2
  642. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,020| Row Count : 2
  643. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,020| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  644. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,020| Cache Hit Count : 0
  645. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,020| Cache Miss Count: 0
  646. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,020| Cache Put Count : 0
  647. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,020| Execution Count : 1
  648. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,020| Average time : 2
  649. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,020| Row Count : 1
  650. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,021| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  651. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,021| Cache Hit Count : 0
  652. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,021| Cache Miss Count: 0
  653. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Cache Put Count : 0
  654. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Execution Count : 4
  655. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Average time : 2
  656. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Row Count : 4
  657. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.patient_identifier_type_id as patient_1_93_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_93_0_, as name3_93_0_, this_.description as descript4_93_0_, this_.format as format5_93_0_, this_.format_description as format_d6_93_0_, this_.required as required7_93_0_, this_.validator as validato8_93_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_93_0_, this_.location_behavior as locatio10_93_0_, this_.uniqueness_behavior as uniquen11_93_0_, this_.creator as creator12_93_0_, this_.retired_by as retired13_93_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re14_93_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_93_0_, this_.retired as retired16_93_0_, this_.changed_by as changed17_93_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch18_93_0_ from patient_identifier_type this_ where and this_.retired=? order by this_.required desc, asc, this_.patient_identifier_type_id asc
  658. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Cache Hit Count : 0
  659. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Cache Miss Count: 0
  660. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Cache Put Count : 0
  661. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Execution Count : 2
  662. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Average time : 0
  663. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Row Count : 0
  664. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as id1_13_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_13_0_, this_.value as value3_13_0_ from clob_datatype_storage this_ where this_.uuid=?
  665. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Cache Hit Count : 0
  666. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Cache Miss Count: 0
  667. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,022| Cache Put Count : 0
  668. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Execution Count : 1
  669. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Average time : 88
  670. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Row Count : 1
  671. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| QUERY: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0'
  672. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Cache Hit Count : 0
  673. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Cache Miss Count: 0
  674. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Cache Put Count : 0
  675. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Execution Count : 14
  676. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Average time : 19
  677. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Row Count : 13
  678. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| QUERY: select appointment from Appointment as appointment where appointment.patient = :patient and appointment.timeSlot.startDate = (select max(ap.timeSlot.startDate) from Appointment as ap inner join ap.timeSlot where ap.patient = :patient)
  679. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Cache Hit Count : 0
  680. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Cache Miss Count: 0
  681. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Cache Put Count : 0
  682. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Execution Count : 73
  683. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Average time : 26
  684. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| Row Count : 56
  685. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,023| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'CONSENT'
  686. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Cache Hit Count : 0
  687. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Cache Miss Count: 0
  688. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Cache Put Count : 0
  689. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Execution Count : 6
  690. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Average time : 2
  691. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Row Count : 6
  692. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.encounter_id as encounte1_42_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_42_0_, this_.encounter_datetime as encounte3_42_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_42_0_, this_.voided as voided5_42_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_42_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_42_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_42_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_42_0_, this_.patient_id as patient10_42_0_, this_.location_id as locatio11_42_0_, this_.form_id as form_id12_42_0_, this_.encounter_type as encount13_42_0_, this_.creator as creator14_42_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_15_42_0_, this_.visit_id as visit_i16_42_0_ from encounter this_ where this_.patient_id=? and this_.voided=? order by this_.encounter_datetime asc
  693. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Cache Hit Count : 0
  694. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Cache Miss Count: 0
  695. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Cache Put Count : 0
  696. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Execution Count : 173
  697. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Average time : 55
  698. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Row Count : 30205
  699. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  700. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Cache Hit Count : 0
  701. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Cache Miss Count: 0
  702. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Cache Put Count : 0
  703. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Execution Count : 1
  704. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Average time : 1
  705. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,024| Row Count : 0
  706. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,025| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  707. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,025| Cache Hit Count : 0
  708. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,025| Cache Miss Count: 0
  709. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,025| Cache Put Count : 0
  710. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,025| Execution Count : 1
  711. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,025| Average time : 3
  712. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,025| Row Count : 1
  713. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,025| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  714. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,026| Cache Hit Count : 0
  715. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Cache Miss Count: 0
  716. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Cache Put Count : 0
  717. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Execution Count : 1
  718. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Average time : 2
  719. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Row Count : 1
  720. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.obs_id as obs_id1_83_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_83_0_, this_.person_id as person_i3_83_0_, this_.obs_datetime as obs_date4_83_0_, this_.value_group_id as value_gr5_83_0_, this_.value_datetime as value_da6_83_0_, this_.value_numeric as value_nu7_83_0_, this_.value_modifier as value_mo8_83_0_, this_.value_text as value_te9_83_0_, this_.value_complex as value_c10_83_0_, this_.comments as comment11_83_0_, this_.accession_number as accessi12_83_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr13_83_0_, this_.voided as voided14_83_0_, this_.date_voided as date_vo15_83_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re16_83_0_, this_.form_namespace_and_path as form_na17_83_0_, this_.status as status18_83_0_, this_.interpretation as interpr19_83_0_, this_.concept_id as concept20_83_0_, this_.value_coded as value_c21_83_0_, this_.value_coded_name_id as value_c22_83_0_, this_.value_drug as value_d23_83_0_, this_.order_id as order_i24_83_0_, this_.location_id as locatio25_83_0_, this_.encounter_id as encount26_83_0_, this_.creator as creator27_83_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_28_83_0_, this_.obs_group_id as obs_gro29_83_0_, this_.previous_version as previou30_83_0_ from obs this_ where this_.person_id in (?) and this_.voided=? order by this_.obs_datetime desc
  721. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Cache Hit Count : 0
  722. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Cache Miss Count: 0
  723. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Cache Put Count : 0
  724. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Execution Count : 172
  725. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Average time : 200
  726. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Row Count : 468452
  727. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=40 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  728. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Cache Hit Count : 0
  729. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Cache Miss Count: 0
  730. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Cache Put Count : 0
  731. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Execution Count : 4
  732. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,027| Average time : 3
  733. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Row Count : 4
  734. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  735. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Cache Hit Count : 0
  736. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Cache Miss Count: 0
  737. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Cache Put Count : 0
  738. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Execution Count : 1
  739. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Average time : 2
  740. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Row Count : 0
  741. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.patient_program_id as patient_1_94_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_94_0_, this_.date_enrolled as date_enr3_94_0_, this_.date_completed as date_com4_94_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_94_0_, this_.voided as voided6_94_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi7_94_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea8_94_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_b9_94_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_94_0_, this_.outcome_concept_id as outcome11_94_0_, this_.program_id as program12_94_0_, this_.patient_id as patient13_94_0_, this_.creator as creator14_94_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_94_0_, this_.location_id as locatio16_94_0_ from patient_program this_ where this_.patient_id=? and this_.voided=?
  742. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Cache Hit Count : 0
  743. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Cache Miss Count: 0
  744. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Cache Put Count : 0
  745. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Execution Count : 172
  746. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Average time : 0
  747. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Row Count : 0
  748. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.word as y0_ from concept_stop_word this_ where this_.locale=?
  749. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Cache Hit Count : 0
  750. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Cache Miss Count: 0
  751. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Cache Put Count : 0
  752. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,028| Execution Count : 11
  753. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Average time : 0
  754. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Row Count : 110
  755. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.person_attribute_id as y0_ from person_attribute this_
  756. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Cache Hit Count : 0
  757. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Cache Miss Count: 0
  758. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Cache Put Count : 0
  759. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Execution Count : 1
  760. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Average time : 147
  761. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Row Count : 0
  762. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| QUERY: from User u where u.retired = '0' and (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ?)
  763. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Cache Hit Count : 0
  764. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Cache Miss Count: 0
  765. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Cache Put Count : 0
  766. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Execution Count : 1
  767. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Average time : 0
  768. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,029| Row Count : 1
  769. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,033| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  770. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,033| Cache Hit Count : 0
  771. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,033| Cache Miss Count: 0
  772. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,033| Cache Put Count : 0
  773. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,033| Execution Count : 1
  774. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,033| Average time : 2
  775. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,033| Row Count : 1
  776. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,033| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  777. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,034| Cache Hit Count : 0
  778. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,034| Cache Miss Count: 0
  779. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,034| Cache Put Count : 0
  780. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,034| Execution Count : 1
  781. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,034| Average time : 2
  782. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,034| Row Count : 0
  783. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=44 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  784. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Cache Hit Count : 0
  785. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Cache Miss Count: 0
  786. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Cache Put Count : 0
  787. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Execution Count : 1
  788. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Average time : 2
  789. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Row Count : 1
  790. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| QUERY: from Xform
  791. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Cache Hit Count : 0
  792. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Cache Miss Count: 0
  793. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Cache Put Count : 0
  794. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Execution Count : 676
  795. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Average time : 140
  796. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| Row Count : 29068
  797. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,035| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=39 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  798. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,037| Cache Hit Count : 0
  799. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,037| Cache Miss Count: 0
  800. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,037| Cache Put Count : 0
  801. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,037| Execution Count : 4
  802. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Average time : 5
  803. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Row Count : 4
  804. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=39 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  805. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Cache Hit Count : 0
  806. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Cache Miss Count: 0
  807. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Cache Put Count : 0
  808. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Execution Count : 4
  809. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Average time : 2
  810. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Row Count : 4
  811. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'PATIENT.MIDDLE_NAME'
  812. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Cache Hit Count : 0
  813. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Cache Miss Count: 0
  814. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Cache Put Count : 0
  815. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Execution Count : 1
  816. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Average time : 2
  817. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,038| Row Count : 1
  818. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| QUERY: select distinct user from User as user inner join user.person.names as name where user.uuid != :DAEMON_USER_UUID and (user.username like :name1 or user.systemId like :name1 or name.givenName like :name1 or name.middleName like :name1 or name.familyName like :name1 or name.familyName2 like :name1) and user.retired = false
  819. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Cache Hit Count : 0
  820. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Cache Miss Count: 0
  821. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Cache Put Count : 0
  822. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Execution Count : 1
  823. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Average time : 19
  824. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Row Count : 5
  825. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  826. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Cache Hit Count : 0
  827. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Cache Miss Count: 0
  828. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Cache Put Count : 0
  829. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Execution Count : 1
  830. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Average time : 2
  831. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Row Count : 0
  832. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  833. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Cache Hit Count : 0
  834. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Cache Miss Count: 0
  835. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Cache Put Count : 0
  836. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,039| Execution Count : 1
  837. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Average time : 2
  838. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Row Count : 1
  839. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  840. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Cache Hit Count : 0
  841. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Cache Miss Count: 0
  842. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Cache Put Count : 0
  843. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Execution Count : 1
  844. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Average time : 2
  845. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Row Count : 1
  846. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| QUERY: from Patient p where p.uuid = :uuid
  847. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Cache Hit Count : 0
  848. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Cache Miss Count: 0
  849. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Cache Put Count : 0
  850. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Execution Count : 16
  851. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Average time : 1
  852. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Row Count : 0
  853. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  854. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Cache Hit Count : 0
  855. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Cache Miss Count: 0
  856. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Cache Put Count : 0
  857. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,040| Execution Count : 3
  858. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Average time : 4
  859. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Row Count : 3
  860. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=44 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  861. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Cache Hit Count : 0
  862. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Cache Miss Count: 0
  863. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Cache Put Count : 0
  864. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Execution Count : 1
  865. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Average time : 2
  866. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Row Count : 1
  867. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  868. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Cache Hit Count : 0
  869. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,041| Cache Miss Count: 0
  870. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Cache Put Count : 0
  871. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Execution Count : 6
  872. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Average time : 4
  873. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Row Count : 6
  874. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  875. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Cache Hit Count : 0
  876. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Cache Miss Count: 0
  877. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Cache Put Count : 0
  878. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Execution Count : 3
  879. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Average time : 2
  880. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Row Count : 3
  881. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=28 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  882. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Cache Hit Count : 0
  883. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Cache Miss Count: 0
  884. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Cache Put Count : 0
  885. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Execution Count : 3
  886. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Average time : 13
  887. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,042| Row Count : 3
  888. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  889. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Cache Hit Count : 0
  890. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Cache Miss Count: 0
  891. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Cache Put Count : 0
  892. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Execution Count : 1
  893. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Average time : 2
  894. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Row Count : 0
  895. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  896. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Cache Hit Count : 0
  897. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Cache Miss Count: 0
  898. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Cache Put Count : 0
  899. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Execution Count : 1
  900. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Average time : 2
  901. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Row Count : 1
  902. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  903. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Cache Hit Count : 0
  904. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Cache Miss Count: 0
  905. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Cache Put Count : 0
  906. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Execution Count : 1
  907. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,043| Average time : 2
  908. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Row Count : 1
  909. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  910. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Cache Hit Count : 0
  911. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Cache Miss Count: 0
  912. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Cache Put Count : 0
  913. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Execution Count : 1
  914. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Average time : 2
  915. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Row Count : 1
  916. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_name_id as concept_1_25_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_2_25_0_, as name3_25_0_, this_.locale as locale4_25_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_25_0_, this_.creator as creator6_25_0_, this_.voided as voided7_25_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi8_25_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea9_25_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_10_25_0_, this_.concept_name_type as concept11_25_0_, this_.locale_preferred as locale_12_25_0_, this_.uuid as uuid13_25_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_25_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_25_0_ from concept_name this_ where (this_.concept_name_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?))
