

Feb 4th, 2014
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  1. [X] 3 "Tempting, but no. She hasn't shown anything worthwhile, and I'm not going to just accept your cast-off. We can work something out later, maybe an exchange of favors. For now, I've got something to do.": (Torgamous, DuskAtDawn, redaeth)
  2. [X] 1 "What can it do? Seriously, my beasts are pretty much piss poor and Noobie... and she can't even beat them... Though, that deal with the Rare Monster Breeder that you were talking about might be useful... I'll take her if you gift wrap and gimme the info for the breeders you mentioned.  Some extra money would be nice, but I'm telling you now I'd probably trade her in for some breeding time and a new Pet that might actually be able to do something other than be useless. Other wise you can owe me a favor or something and we call it a day.": (Xicree)
  3. [X] 1 ... Eh, she's not a puppy, but a Bitch is also fine you guess.: (Vindictus)
  4. [X] 1 Accept her as payment for staying out of their way.: (Nekraa)
  5. -[X] 7 I'll settle for staying out of the way.: (MrGazzer, Larekko12, tzeench, Redon, Silversun17, lost star, Deathwings)
  6. [X] 3 Once conversation's over, get back to work. You're horrifically distracted at the moment.: (Torgamous, DuskAtDawn, redaeth)
  7. --[X] 1 Once conversation's over, get back to work. You're horrifically distracted at the moment.: (Xicree)
  8. [X] 10 Welp, looks like your mine now, let's get back to work and we can do some introductions along the way... and maybe find out why you were after me in the first place.: (MrGazzer, nightblade, Larekko12, mc2rpg, tzeench, Redon, Silversun17, lost star, Deathwings, gibbousmoons)
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