
A Surprise for a Jaded Man

Nov 2nd, 2015
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  1. Hector sat up from his chair, his balance slightly off from all the beer he and his friends had drank. His birthday this year was as private as the ones before, just him and the other survivors enjoying the day together.
  2. This year was different for the fact that both Arianne and Dwight could drink, adding two more people to the yearly chaos. However, the two seemed to be incapable of holding their drink, having would up atop of each other on the sofa, fast asleep.
  3. The others were in no better condition, with Gabe laid out on the floor and Maria curled up next to him like the cat she used to be. But there was one person missing from the lineup.
  4. “Happy birthday, mon beau mari~”
  5. George wrapped his arms around the man's waist, kissing his neck. Hector let out a small moan, the gesture being one he enjoyed a tad too much.
  6. “I was wondering where you were.”
  7. “I went to grab your present.”
  8. George let go of one hand and produced an envelope in front of Hector's face. Grabbing the parcel, Hector opened it and checked the contents.
  9. “... … ...”
  10. The older man turned and looked at his young partner, surprise written all over his face.
  11. “This is some kind of early April Fools joke, right?”
  12. George grinned, “Nope. It's an honest to good result.”
  13. “Oh my god.” Hector grabbed hold of one of the chairs, his balance lost from the overwhelming news, “H-How many months?”
  14. “Two so far.” George said plainly.
  15. “S-So in four more months...”
  16. George was taken aback as Hector suddenly embraced him.
  17. “Hey, n-n-no need to cry Hec.”
  18. “I-Its hard not too. This is one of the happiest moments in my life!”
  19. The man plated a big fat kiss on George's cheek, “I can't believe we're going to be parents!”
  20. “Mazel tov” Dwight called out drunkenly from his place, which made the two men turn a bright red.
  21. “Guess we should let them know tomorrow.” Hector said.
  22. “Yeah. But for now...” George wrapped his arms around Hector again and looked up at him with an all to familiar look, “Allons au lit? ”
  23. “Are you sure we should be doing it? After all, you're...”
  24. “If you really are worried,” Hector jumped as he felt George grab his ass, “You can always let me be on top.”
  25. “You always have a plan for it, don't you?”
  26. “H-Hey!”
  27. George was swept up his feet, finding himself being carried bridal style.
  28. “But if you're offering, I don't mind.”
  29. “I knew you couldn't resist.”
  30. The couple retreated to the privacy of their room, the celebration wrapping up in both a moment of joy and a moment of passion.
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