  917. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Cache Hit Count : 0
  918. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Cache Miss Count: 0
  919. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Cache Put Count : 0
  920. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Execution Count : 1
  921. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Average time : 0
  922. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Row Count : 10
  923. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.encounter_role_id as encounte1_45_0_, as name2_45_0_, this_.description as descript3_45_0_, this_.creator as creator4_45_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_45_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_6_45_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha7_45_0_, this_.retired as retired8_45_0_, this_.date_retired as date_ret9_45_0_, this_.retired_by as retired10_45_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_45_0_, this_.uuid as uuid12_45_0_ from encounter_role this_ where this_.uuid=?
  924. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Cache Hit Count : 0
  925. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Cache Miss Count: 0
  926. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Cache Put Count : 0
  927. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,044| Execution Count : 1
  928. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Average time : 3
  929. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Row Count : 1
  930. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.person_name_id as person_n1_102_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_102_0_, this_.preferred as preferre3_102_0_, this_.person_id as person_i4_102_0_, this_.prefix as prefix5_102_0_, this_.given_name as given_na6_102_0_, this_.middle_name as middle_n7_102_0_, this_.family_name_prefix as family_n8_102_0_, this_.family_name as family_n9_102_0_, this_.family_name2 as family_10_102_0_, this_.family_name_suffix as family_11_102_0_, as degree12_102_0_, this_.creator as creator13_102_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr14_102_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_102_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch16_102_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_17_102_0_, this_.date_voided as date_vo18_102_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re19_102_0_, this_.voided as voided20_102_0_ from person_name this_ where this_.person_name_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  931. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Cache Hit Count : 0
  932. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Cache Miss Count: 0
  933. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Cache Put Count : 0
  934. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Execution Count : 1701
  935. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Average time : 2
  936. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Row Count : 17010
  937. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  938. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Cache Hit Count : 0
  939. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Cache Miss Count: 0
  940. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Cache Put Count : 0
  941. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Execution Count : 1
  942. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Average time : 2
  943. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Row Count : 1
  944. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| QUERY: SELECT 1 FROM patient WHERE patient_id = ?
  945. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Cache Hit Count : 0
  946. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Cache Miss Count: 0
  947. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,045| Cache Put Count : 0
  948. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Execution Count : 1
  949. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Average time : 5
  950. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Row Count : 1
  951. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'PATIENT.MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER'
  952. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Cache Hit Count : 0
  953. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Cache Miss Count: 0
  954. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Cache Put Count : 0
  955. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Execution Count : 3
  956. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Average time : 2
  957. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Row Count : 3
  958. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.visit_attribute_type_id as visit_at1_129_0_, as name2_129_0_, this_.description as descript3_129_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_129_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_129_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_129_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_129_0_, this_.min_occurs as min_occu8_129_0_, this_.max_occurs as max_occu9_129_0_, this_.creator as creator10_129_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr11_129_0_, this_.changed_by as changed12_129_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch13_129_0_, this_.retired as retired14_129_0_, this_.retired_by as retired15_129_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re16_129_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_17_129_0_, this_.uuid as uuid18_129_0_ from visit_attribute_type this_
  959. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Cache Hit Count : 0
  960. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Cache Miss Count: 0
  961. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Cache Put Count : 0
  962. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Execution Count : 2
  963. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Average time : 7
  964. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Row Count : 0
  965. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  966. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,046| Cache Hit Count : 0
  967. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Cache Miss Count: 0
  968. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Cache Put Count : 0
  969. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Execution Count : 1
  970. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Average time : 2
  971. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Row Count : 1
  972. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  973. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Cache Hit Count : 0
  974. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Cache Miss Count: 0
  975. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Cache Put Count : 0
  976. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Execution Count : 4
  977. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Average time : 2
  978. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Row Count : 4
  979. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  980. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Cache Hit Count : 0
  981. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Cache Miss Count: 0
  982. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Cache Put Count : 0
  983. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Execution Count : 3
  984. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Average time : 2
  985. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| Row Count : 3
  986. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,047| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.visit_id as visit_id1_127_0_, this_.date_started as date_sta2_127_0_, this_.date_stopped as date_sto3_127_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_127_0_, this_.voided as voided5_127_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_127_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_127_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_127_0_, this_.uuid as uuid9_127_0_, this_.visit_type_id as visit_t10_127_0_, this_.patient_id as patient11_127_0_, this_.indication_concept_id as indicat12_127_0_, this_.location_id as locatio13_127_0_, this_.creator as creator14_127_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_127_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_16_127_0_ from visit this_ where this_.patient_id=? and not exists (select 1 from encounter where this_.visit_id=visit_id) and this_.voided=? order by this_.date_started desc, this_.visit_id desc
  987. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Cache Hit Count : 0
  988. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Cache Miss Count: 0
  989. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Cache Put Count : 0
  990. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Execution Count : 74
  991. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Average time : 0
  992. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Row Count : 17
  993. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.location_id as location1_68_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_68_0_, as name3_68_0_, this_.description as descript4_68_0_, this_.address1 as address5_68_0_, this_.address2 as address6_68_0_, this_.city_village as city_vil7_68_0_, this_.state_province as state_pr8_68_0_, as country9_68_0_, this_.postal_code as postal_10_68_0_, this_.latitude as latitud11_68_0_, this_.longitude as longitu12_68_0_, this_.county_district as county_13_68_0_, this_.address3 as address14_68_0_, this_.address4 as address15_68_0_, this_.address6 as address16_68_0_, this_.address5 as address17_68_0_, this_.address7 as address18_68_0_, this_.address8 as address19_68_0_, this_.address9 as address20_68_0_, this_.address10 as address21_68_0_, this_.address11 as address22_68_0_, this_.address12 as address23_68_0_, this_.address13 as address24_68_0_, this_.address14 as address25_68_0_, this_.address15 as address26_68_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr27_68_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch28_68_0_, this_.parent_location as parent_29_68_0_, this_.changed_by as changed30_68_0_, this_.creator as creator31_68_0_, this_.retired_by as retired32_68_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re33_68_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_34_68_0_, this_.retired as retired35_68_0_ from location this_ order by this_.retired asc, asc
  994. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Cache Hit Count : 0
  995. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Cache Miss Count: 0
  996. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Cache Put Count : 0
  997. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Execution Count : 2
  998. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Average time : 0
  999. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Row Count : 2
  1000. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.drug_id as y0_ from drug this_
  1001. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1002. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1003. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Cache Put Count : 0
  1004. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Execution Count : 1
  1005. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Average time : 0
  1006. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,048| Row Count : 0
  1007. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  1008. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1009. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1010. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Cache Put Count : 0
  1011. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Execution Count : 1
  1012. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Average time : 1
  1013. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Row Count : 1
  1014. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.visit_id as visit_id1_127_0_, this_.date_started as date_sta2_127_0_, this_.date_stopped as date_sto3_127_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_127_0_, this_.voided as voided5_127_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_127_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_127_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_127_0_, this_.uuid as uuid9_127_0_, this_.visit_type_id as visit_t10_127_0_, this_.patient_id as patient11_127_0_, this_.indication_concept_id as indicat12_127_0_, this_.location_id as locatio13_127_0_, this_.creator as creator14_127_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_127_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_16_127_0_ from visit this_ where this_.patient_id in (?) and (this_.date_stopped is null or this_.date_stopped>?) and this_.voided=? order by this_.date_started desc, this_.visit_id desc
  1015. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1016. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1017. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Cache Put Count : 0
  1018. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Execution Count : 172
  1019. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Average time : 1
  1020. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Row Count : 120
  1021. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as id1_116_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_116_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_116_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_116_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_116_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_116_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_116_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_116_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_116_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_116_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_116_0_, this_.status as status12_116_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_116_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_116_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_116_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_116_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_116_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_116_0_, this_.description as descrip19_116_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in (?, ?, ?) order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc
  1022. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1023. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1024. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Cache Put Count : 0
  1025. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,049| Execution Count : 1
  1026. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Average time : 0
  1027. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Row Count : 0
  1028. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=40 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  1029. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1030. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1031. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Cache Put Count : 0
  1032. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Execution Count : 4
  1033. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Average time : 9
  1034. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Row Count : 4
  1035. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  1036. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1037. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1038. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Cache Put Count : 0
  1039. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Execution Count : 1
  1040. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Average time : 2
  1041. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Row Count : 1
  1042. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  1043. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1044. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1045. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,050| Cache Put Count : 0
  1046. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Execution Count : 1
  1047. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Average time : 2
  1048. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Row Count : 1
  1049. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=40 and name = 'PATIENT.MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER'
  1050. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1051. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1052. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Cache Put Count : 0
  1053. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Execution Count : 4
  1054. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Average time : 5
  1055. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Row Count : 4
  1056. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  1057. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1058. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1059. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Cache Put Count : 0
  1060. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Execution Count : 4
  1061. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Average time : 2
  1062. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Row Count : 4
  1063. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  1064. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1065. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,051| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1066. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Cache Put Count : 0
  1067. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Execution Count : 1
  1068. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Average time : 2
  1069. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Row Count : 1
  1070. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  1071. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1072. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1073. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Cache Put Count : 0
  1074. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Execution Count : 3
  1075. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Average time : 11
  1076. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Row Count : 0
  1077. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.person_name_id as person_n1_102_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_102_0_, this_.preferred as preferre3_102_0_, this_.person_id as person_i4_102_0_, this_.prefix as prefix5_102_0_, this_.given_name as given_na6_102_0_, this_.middle_name as middle_n7_102_0_, this_.family_name_prefix as family_n8_102_0_, this_.family_name as family_n9_102_0_, this_.family_name2 as family_10_102_0_, this_.family_name_suffix as family_11_102_0_, as degree12_102_0_, this_.creator as creator13_102_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr14_102_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_102_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch16_102_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_17_102_0_, this_.date_voided as date_vo18_102_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re19_102_0_, this_.voided as voided20_102_0_ from person_name this_ where this_.person_name_id in (?, ?)
