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Gym Badge Run Session 16 Meet and Greet

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Jun 15th, 2016
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  1. Jan 31 13:20:54 <StarmanTheta> Last time on Kelelelelelelelelelelelelele
  2. Jan 31 13:21:56 <StarmanTheta> The party received their rewards for besting SUmmers, and afterwards
  3. Jan 31 13:22:35 <StarmanTheta> Did some shopping and exploration, running into an old cubone friend, and checking the sands for some new allies
  4. Jan 31 13:23:48 <StarmanTheta> But eventually, the time came for your meeting.
  5. Jan 31 13:24:13 <StarmanTheta> Coming to the ritzy hotel/convention center, you met up with some gym leaders before heading up to the main event, an organized reception.
  6. Jan 31 13:24:14 * PepperSpice befriended Howard o3o
  7. Jan 31 13:24:30 <MariaSpada> There was much meeting. Maria handed the ball over to the Professor
  8. Jan 31 13:24:43 <StarmanTheta> After a brief convo with juniper and some shooting the shit, Okpara kicked things off with an opening speech
  9. Jan 31 13:24:48 <StarmanTheta> and that's where we'll begin
  10. Jan 31 13:25:18 <StarmanTheta> Okpara's speech is long. Very well written, but long as hell. You can see most of the people are ready to just get on with eating
  11. Jan 31 13:25:39 * MariaSpada listens attentively. It could be on the test.
  12. Jan 31 13:25:57 * denel_tasmant listen while wondering if he wrote it himself
  13. Jan 31 13:26:25 <StarmanTheta> But finally it's over. "...And I bid you, friends and allies both current and future, break bread amongst one another, and let this be a glorious year for our nascent League!"
  14. Jan 31 13:26:51 <StarmanTheta> He exits the stage to applause--impatient applause but applause, and the room quickly falls to people eating and socializing
  15. Jan 31 13:27:17 * denel_tasmant goes back to socializing with the other testers.
  16. Jan 31 13:27:52 <StarmanTheta> Alright
  17. Jan 31 13:28:12 <StarmanTheta> So you guys are free to go socialize with people. Let me give you a brief description of what and who is here
  18. Jan 31 13:28:14 * Getter must consume. He is a dragon, and so he shall consume, that said, he's going to do more talking with those roughs, because why wouldn't he talk to the guys with the amazing group name.
  19. Jan 31 13:29:13 <StarmanTheta> ALright so
  20. Jan 31 13:29:37 <StarmanTheta> The largest table consists of the league officials and gym leaders
  21. Jan 31 13:30:12 * Diego_Fuego has quit (*.net *.split)
  22. Jan 31 13:30:13 * PepperSpice has quit (*.net *.split)
  23. Jan 31 13:30:14 <StarmanTheta> Celes, Richter, Carl, you're familiar with. Pepper has
  24. Jan 31 13:30:16 <StarmanTheta> ...
  25. Jan 31 13:30:20 <denel_tasmant> wow
  26. Jan 31 13:30:26 <MariaSpada> They should stop using Mibbit
  27. Jan 31 13:30:28 <denel_tasmant> double kill
  28. Jan 31 13:30:33 <denel_tasmant> they should
  29. Jan 31 13:30:34 <MariaSpada> Everyone knows mibbit is bad.
  30. Jan 31 13:30:56 <denel_tasmant> yeah
  31. Jan 31 13:31:04 * MariaSpada uses HexChat
  32. Jan 31 13:31:10 <denel_tasmant> I just hope it won't be down for too long
  33. Jan 31 13:31:13 <denel_tasmant> me too
  34. Jan 31 13:32:07 <denel_tasmant> still can't figure out how to instal autocorrect in it, wich probably did as much wonder for my grammar as it damaged it
  35. Jan 31 13:32:33 * Slytherclaw ( has joined #GymBadgeRun
  36. Jan 31 13:32:52 <denel_tasmant>
  37. Jan 31 13:32:56 <MariaSpada> I reccomend using HexChat sly
  38. Jan 31 13:33:05 <Slytherclaw> no
  39. Jan 31 13:33:22 <Slytherclaw> I D/C constantly on anything that isn't mibbit for some reason
  40. Jan 31 13:33:30 <denel_tasmant> huh
  41. Jan 31 13:33:35 <StarmanTheta> Can we move this to the OOC chat please
  42. Jan 31 13:33:39 <MariaSpada> Ok
  43. Jan 31 13:33:43 <denel_tasmant> 'kay sorry
  44. Jan 31 13:39:54 <StarmanTheta> Alright as I was saying
  45. Jan 31 13:40:02 <StarmanTheta> Celes, Richter, Carl, you're familiar with. Pepper has already started talking with Howard, the large jovial man. You also spot the garchomp, Rocksteady, trying to figure out these human utensils. A man resembling Okpara--Oyebanjo, you'd know from the primer, is sitting rather distant from others with the mightyena at his side, but is in polite if reluctant conversation with Estelle and her Audino assistant.
  46. Jan 31 13:40:12 <StarmanTheta> As for everyone’s favorite Zoroark, she is taking pictures of people--with their consent--with her professional gear. Another man bearing a league nametag whom you’ve not seen before is canvassing about. He has dreaded hair and a chubby build, and seems to be half-Kelelean
  47. Jan 31 13:40:24 <StarmanTheta> As for the other tables, the trainer ones, there’s your cohort of other trainers. There are only seem to be about 15-20 that could make it here, it seems.You know of the route one roughs--rattata, bidoof, hoothoot, patrat, scatterbug, bunnelby--who Getter is getting to know. There’s also the BL Visual Novel lookin’ guy with the metang, who seems a bit salty that he’s not getting more attention. ALso among them ar
  48. Jan 31 13:40:24 <StarmanTheta> e some more mundane looking trainers, focusing on one guy who looks mighty familiar.
  49. Jan 31 13:40:43 <StarmanTheta> Well, looking save for a girl who seems to be more keeping to herself
  50. Jan 31 13:41:10 <StarmanTheta> But the real prize are the other tables, filled with people and pokemon you've not seen.
  51. Jan 31 13:41:34 * Slytherclaw remains seated with Howard. He's safe. And he seems nice.
  52. Jan 31 13:41:40 * Slytherclaw is now known as PepperSpice
  53. Jan 31 13:41:58 <StarmanTheta> There is a blond man with glasses, accompanied by a Slowking wearing a vest you'd expect from a tenured professor. They both seek out Juniper, discussing something with her.
