
Rebels in Equestria 15

Jul 6th, 2013
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  1. > The Friendship Express cuts through the countryside at a break neck pace.
  2. > And with the Equestrian moon hanging high above, most of it's riders are fast asleep.
  3. > There is a knock at the door
  5. > It breaks Rarity’s train of thought.
  7. “Come in.” she mumbles.
  9. > The train car’s door slides open, and a concierge peeks inside.
  10. > “I beg your pardon, madam. But do you have your tickets?”
  12. > Rarity looks back from the window and smiled at the concierge.
  13. > A young colt, probably no older than herself.
  14. “Oh. Well of course.” She responds
  15. > She hands him a small set of papers from her saddlebag.
  17. > He accepts them and inspects them.
  18. > He flips through the pages and occasionally pauses to further examine the documents.
  19. > Once satisfied, he punches holes in the tickets, verifying their authenticity.
  20. > He hands them back to Rarity with a smile.
  22. > “And for her?” the concierge asks
  23. > He gestures to Twilight, who had fallen asleep alongside Rarity.
  24. > Her soft snoring is barely audible over the roaring train.
  26. “Ah, terribly sorry.”
  27. > She scours through Twilight’s saddle bag and produces a similar stack of documents.
  29. > The concierge repeats the process with Twilight’s tickets.
  31. > “Everything checks out,” he said. “You ladies have a lovely evening now.”
  32. > He excuses himself from the train car and continues on with his rounds.
  34. > Rarity looks over to Twilight.
  35. “Twilight.” She whisoers.
  36. “Hey. Twilight?” she gently shakes her in an attempt to awake her.
  37. >…
  38. > No dice.
  40. > Rarity lets our a heavy sigh before staring out the window once more.
  41. > Tiny drops of rain crash against the window before trailing down.
  42. > Thunderclaps and lightning strikes of the storm rage onwards.
  43. > At this rate, the train would reach Canterlot by the early morning.
  44. > Hopefully, the weather will have been cleared by then.
  46. > But the weather would be the least of her worries.
  48. > She turns her attention back into the car.
  49. > Rarity found herself sitting side by side with Twilight in an extravagantly decorated train car.
  50. > Gleaming ivory creamed walls across every inch curing up to form the ceiling.
  51. > The most extravagant furniture was strewn about the room in an elegant fashion. It was trimmed in a solid gold print, with thick red velvet lining every fabric.
  52. > The décor was exactly what one would expect from a luxury class train car.
  54. > Twilight sat on the velvet-covered sofa across from her.
  55. > A tall pile of books and a dim oil lamp lit the sat at her side.
  56. > It's golden light barely illuminating the room.
  58. > Save for her rapidly shifting eyes, Twilight was perfectly still.
  59. > She slept like a log, her exhaustion getting the best of her.
  61. > Rarity chuckles for a moment.
  62. > Using her telekinesis she pulls a blanket from nearby over to cover Twilight.
  63. > She takes her book from her and blows out her reading lamp.
  64. > The rich moonlight casts a eerie blue light into the car, just barely bright enough to maneuver about.
  65. “Good night.” Rarity whispers.
  67. > Rarity shifts off the couch and trots around the room.
  68. > Her eyes dancing about the elegantly designed car.
  69. > The crown spared no expense in when it came to their guests.
  70. > More often than not, they treated their guests to a lap of luxury.
  71. > A small token of the crown's generosity.
  72. > An element she's all too fond of.
  74. > She leads herself to the other side of the train car.
  75. > She opens a few of the windows.
  76. > The room fills with the train engine’s sounds.
  77. > A gust of cold, wet air rushes into the room.
  78. > Occasionally, a crack of lightning can be seen, followed by a roar of thunder.
  79. > It’s truly deafening.
  81. > Rarity looks back to Twilight.
  82. > Much to her content, she finds her fast asleep still.
  83. “Hmm. Heavy sleeper.” She mumbles.
  85. > Rarity checks a clock on the wall.
  86. > Four in the morning.
  88. > She lets out a tired sigh.
  89. > Just a few more hours until they reach Canterlot.
  91. > She pulls up a chair from the corner of the room and takes a seat.
  92. > “Dawn isn’t going to come any sooner,” she thought “Might as well make myself comfortable.”
  93. > Drawing her saddlebags, she produces a small pack of cigarettes along with a sleek cigarette holder.
  94. > She looks over the holder and smiles warmly.
  96. > Rarity opens another pair of windows before lighting the cigarette.
  97. > She takes a few hits, letting familiar taste fill her senses.
  98. > It’s a nostalgic flavor that brings back memories of her greener days.
  100. > Ah. Truly, those were the days.
  101. > Everything was simpler.
  102. > Her ideas.
  103. > Her dreams.
  104. > Her work.
  105. > And her style.
  107. > Rarity takes another hit from the cigarette.
  108. > The glowing embers from the cigarette give off a warm light.