  1078. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1079. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1080. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Cache Put Count : 0
  1081. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Execution Count : 1
  1082. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Average time : 2
  1083. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| Row Count : 2
  1084. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,052| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  1085. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1086. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1087. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Cache Put Count : 0
  1088. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Execution Count : 1
  1089. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Average time : 2
  1090. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Row Count : 1
  1091. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'ON_ART'
  1092. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1093. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1094. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Cache Put Count : 0
  1095. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Execution Count : 6
  1096. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Average time : 2
  1097. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Row Count : 6
  1098. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.obs_id as obs_id1_83_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_83_0_, this_.person_id as person_i3_83_0_, this_.obs_datetime as obs_date4_83_0_, this_.value_group_id as value_gr5_83_0_, this_.value_datetime as value_da6_83_0_, this_.value_numeric as value_nu7_83_0_, this_.value_modifier as value_mo8_83_0_, this_.value_text as value_te9_83_0_, this_.value_complex as value_c10_83_0_, this_.comments as comment11_83_0_, this_.accession_number as accessi12_83_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr13_83_0_, this_.voided as voided14_83_0_, this_.date_voided as date_vo15_83_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re16_83_0_, this_.form_namespace_and_path as form_na17_83_0_, this_.status as status18_83_0_, this_.interpretation as interpr19_83_0_, this_.concept_id as concept20_83_0_, this_.value_coded as value_c21_83_0_, this_.value_coded_name_id as value_c22_83_0_, this_.value_drug as value_d23_83_0_, this_.order_id as order_i24_83_0_, this_.location_id as locatio25_83_0_, this_.encounter_id as encount26_83_0_, this_.creator as creator27_83_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_28_83_0_, this_.obs_group_id as obs_gro29_83_0_, this_.previous_version as previou30_83_0_ from obs this_ where this_.person_id in (?) and this_.concept_id in (?) and this_.voided=? order by this_.encounter_id desc
  1099. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1100. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,053| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1101. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Cache Put Count : 0
  1102. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Execution Count : 7
  1103. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Average time : 209
  1104. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Row Count : 96
  1105. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  1106. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1107. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1108. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Cache Put Count : 0
  1109. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Execution Count : 4
  1110. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Average time : 3
  1111. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Row Count : 4
  1112. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=40 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  1113. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1114. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1115. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Cache Put Count : 0
  1116. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Execution Count : 4
  1117. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Average time : 2
  1118. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,054| Row Count : 0
  1119. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.person_attribute_id as person_a1_99_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_99_0_, this_.person_id as person_i3_99_0_, this_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a4_99_0_, this_.value as value5_99_0_, this_.creator as creator6_99_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_99_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_99_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_99_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_10_99_0_, this_.date_voided as date_vo11_99_0_, this_.voided as voided12_99_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re13_99_0_ from person_attribute this_ where this_.person_attribute_id in (?, ?)
  1120. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1121. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1122. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Cache Put Count : 0
  1123. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Execution Count : 1
  1124. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Average time : 2
  1125. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Row Count : 2
  1126. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_name_id as concept_1_25_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_2_25_0_, as name3_25_0_, this_.locale as locale4_25_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_25_0_, this_.creator as creator6_25_0_, this_.voided as voided7_25_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi8_25_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea9_25_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_10_25_0_, this_.concept_name_type as concept11_25_0_, this_.locale_preferred as locale_12_25_0_, this_.uuid as uuid13_25_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_25_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_25_0_ from concept_name this_ where (this_.concept_name_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?))
  1127. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1128. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1129. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Cache Put Count : 0
  1130. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Execution Count : 2
  1131. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Average time : 1
  1132. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Row Count : 28
  1133. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=44 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  1134. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1135. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1136. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Cache Put Count : 0
  1137. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Execution Count : 1
  1138. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,055| Average time : 2
  1139. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Row Count : 0
  1140. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.person_name_id as y0_ from person_name this_
  1141. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1142. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1143. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Cache Put Count : 0
  1144. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Execution Count : 1
  1145. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Average time : 6
  1146. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Row Count : 0
  1147. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  1148. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1149. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1150. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Cache Put Count : 0
  1151. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Execution Count : 3
  1152. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Average time : 11
  1153. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Row Count : 3
  1154. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.alert_id as alert_id1_80_1_, this_.text as text2_80_1_, this_.satisfied_by_any as satisfie3_80_1_, this_.alert_read as alert_re4_80_1_, this_.date_to_expire as date_to_5_80_1_, this_.creator as creator6_80_1_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_80_1_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_80_1_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_80_1_, this_.uuid as uuid10_80_1_, recipient1_.alert_id as alert_id1_81_0_, recipient1_.user_id as user_id2_81_0_, recipient1_.alert_read as alert_re3_81_0_, recipient1_.date_changed as date_cha4_81_0_, recipient1_.uuid as uuid5_81_0_ from notification_alert this_ inner join notification_alert_recipient recipient1_ on this_.alert_id=recipient1_.alert_id where recipient1_.user_id=? and (this_.date_to_expire is null or this_.date_to_expire>?) and this_.alert_read=? and recipient1_.alert_read=? order by this_.date_changed desc
  1155. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1156. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1157. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Cache Put Count : 0
  1158. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Execution Count : 402
  1159. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,056| Average time : 1
  1160. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Row Count : 0
  1161. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=44 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  1162. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1163. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1164. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Cache Put Count : 0
  1165. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Execution Count : 1
  1166. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Average time : 2
  1167. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Row Count : 1
  1168. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  1169. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1170. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1171. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Cache Put Count : 0
  1172. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Execution Count : 1
  1173. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Average time : 2
  1174. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Row Count : 1
  1175. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=28 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  1176. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1177. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1178. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,057| Cache Put Count : 0
  1179. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Execution Count : 3
  1180. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Average time : 2
  1181. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Row Count : 3
  1182. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.encounter_id as encounte1_42_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_42_0_, this_.encounter_datetime as encounte3_42_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_42_0_, this_.voided as voided5_42_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_42_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_42_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_42_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_42_0_, this_.patient_id as patient10_42_0_, this_.location_id as locatio11_42_0_, this_.form_id as form_id12_42_0_, this_.encounter_type as encount13_42_0_, this_.creator as creator14_42_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_15_42_0_, this_.visit_id as visit_i16_42_0_ from encounter this_ where this_.patient_id=? and this_.visit_id is null and this_.voided=? order by this_.encounter_datetime desc
  1183. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1184. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1185. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Cache Put Count : 0
  1186. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Execution Count : 73
  1187. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Average time : 3
  1188. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Row Count : 4069
  1189. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=44 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION ID'
  1190. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1191. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1192. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Cache Put Count : 0
  1193. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Execution Count : 1
  1194. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Average time : 2
  1195. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Row Count : 0
  1196. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'CONSENT'
  1197. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1198. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1199. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,058| Cache Put Count : 0
  1200. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Execution Count : 1
  1201. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Average time : 2
  1202. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Row Count : 1
  1203. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_name_id as y0_ from concept_name this_
  1204. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1205. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1206. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Cache Put Count : 0
  1207. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Execution Count : 1
  1208. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Average time : 42
  1209. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Row Count : 0
  1210. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=37 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  1211. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1212. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1213. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Cache Put Count : 0
  1214. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Execution Count : 2
  1215. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Average time : 1
  1216. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Row Count : 0
  1217. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select count(*) as y0_ from visit this_ left outer join visit_type visittype1_ on this_.visit_type_id=visittype1_.visit_type_id left outer join location location2_ on this_.location_id=location2_.location_id where this_.patient_id=? and not exists (select 1 from encounter where this_.visit_id=visit_id) and this_.voided=? and (lower( like ? or lower( like ?) order by this_.date_started desc, this_.visit_id desc
  1218. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1219. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,059| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1220. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Cache Put Count : 0
  1221. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Execution Count : 55
  1222. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Average time : 0
  1223. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Row Count : 55
  1224. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  1225. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1226. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1227. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Cache Put Count : 0
  1228. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Execution Count : 4
  1229. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Average time : 2
  1230. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Row Count : 0
  1231. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION ID'
  1232. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1233. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1234. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Cache Put Count : 0
  1235. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Execution Count : 1
  1236. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Average time : 2
  1237. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Row Count : 0
  1238. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  1239. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,060| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1240. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,062| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1241. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,062| Cache Put Count : 0
  1242. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,062| Execution Count : 1
  1243. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,062| Average time : 12
  1244. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,062| Row Count : 1
  1245. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,062| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'ON_ART'
  1246. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,062| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1247. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1248. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Cache Put Count : 0
  1249. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Execution Count : 1
  1250. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Average time : 2
  1251. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Row Count : 1
  1252. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.patient_program_id as patient_1_94_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_94_0_, this_.date_enrolled as date_enr3_94_0_, this_.date_completed as date_com4_94_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_94_0_, this_.voided as voided6_94_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi7_94_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea8_94_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_b9_94_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_94_0_, this_.outcome_concept_id as outcome11_94_0_, this_.program_id as program12_94_0_, this_.patient_id as patient13_94_0_, this_.creator as creator14_94_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_94_0_, this_.location_id as locatio16_94_0_ from patient_program this_ where this_.patient_id=? and this_.date_enrolled<=? and (this_.date_completed is null or this_.date_completed>=?) and this_.voided=?
  1253. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1254. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1255. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Cache Put Count : 0
  1256. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Execution Count : 172
  1257. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Average time : 1
  1258. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Row Count : 0
  1259. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER DATETIME'
  1260. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1261. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1262. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Cache Put Count : 0
  1263. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Execution Count : 4
  1264. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Average time : 3
  1265. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| Row Count : 0
  1266. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,063| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=39 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  1267. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1268. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1269. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Cache Put Count : 0
  1270. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Execution Count : 4
  1271. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Average time : 3
  1272. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Row Count : 4
  1273. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select count(*) as y0_ from obs this_ where this_.encounter_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) and this_.voided=?
