
CS284 V3 0HOUR1 silverscript

Jul 31st, 2017
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  1. CS284 0HOUR1 V3 silverscript July 31 2017
  3. 0HOUR1 Phone Call 001 - 0HOUR1 calls Webb and Goodman and the crowd roars!
  5. Transcript
  6. 0:00
  7. hey zero hours Jason and George how are
  8. 0:02
  9. you and shells company pretty good so
  10. 0:05
  11. yeah I've been looking up the family
  12. 0:08
  13. tree that's where I've been going with
  14. 0:10
  15. it
  16. 0:11
  17. so I know you guys are going down
  18. 0:12
  19. another route but I decided plate up
  20. 0:15
  21. your own shit you know Enron and
  22. 0:17
  23. everybody's family tree and where it
  24. 0:19
  25. goes back when they first got into the
  26. 0:20
  27. country things like that so I started
  28. 0:23
  29. looking into it and I found a company
  30. 0:25
  31. called sell plan which is house at 1920
  32. 0:29
  33. cell plant cell plant one L cell plan is
  34. 0:34
  35. at 1920 Association yes their
  36. 0:37
  37. headquarters oh okay so that's that's a
  38. 0:40
  39. big deal that's a big deal mostly on the
  40. 0:42
  41. fourth floor they did be in X voice I
  42. 0:45
  43. key grant that they got from the
  44. 0:48
  45. government they did all they show up
  46. 0:50
  47. voice over IP phone service in a cup yep
  48. 0:53
  49. well they did that contract
  50. 0:56
  51. well different father was the head of
  52. 1:00
  53. the team for the ymax so they did back
  54. 1:04
  55. up there on that poor but below them is
  56. 1:08
  57. the Intel or like the DoD us cause
  58. 1:13
  59. electronic communications by the
  60. 1:15
  61. Department of Defense right judges I
  62. 1:19
  63. found it weird that in Ron's father was
  64. 1:21
  65. working in a building there's that and
  66. 1:24
  67. then in Ron tough skin was in Rogers was
  68. 1:28
  69. in Ron's father
  70. 1:29
  71. what was you Mohammad Shah was he
  72. 1:34
  73. working at blue sky or blue sky I think
  74. 1:40
  75. it's his name's not Mohammed so on it's
  76. 1:42
  77. Mohammed Mohammed on day one right right
  78. 1:48
  79. not even saw I changed still on back
  80. 1:50
  81. true right he changed into me right
  82. 1:53
  83. right in quasi I totally yeah that was
  84. 1:56
  85. to defraud the guys with the bola
  86. 1:57
  87. Huggies why before that he worked for a
  88. 2:02
  89. company called united emirate
  90. 2:05
  91. technologies a little yeast Oh
  92. 2:07
  93. okay yeah so ifalcon to that I sent you
  94. 2:10
  95. guys a link of the I got those so line
  96. 2:14
  97. up for it yes so he was over there doing
  98. 2:16
  99. that but yous doing cloud mobile
  100. 2:19
  101. technologies okay which is funny because
  102. 2:22
  103. shit block also does the cloud mobile
  104. 2:25
  105. technology how could that possibly be
  106. 2:27
  107. the guy's real name right
  108. 2:29
  109. yeah it's not a real action block yeah
  110. 2:31
  111. yeah but that's okay don't worry about
  112. 2:33
  113. that I don't know but those two are
  114. 2:34
  115. shady anyway because you gotta mommy's
  116. 2:36
  117. over in Iran doing all kinds of real
  118. 2:40
  119. estate and see I tell you guys a link to
  120. 2:42
  121. his page you'll see all the different
  122. 2:44
  123. buildings and architecture yep he's over
  124. 2:46
  125. there hi II now if you want an Intel
  126. 2:49
  127. firm in the United States and II know
  128. 2:52
  129. this kind of classified data pieces
  130. 2:54
  131. top-secret yeah if you look at the other
  132. 2:57
  133. ring I showed you why on earth would I
  134. 2:59
  135. rani allow them into the country like
  136. 3:02
  137. chocolate let's all take activated now