  54. Jan 31 13:42:59 <denel_tasmant> 4d6+2 gen edu who's that familiar dude?
  55. Jan 31 13:42:59 <CritSenpai> gen edu who's that familiar dude?: 16 [4d6=4,2,5,3]
  56. Jan 31 13:43:21 <StarmanTheta> At one table reserved for special guest, a tall, dark skinned woman in resplendent dress sits surrounded by those of similar stature. At her side, a large bird--yellow and black wings and crackling electricity--acts as her right hand mon and speaks on her behalf
  57. Jan 31 13:43:59 <StarmanTheta> THere's also some other people who seem to be showing up late or circling in and out due to other things
  58. Jan 31 13:44:03 <StarmanTheta> Denel, you would recognize this man as
  59. Jan 31 13:44:43 <StarmanTheta> despite not watching TV
  60. Jan 31 13:44:56 <StarmanTheta> as none other as Stephen Walker, or as he's more well known as
  61. Jan 31 13:44:58 <StarmanTheta> Scuba Steve
  62. Jan 31 13:45:19 <StarmanTheta> Stephen Walker, AKA Scuba Steve, a television personality internationally famous for his wildlife exploration show, primarily focused around water based creatures--he explores many of these places with his trusty Vaporeon Dewdrop.
  63. Jan 31 13:45:38 <StarmanTheta> Think like a pokemon Crocidle Hunter/Croidile DUndee
  64. Jan 31 13:45:45 <StarmanTheta> Except less australian
  65. Jan 31 13:47:45 <StarmanTheta> Ok so here's how this is going to go
  66. Jan 31 13:47:50 <StarmanTheta> You guys choose who you want to interact with
  67. Jan 31 13:48:00 <StarmanTheta> We'll do some rp with them
  68. Jan 31 13:48:15 <StarmanTheta> YOu guys can make your spiels, learn about them, or follow other agendas
  69. Jan 31 13:48:32 <StarmanTheta> At some point you'll be rotating out as people come in or leave and things of that sort
  70. Jan 31 13:48:32 <StarmanTheta> so
  71. Jan 31 13:48:38 <StarmanTheta> who do you initially want to interact with
  72. Jan 31 13:48:47 * denel_tasmant wonder where he even learned who that steve guy was before going to meet with Oyebanjo, he has a question for him.
  73. Jan 31 13:49:09 * PepperSpice is already talking with Howard. Has food been served yet?
  74. Jan 31 13:49:45 * MariaSpada hums thoughtfully as she studies the various people to talk to before pausing at the Garchomp. She taps her chin, "Hey Caddy, do you remember that redhead from a year ago who came by the shop talking about a Garchomp?"
  75. Jan 31 13:51:55 <StarmanTheta> Food is currently being served, more of a buffet style. THere's mostly vegetarian dishes, with lots of egg based stuff. There's meat as well, but that seems to have someone purposefully distributing it instead of something you just pick up
  76. Jan 31 13:52:26 <StarmanTheta> Ok so we got Pepper on Howard, Getter on Route 1, Denel on Oyebanjo, and Maria on Rocksteady
  77. Jan 31 13:53:29 <StarmanTheta> Right, bear with me 'cause this is gonna be a clusterfuck
  78. Jan 31 13:53:33 <StarmanTheta> 1d4
  79. Jan 31 13:53:34 <CritSenpai> 1d4: 2 [1d4=2]
  80. Jan 31 13:53:43 <StarmanTheta> Ok we're gonna start with Getter, then rotate through
  81. Jan 31 13:54:29 <StarmanTheta> Getter: You were talking with the Route 1 Roughs! This team of rather mundane pokemon seem a bit out of their element but happy to be here nonetheless
  82. Jan 31 13:55:05 * Gents ( has joined #GymBadgeRun
  83. Jan 31 13:55:06 <StarmanTheta> The Rattata and the Bidoof seem to be the leaders, or at the very least, most sociable at the moment
  84. Jan 31 13:55:17 * Getter is on point. He wants to ask them how their quest is going, after all, these 'mon got here, they surely have some badges under their belts...and if not they seem to have amazing naming senses.
  85. Jan 31 13:56:05 * Gents is now known as Diego_Fuego
  86. Jan 31 13:56:47 * Diego_Fuego looks at the pokemon, Diego being dressed to the nines with an all red suit, black shirt and white tie. He’s even got a haircut somehow
  87. Jan 31 13:57:03 <StarmanTheta> The bidoof grimaces. "Uh, well...we have...erm..." she opens her badge holder--it only contains two badges, neither of which you have. "It's been a bit rough...but we'll get the rest!" She seems a bit starry eyed. "I didn't think I'd see another Pokemon doing this, though!"
  88. Jan 31 13:59:07 <StarmanTheta> As for MariaSpada
  89. Jan 31 13:59:17 * Getter blinks "Really? I mean, I figured this kind of challenge was all the rage!" he says with a grin. "...and I've never seen those badges before." he notes taking out his case and showing off the ones he has!
  90. Jan 31 14:00:10 <StarmanTheta> The large imposing garchomp growls as he tries to pick up this damn fork, but eventually gives up on it. His father and father before that didn't need forks, why did he? "Seriously who built this place..."
  91. Jan 31 14:01:22 <StarmanTheta> PepperSpice: Now that Okpara is done with his speech, you and HOward can resume your talk. The large man is already getting up. "C'mon, we better get a plate before it's all gone. So, kid, you got a cool hat there."
  92. Jan 31 14:02:45 * MariaSpada walks over to the Garchomp and giggles behind her hand, "My dad has the same issue, granted.. he doesn't have hands. Granted it's moreso with tools that require a bit more delicacy and fine motor skills." She grins at Rocksteady, "Hi, my name is Maria! My team and I will be coming for your gym sometime soon!"
  93. Jan 31 14:03:00 * Diego_Fuego looks to see if there is an open bar while he scopes out the place
  94. Jan 31 14:03:32 <StarmanTheta> Denel: You approach the pair who are looks like they're discussing something about long lost Kelelean performances. THe mightyena at Oyebanjo's side sniffs, looking at you curiously as you approach.
  95. Jan 31 14:05:44 <denel_tasmant> "Huh hello? I hear you were an expert in occult matters and I had a small question for you; if I'm not bothering you."