  1274. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1275. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1276. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Cache Put Count : 0
  1277. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Execution Count : 1
  1278. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Average time : 31
  1279. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Row Count : 1
  1280. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  1281. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1282. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1283. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Cache Put Count : 0
  1284. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Execution Count : 1
  1285. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,064| Average time : 1
  1286. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Row Count : 1
  1287. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  1288. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1289. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1290. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Cache Put Count : 0
  1291. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Execution Count : 1
  1292. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Average time : 2
  1293. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Row Count : 1
  1294. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  1295. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1296. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1297. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Cache Put Count : 0
  1298. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Execution Count : 1
  1299. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Average time : 2
  1300. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Row Count : 1
  1301. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  1302. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1303. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1304. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,065| Cache Put Count : 0
  1305. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Execution Count : 3
  1306. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Average time : 13
  1307. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Row Count : 3
  1308. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.patient_identifier_id as patient_1_92_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_92_0_, this_.patient_id as patient_3_92_0_, this_.identifier as identifi4_92_0_, this_.identifier_type as identifi5_92_0_, this_.location_id as location6_92_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_92_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi8_92_0_, this_.preferred as preferre9_92_0_, this_.voided as voided10_92_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re11_92_0_, this_.creator as creator12_92_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_13_92_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_92_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_92_0_ from patient_identifier this_ where this_.patient_identifier_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  1309. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1310. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1311. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Cache Put Count : 0
  1312. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Execution Count : 1683
  1313. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Average time : 2
  1314. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Row Count : 16830
  1315. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_datatype_id as concept_1_22_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_22_0_, as name3_22_0_, this_.description as descript4_22_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_22_0_, this_.hl7_abbreviation as hl6_22_0_, this_.creator as creator7_22_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_8_22_0_, this_.date_retired as date_ret9_22_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_10_22_0_, this_.retired as retired11_22_0_ from concept_datatype this_ where
  1316. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1317. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1318. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Cache Put Count : 0
  1319. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Execution Count : 22
  1320. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Average time : 0
  1321. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Row Count : 22
  1322. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  1323. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1324. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,066| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1325. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Cache Put Count : 0
  1326. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Execution Count : 1
  1327. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Average time : 3
  1328. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Row Count : 1
  1329. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=2 and name = 'PATIENT.MIDDLE_NAME'
  1330. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1331. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1332. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Cache Put Count : 0
  1333. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Execution Count : 1
  1334. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Average time : 2
  1335. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Row Count : 1
  1336. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a1_100_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_100_0_, as name3_100_0_, this_.description as descript4_100_0_, this_.format as format5_100_0_, this_.foreign_key as foreign_6_100_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei7_100_0_, this_.searchable as searchab8_100_0_, this_.creator as creator9_100_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr10_100_0_, this_.changed_by as changed11_100_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch12_100_0_, this_.retired_by as retired13_100_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re14_100_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_100_0_, this_.retired as retired16_100_0_, this_.edit_privilege as edit_pr17_100_0_ from person_attribute_type this_ where
  1337. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1338. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1339. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Cache Put Count : 0
  1340. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Execution Count : 735
  1341. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Average time : 1
  1342. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Row Count : 588
  1343. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=39 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION ID'
  1344. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,067| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1345. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1346. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Cache Put Count : 0
  1347. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Execution Count : 4
  1348. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Average time : 4
  1349. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Row Count : 0
  1350. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as id1_62_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_62_0_, as name3_62_0_, this_.description as descript4_62_0_, this_.identifier_type as identifi5_62_0_, this_.creator as creator6_62_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_62_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_62_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_62_0_, this_.retired as retired10_62_0_, this_.retired_by as retired11_62_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re12_62_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_13_62_0_, this_1_.next_sequence_value as next_seq2_67_0_, this_1_.base_character_set as base_cha3_67_0_, this_1_.first_identifier_base as first_id4_67_0_, this_1_.prefix as prefix5_67_0_, this_1_.suffix as suffix6_67_0_, this_1_.min_length as min_leng7_67_0_, this_1_.max_length as max_leng8_67_0_, this_2_.url as url2_65_0_, this_2_.user as user3_65_0_, this_2_.password as password4_65_0_, this_3_.source as source2_61_0_, this_3_.batch_size as batch_si3_61_0_, this_3_.min_pool_size as min_pool4_61_0_, this_3_.refill_with_scheduled_task as refill_w5_61_0_, this_3_.sequential as sequenti6_61_0_, case when is not null then 1 when is not null then 2 when is not null then 3 when is not null then 0 end as clazz_0_ from idgen_identifier_source this_ left outer join idgen_seq_id_gen this_1_ on left outer join idgen_remote_source this_2_ on left outer join idgen_id_pool this_3_ on where this_.retired=? order by asc
  1351. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1352. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1353. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Cache Put Count : 0
  1354. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Execution Count : 375
  1355. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Average time : 1
  1356. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| Row Count : 0
  1357. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,068| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.patient_identifier_id as patient_1_92_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_92_0_, this_.patient_id as patient_3_92_0_, this_.identifier as identifi4_92_0_, this_.identifier_type as identifi5_92_0_, this_.location_id as location6_92_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_92_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi8_92_0_, this_.preferred as preferre9_92_0_, this_.voided as voided10_92_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re11_92_0_, this_.creator as creator12_92_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_13_92_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_92_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_92_0_ from patient_identifier this_ where this_.patient_identifier_id in (?, ?)
  1358. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1359. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1360. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Cache Put Count : 0
  1361. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Execution Count : 1
  1362. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Average time : 2
  1363. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Row Count : 2
  1364. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=39 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  1365. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1366. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1367. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Cache Put Count : 0
  1368. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Execution Count : 4
  1369. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Average time : 2
  1370. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Row Count : 4
  1371. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  1372. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1373. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,071| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1374. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,072| Cache Put Count : 0
  1375. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,072| Execution Count : 4
  1376. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,072| Average time : 6
  1377. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,072| Row Count : 4
  1378. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,072| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=39 and name = 'PATIENT.MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER'
  1379. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,072| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1380. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,072| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1381. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,073| Cache Put Count : 0
  1382. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,073| Execution Count : 4
  1383. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| Average time : 2
  1384. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| Row Count : 4
  1385. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| QUERY: from ConceptSource cc where cc.uuid = :uuid
  1386. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1387. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1388. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| Cache Put Count : 0
  1389. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| Execution Count : 7
  1390. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| Average time : 3
  1391. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| Row Count : 7
  1392. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,074| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.form_id as form_id1_50_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_50_0_, as name3_50_0_, this_.version as version4_50_0_, as build5_50_0_, this_.published as publishe6_50_0_, this_.description as descript7_50_0_, this_.encounter_type as encounte8_50_0_, this_.creator as creator9_50_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr10_50_0_, this_.changed_by as changed11_50_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch12_50_0_, this_.retired as retired13_50_0_, this_.retired_by as retired14_50_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re15_50_0_, this_.retired_reason as retired16_50_0_ from form this_ where this_.published=? and this_.retired=?
  1393. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1394. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1395. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Cache Put Count : 0
  1396. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Execution Count : 1
  1397. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Average time : 22
  1398. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Row Count : 13
  1399. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=31 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  1400. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1401. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1402. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Cache Put Count : 0
  1403. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Execution Count : 3
  1404. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Average time : 3
  1405. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Row Count : 3
  1406. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.concept_id as concept_1_16_0_, this_1_.uuid as uuid2_16_0_, this_1_.retired as retired3_16_0_, this_1_.date_created as date_cre4_16_0_, this_1_.version as version5_16_0_, this_1_.date_changed as date_cha6_16_0_, this_1_.is_set as is_set7_16_0_, this_1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_16_0_, this_1_.date_retired as date_ret9_16_0_, this_1_.retired_by as retired10_16_0_, this_1_.datatype_id as datatyp11_16_0_, this_1_.class_id as class_i12_16_0_, this_1_.changed_by as changed13_16_0_, this_1_.creator as creator14_16_0_, this_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_28_0_, this_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_28_0_, this_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_28_0_, this_.low_absolute as low_abso5_28_0_, this_.low_critical as low_crit6_28_0_, this_.low_normal as low_norm7_28_0_, this_.units as units8_28_0_, this_.allow_decimal as allow_de9_28_0_, this_.display_precision as display10_28_0_ from concept_numeric this_ inner join concept this_1_ on this_.concept_id=this_1_.concept_id where this_.concept_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  1407. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1408. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1409. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Cache Put Count : 0
  1410. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Execution Count : 1
  1411. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Average time : 5
  1412. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,075| Row Count : 7
  1413. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=37 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  1414. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1415. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1416. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Cache Put Count : 0
  1417. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Execution Count : 2
  1418. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Average time : 2
  1419. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Row Count : 2
  1420. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'PATIENT.MIDDLE_NAME'
  1421. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1422. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1423. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Cache Put Count : 0
  1424. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Execution Count : 1
  1425. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Average time : 3
  1426. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Row Count : 1
  1427. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=40 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  1428. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1429. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1430. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Cache Put Count : 0
  1431. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Execution Count : 4
  1432. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,076| Average time : 2
  1433. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Row Count : 0
  1434. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=28 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION ID'
  1435. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1436. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1437. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Cache Put Count : 0
  1438. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Execution Count : 3
  1439. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Average time : 12
  1440. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Row Count : 0
  1441. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=46 and name = 'PATIENT.MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER'
  1442. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1443. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1444. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Cache Put Count : 0
  1445. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Execution Count : 4
  1446. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Average time : 2
  1447. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Row Count : 4
  1448. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=40 and name = 'PATIENT.GIVEN_NAME'
  1449. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1450. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1451. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Cache Put Count : 0
  1452. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,077| Execution Count : 4
  1453. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Average time : 4
  1454. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Row Count : 4
  1455. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'PATIENT.MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER'
  1456. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1457. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1458. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Cache Put Count : 0
  1459. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Execution Count : 1
  1460. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Average time : 2
  1461. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Row Count : 1
  1462. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| QUERY: select password from users where user_id = ?
  1463. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1464. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1465. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Cache Put Count : 0
  1466. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Execution Count : 13
  1467. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Average time : 0
  1468. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Row Count : 13
  1469. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=7 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  1470. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1471. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1472. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,078| Cache Put Count : 0
  1473. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Execution Count : 1
  1474. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Average time : 2
  1475. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Row Count : 0
  1476. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select count(*) as y0_ from patient_identifier this_
  1477. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1478. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1479. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Cache Put Count : 0
  1480. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Execution Count : 1
  1481. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Average time : 5
  1482. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Row Count : 1
  1483. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=37 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  1484. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1485. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1486. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Cache Put Count : 0
  1487. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Execution Count : 2
  1488. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Average time : 13
  1489. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Row Count : 2
  1490. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'PATIENT.MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER'
  1491. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1492. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,079| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1493. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Cache Put Count : 0
  1494. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Execution Count : 1
  1495. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Average time : 6
  1496. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Row Count : 1
  1497. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=28 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  1498. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1499. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1500. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Cache Put Count : 0
  1501. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Execution Count : 3
  1502. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Average time : 2
  1503. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Row Count : 3
  1504. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.calculation_registration_id as calculat1_11_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_11_0_, this_.token as token3_11_0_, this_.provider_class_name as provider4_11_0_, this_.calculation_name as calculat5_11_0_, this_.configuration as configur6_11_0_ from calculation_registration this_ where this_.provider_class_name=?