  138. 3:04
  139. let me stop you let me explain
  140. 3:07
  141. imran is just the the placeholder this
  142. 3:10
  143. is these are all DoD programs the best
  144. 3:13
  145. of vista 7 SS 8 backbone intercept all
  146. 3:17
  147. the long lines intercept the DoD's been
  148. 3:20
  149. doing this forever they just throw
  150. 3:21
  151. somebody in from a foreign intelligence
  152. 3:23
  153. service to do the liaison loophole so
  154. 3:26
  155. they don't have to report any of this
  156. 3:27
  157. stuff that that's that's the reason so
  158. 3:31
  159. so boy bunny that Iran would let you you
  160. 3:34
  161. know so coy to the countryside VoIP is
  162. 3:37
  163. the same way you know the backbone
  164. 3:39
  165. listening to all the VoIP traffic it's
  166. 3:41
  167. all NSA it's all a cut out he's just a
  168. 3:43
  169. cut out you know and his dad was before
  170. 3:46
  171. him and the reason why they wanted to
  172. 3:47
  173. get him out of the country everybody
  174. 3:48
  175. thinks his dad died there's one that you
  176. 3:50
  177. wanted to get him out of the country was
  178. 3:51
  179. because of this him threatening his his
  180. 3:55
  181. stepmom and that case was going to have
  182. 3:58
  183. that detention case was going to come
  184. 3:59
  185. forward that's why they had to get him
  186. 4:00
  187. out of the country right now
  188. 4:04
  189. interesting well he has to stay till his
  190. 4:08
  191. trial but they're trying to get the
  192. 4:10
  193. trial dropped right now and and I'm sure
  194. 4:13
  195. they move for the dismissal already but
  196. 4:16
  197. public opinion I don't think we'll allow
  198. 4:19
  199. it now if you follow the person that
  200. 4:23
  201. they came into and delivered that's
  202. 4:24
  203. where they came into the United States
  204. 4:26
  205. in Minnesota right Nate with a guy named
  206. 4:28
  207. Saul Tana I don't know if you guys are
  208. 4:30
  209. resources or not yeah yeah a guy shall
  210. 4:33
  211. Panna is late to come all kind of like
  212. 4:36
  213. military politicians over in packaging
  214. 4:41
  215. yeah and when I was doing the family
  216. 4:44
  217. tree and let me to the dining room
  218. 4:46
  219. a one yeah who is awesome one of the in
  220. 4:50
  221. here
  222. 4:51
  223. faceless which led me for that profile
  224. 4:55
  225. well this guy's like Jenni caught notch
  226. 4:57
  227. over in Pakistan you should look among
  228. 4:59
  229. things Farooq a one yep as you can find
  230. 5:02
  231. him to solve in the Muhammed Philippi
  232. 5:05
  233. amenities needed I mean I said you guys
  234. 5:08
  235. a picture of his whatever it is his
  236. 5:11
  237. hairline
  238. 5:11
  239. I hear whatever it is I don't know what
  240. 5:13
  241. that was yeah I got all these onions
  242. 5:15
  243. here I see that yeah yeah and it's
  244. 5:19
  245. basically the key realignment following
  246. 5:21
  247. is just the family makeup yeah I had it
  248. 5:25
  249. I had a nice morning I had him in
  250. 5:28
  251. mississagua I haven't covered any of
  252. 5:30
  253. this I had him in mississagua near
  254. 5:32
  255. Toronto and we went all over looked at
  256. 5:35
  257. at different places that they were
  258. 5:36
  259. setting up normally what they do when
  260. 5:38
  261. these operatives come in they teach them
  262. 5:41
  263. to get into a program they get on some
  264. 5:43
  265. kind of public assistance right away so
  266. 5:45
  267. the guys money coming in then they start
  268. 5:48
  269. borrowing money to get houses and then
  270. 5:52
  271. they set up usually fed up like
  272. 5:54