  96. Jan 31 14:07:06 <StarmanTheta> Getter: The rattata looks over to them. "Yes, this one--" he nods to the one that looks in the shape of a ghostly candle, "Was from Oyebanjo's gym. Pretty tough, given our composition, and the other..." his tail points to the one shaped as rolling earth," Was from Rocksteady's We started there, actually--felt it easier to start with a full contact gym."
  97. Jan 31 14:08:47 * PepperSpice grins. "This is Salt," She says, gesturing to her 'hat' as they rise to get a plate.
  98. Jan 31 14:09:20 * Diego_Fuego approaches the pair of gym leaders sitting off to the side, walking after Denel and stepping up to Estelle and her audino
  99. Jan 31 14:09:57 <Getter> "I know the feeling for that one. Believe me. I'm far more used to being in the thick of things then on the sidelines, its...unnerving." he comments before saying "I'm far more worried about what could happen then what is whenever I am."
  100. Jan 31 14:10:26 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada: The garchomp looks over, shoving the utensils away quickly. "Hmph, it is no big deal," he says, a deep guttural voice. He's way taller than you. "So, you're one of the League trainers? Pleasure to meet you...You're eager. I like that."
  101. Jan 31 14:11:21 * PepperSpice has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  102. Jan 31 14:11:58 <StarmanTheta> PepperSpice: The little hat gives a proud chitter. "I like to think of myself more as a Crown, but yes, I am Salt, and this is my dear assistant Pepper." THe man laughs. "I'd shake your hand if you had one." He hands two plates to Pepper.
  103. Jan 31 14:12:01 <StarmanTheta> Dammit
  104. Jan 31 14:14:51 <StarmanTheta> Ok Denel: The mightyena pads closer--they seem a bit...unearthly. "I'll field a question, while Oyebanjo is distracted. Please, young one, do not be shy."
  105. Jan 31 14:15:11 <StarmanTheta> "I am his partner in such matters, after all."
  106. Jan 31 14:15:18 * MariaSpada grins brightly at the Garchomp, not looking intimidated as she looks the Garchomp over. "Have you ever met a redhead with an Arcanine. She came by my family's shop ranting about a Garchomp. There's not a ton of you around so I was wondering it was you."
  107. Jan 31 14:15:33 <denel_tasmant> "I'm not sure how to formulate it, like is it possible for someone to be in the realm of the dead for a time then come back? I'm not asking about resurection or ghosts type coming from there either."
  108. Jan 31 14:16:04 <StarmanTheta> "And I see you are not alone," the mightyena says, watching Diego step forth
  109. Jan 31 14:17:15 <StarmanTheta> Estelle and her Audino pause a bit, seeing not one but two trainers coming near. The playwright gives a soft smile. "Good day to you--League Trainers, yes?" She holds out a hand. "Estelle Bernardt"
  110. Jan 31 14:17:20 <StarmanTheta> @ Diego
  111. Jan 31 14:18:12 * Diego_Fuego bows. “Pleasure. I am Diego Fuego, entertainer and trainer extrodinaire.” He offers his hand out to both Estelle and oyebanjo
  112. Jan 31 14:18:59 * Slytherclaw ( has joined #GymBadgeRun
  113. Jan 31 14:19:12 * Slytherclaw is now known as PepperSpice
  114. Jan 31 14:19:33 * PepperSpice accepts the plate and presumably joins Howard in the line?
  115. Jan 31 14:19:40 <StarmanTheta> Getter: "Y-yeah, I get what you mean," the bidoof says. She looks really starry eyed. "Though, now that we've done a few battles, I have to wonder what it's like, y'know, offshore!"
  116. Jan 31 14:19:47 <StarmanTheta> "Though that's silly, I know."
  117. Jan 31 14:21:32 <Getter> "Honestly. I wonder that myself. I'm sure they are no where near as good as us though!" he says confidently. His scarf would start blowing in the wind of its own accord when he says that.
  118. Jan 31 14:22:05 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada: "Redhead...? Hm..." He seems deep in consternation--so it looks. "Yes, I remember. A strong fighter that one. Though if she's ranting about me..." he frowns. "Well, that was a long time ago. What did she say, if I may ask?"
  119. Jan 31 14:23:10 <StarmanTheta> PepperSpice: The line is slow moving, but the food smells pretty good! There's a lot of berry-based dishes...Salt considers his options. "Hm...I'll have some of that...and some of that, and that as well..."
  120. Jan 31 14:24:08 * PepperSpice gathers two plates of largely vegetarian options, following Salt's directions, and retakes her seat with the gym leader
  121. Jan 31 14:25:22 <MariaSpada> "She said you were strong, she was just disappointed she wasn't able to dance with you. She had to dance with two other pokemon of yours though. She was a bit disappointed. She seemed really competitive."
  122. Jan 31 14:25:35 <StarmanTheta> Denel_tasmant: The mightyena blinks, and grins. Her body takes on a ghostly, unearthy palor, and she seems to become transluscent. "For a time, yes, though it is not an easy task. It takes a great devotion to the ghost type, and one must remember...the realm of the dead does not like those recrossing the border." He become scorporeal once more. "Though, there are legends that one once devised a way to traverse the realm
  123. Jan 31 14:25:35 <StarmanTheta> of the dead and living freely."
  124. Jan 31 14:25:46 * MariaSpada blushes, "She also said dance a lot. I think she meant fight."
  125. Jan 31 14:27:18 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: Estelle glady takes your hand, while Oyebanjo seems a bit more...reticent? No, shy. "Oh, um, excellent!" He says, looking to Estelle to follow up. The woman continues. "Mr. Fuego, yes? I've heard your latest songs. I am delighted to meet another entertainer, and look forward to our eventual battle. I feel you will enjoy it."
  126. Jan 31 14:27:57 <denel_tasmant> "Huh. So I guess I'm not a ghost inhabiting a dead body that I kept alive through weir spooky stuff. You have no idea how much of a load off this is."
  127. Jan 31 14:27:59 <StarmanTheta> 1d2+1
  128. Jan 31 14:27:59 <CritSenpai> 1d2+1: 3 [1d2=2]
  129. Jan 31 14:28:02 <StarmanTheta> ok
  130. Jan 31 14:28:09 <Diego_Fuego> “Yes, I try to continue to release material and work. And I do as well. I have seen your recent work and I must ask, can i have yo autograph yo?"