  1505. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1506. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1507. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Cache Put Count : 0
  1508. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Execution Count : 1
  1509. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Average time : 20
  1510. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| Row Count : 0
  1511. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,080| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=37 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  1512. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1513. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1514. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Cache Put Count : 0
  1515. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Execution Count : 2
  1516. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Average time : 2
  1517. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Row Count : 2
  1518. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.visit_id as visit_id1_127_0_, this_.date_started as date_sta2_127_0_, this_.date_stopped as date_sto3_127_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_127_0_, this_.voided as voided5_127_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_127_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_127_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_127_0_, this_.uuid as uuid9_127_0_, this_.visit_type_id as visit_t10_127_0_, this_.patient_id as patient11_127_0_, this_.indication_concept_id as indicat12_127_0_, this_.location_id as locatio13_127_0_, this_.creator as creator14_127_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_127_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_16_127_0_ from visit this_ where this_.patient_id in (?) and this_.date_started<=? and this_.voided=? order by this_.date_started desc, this_.visit_id desc
  1519. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1520. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1521. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Cache Put Count : 0
  1522. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Execution Count : 2
  1523. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Average time : 1
  1524. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Row Count : 12
  1525. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=45 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.LOCATION_ID'
  1526. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1527. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1528. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Cache Put Count : 0
  1529. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Execution Count : 1
  1530. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,081| Average time : 2
  1531. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Row Count : 1
  1532. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=3 and name = 'PATIENT.SEX'
  1533. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1534. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1535. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Cache Put Count : 0
  1536. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Execution Count : 1
  1537. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Average time : 2
  1538. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Row Count : 1
  1539. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=38 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  1540. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1541. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1542. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Cache Put Count : 0
  1543. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Execution Count : 1
  1544. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Average time : 1
  1545. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Row Count : 0
  1546. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  1547. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1548. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1549. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Cache Put Count : 0
  1550. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Execution Count : 1
  1551. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,082| Average time : 2
  1552. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Row Count : 1
  1553. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.appointment_block_id as appointm1_3_0_, this_.start_date as start_da2_3_0_, this_.end_date as end_date3_3_0_, this_.provider_id as provider4_3_0_, this_.location_id as location5_3_0_, this_.uuid as uuid6_3_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_3_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_3_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi9_3_0_, this_.voided as voided10_3_0_, this_.void_reason as void_re11_3_0_, this_.creator as creator12_3_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_3_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_14_3_0_ from appointmentscheduling_appointment_block this_ where this_.voided=? and this_.start_date>=? and this_.end_date<=? order by this_.start_date asc, this_.end_date asc
  1554. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1555. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1556. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Cache Put Count : 0
  1557. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Execution Count : 15
  1558. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Average time : 7
  1559. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Row Count : 1411
  1560. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.encounter_type_id as encounte1_46_0_, as name2_46_0_, this_.description as descript3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.creator as creator5_46_0_, this_.edit_privilege as edit_pri6_46_0_, this_.view_privilege as view_pri7_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_46_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_46_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_46_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_46_0_, this_.retired as retired12_46_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_46_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch14_46_0_ from encounter_type this_ order by asc
  1561. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1562. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1563. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Cache Put Count : 0
  1564. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Execution Count : 73
  1565. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Average time : 0
  1566. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Row Count : 1533
  1567. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER ID'
  1568. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1569. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1570. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Cache Put Count : 0
  1571. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Execution Count : 6
  1572. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,083| Average time : 2
  1573. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Row Count : 0
  1574. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'PATIENT.BIRTHDATE'
  1575. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1576. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1577. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Cache Put Count : 0
  1578. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Execution Count : 1
  1579. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Average time : 3
  1580. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Row Count : 1
  1581. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as id1_116_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_116_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_116_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_116_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_116_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_116_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_116_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_116_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_116_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_116_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_116_0_, this_.status as status12_116_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_116_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_116_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_116_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_116_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_116_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_116_0_, this_.description as descrip19_116_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.request_datetime<=? and this_.status in (?, ?) order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc
  1582. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1583. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1584. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Cache Put Count : 0
  1585. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Execution Count : 31
  1586. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Average time : 0
  1587. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Row Count : 0
  1588. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=37 and name = 'PATIENT.MIDDLE_NAME'
  1589. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,084| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1590. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1591. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Cache Put Count : 0
  1592. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Execution Count : 2
  1593. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Average time : 2
  1594. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Row Count : 2
  1595. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=43 and name = 'PATIENT.PATIENT_ID'
  1596. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1597. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1598. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Cache Put Count : 0
  1599. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Execution Count : 6
  1600. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Average time : 2
  1601. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Row Count : 6
  1602. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.visit_type_id as visit_ty1_130_0_, as name2_130_0_, this_.description as descript3_130_0_, this_.uuid as uuid4_130_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_130_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha6_130_0_, this_.date_retired as date_ret7_130_0_, this_.retired as retired8_130_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_r9_130_0_, this_.creator as creator10_130_0_, this_.changed_by as changed11_130_0_, this_.retired_by as retired12_130_0_ from visit_type this_
  1603. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1604. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1605. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,085| Cache Put Count : 0
  1606. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Execution Count : 2
  1607. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Average time : 2
  1608. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Row Count : 6
  1609. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=39 and name = 'PATIENT.FAMILY_NAME'
  1610. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1611. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1612. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Cache Put Count : 0
  1613. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Execution Count : 4
  1614. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Average time : 3
  1615. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Row Count : 4
  1616. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=47 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.PROVIDER_ID'
  1617. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1618. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1619. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Cache Put Count : 0
  1620. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Execution Count : 1
  1621. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Average time : 2
  1622. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Row Count : 1
  1623. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(410) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| QUERY: select distinct default_value from form_field ff inner join field f where ff.field_id=f.field_id and ff.form_id=28 and name = 'ENCOUNTER.ENCOUNTER_DATETIME'
  1624. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(412) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Cache Hit Count : 0
  1625. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(413) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,086| Cache Miss Count: 0
  1626. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,087| Cache Put Count : 0
  1627. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(415) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,087| Execution Count : 3
  1628. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,087| Average time : 3
  1629. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:42:27,087| Row Count : 3
  1630. Mar 15, 2022 9:42:27 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  1631. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [Thread-3] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  1632. java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
  1634. Mar 15, 2022 9:42:27 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  1635. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  1636. java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  1637. java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
  1639. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1640. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1642. Mar 15, 2022 9:42:27 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks
  1643. SEVERE: The web application [openmrs] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [org.apache.log4j.helpers.ThreadLocalMap] (value [org.apache.log4j.helpers.ThreadLocalMap@78291893]) and a value of type [java.util.Hashtable] (value [{}]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.
  1644. Mar 15, 2022 9:42:27 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks
  1645. SEVERE: The web application [openmrs] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [org.apache.log4j.helpers.ThreadLocalMap] (value [org.apache.log4j.helpers.ThreadLocalMap@78291893]) and a value of type [java.util.Hashtable] (value [{}]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.
  1646. Mar 15, 2022 9:42:27 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks
  1647. SEVERE: The web application [openmrs] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [org.apache.log4j.helpers.ThreadLocalMap] (value [org.apache.log4j.helpers.ThreadLocalMap@78291893]) and a value of type [java.util.Hashtable] (value [{}]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.
  1648. Mar 15, 2022 9:42:27 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks
  1649. SEVERE: The web application [openmrs] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [org.apache.log4j.helpers.ThreadLocalMap] (value [org.apache.log4j.helpers.ThreadLocalMap@78291893]) and a value of type [java.util.Hashtable] (value [{}]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.
  1650. Mar 15, 2022 9:42:31 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase checkStateForResourceLoading
  1651. INFO: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load []. The following stack trace is thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal access.
  1652. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load []. The following stack trace is thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal access.
  1653. at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkStateForResourceLoading(
  1654. at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.getResource(
  1655. at com.mysql.jdbc.AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread.checkContextClassLoaders(
  1656. at
  1657. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1658. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1659. at
  1661. Exception in thread "Thread-6267" Exception in thread "Thread-6268" Exception in thread "Thread-6269" org.hibernate.service.UnknownServiceException: Unknown service requested [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider]
  1662. at org.hibernate.service.internal.AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.getService(
  1663. at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractSessionImpl.getJdbcConnectionAccess(
  1664. at org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.JdbcCoordinatorImpl.<init>(
  1665. at org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionCoordinatorImpl.<init>(
  1666. at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.<init>(
  1667. at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl$SessionBuilderImpl.openSession(
  1668. at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(
  1669. at org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.HibernateContextDAO.openSession(
  1670. at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor237.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1671. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1672. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1673. at
  1674. at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
  1675. at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy281.openSession(Unknown Source)
  1676. at org.openmrs.api.context.Context.openSession(
  1677. at org.openmrs.api.context.Daemon$
  1678. org.hibernate.service.UnknownServiceException: Unknown service requested [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider]
  1679. at org.hibernate.service.internal.AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.getService(
  1680. at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractSessionImpl.getJdbcConnectionAccess(
  1681. at org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.JdbcCoordinatorImpl.<init>(
  1682. at org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionCoordinatorImpl.<init>(
  1683. at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.<init>(
  1684. at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl$SessionBuilderImpl.openSession(
  1685. at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(
  1686. at org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.HibernateContextDAO.openSession(
  1687. at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor237.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1688. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1689. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1690. at
  1691. at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
  1692. at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy281.openSession(Unknown Source)
  1693. at org.openmrs.api.context.Context.openSession(
  1694. at org.openmrs.api.context.Daemon$
  1695. org.hibernate.service.UnknownServiceException: Unknown service requested [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider]
  1696. at org.hibernate.service.internal.AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.getService(
  1697. at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractSessionImpl.getJdbcConnectionAccess(
  1698. at org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.JdbcCoordinatorImpl.<init>(
  1699. at org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionCoordinatorImpl.<init>(
  1700. at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.<init>(
  1701. at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl$SessionBuilderImpl.openSession(
  1702. at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(
  1703. at org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.HibernateContextDAO.openSession(
  1704. at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor237.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1705. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1706. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1707. at
  1708. at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
  1709. at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy281.openSession(Unknown Source)
  1710. at org.openmrs.api.context.Context.openSession(
  1711. at org.openmrs.api.context.Daemon$
  1712. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:07 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  1713. INFO: Deploying web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war
  1714. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:07 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.SetContextPropertiesRule begin
  1715. WARNING: [SetContextPropertiesRule]{Context} Setting property 'antiJARLocking' to 'true' did not find a matching property.