  273. prescription drug operations so they say
  274. 5:58
  275. in Duluth they were getting pissed off
  276. 6:01
  277. this address yeah consciously would the
  278. 6:06
  279. logic government yeah Intel thing which
  280. 6:12
  281. I found really weird too like when I
  282. 6:14
  283. looked across the street it had
  284. 6:16
  285. building the Kalon attention it so
  286. 6:19
  287. wherever these guys are ended up they're
  288. 6:20
  289. ending out here I wanna catch ya and I
  290. 6:23
  291. just I found that coin show I believe we
  292. 6:27
  293. do you guys everywhere winter spent yeah
  294. 6:30
  295. so they were going to go with iridium
  296. 6:32
  297. for a while to manage the ratlines they
  298. 6:34
  299. were going to go for iridium
  300. 6:35
  301. transceivers and blackberry was really
  302. 6:37
  303. heading toward eridium iridium and so
  304. 6:41
  305. Imran Shah went down to not a mirage
  306. 6:44
  307. Mohammed a wand went down to Texas and
  308. 6:47
  309. he started this company called blue sky
  310. 6:50
  311. link and they were doing the Iridium but
  312. 6:52
  313. then they got kind of inland fell in
  314. 6:54
  315. love with these nano sacks you know
  316. 6:56
  317. because these special forces was using
  318. 6:58
  319. these nano sets well they're only
  320. 7:00
  321. they're only about four inches square
  322. 7:02
  323. and they burn up but they're so cheap
  324. 7:04
  325. that they're just throw them away when
  326. 7:05
  327. they're done so they've moved so logics
  328. 7:10
  329. and all that kind of stuff all those
  330. 7:12
  331. kind of logistics companies are just
  332. 7:15
  333. using different technologies as
  334. 7:16
  335. different technologies come down the
  336. 7:18
  337. road but it's the same thing over and
  338. 7:19
  339. over it's to manage the ratlines
  340. 7:20
  341. it's the same thing over and over and
  342. 7:23
  343. over I mean this goes back and a website
  344. 7:27
  345. that the father had green and it was all
  346. 7:30
  347. about interested recall recall it from
  348. 7:34
  349. every things like that you know one
  350. 7:37
  351. thing I can think of what's the scheme
  352. 7:38
  353. of speech it's kid cutting instant
  354. 7:40
  355. recall you know to looking at data and
  356. 7:42
  357. they're able to go back to wherever they
  358. 7:44
  359. are and they're able to rebuild that
  360. 7:45
  361. data that what's called a brain so on
  362. 7:48
  363. yeah I put that link out there - I don't
  364. 7:51
  365. know what you see there but I've got a
  366. 7:53
  367. lot of I got all the dm's in any
  368. 7:56
  369. intelligence services
  370. 7:57
  371. you know they teach them to look at
  372. 7:58
  373. stuff like how to read upside down how
  374. 8:01
  375. to scan a whole desk look at where the
  376. 8:04
  377. person's made annotations and markings
  378. 8:06
  379. you know see if you can get to fill
  380. 8:08
  381. something spilled coffee to try to get
  382. 8:10
  383. them to you know to divert them so you
  384. 8:12
  385. can take a picture and all that shit is
  386. 8:14
  387. all good right but I think some of these
  388. 8:17
  389. guys are doing or they were looking at
  390. 8:19
  391. net or in Congress and they go embed
  392. 8:21
  393. their houses and rebuilding well it
  394. 8:24
  395. wouldn't be that hard and you can find
  396. 8:26
  397. people working inauguration and there
  398. 8:28
  399. different senators I mean they could
  400. 8:31
  401. they could recall everything well but
  402. 8:33
  403. most of the time think about in that
  404. 8:35
  405. aspect
  406. 8:35
  407. most of the time you know over the last