  131. Jan 31 14:29:56 <StarmanTheta> Getter: The Rattata seems impressed. "That is a very nice scarf." THe bidoof blushes. "Nah, I don't think it like that, I mean more like...seeing the battling scene of other countries? I mean, I know it's impossible, but I'd like to one day. If there was a way...a-anyway! How's your team going?"
  132. Jan 31 14:31:26 * Getter comments "We're doing very well, I'd say. In fact, we just earlier conquered Summer's gym" he notes pointing to Carl. "It was quite the battle, there was even an audience."
  133. Jan 31 14:31:50 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada: "Oh right, the dancing...I never did quite understand the metaphor; I've yet to see a dance that involved knocking down your partner." He nods. "Still, I am glad that others find me strong. I hope my reputation hasn't clouded anyone's minds too much," he says as you blush.
  134. Jan 31 14:33:41 <StarmanTheta> PepperSpice: Howard, for his part, gets one plate...then another, and another...he returns to the table balancing four, regardless of the looks of others, and is determined to clean them all. Salt leaps down to the table to begin nibbling his food--most of it bigger than himself--as HOward continues. "So how you likin' this meeting? I ain't much for this social stuff, but if they feed me, hey."
  135. Jan 31 14:34:31 <Getter> "There was also our battle with Meele, though, I think she will be far tougher on you then she was with us."
  136. Jan 31 14:35:31 <StarmanTheta> Denel_Tasmant: The mightyena gives a small laugh--hyena like laugh. "Trust me, young one, if you were departed, you would know. But I am glad that your mind is at ease, so make your body the same way. COme, sit and eat."
  137. Jan 31 14:36:03 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: SHe blinks. "My...autograph? Oh my, I didn't know you were so much of a fan...but perhaps now is not the best time, yes?"
  138. Jan 31 14:36:12 <StarmanTheta> Diego gimme a gen ed check
  139. Jan 31 14:36:19 <StarmanTheta> See how familiar you are with her works
  140. Jan 31 14:36:38 <Diego_Fuego> 2d6 not very #hype
  141. Jan 31 14:36:38 <CritSenpai> not very #hype: 5 [2d6=3,2]
  142. Jan 31 14:37:19 * denel_tasmant takes a seat and eats while making small talk about his death experience as a kid.
  143. Jan 31 14:37:27 <StarmanTheta> You know more of her name than her saw about half of one of them when you were a kid?
  144. Jan 31 14:37:35 <StarmanTheta> Hm,
  145. Jan 31 14:38:47 * MariaSpada shrugs lightly, "She was a weird woman. Bought a pair of leggings from us.. they powered up her fire moves. They were actually one of my favorite designs to be honest. Working with powdered Fire Stone was incredibly challenging." Maria gets a thoughtful look on her face before shaking her head. "Though from the way she talks about you I can't wait to battle you."
  146. Jan 31 14:39:17 <StarmanTheta> Getter: The bidoof sweets. "Oh...M-Meele...that is kinda rough. I'm not looking forward to dealing with so many steel types. We're not too good with steal types."
  147. Jan 31 14:40:12 <Diego_Fuego> “Yes you are correct we are here for serious work reasons.” He stands and does a spin
  148. Jan 31 14:41:22 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada: The garchomp blinks. "Magical leggings...sounds like something my old--nevermind. In any case, you had best be prepared. A lot has changed since those years."
  149. Jan 31 14:41:48 <StarmanTheta> "I'll expect your best.
  150. Jan 31 14:43:14 * PepperSpice smiles at the amount of food, holding back a giggle. "It's..." She starts to answer his question, and shrugs. "It's something, I suppose. I'd rather be working, but...we needed to deliver something to some people here anyway, I suppose. And free food is nice."
  151. Jan 31 14:44:05 <Getter> "Don't worry. I believe in you, you'll do fine!" Getter even gives them a thumbs up. How sweet. "However, there is one thing I must contest. I shall come up with a team name that shall defeat yours."
  152. Jan 31 14:44:09 * MariaSpada raises an eyebrow, "You old what..," she asks curiously before grinning widely and nodding, "I look forward to whatever challenge you bring!"
  153. Jan 31 14:44:27 <StarmanTheta> PepperSPice: The man raises an eyebrow between mouthfuls. "Dhlvhry?" he says, before swallowing. "They got you doin' errands too huh? Well I guess it's for the best...we need to schmooze it up anyway, so I hear, for fundin' and stuff."
  154. Jan 31 14:45:45 <StarmanTheta> Denel_Tasmant: For such a ghastly subject, Oyebanjo and the mightyena--Renga, you'd learn--are quite accepting and curious about it, reaffirming you're lucky to be alive after messing with a honedge. Also, can you give me an occult roll?
  155. Jan 31 14:47:06 <denel_tasmant> 5d6+2 spoopy or not spoopy
  156. Jan 31 14:47:06 <CritSenpai> spoopy or not spoopy: 23 [5d6=5,4,2,5,5]
  157. Jan 31 14:48:07 * PepperSpice nods. "We do a lot of PR work," She says, taking her next bite. "Anything to help the league."
  158. Jan 31 14:48:37 <StarmanTheta> Your knowledge of spoopy things is of great interest to the pair. Oyebanjo seems to finally lighten up a little, and admist the meal says to you, "Tasmant, you are quite well learned. I would like to discuss more such esoteric manners with you sometime...truth be told, there's been some mysteries Renga and I have been studying that have left us stumped."
  159. Jan 31 14:48:59 <StarmanTheta> "Perhaps you could help us out with them, when you have the chance? I know you are quite busy with your duties as a League Trainer."
  160. Jan 31 14:49:28 <denel_tasmant> "I'd be happy to help next time we meet."
  161. Jan 31 14:50:48 <MariaSpada> I'd say get his number but..
  162. Jan 31 14:51:31 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: Estelle blinks as you just do a spin in the middle fo the dinner. She clears her throat as other people are just kinda looking at you. "Well, then, I do hope to see you soon! And do keep up with your music; I'm sure you're well aware, but the key to any successful creative process is regular work, and it's easy to be sidetracked with League duties."