  1716. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:43:12,756| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  1717. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:43:12,789| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  1718. INFO - Listener.contextInitialized(173) |2022-03-15 21:43:12,789| Using runtime properties file: /usr/share/tomcat8/.OpenMRS/
  1719. INFO 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  1720. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1721. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1722. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1723. INFO 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  1724. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1725. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1726. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1727. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:43:16,349| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  1728. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:16 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  1729. INFO: Deployment of web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war has finished in 9,273 ms
  1730. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:25 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause
  1731. INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1732. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:25 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stopInternal
  1733. INFO: Stopping service Catalina
  1734. ERROR - Context.getServiceContext(273) |2022-03-15 21:43:25,438| serviceContext is null. Creating new ServiceContext()
  1735. WARN - LocaleUtility.getDefaultLocale(73) |2022-03-15 21:43:25,452| Unable to get locale global property value. Service not found: interface org.openmrs.api.AdministrationService
  1736. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:25 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesJdbc
  1737. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] registered the JDBC driver [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.
  1738. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:25 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  1739. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [FileWatchdog] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  1740. java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
  1742. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:25 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  1743. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  1744. java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  1745. java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
  1747. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1748. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1750. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:25 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol stop
  1751. INFO: Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1752. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:25 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol destroy
  1753. INFO: Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1754. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
  1755. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
  1756. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:26 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1757. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/common/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1758. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:27 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1759. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/common], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1760. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:27 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1761. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/server/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1762. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:27 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1763. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/server], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1764. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:27 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1765. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/shared/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1766. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:27 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1767. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/shared], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1768. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1769. INFO: Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32 (Ubuntu)
  1770. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1771. INFO: Server built: Aug 3 2020 10:53:09 UTC
  1772. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1773. INFO: Server number:
  1774. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1775. INFO: OS Name: Linux
  1776. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1777. INFO: OS Version: 4.4.0-186-generic
  1778. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1779. INFO: Architecture: amd64
  1780. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1781. INFO: Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
  1782. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1783. INFO: JVM Version: 1.8.0_292-8u292-b10-0ubuntu1~16.04.1-b10
  1784. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1785. INFO: JVM Vendor: Private Build
  1786. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1787. INFO: CATALINA_BASE: /var/lib/tomcat8
  1788. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1789. INFO: CATALINA_HOME: /usr/share/tomcat8
  1790. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1791. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat8/conf/
  1792. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1793. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
  1794. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1795. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.awt.headless=true
  1796. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1797. INFO: Command line argument: -Xmx1024M
  1798. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1799. INFO: Command line argument: -Xms1024M
  1800. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1801. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:PermSize=256m
  1802. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1803. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
  1804. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1805. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:NewSize=128m
  1806. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1807. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/share/tomcat8/endorsed
  1808. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1809. INFO: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat8
  1810. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1811. INFO: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat8
  1812. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1813. INFO: Command line argument:
  1814. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:29 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init
  1815. INFO: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1816. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:29 PM getSharedSelector
  1817. INFO: Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
  1818. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:29 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
  1819. INFO: Initialization processed in 2180 ms
  1820. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:29 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal
  1821. INFO: Starting service Catalina
  1822. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:29 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine startInternal
  1823. INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32 (Ubuntu)
  1824. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:29 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  1825. INFO: Deploying web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war
  1826. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:29 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.SetContextPropertiesRule begin
  1827. WARNING: [SetContextPropertiesRule]{Context} Setting property 'antiJARLocking' to 'true' did not find a matching property.
  1828. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:34 PM org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner scanJars
  1829. INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
  1830. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:43:35,014| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  1831. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:43:35,046| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  1832. INFO - Listener.contextInitialized(173) |2022-03-15 21:43:35,046| Using runtime properties file: /usr/share/tomcat8/.OpenMRS/
  1833. INFO 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  1834. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1835. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1836. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1837. INFO 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  1838. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1839. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1840. WARNING 3/15/22 9:43 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1841. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:43:39,030| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  1842. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:39 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  1843. INFO: Deployment of web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war has finished in 9,655 ms
  1844. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:39 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
  1845. INFO: Deploying web application directory /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT
  1846. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:39 PM org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner scanJars
  1847. INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
  1848. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:39 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
  1849. INFO: Deployment of web application directory /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT has finished in 344 ms
  1850. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:39 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
  1851. INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1852. Mar 15, 2022 9:43:39 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
  1853. INFO: Server startup in 10181 ms
  1854. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause
  1855. INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1856. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stopInternal
  1857. INFO: Stopping service Catalina
  1858. ERROR - Context.getServiceContext(273) |2022-03-15 21:46:01,573| serviceContext is null. Creating new ServiceContext()
  1859. WARN - LocaleUtility.getDefaultLocale(73) |2022-03-15 21:46:01,598| Unable to get locale global property value. Service not found: interface org.openmrs.api.AdministrationService
  1860. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesJdbc
  1861. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] registered the JDBC driver [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.
  1862. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  1863. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [FileWatchdog] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  1864. java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
  1866. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  1867. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  1868. java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  1869. java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
  1871. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1872. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1874. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol stop
  1875. INFO: Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1876. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol destroy
  1877. INFO: Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1878. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
  1879. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
  1880. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1881. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/common/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1882. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1883. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/common], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1884. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1885. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/server/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1886. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1887. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/server], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1888. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1889. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/shared/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1890. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:01 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  1891. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/shared], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  1892. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1893. INFO: Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32 (Ubuntu)
  1894. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1895. INFO: Server built: Aug 3 2020 10:53:09 UTC
  1896. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1897. INFO: Server number:
  1898. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1899. INFO: OS Name: Linux
  1900. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1901. INFO: OS Version: 4.4.0-186-generic
  1902. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1903. INFO: Architecture: amd64
  1904. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1905. INFO: Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
  1906. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1907. INFO: JVM Version: 1.8.0_292-8u292-b10-0ubuntu1~16.04.1-b10
  1908. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1909. INFO: JVM Vendor: Private Build
  1910. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1911. INFO: CATALINA_BASE: /var/lib/tomcat8
  1912. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1913. INFO: CATALINA_HOME: /usr/share/tomcat8
  1914. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1915. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat8/conf/
  1916. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1917. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
  1918. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1919. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.awt.headless=true
  1920. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1921. INFO: Command line argument: -Xmx1024M
  1922. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1923. INFO: Command line argument: -Xms1024M
  1924. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1925. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:PermSize=256m
  1926. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1927. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
  1928. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1929. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:NewSize=128m
  1930. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1931. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/share/tomcat8/endorsed
  1932. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1933. INFO: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat8
  1934. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1935. INFO: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat8
  1936. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  1937. INFO: Command line argument:
  1938. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init
  1939. INFO: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1940. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM getSharedSelector
  1941. INFO: Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
  1942. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
  1943. INFO: Initialization processed in 913 ms
  1944. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal
  1945. INFO: Starting service Catalina
  1946. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine startInternal
  1947. INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32 (Ubuntu)
  1948. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  1949. INFO: Deploying web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war
  1950. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:02 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.SetContextPropertiesRule begin
  1951. WARNING: [SetContextPropertiesRule]{Context} Setting property 'antiJARLocking' to 'true' did not find a matching property.
  1952. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:07 PM org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner scanJars
  1953. INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
  1954. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:46:08,262| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  1955. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:46:08,288| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  1956. INFO - Listener.contextInitialized(173) |2022-03-15 21:46:08,288| Using runtime properties file: /usr/share/tomcat8/.OpenMRS/
  1957. INFO 3/15/22 9:46 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  1958. WARNING 3/15/22 9:46 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1959. WARNING 3/15/22 9:46 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1960. WARNING 3/15/22 9:46 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1961. INFO 3/15/22 9:46 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  1962. WARNING 3/15/22 9:46 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1963. WARNING 3/15/22 9:46 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1964. WARNING 3/15/22 9:46 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  1965. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:46:13,480| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  1966. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:13 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  1967. INFO: Deployment of web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war has finished in 10,624 ms
  1968. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:13 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
  1969. INFO: Deploying web application directory /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT
  1970. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:13 PM org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner scanJars
  1971. INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
  1972. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:13 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
  1973. INFO: Deployment of web application directory /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT has finished in 390 ms
  1974. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:13 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
  1975. INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1976. Mar 15, 2022 9:46:13 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
  1977. INFO: Server startup in 11139 ms
  1978. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:47:02,510| #parse() null argument
  1979. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:47:02,533| #parse() null argument
  1980. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:47:18,355| #parse() null argument
  1981. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:47:18,360| #parse() null argument
  1982. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:22 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause
  1983. INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  1984. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:22 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stopInternal
  1985. INFO: Stopping service Catalina
  1986. ERROR - Context.getServiceContext(273) |2022-03-15 21:50:22,437| serviceContext is null. Creating new ServiceContext()
  1987. WARN - LocaleUtility.getDefaultLocale(73) |2022-03-15 21:50:22,456| Unable to get locale global property value. Service not found: interface org.openmrs.api.AdministrationService
  1988. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:22 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesJdbc
  1989. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] registered the JDBC driver [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.
  1990. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:22 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  1991. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [FileWatchdog] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  1992. java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
  1994. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:22 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  1995. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  1996. java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  1997. java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
  1999. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  2000. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  2002. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:22 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol stop
  2003. INFO: Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2004. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:22 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol destroy
  2005. INFO: Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2006. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
  2007. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
  2008. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2009. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/common/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2010. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2011. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/common], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2012. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2013. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/server/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2014. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2015. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/server], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2016. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2017. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/shared/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2018. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2019. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/shared], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2020. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2021. INFO: Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32 (Ubuntu)
  2022. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2023. INFO: Server built: Aug 3 2020 10:53:09 UTC
  2024. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2025. INFO: Server number:
  2026. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2027. INFO: OS Name: Linux
  2028. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2029. INFO: OS Version: 4.4.0-186-generic
  2030. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2031. INFO: Architecture: amd64
  2032. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2033. INFO: Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
  2034. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2035. INFO: JVM Version: 1.8.0_292-8u292-b10-0ubuntu1~16.04.1-b10
  2036. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2037. INFO: JVM Vendor: Private Build
  2038. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2039. INFO: CATALINA_BASE: /var/lib/tomcat8
  2040. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2041. INFO: CATALINA_HOME: /usr/share/tomcat8
  2042. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2043. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat8/conf/
  2044. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2045. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
  2046. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2047. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.awt.headless=true
  2048. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2049. INFO: Command line argument: -Xmx1024M
  2050. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2051. INFO: Command line argument: -Xms1024M
  2052. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2053. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:PermSize=256m
  2054. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2055. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
  2056. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2057. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:NewSize=128m
  2058. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2059. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/share/tomcat8/endorsed
  2060. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2061. INFO: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat8
  2062. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2063. INFO: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat8
  2064. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2065. INFO: Command line argument:
  2066. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init
  2067. INFO: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2068. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM getSharedSelector
  2069. INFO: Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
  2070. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
  2071. INFO: Initialization processed in 1670 ms
  2072. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal
  2073. INFO: Starting service Catalina
  2074. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine startInternal
  2075. INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32 (Ubuntu)
  2076. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  2077. INFO: Deploying web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war
  2078. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.SetContextPropertiesRule begin
  2079. WARNING: [SetContextPropertiesRule]{Context} Setting property 'antiJARLocking' to 'true' did not find a matching property.