  109. > Bright enough to just barely illuminate her side of the room.
  111. > And that’s when she noticed it.
  112. > In the far corner of the room, sat a large red chest.
  113. > On top of it sat a long object, neatly wrapped in a thick cloth.
  114. > His rifle.
  116. > Her mind wanders.
  117. > …
  118. > That rifle.
  119. > Anonymous carried that with him, everywhere.
  120. > She never understood why.
  121. > Eventually she assumed it just became force of habit.
  122. > Despite having himself freed from the war-torn nation, he still hangs on to what little he has of it.
  125. > Why?
  126. > Perhaps, he’s home sick, and that rifle carries sentimental value.
  127. > Or maybe, he still feels threatened and carries it for his own protection.
  128. > Whatever the reason may be, it’s irrelevant now.
  130. > The one time she bars him from carrying the rifle just happens to be the same day the incident occurs.
  131. > Curiosity transforms into guilt.
  132. > He had no way of defending himself.
  133. > What would have happened if Anonymous carried his rifle?
  134. > Could this have been prevented?
  135. > Was this all her fault?
  137. > Rarity rubs her temples in agony.
  138. > She’s given herself a migraine.
  140. > She stares long and hard at the rifle she creates several different scenarios in her mind.
  141. > Surely, anyone wielding this weapon could defend themselves from anything.
  142. > Aside from specialized offensive magic, this could be the most powerful weapon in Equestria.
  144. > Curiosity gets the best of her.
  146. > Using her magic, she picks up the rifle and un-wraps it.
  147. > It’s dismantled into several working parts.
  148. > Each one meticulously cleaned and serviced by no one other than Anonymous.
  149. > The cold metal and wood array gleams in the soft light.
  150. > And almost as if second nature, she assembles the rifle.
  151. > While somewhat complicated, the assembly is not all too difficult.
  153. > It only takes a moment or two for her finish.
  154. > Leaving her with a battle-ready rifle at her side.
  155. > Satisfied with her work, she lifts it off the cloth surface and levitates it towards her.
  157. > The workmanship on this piece is phenomenal.
  158. > As she brings it closer to herself, she carriers it with her front hooves.
  159. > It’s awkward and cumbersome for her.
  160. > Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for her to wield such a weapon.
  161. > But she manages.
  163. > She stands herself off the chair and balances herself on her hind legs.
  164. > It’s difficult, but not impossible.
  165. > With the image of Anonymous’ in her mind, she tries her best to emulate his firing stance.
  166. > She’s careful as not to poke herself with the bayonet or get her hair caught in its mechanisms.
  167. > Pressing the stock of the rifle down her shoulder, she manages a psuedo-firing position.
  168. > She has to lean back in order to balance herself.
  169. > The rifle nearly dwarfs her in size.
  170. > It’s not perfect or practical, but for a small pony, it would suffice.
  171. > Its weight is hefty for the small p0ny, but not completely unfamiliar.
  173. > Aiming down the length of the weapon, she envisions a target behind her sights.
  174. > She uses her magic to apply pressure on the trigger.
  175. > CLICK.
  177. > She fumbles around with some of the toggles and switches on the barrel.
  178. > She nearly blinds herself with the flashlight.
  179. > But much to her content, she learns how to use the on board laser.
  181. > She toys with with and aims it about the room.
  182. > The concept of the red laser pointer amazes her, but she manages.
  183. > She's content with her finding.
  184. > At least now she can hold and aim the rifle with her magic.
  186. > Content with herself, she places the rifle back on her lap and takes another hit off the cigarette.
  187. > The smoke slowly rises as she exhales.
  188. > Bliss.
  190. > But she was careless.
  191. > Behind her she could hear the cold sounds of a several windows slamming shut.
  192. > She reacts quickly, dropping the cigarette and drawing the rifle.
  193. > She turns to face the source of the sound, her mind and adrenaline racing.
  195. > “Wh-What?”
  196. > Twilight stands idly from
  197. > Rarity lets out a heavy sigh of relief upon hearing the familiar voice.
  199. > Twilight’s eyes grow wide when she sees the rifle just inches from her face.
  200. > “Hey! Hey! Watch where you point that thing!” Twilight shouts, sidestepping as to avoid the rifle’s barrel.
  202. > Rarity lowers the weapon.
  203. “I’m sorry,” she mumbles. “You just startled me is all.”
  204. > The room fills with an awkward silence.
  206. > Rarity picks up the smoldering cigarette and disposes it properly.
  207. > “I-Uh. I didn't know you smoked, Rarity.” Twilight points out.
  208. “I do. It's not a regular habit, mind you,” Rarity remarks. “I only smoke when I'm-”
  209. > “Nervous?” Twilight abruptly asks.
  211. > Rarity re-opens the windows and lights another cigarette
  212. “A bit.” Rarity responds, before filling the room with silence.
  213. > The wet breeze blows the smoke out the window.