  163. Jan 31 14:52:52 * Diego_Fuego nods
  164. Jan 31 14:53:31 <Diego_Fuego> “You as well, I will probably find where a seat is yo."
  165. Jan 31 14:54:02 <StarmanTheta> Getter: "Hey, thanks!" The bidoof says. "If you need any pointers, I'm great with team names! And traps, but mostly team names!"
  166. Jan 31 14:54:25 * denel_tasmant excuse himself after some empty small talk and goes back to the trainer area too see if the weird kid is still mopey.
  167. Jan 31 14:55:09 <Getter> "I am sure I can come up with something well enough, but I am not above asking for any."
  168. Jan 31 14:55:58 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada: The garchomp shakes his head. "Just an old flame of mine, I'm sure you'll meet that weirdo eventually. In any case, you'll excuse me--I need to find some other way to 'politely' eat these meals." he says as he raises form his oversized chair.
  169. Jan 31 14:56:54 <StarmanTheta> PepperSpice: Howard nods--holy hell two plates already down? "Right..." then sighs. "Well, guess we're gonna need all the help we can, we'll be fine!"
  170. Jan 31 14:57:35 <StarmanTheta> Denel: the weird guy--what's his name?--is still very salty. He has a level 2 salt aura about him. It's a special advanced ability.
  171. Jan 31 14:58:30 * PepperSpice nods and continues eating, not much of a talker. She'll wait until something happens, largely.
  172. Jan 31 14:59:44 <StarmanTheta> Diego: There's seats all around, though most of them may be filled at this table...there's other unfilled seats at other tables
  173. Jan 31 14:59:46 <StarmanTheta> Alright
  174. Jan 31 15:00:00 <StarmanTheta> After awhile, conversations go on, people get up to go or talk with other people or other such things
  175. Jan 31 15:00:11 <StarmanTheta> and you find yourselves once again needing conversation partners
  176. Jan 31 15:01:35 <StarmanTheta> The gym leaders are still here--you notice that Imogen is taking a break from photography. Salty Mcgee is still huffing over ot being noticed, and Scuba Steve seems to be in between waves of adoring fans. The plain looking girl seems to be looking around for something, and the woman with the Zapdos is about, eying the trainers and especially yourselves
  177. Jan 31 15:01:36 * Diego_Fuego loks around
  178. Jan 31 15:01:51 * Diego_Fuego walks up to the woman with ZAPDOS
  179. Jan 31 15:02:00 * denel_tasmant goes to THE SALT "So what crawled up your ass and died there?"
  180. Jan 31 15:02:02 * MariaSpada looks down at Caddy, "See anyone you want to talk too?"
  181. Jan 31 15:03:00 <StarmanTheta> You notice that the blond man is up and about, as is the slowking. Two people you didn't notice before--a man in a suit and short, brown hair, looking to be in his early thirties, talking quite charismatically with others--foreign but not of one clean foreign nation
  182. Jan 31 15:03:17 <StarmanTheta> But the way he's talking it's clear this guy looks to be a moer and shaker, someone with some backing
  183. Jan 31 15:04:35 * MariaSpada studies the man curiously and grabs Caddy as she walks over to the charismatic man, deciding to listen in for now.
  184. Jan 31 15:04:51 <StarmanTheta> You also see a much yougner, purple haired man, in a white suit that could ve mistaken for a magician's if it were just altered a bit differently, who is attempting to talk with some of the pokemon invited here. Though, it looks like he's having a hard time of it and his current conversation gets shut down
  185. Jan 31 15:05:37 <StarmanTheta> So who shall you talk with?
  186. Jan 31 15:06:30 <Diego_Fuego> Zapdosbitch
  187. Jan 31 15:06:38 <denel_tasmant> SALT
  188. Jan 31 15:07:22 <StarmanTheta> gimme one sec bathroom
  189. Jan 31 15:08:17 <PepperSpice> "Anyone interest you?" Pepper asks Salt, already drained and kind of wanting to just go be quiet and alone somewhere for a while.
  190. Jan 31 15:08:54 * MariaSpada grabs Pepper on her way over to the charismatic man.
  191. Jan 31 15:10:29 * PepperSpice follows, stumbling. "M-Maria?" She stutters. "What?"
  192. Jan 31 15:11:51 * MariaSpada hums, "You looked like a Squirtle trying to tuck back into it's shell. Can't have that."
  193. Jan 31 15:12:30 * MariaSpada flips her hair, "Plus, I look gorgeous today, I don't feel like getting hit on."
  194. Jan 31 15:13:49 <PepperSpice> "Can't we...? " She mutters, shaking her head. She snorts. "What would I do to keep you from getting hit on? I don't like /that/ boyish, do I?" She brushes down the front of her jacket, considering.
  195. Jan 31 15:15:33 * Diego_Fuego walks up to the woman with a zapdos. “Excuse me, do you have a moment?"
  196. Jan 31 15:17:30 * MariaSpada smiles prettily at Pepper before turning around and adjusting the younger girl's jacket properly. "Simple. You'll just be my shield. Boys get afraid when girls move in packs, haven't you ever noticed that?" she replies. "And no, you look adorably adrogynous. They might assume you're just my cute lesbian friend or something like that. Who knows."
  197. Jan 31 15:18:31 <StarmanTheta> ok back, sorry about that
  198. Jan 31 15:19:19 <StarmanTheta> 1d3 1 denel 2 diego 3 maria and pepper
  199. Jan 31 15:19:19 <CritSenpai> 1 denel 2 diego 3 maria and pepper: 1 [1d3=1]
  200. Jan 31 15:19:21 <StarmanTheta> ok
  201. Jan 31 15:19:26 <StarmanTheta> we'll start with denel, then rotate
  202. Jan 31 15:20:13 <StarmanTheta> Denel_Tasmant: As you sit down, the guy immediately turns to you, sneering. "Excuse you? Do you have ANY idea who are talking to?"
  203. Jan 31 15:20:20 <StarmanTheta> which would be a general check
  204. Jan 31 15:20:39 <denel_tasmant> 4d6+2 who's that guy?
  205. Jan 31 15:20:40 <CritSenpai> who's that guy?: 22 [4d6=5,5,6,4]
  206. Jan 31 15:21:28 <StarmanTheta> What was this guy's name...oh, right, Nash!
  207. Jan 31 15:22:31 <StarmanTheta> It's not well known, since it's overshadowed by the 4 heroes, but this guy was active in Kelele 2 years ago, helping take down a lot of DA stuff. Unfortunately, he wasn't involved in the more popular exploits. That due to is generally diagreeable demeanor resulted in his stuff being mostly glossed over
  208. Jan 31 15:22:57 <StarmanTheta> But you know this guy is a pretty good battler. Even if he dresses like he just came out of a Yugioh x guilty gear con
  209. Jan 31 15:24:05 <denel_tasmant> "your name is Nash and I heard all about your exploits, I just don't particularly care about them at the moment."