  408. 8:38
  409. 30 years the agencies have really gone
  410. 8:40
  411. away from human intercept and human
  412. 8:42
  413. intelligence and it's all tech tech tech
  414. 8:45
  415. now so all like mr would have been doing
  416. 8:48
  417. at congress is you first you take a
  418. 8:50
  419. toner cartridge and you smile at all the
  420. 8:52
  421. secretaries and you warm everybody up
  422. 8:54
  423. then the second time you go in you
  424. 8:57
  425. switch the routers you get to trust
  426. 8:59
  427. first and then the second time you go
  428. 9:00
  429. and you switch the router for an
  430. 9:02
  431. identical router and then put up with
  432. 9:06
  433. the WiMAX technology just got to link
  434. 9:08
  435. these routers yep yep which they had
  436. 9:11
  437. worked on yeah yeah that's not what the
  438. 9:14
  439. government do it's crazy yeah and you
  440. 9:17
  441. look about seven it tells you how you
  442. 9:19
  443. can insulate the routers right but it's
  444. 9:22
  445. better than that it's best just to go in
  446. 9:24
  447. unhook it and put in yours you know what
  448. 9:26
  449. I mean then you have the backdoor burn
  450. 9:28
  451. into the iOS but most these guys you
  452. 9:31
  453. think oh my god how could they be in all
  454. 9:32
  455. these things they're really not it's
  456. 9:34
  457. kind of like just being a aqua cool
  458. 9:37
  459. water delivery guy you just go in you
  460. 9:41
  461. create some kind of diversion and then
  462. 9:42
  463. you switch the routers or you do it a
  464. 9:46
  465. one-two you set up with hey you know
  466. 9:48
  467. here's doughnuts on the first visit and
  468. 9:49
  469. then the second visit used to do router
  470. 9:51
  471. slob well the fact that the TV if you
  472. 9:55
  473. look at it they copied the NGT they're
  474. 9:59
  475. NGP van yeah well that's just it was
  476. 10:02
  477. mobile software for phone that's all
  478. 10:05
  479. that was and it's put out by a software
  480. 10:07
  481. company
  482. 10:08
  483. what do you mean literally drove a van
  484. 10:10
  485. mini--length mini--length a solidity
  486. 10:12
  487. then maybe that's known under me yeah
  488. 10:14
  489. minivans
  490. 10:15
  491. what is that minivan is just a handheld
  492. 10:17
  493. ruin the software installs forever yeah
  494. 10:20
  495. minivan is impelling of Rosie's SGP vent
  496. 10:23
  497. yep
  498. 10:24
  499. yes it is well how come we have a
  500. 10:26
  501. problem
  502. 10:27
  503. say again zero
  504. 10:30
  505. they cloned the phone which phone they
  506. 10:32
  507. remember when they had the iPad and all
  508. 10:36
  509. the wack berries yes like that
  510. 10:38
  511. yeah of course the BlackBerry just clone
  512. 10:40
  513. the home he's doing all kinds of stuff
  514. 10:42
  515. with blackberries wasn't it
  516. 10:44
  517. oh yeah I recall you know it changing
  518. 10:46
  519. the quota called a bone she do it yeah
  520. 10:49
  521. yeah and it was it was it attached was
  522. 10:51
  523. it an insert in the on the end of the
  524. 10:53
  525. minivan is that one how they were doing
  526. 10:55
  527. it I don't know because half the
  528. 10:58
  529. structures missing like if you look at
  530. 11:00
  531. the files and see like when certain
  532. 11:02
  533. folders were changed if you look at the
  534. 11:05
  535. date
  536. 11:05
  537. some of them in nine feet so what these
  538. 11:09
  539. guys did was decreasing your missing
  540. 11:12
  541. section for the folders but there's a
  542. 11:14
  543. lot of stuff missing like things like oh
  544. 11:16
  545. the contacts things ago things like that