  215. > Twilight takes a few steps back as not to get caught in the smoke.
  216. > She pulls up another chair aside Rarity and takes a seat.
  217. > A purple aura surrounds the rifle as she picks it up
  218. > “So, Anonymous showed you how to use this thing?”
  220. > Rarity finished the last of her cigarette before tossing the butt out the train window.
  221. “Not exactly.”
  222. > “Oh?”
  223. “I’ve had time to tinker around with it since the incident.”
  224. > “I see.” Twilight hands it the gun back to Rarity. “Care to give me a demonstration?”
  226. > Rarity is hesitant, and she responds quickly.
  227. “You’ve already seen it before, haven’t you?”
  228. > “Well yeah,” Twilight mutters. “Only once when he aimed it at me…”
  229. “Oh yes,” Rarity remarks. “When we first met him, by the mountains. Right?”
  230. > Twilight nods her head in agreement.
  232. > Rarity stares out the window for a moment.
  233. > A crack of lightning hits against the horizon, flashing the countryside with light.
  234. > The thunder came soon afterward.
  235. > She lulls it over for a moment before turning to Twilight.
  236. “I suppose I could. But..”
  237. > “But?” Twilight eagerly asks.
  239. “But I have no ammunition!” Rarity quickly replies. “Anonymous emptied out the weapon before he gave it to me.”
  240. > Twilight paws at her muzzle before turning back to Rarity
  241. > “Have searched for any?”
  242. “Well, no...I’ve had no reason to.”
  243. > “Well you do now.”
  245. > Twilight looks around the room before noticing the red chest sitting in the corner.
  246. > “This is his. Isn't it?”
  247. > Rarity quietly nods her head in agreement.
  248. > “Perfect.”
  250. > Twilight pulls out the red chest and places it before her.
  251. > “He's gotta keep some in here.” Twilight grumbles. “I just know it!”
  252. > She uses her magic to fiddle with the lock.
  254. > Rarity pulls Twilight away from the chest.
  255. “Are you sure you should be doing that? I mean, it's not really yours to begin with.”
  256. > “Well, neither is that thing. But you've seen to taken a liking to it.”
  257. > She gestures at the rifle across Rarity's lap.
  259. “B-But that's different! He gave this to me!”
  260. > “He gave it to you?”
  261. “Yes. For safe keeping, of course.”
  262. > Twilight rolls her eyes.
  263. “But! What about his priva-”
  265. > “Ah! Got it!” Twilight shouts.
  266. > The small padlock falls to the floor with a small thud.
  267. > She swings open the chest.
  269. > Thunderclaps overhead.
  270. ---
  272. > The morning sun gleams through the carriage windows.
  273. > Shadows dance along the interior as you pass along the busy streets.
  274. > You glance at your watch.
  276. > Five past ten.
  277. > Good timing.
  279. > You stare out your window.
  280. > Canterlot seems to calm. So verdant.
  281. > Here ponies live out their daily lives without a care in the world.
  283. > You envy them.
  285. > The carriage pulls up to the Canterlot Train Station.
  286. > You pull out a small leather bag and produce a few silver bits.
  287. > You hand one to each of your driver and ask him to meet you back here in an hour.
  288. > He thanks you before riding off.
  290. > The Train Station is relatively busy, even by your standards.
  291. > You see ponies of all shapes and sizes traveling to and fro.
  292. > You even come across a few griffons as well.
  293. > Some stop in their tracks when they catch sight of you, but most are too busy to care.
  294. > Many are running back and forth trying to catch their train before it pulls out.
  296. > You find your way to the information desk.
  297. > There, you're met by an old stallion.
  298. > His face is wrinkled and tired.
  299. > His eyes are deep and worn.
  300. > A small conductor's cap tucks away his unruly kept hair.
  302. > He seems preoccupied with several documents before him.
  303. > You stand idly at his desk for a few moments, waiting for him to take notice.
  304. > After a few moments, it becomes apparent he never will.
  306. “Excuse me?” you ask.
  307. > “Yes?” the old stallion replies, eyes glued to his work.
  308. > His accent is thick and true.
  309. > His voice is old and has a slight whistle to it.
  310. > Just to be expected from someone four times your age.
  311. “Can you tell about the train from Ponyville?”
  312. > “Yessir. The Friendship Express?”
  313. > The stallion pulls out a pocket watch and checks the time.
  314. > “Outbound is in three hours. Do you need a ticket?”
  315. “No. No. What time does the indound arrive?”
  316. > “Ah. Yess. Inbound arrives in twenty minutes.”
  317. “Excellent.”
  318. > “That'll be arriving at track eight.” He points over the far side of the station. “Way over yonder.”
  319. “Thanks.”
  321. > He finally puts down his work and looks at your direction.
  322. > He glances in your direction.
  323. > Unimpressed, he returns to his work.
  324. > “Don't mention it, sunny.”
  326. > You walk towards the track linings.
  327. > Becoming closer and closer to your destination.