  210. Jan 31 15:24:07 * PepperSpice shrugs and follows, still looking down at her outfit
  211. Jan 31 15:26:06 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: The woman looks over to you, silently, but the Zapdos is all in your face. "Excuse you, riffraff, but the great Memsahib Ojuolape does not simply 'have a moment' for-" he is cut off when the woman raises her hand, sparks of electricitt hitting the zapdos. He nods, and his voice lowers. "I see. The Memsahib says she is curious about your presence here, so speak your piece."
  212. Jan 31 15:27:31 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada and Pepper_Spice: you catch the man on the tail end of a conversation with others. They bid goodbyes before returning to others, and the man turns to look you over. Without missing a beat, he says, "Ah, you must be the League Trainers in Chiemaka's employ. I was hoping to speak with you."
  213. Jan 31 15:28:19 <Diego_Fuego> /me nods. “Yes I am Diego Fuego, a trainer and entertainer. The great Memsahib”
  214. Jan 31 15:28:25 <Diego_Fuego> He looks confused
  215. Jan 31 15:29:27 <StarmanTheta> Denel: The man looks frustrated. "While I am thrilled that SOMEONE Finally remembers me, did you come over here simply to insult me? I'll have you know, I'm quite the trainer." The metang behind him shrugs.
  216. Jan 31 15:29:39 <denel_tasmant> "Honestly I came because your face looks like an angry watchog mixed with a grandbull."
  217. Jan 31 15:30:04 <denel_tasmant> "So I'm guessing you need to vent; well vent away."
  218. Jan 31 15:31:30 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: The zapdos scoffs. "I believe in your language it translates to Lady, but be that as it may, she is one with great importance, and I, Umeme of the clan of Lighting, servant to the Memsahib, beseech you to get on with it. Do all foreigners--" the woman sends another spark. "...The Memsahib wishes to know of your exploits as trainer, as well as your desire to speak with her."
  219. Jan 31 15:33:07 * MariaSpada raises an eyebrow for a moment at the man, "Yes, we would be the league trainers. My name is Maria Spada of Spada Designs and Armoury, my lovely friend here is Pepper Spice and the adorable crown on her head is Salt Spice. The Charmeleon is my brother Cadmus."
  220. Jan 31 15:33:46 * PepperSpice lifts a hand in a small wave and gives the man a weak smile. "Hello."
  221. Jan 31 15:35:35 * Diego_Fuego nods. “Well currently, I have 3 badges. Pretty well done actually. We also stomped out some criminals, a necessary evil.” He nods
  222. Jan 31 15:35:40 <Diego_Fuego> “A pleasure to meet you."
  223. Jan 31 15:37:32 * Diego_Fuego bows to both of them
  224. Jan 31 15:37:41 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada and PepperSpice: "I see. I have heard that you've been coming along very nicely in your duties, as well as elsewhere. I have heard great things of Spada Designs and Armoury." He holds out a hand to shake Maria's. At Pepper's quietness, Salt says, "You'll have to forgive my assistant here, she's quite shy." "As I can need to be scared. I don't bite."
  225. Jan 31 15:38:57 * PepperSpice nods, tilting her head slightly. "You wanted to speak to us?" She questions.
  226. Jan 31 15:40:39 <StarmanTheta> Denel_tasmant: As you say this, one of the watchog for gym leader ??? walks by carrying food for its master, and gives Denel a look but moves on. As for Nash..."Hmph." He crosses one leg, leaning back into his chair. "Very well. Look around--in this room, I am one of the trainers who even made it possible to have a league now, yet no is even acknowledging me. Even after I began this league challenge, I get no recognition
  227. Jan 31 15:40:39 <StarmanTheta> . You'd think, after five badges..."
  228. Jan 31 15:43:48 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: The woman seems curious that you bow, and raises her hand once more to Umeme. Sparks fly. The zapdos translates: "The Memsahib is grateful that you are dealing with crimminals--it seems that the League has some bite to it. She wonders, however, what sort of activity you are dealing with, and how you became involved in it. In short, she is curious as to the effectiveness of the League to Kelele's safety, and
  229. Jan 31 15:43:48 <StarmanTheta> would like to hear it straight from the Rapidash's mouth, as the saying goes."
  230. Jan 31 15:44:21 * MariaSpada blushes brightly and gestures at her dress, "Thank you, my dress is one of my personal designs, as is the hilt and my sword." Maria really did not go anywhere without her sword, which was attached to her hip with a silky black ribbon across her dress. "But why did you want to talk with us," she says, taking th e man's hand and shaking it, "Also, you never introduced yourself, Sir."
  231. Jan 31 15:44:45 <denel_tasmant> "Have you let Imogen take pictures of you? She's half the reason peple know of the league members. If you did then it could be that they're intimidated by your exploits." Denel then say under his breath "Or your face considering you looked like you were about to murder a puppy...."
  232. Jan 31 15:45:40 <denel_tasmant> "You could also mingle on your own accord, go meet people instead of waiting for them to come to you."
  233. Jan 31 15:46:07 <Diego_Fuego> “Well, as league memebers we are supposed to be not only representing the league, but also to represent and protect the identity of the Kelelean Peoples. It’s quite a wonderful culture, and there are criminals that seem to want to compromise that. I mean that’s why I’m personally involved yo, the league hired me and told us that we need to help the people in any way we can.” He nods
  234. Jan 31 15:49:17 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada and PepperSpice. "My apologies, how rude of me. I am Ezekiel Phoenix, here on behalf of my parent company. We've been most pleased with the League's actions, and they're looking to be a worthy partner to sponsor...But I digress." He looks to the both of you. "I've been wishing to speak with the League's trainers to get t o know them, see how they operate. Being a foreign country, we've been hesitant to get inv
  235. Jan 31 15:49:17 <StarmanTheta> olved in your League due to fear that our association would cause...backlashes."
  236. Jan 31 15:50:05 <StarmanTheta> "So I sought to see the trainers in its employ, to see if they do good by the country. From what I've heard, I'm impressed..." and then to Pepper. "And you said you were a Spice, were you not?"