  2080. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:30 PM org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner scanJars
  2081. INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
  2082. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:50:31,010| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2083. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:50:31,032| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2084. INFO - Listener.contextInitialized(173) |2022-03-15 21:50:31,037| Using runtime properties file: /usr/share/tomcat8/.OpenMRS/
  2085. INFO 3/15/22 9:50 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2086. WARNING 3/15/22 9:50 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2087. WARNING 3/15/22 9:50 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2088. WARNING 3/15/22 9:50 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2089. INFO 3/15/22 9:50 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2090. WARNING 3/15/22 9:50 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2091. WARNING 3/15/22 9:50 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2092. WARNING 3/15/22 9:50 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2093. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:50:35,247| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2094. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:35 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  2095. INFO: Deployment of web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war has finished in 10,308 ms
  2096. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:35 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
  2097. INFO: Deploying web application directory /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT
  2098. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:35 PM org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner scanJars
  2099. INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
  2100. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:35 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
  2101. INFO: Deployment of web application directory /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT has finished in 374 ms
  2102. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:35 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
  2103. INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2104. Mar 15, 2022 9:50:35 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
  2105. INFO: Server startup in 10806 ms
  2106. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:51:30,297| #parse() null argument
  2107. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:51:30,757| #parse() null argument
  2108. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:51:39,963| #parse() null argument
  2109. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:51:39,967| #parse() null argument
  2110. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2111. WARNING 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2112. WARNING 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2113. WARNING 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2114. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2115. WARNING 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2116. WARNING 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2117. WARNING 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2118. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2119. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: ChangeSet liquibase-update-to-latest.xml::TRUNK-5334-rename-allergy-comment-to-comments::madhavkauntia ran successfully in 175ms
  2120. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: ChangeSet liquibase-update-to-latest.xml::TRUNK-5413::odorajonathan ran successfully in 931ms
  2121. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: ChangeSet liquibase-update-to-latest.xml::20190625-Trunk-5411::gitacliff ran successfully in 540ms
  2122. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: Marking ChangeSet: liquibase-update-to-latest.xml::TRUNK-5663-20191002::gitacliff::(Checksum: 3:a70b77721e2e7e446aec3aa582e65795) ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
  2123. liquibase-update-to-latest.xml : Not precondition failed
  2125. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: ChangeSet liquibase-update-to-latest.xml::TRUNK-5672-201910211105::Mritunjay ran successfully in 12ms
  2126. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2127. INFO - EhCacheManagerFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet(129) |2022-03-15 21:51:46,285| Initializing EhCache CacheManager
  2128. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:51:53,906| #parse() null argument
  2129. ERROR - CommonsLogLogChute.log(96) |2022-03-15 21:51:53,910| #parse() null argument
  2130. WARN - SimpleUrlHandlerMapping.registerHandlers(115) |2022-03-15 21:51:54,842| Neither 'urlMap' nor 'mappings' set on SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
  2131. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:51:54,894| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2132. INFO 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2133. WARNING 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2134. WARNING 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2135. WARNING 3/15/22 9:51 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2136. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:51:57,279| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2137. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:23 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause
  2138. INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2139. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:23 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stopInternal
  2140. INFO: Stopping service Catalina
  2141. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,949| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as property1_43_0_, this_.property_value as property2_43_0_, this_.description as descript3_43_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_43_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_43_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_43_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_43_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_43_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_43_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_43_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(
  2142. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,950| Cache Hit Count : 0
  2143. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,951| Cache Miss Count: 0
  2144. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(418) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,951| Cache Put Count : 0
  2145. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(419) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,951| Execution Count : 47
  2146. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(420) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,951| Average time : 1
  2147. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(421) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,953| Row Count : 47
  2148. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,953| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.task_config_id as task_con1_89_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_89_0_, as name3_89_0_, this_.description as descript4_89_0_, this_.schedulable_class as schedula5_89_0_, this_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_89_0_, this_.start_time as start_ti7_89_0_, this_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_89_0_, this_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_89_0_, this_.start_on_startup as start_o10_89_0_, this_.started as started11_89_0_, this_.created_by as created12_89_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_89_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr14_89_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_89_0_ from scheduler_task_config this_
  2149. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,953| Cache Hit Count : 0
  2150. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,953| Cache Miss Count: 0
  2151. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(418) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,953| Cache Put Count : 0
  2152. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(419) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,954| Execution Count : 1
  2153. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(420) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,954| Average time : 80
  2154. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(421) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,954| Row Count : 3
  2155. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,954| QUERY: from Role r order by r.role
  2156. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,954| Cache Hit Count : 0
  2157. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,954| Cache Miss Count: 0
  2158. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(418) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,954| Cache Put Count : 0
  2159. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(419) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,954| Execution Count : 1
  2160. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(420) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,956| Average time : 246
  2161. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(421) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,956| Row Count : 11
  2162. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,957| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as property1_43_0_, this_.property_value as property2_43_0_, this_.description as descript3_43_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_43_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_43_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_43_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_43_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_43_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_43_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_43_0_ from global_property this_ order by asc
  2163. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,957| Cache Hit Count : 0
  2164. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,957| Cache Miss Count: 0
  2165. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(418) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,957| Cache Put Count : 0
  2166. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(419) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,957| Execution Count : 1
  2167. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(420) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,958| Average time : 76
  2168. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(421) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,958| Row Count : 427
  2169. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,958| QUERY: from Privilege p order by p.privilege
  2170. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,958| Cache Hit Count : 0
  2171. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,961| Cache Miss Count: 0
  2172. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(418) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,961| Cache Put Count : 0
  2173. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(419) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,963| Execution Count : 1
  2174. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(420) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,963| Average time : 14
  2175. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(421) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,963| Row Count : 279
  2176. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,963| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as property1_43_0_, this_.property_value as property2_43_0_, this_.description as descript3_43_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_43_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_43_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_43_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_43_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_43_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_43_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_43_0_ from global_property this_ where lower( like ?
  2177. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,963| Cache Hit Count : 0
  2178. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,963| Cache Miss Count: 0
  2179. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(418) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,963| Cache Put Count : 0
  2180. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(419) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,964| Execution Count : 1
  2181. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(420) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,964| Average time : 1
  2182. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(421) |2022-03-15 21:54:23,964| Row Count : 28
  2183. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  2184. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [FileWatchdog] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  2185. java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
  2187. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads
  2188. WARNING: The web application [openmrs] appears to have started a thread named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
  2189. java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  2190. java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
  2192. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  2193. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  2195. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol stop
  2196. INFO: Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2197. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol destroy
  2198. INFO: Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2199. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
  2200. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
  2201. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2202. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/common/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2203. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2204. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/common], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2205. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2206. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/server/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2207. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2208. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/server], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2209. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2210. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/shared/classes], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2211. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory validateFile
  2212. WARNING: Problem with directory [/usr/share/tomcat8/shared], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]
  2213. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2214. INFO: Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32 (Ubuntu)
  2215. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2216. INFO: Server built: Aug 3 2020 10:53:09 UTC
  2217. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2218. INFO: Server number:
  2219. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2220. INFO: OS Name: Linux
  2221. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2222. INFO: OS Version: 4.4.0-186-generic
  2223. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2224. INFO: Architecture: amd64
  2225. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2226. INFO: Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
  2227. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2228. INFO: JVM Version: 1.8.0_292-8u292-b10-0ubuntu1~16.04.1-b10
  2229. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2230. INFO: JVM Vendor: Private Build
  2231. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2232. INFO: CATALINA_BASE: /var/lib/tomcat8
  2233. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2234. INFO: CATALINA_HOME: /usr/share/tomcat8
  2235. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2236. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat8/conf/
  2237. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2238. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
  2239. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2240. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.awt.headless=true
  2241. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2242. INFO: Command line argument: -Xmx1024M
  2243. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2244. INFO: Command line argument: -Xms1024M
  2245. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2246. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:PermSize=256m
  2247. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2248. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
  2249. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2250. INFO: Command line argument: -XX:NewSize=128m
  2251. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2252. INFO: Command line argument: -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/share/tomcat8/endorsed
  2253. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2254. INFO: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat8
  2255. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2256. INFO: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat8
  2257. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
  2258. INFO: Command line argument:
  2259. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init
  2260. INFO: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2261. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM getSharedSelector
  2262. INFO: Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
  2263. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
  2264. INFO: Initialization processed in 917 ms
  2265. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal
  2266. INFO: Starting service Catalina
  2267. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine startInternal
  2268. INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32 (Ubuntu)
  2269. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  2270. INFO: Deploying web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war
  2271. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.SetContextPropertiesRule begin
  2272. WARNING: [SetContextPropertiesRule]{Context} Setting property 'antiJARLocking' to 'true' did not find a matching property.