  329. > You wonder if there's any casino's by there.
  332. > Isn't this Rainbow Dash's hometown?
  335. > This was one of the larger cities in Equestria.
  336. > You've heard only good things about it.
  337. > Maybe you should plan a visit here?
  340. “Perfect.”
  342. > You look around.
  343. > The station is still is as lively as ever.
  344. > You walk down the tracks and find a lone bench along it.
  345. > The small wooden bench seemed inviting enough.
  346. > The sun's warmth only made is more appealing.
  348. > You take a seat.
  350. > In the corner of your ear, you hear a young colt shouting about.
  351. > “Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Canterlot to undergo major renovation! Economic and architectural reform promised by royal family! Extra! Extra!”
  352. > He catches you attention.
  353. > You whistle him over.
  354. > Trading a gold bit from your a pocket for one of his papers.
  355. > Big bold letters read across the front of the paper.
  358. > You quickly skim the article.
  359. > Their plans seem ambitious, but feasible.
  360. > Seems as though your lectures are being put to good use.
  361. > It's only been a few days and they've already hit the ground running.
  363. > You check the forecast for today.
  364. > Sunny.
  365. > All day.
  366. > Perfect.
  368. > You take a moment to relax.
  369. > Removing your suit coat, you place it on the bench next to you.
  370. > There's a small insignia along the breast pocket of your vest.
  371. > It's Rarity's Cutie mark.
  372. > You chuckle for a moment before praising her for er handy work.
  373. > Fortunately, she's seem to have left you a wide array of clothing.
  374. > Everything from formal attire to lazy Sunday smocks.
  376. > You stretch your body out.
  377. > A few small cracks erupt from your back as a result.
  378. > Bliss.
  380. > You shut your eyes and allow your mind to wander.
  382. > You let your senses take in the area surrounding you.
  383. > A cool breeze brushes against your skin while the sun keeps it warm.
  384. > The park bench is solid, but squeaks at your slightest move.
  386. > You hear a young voice yell out.
  387. > “Mommy!? Mommy!? Where are you!?”
  388. > You keep your eyes closed, and you don't immediately turn.
  389. > You figure it's a young filly.
  390. > You can hear her starting to cry.
  391. > Her voice is just barely audible over the station's commotion.
  392. > She's probably lost her mother in the confusion.
  393. > “Mommy!? Mommyyy!?”
  394. > She wails out.
  396. > You let out a deep sigh.
  397. > The Metro Police can handle this.
  398. > There's no need to get involved.
  399. > Your schedule is already booked as it is.
  401. > You hear another voice.
  402. > “Silence!”
  403. > A loud gunshot rings in the air.
  404. > There's screaming and panic.
  406. > Your heart skips a beat.
  407. > You keep your eyes shut tight, unsure of what to do next.
  409. > “HQ? We've got activity along 5th and Hope Ave.”
  410. > You turn to the sound of the familiar voice.
  411. > It's Mac.
  413. > You glance around.
  415. > It's dark.
  416. > The air is thick with smoke.
  417. > You can hear gunshots rattling off in the distance.
  418. > As your eyes adjust, you find yourself inside a small bedroom.
  420. > The room is empty and void of all life.
  421. > It's residents had abandoned the home for months now.
  423. > You're sitting before a small boarded up window.
  424. > Just outside, you see a small platoon of Estovakian troops.
  425. > They've lined up a group of civilians against a concrete wall.
  427. > You're perched up not too far from them.
  428. > Under the cover of night, you hide in an old apartment complex.
  429. > The windows are mostly boarded up.
  430. > The city streets are cold and lifeless once more.
  431. > A freezing cold wind blows through the cracks in the wall.
  433. > “Yeah. I count fifteen guys, two half tracks and an APC.”
  434. > Mac peers onto the scene below.
  435. > “It looks like another firing squad.... Yeah. Civilians by the looks of it.”
  436. > He quietly whispers into his headset
  438. > You look out the window onto the streets below.
  439. > An Estovakian officer steps to the line of people.
  440. > “Attention, citizens! You are held here today to face justice!”
  441. > His accent is thick, and his voice is grim.
  442. > “You have all been charged with several crimes against your new Estovakian Regime! Crimes such as treason, spreading un-patriotic propaganda and terrorism. As you know, these are extremely serious charges. And you have been gathered here to answer to your crimes!”
  444. > “Anon! Hey, Anon!” Mac shouts
  445. “Y-Yeah?” you shakily respond.
  446. > “Use your scope. See if any of our guys are in that line.”
  447. > You nod.
  448. > You reach towards your back, and find your rifle.
  449. > Removing the lens cap, you gaze through your scope.
  451. > You sweep through the faces of the civilians.
  452. > They all look terrified.
  453. > Some are in hysterics.
  454. > Others are simply staring blankly into space.
  456. > “Well?” Mac asks.
  458. > You glance over one more time.