  237. Jan 31 15:52:32 <StarmanTheta> Denel_Tasmant: "What was that last part?" He says. " the very least, I could pet two puppies at once. In any case, I suggest you watch may be another league trainer, but that doesn't mean I won't show you up when the time comes."
  238. Jan 31 15:53:02 <StarmanTheta> A telepathic message, from the metang you imagine, /Don't mind him...bark's worse than his bite. Though he does bark a lot."
  239. Jan 31 15:53:16 <PepperSpice> "I am," She blinks, and laughs softly. "If the names didn't give it away alone."
  240. Jan 31 15:53:23 <PepperSpice> 2d6 Gen Edu
  241. Jan 31 15:53:24 <CritSenpai> Gen Edu: 9 [2d6=3,6]
  242. Jan 31 15:53:26 <PepperSpice> 3d6 Poke Edu
  243. Jan 31 15:53:27 <CritSenpai> Poke Edu: 15 [3d6=6,5,4]
  244. Jan 31 15:53:29 <PepperSpice> 3d6 Tech Edu
  245. Jan 31 15:53:29 <CritSenpai> Tech Edu: 11 [3d6=2,3,6]
  246. Jan 31 15:53:34 <PepperSpice> Do I know of this guy or his company?
  247. Jan 31 15:53:49 <MariaSpada> 4d6 Cadmus Tech Edu
  248. Jan 31 15:53:49 <CritSenpai> Cadmus Tech Edu: 14 [4d6=5,5,2,2]
  249. Jan 31 15:54:29 <StarmanTheta> Uh
  250. Jan 31 15:54:34 <StarmanTheta> This would be a gen edu check
  251. Jan 31 15:54:43 <MariaSpada> 2d6 Maria
  252. Jan 31 15:54:43 <CritSenpai> Maria: 11 [2d6=6,5]
  253. Jan 31 15:54:47 <MariaSpada> 2d6 Cadmus
  254. Jan 31 15:54:47 <CritSenpai> Cadmus: 7 [2d6=4,3]
  255. Jan 31 15:55:12 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: can you give me a charm check?
  256. Jan 31 15:55:25 <Diego_Fuego> 5d6+2 k
  257. Jan 31 15:55:26 <CritSenpai> k: 19 [5d6=5,5,2,3,2]
  258. Jan 31 15:55:43 <StarmanTheta> alright
  259. Jan 31 15:55:44 <StarmanTheta> 1d2
  260. Jan 31 15:55:44 <CritSenpai> 1d2: 2 [1d2=2]
  261. Jan 31 15:57:27 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: The woman nods. A moment of consideration, and the sparks once more fly between her assistant and herself. "The Memsahib is impressed with your words; you speak smoothly, foreigner. She wishes to see your future exploits, and has a request of you should your words be true."
  262. Jan 31 15:58:28 * MariaSpada frowns, "You would be correct in that there would be some wariness about a foreign company coming to set up shop, considering the incident from two years ago," she says with a frown.
  263. Jan 31 15:59:02 * Diego_Fuego nods. “Aye, yo that’s all I can do be true to my words. And hopefully we continue to see the work of your tribe amongst our ranks!"
  264. Jan 31 16:01:02 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada and PepperSpice: Salt has heard of this guy, or at least his parent company. It's a biotech firm, noted for many advancements in pokemon healthcare and products relating to pokemon rehabilitation and training. The man, Phoenix, himself, is moderately famous within said communities for both his reasearch discoveries in those fields, as well as his diplomatic tongue amongst investors.
  265. Jan 31 16:01:25 <StarmanTheta> It seems he often was in partnership with some other person...but Salt doesn't know who
  266. Jan 31 16:03:00 <Diego_Fuego> “What of the Memsahib? I am unfamaliar with you or the clan of lightning honestly.”
  267. Jan 31 16:03:47 <StarmanTheta> Salt will whisper such to Pepper, as the man continues. "I've followed your parent's research for some years now...attended many of their talks. I am glad to see them in Kelele, and that their children carry on their good name." Adjusting his tie, he continues. "The pair of you, keep up the good work. Should the partnership go well with my superiors, we may be seeing more of each other."
  268. Jan 31 16:04:01 <denel_tasmant> "I don't think it's a competion but if it is it's be no fun without a challenge. Hopefully we'll provide one for you. Anyhow I only heard second hand accounts of what you did, mind telling me how things were from your side of the story?"
  269. Jan 31 16:07:32 * PepperSpice nods, slightly flushed. "Thank you. I'll express such to my parents, when I visit next." She says, inclining her head.
  270. Jan 31 16:07:33 <StarmanTheta> Denel_tasmant: "Hmph, don't try to butter me up now, but if you do insist, it was a long, lonely struggle. Hordes fo goons I took on alone, ancient facilaties, attacks upon my own life...Things that should have been told to all. Or did that Juniper not think it worthy to recount?"
  271. Jan 31 16:08:03 * MariaSpada studies the man thoughtfully, "Thank you for your kind words."
  272. Jan 31 16:10:29 <denel_tasmant> 4d6+2 what did juniper said again?
  273. Jan 31 16:10:30 <CritSenpai> what did juniper said again?: 20 [4d6=3,6,3,6]
  274. Jan 31 16:15:01 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: At your question, Umeme sqawks, sparks flying off of him as he flutters in indignation. "That you would not know of the Memsahib! The Memsahib is lighting itself, the one most in touch with the electricity that runs through our clan's veins! Upon the plains where lighting strikes the earth, she leads us, not due to your crass miscegenation of Kelelean culture but with pure respect to our element. The power a
  275. Jan 31 16:15:01 <StarmanTheta> nd creatures she leads are immense, and those ghostly Chiemakas, who forget themselves, would not find a foothold--"
  276. Jan 31 16:15:33 <StarmanTheta> The woman raises her hand. More sparks. Reluctantly, Umeme calms. "In any case, expect to hear her missive soon. She thanks you for your time, but must attend to other meetings now."
  277. Jan 31 16:16:05 <StarmanTheta> Denel: Juniper really didn't say much about it to you guys. Perhaps she figured DA's whole deal was common enough knowledge that ti didn't need to be said?