  546. 11:18
  547. and she could actually see the contacts
  548. 11:20
  549. you know who's only called : April 10th
  550. 11:23
  551. I see I see that's why they deleted it
  552. 11:26
  553. okay so you take the head everybody you
  554. 11:29
  555. think they had everybody's phone at DNC
  556. 11:31
  557. I think they had everybody's phone I
  558. 11:33
  559. think they did all me I mean it's work
  560. 11:35
  561. for the most of things yeah absolutely
  562. 11:38
  563. well the deadline anything long a lot of
  564. 11:41
  565. bones I think will enhance do you know
  566. 11:44
  567. if you might get one point here pulling
  568. 11:46
  569. his iPad I need Pelosi oh yeah yeah
  570. 11:50
  571. closest I've had not not she's gone she
  572. 11:52
  573. can tell us the president United State
  574. 11:55
  575. now she's on the gang of eight she's on
  576. 11:58
  577. the gang of eight yeah well she also got
  578. 12:00
  579. nervous as hell when people asked her
  580. 12:01
  581. about Imran yeah yeah now you remember
  582. 12:05
  583. during the election when the kids got it
  584. 12:08
  585. perfect Podesta's I've had enough of
  586. 12:11
  587. that baby sentence like that I thought
  588. 12:13
  589. it was his cell phone though in his
  590. 12:14
  591. iPhone and I think that was his iPhone
  592. 12:16
  593. but that was a cover
  594. 12:17
  595. that was a phishing cover for all the
  596. 12:19
  597. other fishing that they did with that
  598. 12:21
  599. blue and act blues right well these kids
  600. 12:24
  601. at 40 and they actually got ahold of an
  602. 12:26
  603. extra password it was info WikiLeaks
  604. 12:28
  605. right right I saw they resent his iPad
  606. 12:31
  607. now they could have actually done some
  608. 12:33
  609. damage and they really tended I'm
  610. 12:35
  611. writing her download at all an email
  612. 12:37
  613. again
  614. 12:38
  615. I think unfortunately formatted it but
  616. 12:41
  617. yeah so that's how greedy that was I
  618. 12:44
  619. mean these guys were just giving out
  620. 12:45
  621. their passwords they do nothing wrong
  622. 12:47
  623. picnic no well that's kind of the whoops
  624. 12:52
  625. I did it again you know whoops I did it
  626. 12:54
  627. again you know I was extremely careless
  628. 12:55
  629. getting away all you know the f-35 to
  630. 12:58
  631. the Chinese I was you know I was
  632. 13:01
  633. extremely terrible I can tell that these
  634. 13:04
  635. guys give out yeah well sold the DMZ
  636. 13:08
  637. lead on the black market I think that's
  638. 13:10
  639. where that came from
  640. 13:11
  641. if you notice all aside the song just
  642. 13:12
  643. again any more leanings but Malcolm
  644. 13:14
  645. mentioned I think you could all go back
  646. 13:16
  647. Ron without that with somebody else's
  648. 13:19
  649. Lord yeah well I could say that can we
  650. 13:22
  651. enhance losses I can tell you right now
  652. 13:24
  653. macarons a throw
  654. 13:26
  655. you know macaron is a throw or to get
  656. 13:28
  657. away from the domestic issue they're
  658. 13:30
  659. trying to get WikiLeaks office Julia I
  660. 13:32
  661. can just show you Jillian was paying
  662. 13:34
  663. attention to that want brothers until
  664. 13:36
  665. the they gave him the macron stuff this
  666. 13:38
  667. morning
  668. 13:38
  669. and they're trying to get Julian off
  670. 13:41
  671. this this topic because they don't want
  672. 13:42
  673. a world of researchers going into all
  674. 13:45
  675. the car dealers that a ones defrauded
  676. 13:48
  677. and all the dead car dealers in DC
  678. 13:51
  679. that's the last thing I mean they were