  459. > Against the left side of the wall, you see the young girl.
  460. > She's sitting against the floor, crying softly.
  461. > Her lip is bloody.
  463. > There is a woman standing not to far from her.
  464. > You assume it to be her mother.
  466. > The soldiers gathered around pay no attention to the execution.
  467. > Most of them have gathered around the vehicles for a smoke.
  469. > “Anonymous!” Mac grunts. “Are any of our guys down there?”
  470. “N-No.”
  471. > Mac stares at you with a stern look before returning to his radio.
  473. > “HQ? That's a negative. They're civilians.”
  475. > You hear another gunshot ring out.
  476. > You check look back towards the street.
  477. > The officer has shot one of the prisoners.
  478. > His body twitches on the ground in a pool of his own blood.
  480. > The officer travels down the line.
  481. > Another gunshot.
  483. > “HQ. They've started the executions. Please advise.”
  484. > A few moments pass.
  485. > You can hear the slight voice coming from the other end of his radio.
  486. > “Acknowledged.”
  487. > He clicks off his radio and turns to you.
  489. > “Come on. We've got new orders. Another squad has found the informant we've been look for. He's not too far from here, we've got too book it.”
  490. “What!?” you shout. “What about them?”
  491. > You gesture towards the civilians down below.
  493. > “What about them?” Mac scoffs.
  494. “Shouldn't we do something?”
  495. > “There's nothing we can do. Besides, we got new orders. Let's go!”
  497. “Nothing we can do? Those people down there are dying for no reason!”
  498. > Mac gives you a cold stare.
  499. > Off in the background, you can hear the officers pistol as he continues down the line.
  500. > Almost as if he was proving your point for you.
  501. > “We engage those guys now, and we're fucking dead! You hear me?” he points to the group of soldiers down below. “Don't you fucking start this shit! We do not have time for this! We've gotta move!”
  503. > You pull out a magazine from your vest and load it into your gun.
  505. > “Anonymous!? What the fuck is your problem? We've got orders!”
  506. “But those people! What about those people!”
  507. > “I know it's a shitty thing to do. But we can't refuse to accept the situa-”
  508. “We can't just leave them to die! We can stop th-”
  509. > “Those guys are wasted! You know that!”
  511. > You give Mac a dirty look before aiming down your rifle.
  513. > You aim your cross hairs to the Estovakian officer.
  514. > He's reached near the end of the line.
  515. > The young girl is still on the ground, clinging to her mothers foot.
  516. > She's lost in hysterics.
  518. > The officer makes his way to the mother.
  519. > She's the last person in line.
  520. > She stares at the floor.
  521. > He presses his pistol against her chin and picks her head up.
  522. > She looks at your direction.
  524. > She stares long and hard.
  526. > You pull back the slide on the rifle.
  527. > And as you do, you feel a barrel prod against the side of your head.
  528. > “Let's go.”
  529. > Mac's cold voice rings in your ear.
  531. > You disengage the safety and put your finger on the trigger, pulling ever so slightly.
  532. > The view in the scope becomes unstable as your body trembles.
  534. > “Anonymous!” Mac shouts! “Let's go!”
  536. > The officer pulls back the hammer on his pistol.
  538. > “Anonymous!”
  540. > You clench your eyes shut.
  542. > Your stomach turns.
  544. > The wind carries an eerie silence that seems to last a lifetime.
  546. ...
  548. > A gunshot rings throughout the air.
  550. > You feel a soft punch against your ribs.
  552. > “Anonymous! Wake up! Silly filly!”
  553. > You open your eyes.
  554. > The sun shines bright.
  555. > You stumble off the bench and onto the cement below.
  556. > “Have a nice nap!?” Pinkie Pie cheerfully asks.
  558. > You glance around.
  559. > You're back at the station.
  560. > You turn back to see the train's passenger disembarking.
  561. > Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity are looking at you confused.
  563. > “You alright there, sugarcube?” Applejack asks as she helps you your feet
  564. “Y-Yeah. Just a bit startled is all.”
  565. > “Aww. I hope Nonny isn't having nightmares!” Pinkie Pie giggles.
  566. > You laugh awkwardly.
  568. > Rarity runs up to you and gives you a hug.
  569. > You grunt as she blindsides you.
  570. > “It's been too long, Anonymous!”
  571. “I've missed you too, Rarity.”
  573. > “Glad to see you're alright, Anonymous.” Applejack adds.
  574. “Thanks.”
  576. > You gaze around.
  577. “Hey, guys?”
  578. > “Yes?” Applejack asks.
  579. “Where's Fluttershy?”
  581. > “Why, she's still on the train.” Rarity remarks.
  582. “Is she... Is she alright?”
  583. > Rarity wraps her arms around you again.
  584. > “She's fine, Anonymous. You have nothing to worry about.”
  585. “Are you sure? Where is she? I want to see her for myself.”
  587. > You hear Rainbow Dash's voice from the train.