  2273. Mar 15, 2022 9:54:30 PM org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner scanJars
  2274. INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
  2275. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:54:30,756| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2276. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:54:30,776| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2277. INFO - Listener.contextInitialized(173) |2022-03-15 21:54:30,781| Using runtime properties file: /usr/share/tomcat8/.OpenMRS/
  2278. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2279. WARNING 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2280. WARNING 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2281. WARNING 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2282. INFO - EhCacheManagerFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet(129) |2022-03-15 21:54:36,368| Initializing EhCache CacheManager
  2283. WARN - SimpleUrlHandlerMapping.registerHandlers(115) |2022-03-15 21:54:43,820| Neither 'urlMap' nor 'mappings' set on SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
  2284. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:54:43,873| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2285. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2286. WARNING 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2287. WARNING 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2288. WARNING 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2289. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,597| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: event.started value: true,
  2290. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,641| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2291. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,649| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: event.mandatory value: false,
  2292. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,661| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2293. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,718| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: serialization.xstream.started value: true,
  2294. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,731| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2295. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,742| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: serialization.xstream.mandatory value: false,
  2296. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,752| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2297. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,827| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: legacyui.started value: true,
  2298. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,837| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2299. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,856| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: legacyui.mandatory value: false,
  2300. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:46,866| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2301. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2302. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2303. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2304. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:47,191| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: databasebackup.started value: true,
  2305. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:47,198| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2306. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:47,217| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: databasebackup.mandatory value: false,
  2307. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:47,238| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2308. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:47,489| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: value: true,
  2309. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:47,500| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2310. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:47,514| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: value: false,
  2311. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:47,524| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2312. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2313. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2314. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2315. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2316. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2317. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,750| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: fhir.started value: true,
  2318. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,756| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2319. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,767| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: fhir.mandatory value: false,
  2320. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,778| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2321. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,884| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: htmlwidgets.started value: true,
  2322. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,898| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2323. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,905| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: htmlwidgets.mandatory value: false,
  2324. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,914| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2325. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,958| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: owa.started value: true,
  2326. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,968| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2327. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,981| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: owa.mandatory value: false,
  2328. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:48,989| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2329. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,040| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: owa.appFolderPath value: /usr/share/tomcat7/.OpenMRS/owa,
  2330. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,116| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2331. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2332. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2333. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2334. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2335. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2336. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,414| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: metadatamapping.started value: true,
  2337. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,425| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2338. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,432| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: metadatamapping.mandatory value: false,
  2339. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,442| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2340. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2341. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2342. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2343. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2344. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2345. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,732| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: metadatasharing.started value: true,
  2346. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,739| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2347. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,750| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: metadatasharing.mandatory value: false,
  2348. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,758| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2349. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2350. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2351. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2352. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2353. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2354. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:49,996| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: calculation.started value: true,
  2355. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,007| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2356. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,013| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: calculation.mandatory value: false,
  2357. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,023| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2358. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2359. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2360. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2361. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,614| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: reporting.started value: true,
  2362. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,621| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2363. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,632| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: reporting.mandatory value: false,
  2364. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,641| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2365. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,725| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: dataexchange.started value: true,
  2366. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,735| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2367. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,742| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: dataexchange.mandatory value: false,
  2368. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,753| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2369. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2370. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2371. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2372. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2373. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2374. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,946| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: metadatadeploy.started value: true,
  2375. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,954| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2376. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,960| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: metadatadeploy.mandatory value: false,
  2377. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:50,970| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2378. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,137| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: xforms.started value: true,
  2379. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,143| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2380. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,156| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: xforms.mandatory value: false,
  2381. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,163| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2382. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2383. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2384. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2385. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,480| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: idgen.started value: true,
  2386. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,495| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2387. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,503| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: idgen.mandatory value: false,
  2388. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,514| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2389. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2390. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2391. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2392. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2393. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2394. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,764| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: registrationcore.started value: true,
  2395. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,767| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2396. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,777| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: registrationcore.mandatory value: false,
  2397. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:51,781| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2398. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2399. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2400. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2401. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2402. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2403. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:52,064| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: htmlformentry.started value: true,
  2404. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:52,078| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2405. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:52,083| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: htmlformentry.mandatory value: false,
  2406. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:52,091| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2407. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2408. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2409. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
  2410. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: liquibase.xml is using schema version 1.9 rather than version 2.0
  2411. INFO 3/15/22 9:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
  2412. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:52,383| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: appointmentscheduling.started value: true,
  2413. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:52,386| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2414. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:52,394| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: appointmentscheduling.mandatory value: false,
  2415. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:52,397| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2416. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:54:53,034| In method SchedulerService.saveToMemento. Arguments:
  2417. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:54:53,054| Exiting method saveToMemento
  2418. INFO - EhCacheManagerFactoryBean.destroy(181) |2022-03-15 21:54:53,113| Shutting down EhCache CacheManager
  2419. INFO - ServiceContext.startRefreshingContext(832) |2022-03-15 21:54:53,114| Refreshing Context
  2420. INFO - EhCacheManagerFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet(129) |2022-03-15 21:54:59,747| Initializing EhCache CacheManager
  2421. WARN - SimpleUrlHandlerMapping.registerHandlers(115) |2022-03-15 21:55:17,040| Neither 'urlMap' nor 'mappings' set on SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
  2422. WARN - |2022-03-15 21:55:17,257| Not running scheduled task. DaemonToken = null; enabled = false
  2423. WARN - SimpleUrlHandlerMapping.registerHandlers(115) |2022-03-15 21:55:19,110| Neither 'urlMap' nor 'mappings' set on SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
  2424. INFO - ServiceContext.doneRefreshingContext(843) |2022-03-15 21:55:19,177| Done refreshing Context
  2425. ERROR - OwaActivator.contextRefreshed(111) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,204| Destination '/usr/share/tomcat7/.OpenMRS/owa' directory cannot be created
  2426. ERROR - DefaultAppManager.setAppFolderPath(242) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,210| Unable to create directory /usr/share/tomcat7/.OpenMRS/owa
  2427. Unable to create directory /usr/share/tomcat7/.OpenMRS/owa
  2428. at
  2429. at org.openmrs.module.owa.impl.DefaultAppManager.setAppFolderPath(
  2430. at org.openmrs.module.owa.impl.DefaultAppManager.getAppFolderPath(
  2431. at org.openmrs.module.owa.impl.DefaultAppManager.reloadApps(
  2432. at org.openmrs.module.owa.activator.OwaActivator.contextRefreshed(
  2433. at org.openmrs.module.ModuleUtil.refreshApplicationContext(
  2434. at org.openmrs.module.web.WebModuleUtil.refreshWAC(
  2435. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.performWebStartOfModules(
  2436. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.performWebStartOfModules(
  2437. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.startOpenmrs(
  2438. at org.openmrs.web.WebDaemon$
  2439. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,263| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: owa.appFolderPath value: /usr/share/tomcat7/.OpenMRS/owa,
  2440. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,333| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2441. ERROR - DefaultAppManager.setAppFolderPath(242) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,343| Unable to create directory /usr/share/tomcat7/.OpenMRS/owa
  2442. Unable to create directory /usr/share/tomcat7/.OpenMRS/owa
  2443. at
  2444. at org.openmrs.module.owa.impl.DefaultAppManager.setAppFolderPath(
  2445. at org.openmrs.module.owa.impl.DefaultAppManager.getAppFolderPath(
  2446. at org.openmrs.module.owa.impl.DefaultAppManager.reloadApps(
  2447. at org.openmrs.module.owa.activator.OwaActivator.contextRefreshed(
  2448. at org.openmrs.module.ModuleUtil.refreshApplicationContext(
  2449. at org.openmrs.module.web.WebModuleUtil.refreshWAC(
  2450. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.performWebStartOfModules(
  2451. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.performWebStartOfModules(
  2452. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.startOpenmrs(
  2453. at org.openmrs.web.WebDaemon$
  2454. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,346| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: owa.appFolderPath value: /usr/share/tomcat7/.OpenMRS/owa,
  2455. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,357| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2456. ERROR - DefaultAppManager.reloadApps(303) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,358| appFolder settings is not a directory
  2457. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(116) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,367| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: login.url value: login.htm,
  2458. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(156) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,369| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
  2459. WARN - ModuleFactory.loadAdvice(894) |2022-03-15 21:55:26,451| Could not load advice point: org.openmrs.module.appframework.service.AppFrameworkService
  2460. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openmrs.module.appframework.service.AppFrameworkService
  2461. at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass(
  2462. at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass(
  2463. at org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsClassLoader.loadClass(
  2464. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
  2465. at org.openmrs.api.context.Context.loadClass(
  2466. at org.openmrs.module.ModuleFactory.loadAdvice(
  2467. at org.openmrs.module.ModuleUtil.refreshApplicationContext(
  2468. at org.openmrs.module.web.WebModuleUtil.refreshWAC(
  2469. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.performWebStartOfModules(
  2470. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.performWebStartOfModules(
  2471. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.startOpenmrs(
  2472. at org.openmrs.web.WebDaemon$
  2473. ERROR - CommonsLoggingOutput.error(75) |2022-03-15 21:55:28,315| Line=356 The content of element type "dwr" must match "(init?,allow?,signatures?)".
  2474. ERROR - CommonsLoggingOutput.error(75) |2022-03-15 21:55:28,320| Parameter mismatch parsing signatures section in dwr.xml on line: DWRHtmlFormEntryService.checkIfLoggedIn()
  2475. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:55:28,352| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2476. Mar 15, 2022 9:55:28 PM org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager startInternal
  2477. SEVERE: Exception loading sessions from persistent storage
  2478. java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.lang.String
  2479. at
  2480. at
  2481. at
  2482. at
  2483. at
  2484. at
  2485. at
  2486. at
  2487. at
  2488. at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.doReadObject(
  2489. at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.readObjectData(
  2490. at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.doLoad(
  2491. at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.load(
  2492. at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.startInternal(
  2493. at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
  2494. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal(
  2495. at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
  2496. at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
  2497. at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
  2498. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
  2499. at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR(
  2500. at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig$
  2501. at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
  2502. at
  2503. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  2504. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  2505. at
  2507. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2078) |2022-03-15 21:55:28,536| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat8/
  2508. INFO 3/15/22 9:55 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2509. WARNING 3/15/22 9:55 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2510. WARNING 3/15/22 9:55 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2511. WARNING 3/15/22 9:55 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2512. INFO 3/15/22 9:55 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`
  2513. WARNING 3/15/22 9:55 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2514. WARNING 3/15/22 9:55 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2515. WARNING 3/15/22 9:55 PM:liquibase: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
  2516. Mar 15, 2022 9:55:29 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
  2517. INFO: Deployment of web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/openmrs.war has finished in 64,502 ms
  2518. Mar 15, 2022 9:55:29 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
  2519. INFO: Deploying web application directory /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT
  2520. Mar 15, 2022 9:55:30 PM org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner scanJars
  2521. INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
  2522. Mar 15, 2022 9:55:30 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
  2523. INFO: Deployment of web application directory /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT has finished in 401 ms
  2524. Mar 15, 2022 9:55:30 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
  2525. INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2526. Mar 15, 2022 9:55:30 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
  2527. INFO: Server startup in 65032 ms
  2528. Mar 15, 2022 9:56:08 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause
  2529. INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
  2530. Mar 15, 2022 9:56:08 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stopInternal
  2531. INFO: Stopping service Catalina
  2532. WARN - ModuleFactory.stopModule(1114) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,053| Could not remove advice point: org.openmrs.module.appframework.service.AppFrameworkService
  2533. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openmrs.module.appframework.service.AppFrameworkService
  2534. at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass(
  2535. at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass(
  2536. at org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsClassLoader.loadClass(
  2537. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
  2538. at org.openmrs.api.context.Context.loadClass(
  2539. at org.openmrs.module.ModuleFactory.stopModule(
  2540. at org.openmrs.module.ModuleUtil.shutdown(
  2541. at org.openmrs.api.context.Context.shutdown(
  2542. at org.openmrs.web.Listener.contextDestroyed(
  2543. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStop(
  2544. at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.stopInternal(
  2545. at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.stop(
  2546. at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$
  2547. at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$
  2548. at
  2549. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  2550. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  2551. at
  2552. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,069| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select this_.task_config_id as task_con1_120_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_120_0_, as name3_120_0_, this_.description as descript4_120_0_, this_.schedulable_class as schedula5_120_0_, this_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_120_0_, this_.start_time as start_ti7_120_0_, this_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_120_0_, this_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_120_0_, this_.start_on_startup as start_o10_120_0_, this_.started as started11_120_0_, this_.created_by as created12_120_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_120_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr14_120_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_120_0_ from scheduler_task_config this_
  2553. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,069| Cache Hit Count : 0
  2554. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,069| Cache Miss Count: 0
  2555. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(418) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,069| Cache Put Count : 0
  2556. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(419) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| Execution Count : 2
  2557. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(420) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| Average time : 14
  2558. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(421) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| Row Count : 6
  2559. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| QUERY: from User u where u.uuid = :uuid
  2560. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| Cache Hit Count : 0
  2561. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| Cache Miss Count: 0
  2562. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(418) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| Cache Put Count : 0
  2563. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(419) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| Execution Count : 1
  2564. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(420) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| Average time : 20
  2565. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(421) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,070| Row Count : 1
  2566. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(414) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,071| QUERY: [CRITERIA] select as property1_54_0_, this_.property_value as property2_54_0_, this_.description as descript3_54_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_54_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_54_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_54_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_54_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_54_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_54_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_54_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(
  2567. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(416) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,071| Cache Hit Count : 0
  2568. INFO - HibernateContextDAO.showUsageStatistics(417) |2022-03-15 21:56:09,071| Cach
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