  680. 13:54
  681. good I think you know I and iPhones they
  682. 13:56
  683. could do whatever they wanted as long as
  684. 13:58
  685. I can provide my Nana right right now
  686. 14:00
  687. that was they okay you know like with
  688. 14:02
  689. all this I'll be Randi Eleniak Center
  690. 14:05
  691. bringing I mean listen zero plan deals
  692. 14:09
  693. zero can you would you be interested in
  694. 14:12
  695. appearing on our show on skype to talk
  696. 14:14
  697. about this some more we're going to push
  698. 14:15
  699. this call out do you need us to mask the
  700. 14:17
  701. voice or anything like that no all
  702. 14:20
  703. that's fine you don't have to I'll see
  704. 14:22
  705. what's on my agenda figured some things
  706. 14:25
  707. to do but I'll tell you I'll give you a
  708. 14:27
  709. call back few hours okay yeah let's do
  710. 14:30
  711. that all right listen man thanks very
  712. 14:32
  713. much for calling I'm really glad we
  714. 14:33
  715. connected here okay yeah
  716. 14:35
  717. okay research the power go me yeah a lot
  718. 14:38
  719. of this yeah yeah yes an operative he's
  720. 14:40
  721. an operative I knew that but they just
  722. 14:42
  723. can't tell the public
  724. 14:44
  725. you guys checked out yeah yeah I went up
  726. 14:47
  727. there I went up there I went up there
  728. 14:49
  729. twice
  730. 14:51
  731. it's it there's a lot of stuff in Canada
  732. 14:54
  733. that I got to that I just haven't been
  734. 14:55
  735. able to use yet it's coming though I got
  736. 14:57
  737. the mother and coming in and I can tell
  738. 15:04
  739. you sunny
  740. 15:05
  741. which was that dr. Carson see no I don't
  742. 15:10
  743. know him and that's one of the uncles uh
  744. 15:16
  745. what I click the links oh yeah he was
  746. 15:19
  747. really related to small piano so
  748. 15:22
  749. obviously he's going to be related
  750. 15:23
  751. though there's a lot of stuff they don't
  752. 15:26
  753. want no one about me he wants I thought
  754. 15:29
  755. so Terra
  756. 15:30
  757. I thought Sultana was just the pass
  758. 15:33
  759. through the sponsor passed through up in
  760. 15:36
  761. in Duluth and they were bringing them in
  762. 15:38
  763. through Toronto and in Ottawa but anyway
  764. 15:45
  765. we'll get back on this we'll get back in
  766. 15:47
  767. this I gotta get some coffee
  768. 15:48
  769. all right thanks your yeah yeah but they
  770. 15:54
  771. got this they got this little thing from
  772. 15:56
  773. the Moghul Empire and they're trying to
  774. 15:58
  775. convince them all they're all priests
  776. 16:00
  777. and you know they're trying to take it
  778. 16:02
  779. all back to win before the British took
  780. 16:04
  781. over and you know put back the Empire
  782. 16:07
  783. and they've convinced them all they're
  784. 16:08
  785. free and they're not priests but they've
  786. 16:10
  787. convinced them all they're they're all
  788. 16:11
  789. princes and all this crap so yeah okay
  790. 16:14
  791. mommy ty I mean that three you're
  792. 16:17
  793. letting this guy's wrong one Tyria
  794. 16:20
  795. and like I really debrief that guy at
  796. 16:22
  797. the airport yeah yeah and you say
  798. 16:26
  799. finding crazy all right I gotta get
  800. 16:28
  801. tough yeah so our guy did that that was
  802. 16:30
  803. when going over there and I ran a ring
  804. 16:33
  805. holy hell right sure it's kind of tight
  806. 16:36
  807. let's talk let's talk it a couple hours
  808. 16:38
  809. fuck that right here else you're our
  810. 16:40
  811. take care man all right thanks zero
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