  588. > “Hey!” she shouts
  589. > She slowly drags out a piece of luggage from the train
  590. > “These stupid things aren't gonna carry themselves!”
  592. > You rush over to the train.
  593. “Took ya long enough!” Rainbow Dash mentions.
  594. > She flies to the top of the cart and sits atop the luggage.
  595. > “Now let's go! I'm sick of this train already.”
  597. “Just hold on. Just one minute. Okay?”
  598. > You turn away from them and board the train.
  599. > “Hey!?” Rainbow Dash shouts.
  600. > You quickly shuffle down the halls past other passengers.
  602. > You travel all the way down the train, past the economy and business classes.
  603. > Making a beeline for the only Luxury Car on board.
  605. > You swing the door open and rush inside.
  607. > Twilight and Fluttershy stands before the doorway.
  609. > Much to your relief, she's up and about.
  610. > And there's not a scratch on her, just as Celestia promised.
  612. “F-Fluttershy.”
  613. > The cold memories of her bruised and beaten come back to you.
  614. > You feel your throat well up.
  616. “Fluttershy. I-I..”
  617. > You fall to a knee and embrace her in your arms.
  618. > You squeeze her tight and pull her close.
  619. “I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
  621. > “A-Anonymous?”
  622. > You never thought that timid little voice would ever sound so reassuring.
  623. > You hold her tight.
  625. “I'm sorry. I-I just...I just.”
  626. > “Anonymous?”
  627. > She wraps her wing around you in a warm embrace.
  628. “I just can't...I just didn't know what to do! It's just...”
  629. > You pull her tighter.
  630. > A tiny squeak escapes from her voice as you do.
  632. > “Now now. You don't have to apologize. Everything turned out alright. Didn't it?”
  633. “I just... I just don't lose anyone else. Please. Not again.”
  634. > “Lose me?”
  635. > A soft plip sound echoes as your tears fall on her wings.
  636. “I-I've lost so much coming here. I-I just don't want to be alone again.”
  638. > Twilight places her hoof along your shoulder.
  639. > “You're not alone, Anonymous.”
  640. > She gives you a warm smile.
  641. > “Anonymous. I know you've been through a lot.”
  642. > She offers you a hand getting back to your feet.
  643. > “But we've got your back now.”
  645. > You clear your tears.
  646. “Thanks Twilight.”
  647. > She pulls you to her side and gives you a warm embrace.
  649. > “Now come on. We've better get going.”
  652. --
  655. > You exit the train to meet up with the rest of the ponies.
  657. > “Jeeze!” Rainbow Dash shouts. “Took you long enough!”
  658. > She shoves the wagon full of luggage over to you.
  659. > “I had to load this whole thing up myself!”
  661. > “You did not!” Rarity shouts. “I had to do most of the heavy lifting! You're lucky I didn't ruin my hooficure!”
  662. “S-Sorry.”
  663. > You start pushing the wagon back to the stations entrance.
  664. > There you meet up with your driver.
  665. > You instruct him to load up the luggage and take it to Canterlot Castle.
  666. > He smiles and complies.
  667. > You hand him a few bits for your troubles.
  669. > “Hey? What gives?” Applejack asks. “I thought we we're headed back to the castle!”
  670. “We are. We are.”
  671. > “Then why's our driver headed off?”
  672. “Oh. I figured we go out to grab a bite to eat first!”
  674. > “Oh?” Twilight asks. “And where will you be taking us?”
  675. > “Ooh! I bet we're going to Donut Joe's!” Pinkie Pie shouts
  677. > You start walking down the Canterlot Streets.
  679. “Donut Joe's?”
  680. > “You've never been?” Pinkie Pie asks
  681. “Tch. Can't say I have. What's the food like?”
  682. > “Well. They serve Donuts! And Coffee!”
  683. “Oh. It's a coffee shop? I didn't know you guys had those here.”
  684. > “It's really good! We ought'a take you sometime, Anon!”
  686. > You walk towards the shopping district.
  687. > Here, several boutiques and storefronts are lined up for miles.
  688. > Specialized stores sell everything from food to clothing.
  690. > A small canal runs along the length of the road.
  691. > The cool rushing waters make for a beautiful sight.
  693. > Turning the corner down the street, you smell freshly baked bread.
  694. > Here, bakeries and sweet shops line the street.
  695. > There are ponies sitting on outdoor tables and patios.
  697. > Finally, you find your destination.
  698. > At the end of the street, you find a small row of buildings.
  699. > They sit at the very edge of the road, overlooking the drop off to the valley's below Canterlot.
  700. > A small restaurant sits nestled in between a tailor and a baker.
  702. > A delicious aroma wafts out the door.
  704. > You casually strut into the restaurant.
  705. > “Here?!” Twilight asks, “The Gilded Giraffe? Do you even know how expensive the food is here?!”
  706. > “I'll say.” Rainbow Dash mutters.
