
Jade drained Felix's brake fluid

Oct 9th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Felix was sitting in the driver seat, taking the normal side streets back to Steph's place. They'd been hanging out at his place earlier but were making their way back over here to feed pets and get some sleep for the night. He was bobbing his head along to the music looking over at her in the passenger seat, "Is there still leftover cookes from the bridal shower?... and milk?"
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was jamming in her seat because tunes, her eyes glancing over to look at Felix in the driver's seat. "Of course there are. I actually saved some of the cannoli shells that I never filled, too. I was going to save some for Bryan when he got here and make more cannoli filling in a couple weeks right before the wedding so yeah. But there's iced cookies in the fridge still. And I'm like ninety percent sure there's still milk." She reached over to the radio, turning up the song to jam a bit more.-
  3. Covet: "Sweet, well I'm not going to steal your brother's cannoli's, but I'm totally pillaging those cookies when we get home." He said as he made the turns, he gave a frown and touched the breaks, they seemed to be giving him a hard time, having to push them harder and harder each time to get them to engage. "Huh.. that's odd." He said focusing on his driving, trying ease up on the gas when he came up to a stop sign. He made more of a California stop than an actual stop through the intersection, making sure to look both ways as they were crossing the street.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "That's good, because he's probably kill you." She said with a smirk, moving her arms around to sort of dance to the music. When he commented, she twisted her body in her seat to face him, watching his face. "What's weird?"-
  5. Covet: "I like living." He said with a nod, then shook his head, "Brakes are acting up, I'll check them when we get to your place, We're not that far, I should be alright." He said not accounting for any hills along the way. There was a small downhill stretch before their next turn and the t-shaped intersection. Normally it's not a terribly dangerous slope, but where he didn't have any real way of stopping he was trying to get acceleration to slow down by easing off the gas pedal again, but even that wasn't much help with the hill. "Uh.. Steph.. I'm going to need you to not freak out... but... hold on tight at this turn." He said fighting with the breaks with no luck.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "What do you mean the brakes are acting up?" She gawked at him, leaning just a bit to one side as she peered down at the floor and his feet and the brake pedal like her looking was going to magically make it work. "What?" She shrieked at him, staring into his face. "Felix, what the fuck?"-
  7. Covet: "I mean they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing and this is going to be rough.." He said as he held onto the stearing wheel trying to make the right hand turn but, blew through the stop sign and into oncoming traffic, up onto the sidewalk before clipping the driver side front corner into a Light polecausing the car to spin and drag along his side of the vehicle. as it came to a stop, making a hissing noise from the radiator. During the collision, both airbags had gone off, the driver side throwing Felix's arms into his face, making his head whip back, everything went blurry for him and kind of faded out as he felt a splitting pain radiating through his head.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Steph froze as they blew through the stop sign, unsure of what to do other than watch first hand because UH OH whats going to happen. When they made impact, the airbag exploded in her face as well as her shoulder since she was twisted toward him, easily dislocating her right shoulder since she'd done it so many times before and now that shit pops out with any kind of real pressure. She slumped forward when the car finally came to a stop, blacking out very briefly from the impact in her face and letting her head hang. Coming back to, she squeezed her eyes shut, the instant soreness of her shoulder, face, and along her chest where her seatbelt was settling over her.-
  9. Covet: Felix felt his stomach kind of churn, a side effect of the concussion he had. He mumbled out, as he tried to push the airbag down and tried to get his eyes to focus, He could taste the blood in his mouth and groaned when he touched his face, so much of the upper half of his body was sore, "Red? You good?"
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She kind of just moaned in response because it was about all she could get out right now. Moving her left arm to craddle her right, she held her arm against her, knowing immediately her shoulder was dislocated because she was used to it and shit. Prying her eyes open, she felt small traces of wetness dropping down from her brow where the skin had split, her eye and cheek already beginning to swell from the impact. "I'm..." She faltered a moment, wiggling her toes in her shoes to make sure that was all good too. "...okay."-
  11. Covet: Felix coughed and tried to swallow, without gaggin, and wiped his sleeve up against his nose. "I think I'm good too. My head's killing me and my face hurts, but that's nothing new." He said.// A bystander who'd caught the whole thing had called 911 and there were sirens in the distance. Felix tried to open up his door, but it wasn't budging with how it was bent. "Sorry, Red. I don't know what happened with the breaks."