  708. “Hey hey! Don't worry. Dinner's on me tonight!”
  709. > A young colt dressed in a back waist coat comes up to you.
  710. > His hair is slicked back and he carries a few menus on him.
  711. > “Good evening. Do you have a reservation?”
  713. “Yes. Check under 'A. Anonymous'. I've got a table for seven reserved on the patio.”
  714. > The waiter turns to his guest book and flips though it.
  715. > His eyes dance and forth.
  716. > He checks off a few things here and there before turning back to you.
  717. > “Ah, yes. Here it is.” He shuts his guest book and trots off into the restaurant, “Please. Right this way, sire.”
  719. > “Sire?!” Applejack asks, “What's all this 'bout Sire?!”
  721. > “Ooh! Ooh!” Pinkie Pie exclaims, “You mean you didn't know?! Princess Celestia made Nonny' here royalty! He's practically a prince now!”
  723. > “A-A prince?” Fluttershy mutters. “Wow. I guess that explains these, huh?”
  724. > She hovers over and raises one of your arms.
  725. > She pulls your suit sleeve back just a bit to reveal the bracers Celestia and Luna gifted to you.
  727. “Guys, honestly? It's not that big of a deal. It's not like I have any power or anything. It's just a title.”
  728. > “Just a title!? Non-sense!” Rarity exclaims. “It's an absolute honor! Why, I know ponies who'd kill for a name like that!”
  729. “It's just. It feels a bit sudden, doesn't it? I'm still trying to figure out why Celestia would do something like that.”
  730. > “I'm sure she has her reasons,” Twilight adds. “Trust me. There's always a purpose to each of her actions.”
  731. “I hope you're right.”
  733. > The waiter seats you and your party.
  734. > You've reserved an elegant table that overlooks a better part of the city.
  735. > The sun is setting ever so gently against the horizon.
  736. > Off in the distance, you can see the shimmering lights of Ponyville nestled between the rolling hilltops.
  738. > When the waiter returns, you order your meals and ask for a bottle of their finest wine.
  740. > Live music is played by a small band.
  741. > It's a smooth tune that calms the soul.
  742. > That, combined with the restaurant's busy hustle makes for a perfect atmosphere.
  744. > The wine arrives and you pour everyone a glass.
  745. > “Cheers!” you all say in unison.
  746. > It's a sweet wine, and carries a bit of an aftertaste.
  747. > However, you can feel the alcohol tingle as it travels down your throat.
  748. > Not too strong, but not too weak.
  749. > Just perfect.
  751. > “Anonymous?” Twilight asks.
  752. “Hmm?”
  753. > “Errm. I hope you don't mind me asking, but how do you intent to pay for all this?”
  754. > You chuckle for a bit before finishing your glass.
  755. “Well, with cash of course.”
  756. > Twilight looks over the menus once more.
  757. > “Where'd you get the money? Are you sure you can afford all this? I mean, I've got a few bits here..”
  758. “I've got a job, Twilight. It's no biggie! Honestly!”
  760. > “A job?” Rarity asks. “Where?”
  761. “I work for the crown.”
  762. > “Really?”
  763. “Yep.”
  764. > “Doing what?”
  765. “I pretty much give lectures in the castle's archives. I guess I'm kinda like a professor now. Hah!”
  766. > “Really? What do you teach?”
  768. “You know how I went to school on my home, right? Well I pretty much just reteach that. Most of the time I do academic subjects. But a lot of other times, I just tell stories about my life and answer questions about myself.”
  769. > “Oh?” Twilight asks.
  770. “Yeah. It turns out a lot of ponies are just dying to hear about the time I graduated highschool.”
  771. > You take a sip of water.
  772. “Go figure.”
  774. > “So let me get this straight?” Applejack replies. “The princess hired you to sit around and tell stories all day to a bunch of bookworms?”
  775. “Well. Yeah.”
  776. > “And how much is she paying you?”
  777. “Ehh. I think it was about three hundred bits per session.”
  779. > “Three hundred bits!? Per day!? That's more than I make in a month!” Rainbow Dash shouts. “That's so unfair!”
  780. > “Uhhm. Rainbow?” Fluttershy squeaks. “You almost never show up to your post anyways.”
  781. > “Yeah!” Pinkie Pie shouts. “I'm surprised they haven't fired you yet!”
  783. > “Pffft! They can't fire me!” Rainbow smugly explains. “They can't! I'm the best Pegasus on the team! And they know that!”
  784. > She finished her wine with a smug face and a cool attitude.
  786. “Team? Flying? I don't understand.”
  788. > “I'm...uhh. I'm the executive captain of Ponyville's weather team!”
  790. > “Riiight.” Applejack adds. “Did you make that title up all by yourself now?”
  791. > “Sh-Shut up!”
  792. > Applejack lets out a hearty chuckle.
  794. “You mean like a meteorologist?”
  795. > “What? No! Like a weather team! You know, like flying around creating weather? Moving Clouds? Changing seasons? Doesn't any of that sound familiar?”
  796. “No. Not really,” you scratch your head in confusion. “You can create weather? Is that even possible?”
  798. > “Well, yeah! Just look above!”
  799. > She points to the skies above.
  800. > Way off in the distance, you see clouds being suddenly pushed and moved by a small team of pegasus ponies.
  802. “Well I'll be damned.”
  803. > “Yeah, it's pretty cool when you consider the Wonderbolts oversee the Canterlot weather team.”
  804. “Really?” you shield your eyes from the sun and focus your vision.
  806. “Now that you mention it, that does look like Spitfire up there. Doesn't it?”
  807. > You point to another pony in the sky.
  808. “And he kinda looks like Soarin!”
  809. > “You're a fan?” Rainbow asks
  810. “Yeah, I guess. I knew he did some Blue Angel stunts. But he never told me he was on weather duty. Bastard.”
  812. > “Wait.” Rainbow Dash shouts, nearly spitting out her drink. “You know Soarin?”
  813. “Yeah. I see him all the time.”
  814. > “W-What?! How?”
  815. “We cross paths in the castle. I swear, I see him around all the time.”
  816. > You take a drink ever so casually.
  817. > Rainbow on the other hand, explodes in excitement.
  818. > “Oh my gosh! What does he say? What does he do?! Where does he hang out? Does he remember who I am? Does he ever mention me? Will you take me to him?!”
  820. “Woah. Woah. Calm down.”
  821. > “Shucks, Anon. You mean you didn't know.” Applejack says. “Rainbow Dash here's got the cutest little crush on Soarin. And now you've got her all fired up? We're never going to hear the end of it!”
  822. > “S-Shut up!” Rainbow Dash blushes. “I don't like him like that! It's just... I'm just...Just a big fan is all!”
  823. > “Mmmhmm. Whatever you say, sugarcube.”
  825. > “So Anonymous!” Rainbow Dash exclaims, desperately trying to change to subject.
  826. “Hmm?”
  827. > “You mention something about 'Blue Angels'. Care to explain?”
  828. “Oh. Uhh. Sure.”
  830. > You point to Rainbow Dash's wings.
  831. “You know how we humans don't have wings, right?”
  832. > “Well, duh. Anyone with eyes can see that.”
  833. “Right. So overtime, we built machines that give us the ability to fly. We call them 'airplanes”
  834. > “Okay. Go on.”
  835. “Well, pretty much. Where I come from, the Blue Angels is a stunt team composed of the countries best pilots. They travel around and put on airshow's for people.”
  836. > “Just airshows though? They don't anything else?”
  837. “Pretty much. Just airshows. I've never seen one in person, but I hear they were amazing live.”
  838. > “Well how about when the day needs saving? You know, like rescue missions or crime fighting? These 'Blue Angels' don't do anything like that?”
  839. “Well. Not really.”
  840. > “That's lame!” She pouts. “Then who does?”
  841. > You ponder for a moment, before saying the first thing that came to mind.
  842. “Last I heard, Garuda Squadron has been kicking ass at the front lines.”
  843. > “Who? What?”
  844. > You feel a slight telekinetic nudge against your leg.
  845. > Rarity and Twilght quickly nod their heads.
  847. > Luckily, you see the waiter returning from the kitchen with your order.
  848. “I'll tell you later. Look! The food's arrived!”
  849. > You give an innocent grin to Rainbow as she simply stares in confusion.
  850. “Let's eat!”
  852. ---
  854. > Dinner was a blur.
  855. > Afterwards, Pinkie Pie had insisted on taking you to try out Donut Joe's.
  856. > You humbly agreed.
  858. > Cheerfully, she bounced across Canterlot.
  860. > You arrived at the diner.
  861. > It was small and humble.
  862. > When you entered inside a young stallion greeted you from behind the counter.
  863. > He gave you a warm smile and greeted you with a cheery “How's it going?”
  864. > His accent was thick but not foreign.
  865. > Joe gave off a friendly vibe.
  866. > He treats you the same way one would treat a long lost friend.
  868. > He offers you coffee and donuts.
  869. > And Pinkie was right.
  870. > The coffee here was excellent.
  871. > You savored every sip of it.
  873. > You spent some time in the diner.
  874. > Most of the time was spent catching up with the girls or answering Joe's questions about your world.
  875. > Questions like “What kind of coffee do they have over there?” or “Whose donuts are better? Mine or theirs!?”
  876. > You happily answered his questions.
  878. > It wasn't long before Joe had to close up shop for the night.
  879. > You covered the bill for you and the girls.
  881. > And before you knew it, you were busy leading your tired party back to the Canterlot Castle.
  882. > Arrangements had already been made for the night.
  884. > As you approach the castle you see Celestia and Luna atop one of their balconies, setting the sun for a new night.
  886. > You meet them inside and usher your party of to their rooms before retiring to your own.
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