  12. Alexithymiaa: "At least I'm not the reason your face hurts this time." She started to laugh which was a mistake because that just made her face hurt even more. Reaching her left hand out, she put a reassuring hand on his arm. "It could have been a lot worse. We're both okay. Can you get out?" She asked as she turned to her own door, having to give it a kick with her heel to get it to creek open as EMTs rushed on either side of the Jeep.-
  13. Covet: "Don't make me laugh, it hurts." He said with a groan after attempting to, "No, the door's wedged shut. I'll just climb out your side." He said pushing past the pain as he held his sleeve to his nose. Before he could even start to climb out that direction, his door was pryed open by a couple of people and he was being checked out, "I'm fine, I'm fine, I just caught my hands in my face." He said but as soon as his feet hit the ground and he tried to stand up he felt the sick coming before he could stop it, and vomitted all over the EMT's shoes.
  14. Alexithymiaa: (Ew.)
  15. Covet: [Concussions are fun!]
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Moving her left arm back to hold onto her right, she slipped out of the car, trying to swat the hands away from her because it was a little overwhelming, especially after getting into an accident. Turning to look back through the car, she saw Felix bent over, quickly moving through the small crowd of people fussing to stumble over to the other side of the car, stopping short when she saw the vomit because that made her own stomach turn, concussion or not. "Felix?" She kind of just asked despite feeling a little green after that.-
  17. Covet: "I'm fine.. I'm fine. Really. Just rang my bell." He said to Steph, waving his hand at her not to get too close...taking a few deep breaths while the EMT guided him to the curb, he sat down down, as the fire department started the clean up of the vehicle. A police officer was making his way over to them as well, while people were asked to step back.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She frowned as the EMT guided him to sit down, finally turning to the two EMTs that were trying to tend to her that she'd been blowing off since she was way more concerned about him since most of the force of the accident had been on his side. Letting go of her arm, one of the EMTs took it in their hands and pushed it back up into the socket, her voice letting out a sharp yelp because that shit hurts. Finally being able to feel her fingers in her right hand again, she reached up and removed her cracked glasses from her face, sighing before looking back over at Felix as they tended to the cut above her eye.-
  19. Covet: Felix was having a flashlight shined in his eyes to check his puples and all the normal poking and prodding done, They'd both been advised to go to the hospital to get checked out thoroughly, Felix shook his head, "No.. Can we just get a ride back to her place?" He said wincing and trying to close his eyes. The officer went to Steph to ask her what had happened first.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Steph blinked and relentlessly tried to get her eyes to focus with no such luck since glasses being broken and such, trying to focus on the officer as the EMT's applied a butterfly band aid to her brow. "The brakes just... stopped working. I.. I don't know." She looked around him and over to Felix where the EMT's were inspecting him, pretty much tuning out what the professionals were saying to her. "Is Felix okay?" She interjected in the middle of their instructions, stepping away from them to walk over to where he was sitting, squatting down beside him and putting her hand on his shoulder. "How are you doing?"-
  21. Covet: "Fine, I could use some water, and some tylenol. And no more bright lights in my eyes right now." He said shoving off the EMT, The officer came over and looked at Felix, "She said your brakes stopped working? Any idea as to why that might be?" Felix stopped and glared up at the officer, "If you think I knew that, do you think We'd be in this position?" He said, "The breaks just stopped working, I felt it start to go and tried to compensate for it since we're close to her house, but there was nothing I could do." He said leaning back over to hold his head, reaching for Steph's hand, "How are you? I heard you yell over there."
  22. Alexithymiaa: -She took Felix's hand, looking into his face as best as she could without her glasses with a worried expression plastered across her face. "The EMT wasn't exactly gentle about putting my shoulder back in its socket. I've done it better, myself. And my glasses are broken..." She scowled a bit, glancing up at the officer briefly before returning her focus on Felix, stroking her fingers over his hand since he looked even more distressed than she felt. "Do you still feel sick?"-
  23. Covet: "It comes and goes. So long as I don't stand up to quick I should be fine. I'm feeling a little drowsy...Maybe we should go to the hospital first." He said regretting the idea, but the concussion could have jostled his implant for his hearing aid as well. He looked up at the officer, "Look if you want to ask more questions, then follow us to the hospital, can you let the tow truck driver know to take my vehicle to this adress?" He said pulling out his phone to start typing it but had to hand it over to Steph because his eyes didn't like the brightness.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She took the phone from him, having to pull it very close to her face to focus enough to figure out if she was typing the right address before showing it to the officer. "Does that say four seventy two Hawthorne boulevard?" She asked, honestly unsure. When the officer nodded, she returned her attention to Felix. "Come on. We're going to go to the hospital. You need to be checked out. You're scaring me." She climbed to her feet slowly, turning to offer him her left hand to help him up, keeping her right arm tucked to her side since it was still sore.-
  25. Covet: "Yeah.. sounds good." He said getting up, trying not to lean to much on her as they made their way to the ambulance, for a ride to be checked out, where they'd be for hours because hospitals are slow, but Felix totally makes it up to Steph by getting her a giant bunny.
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