  278. Jan 31 16:17:32 <StarmanTheta> MariaSpada and PepperSpice: "Yes, tell them that Phoenix asked about them." It seems more people are converging. "It was a pleasure to speak with you, but it seems I must do some more schmoozing, as it wre. You two take care."
  279. Jan 31 16:17:49 <StarmanTheta> With that, he is absorbed by others clamoring for his attention
  280. Jan 31 16:17:50 <StarmanTheta> Ok
  281. Jan 31 16:18:27 <StarmanTheta> Time passes again, conversations wane, new ones pop up
  282. Jan 31 16:18:41 <StarmanTheta> and the day goes on. Eventually, it's drawing near time for this meeting to end
  283. Jan 31 16:19:00 <StarmanTheta> but there are still people hre, providing you one last oppurtunity to go speak with others. If only for a short while
  284. Jan 31 16:19:07 <StarmanTheta> Those I have described are still here
  285. Jan 31 16:19:16 <StarmanTheta> will you wish to speak with them, or perhaps you're done?
  286. Jan 31 16:20:36 * Diego_Fuego nods. He then walks to the guy with the white suit
  287. Jan 31 16:20:47 <Diego_Fuego> “Excuse me but… that’s a nice suit."
  288. Jan 31 16:21:00 * denel_tasmant gets up and goes to speak with scubba steve.
  289. Jan 31 16:25:23 * MariaSpada is done for now.
  290. Jan 31 16:26:15 * PepperSpice is more than happy to pull back if Maria isn't pushing her into social situations >>
  291. Jan 31 16:27:48 <StarmanTheta> alright
  292. Jan 31 16:27:55 <StarmanTheta> SO maria and Pepper will do what they do
  293. Jan 31 16:27:59 <StarmanTheta> 1d2 1 diego 2 denel
  294. Jan 31 16:27:59 <CritSenpai> 1 diego 2 denel: 1 [1d2=1]
  295. Jan 31 16:28:02 <StarmanTheta> Ok
  296. Jan 31 16:28:31 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego, you go to meet the man...he's near the open bar, sipping a cocktail. Even though frustration shows on his features, it's clear he's trying to stay positive
  297. Jan 31 16:28:47 <StarmanTheta> He looks like
  298. Jan 31 16:29:11 * Diego_Fuego orders another drink. “Aye yo, you alright man?”
  299. Jan 31 16:29:25 <StarmanTheta> And the man looks over to you. "Thank you--had it custom tailored." He then mumbles something to himself...sounds like 'didn't help much.'
  300. Jan 31 16:30:13 <StarmanTheta> Denel: Even now, Scuba Steve is gettin tons of adoring fans, and you just catch him in the interlude. Even though it's a formal occaision, this man's clothing is motly blue, and about his kneck you can see swimming goggles
  301. Jan 31 16:30:35 <denel_tasmant> "Excuse me you're Scubba steve right? the guy from the exploration show?"
  302. Jan 31 16:30:45 <StarmanTheta> As you approach, he reaches for a pen. "And who should I make this autograph out to?" he says before you even say anything
  303. Jan 31 16:31:51 <Diego_Fuego> “You seem up set yo, and you probably shouldn’t be feeling so down before this big meeting. What you beefing with."
  304. Jan 31 16:32:03 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: "I"m fine, just a bit disappointed, that's all." He looks over to you. "AH well, it will be fine."
  305. Jan 31 16:32:07 <StarmanTheta> You can do a gen ed diego if you wish
  306. Jan 31 16:32:42 <denel_tasmant> "I don't actualy want an autograph but my name's 'Denel Tasmant'. I was wondering what you were thinking of Kelele so far."
  307. Jan 31 16:33:55 <StarmanTheta> Denel_Tasmant: "Oh thank God my hand was starting to cramp. I mean, nice to meet you!" the man says. "Denel, right? Yes, this is me, Scuba Steve. THis country's a real beaut, I'll tell ya. Lot different than anyplace else I"ve been."
  308. Jan 31 16:34:17 <Diego_Fuego> 2d6
  309. Jan 31 16:34:17 <CritSenpai> 2d6: 7 [2d6=6,1]
  310. Jan 31 16:35:33 <denel_tasmant> "Where have you been so far?"
  311. Jan 31 16:35:56 * PepperSpice wanders back to a table, probably with a plate of desserts or something that she shares with Cinnamon and Mint, if they're around
  312. Jan 31 16:36:15 <StarmanTheta> You're not entirely sure who this guy is, Diego, but he's probably important if he got invited to this shindig
  313. Jan 31 16:36:26 <StarmanTheta> Anyway,
  314. Jan 31 16:37:05 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: The man looks out over the people gathered here, mostly the pokemon. "I suppose...consider it the sins of the father. I had hoped to make a good impression, but it seems my family name is not welcomed here."
  315. Jan 31 16:37:50 <Diego_Fuego> “Oh? Your family name is not welcome here? What has your family done? I am not native."
  316. Jan 31 16:37:53 <denel_tasmant> "If you're not afraid of curses, heat and sand I'd recommand the old battlefields that dot the deep desert."
  317. Jan 31 16:39:51 <StarmanTheta> Denel: "Mostly the coast--just got back from Carracosta Island, actually! Not as nice as Santa Carracosta, but the filming was incredible, and the music good too!"
  318. Jan 31 16:41:06 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: "Eh..."The young man looks around. "Well, the previous owners of our company did some...bad things. We've since then fixed them, but it seems that it's difficult to restablish trust once it is lost."
  319. Jan 31 16:41:33 <Diego_Fuego> “Oh yes, that is very true. Getting your creed back is hard.”
  320. Jan 31 16:43:08 <StarmanTheta> Also pepper, if you got 'em on your belt then they're here
  321. Jan 31 16:47:11 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: "Hm..." he takes another sip of his drink. "In any case, I hope your socializing here went well?"
  322. Jan 31 16:47:24 <Diego_Fuego> “You as well.” He stands up
  323. Jan 31 16:47:49 <denel_tasmant> "If if you want to see something farily different from the sea and you're not afraid of curses, heat or sand I'd recommand the old battlefields that dot the deep desert."
  324. Jan 31 16:50:43 <StarmanTheta> Denel_tasmant: "Might make a great feature piece...I'll try it out! Well, between badges, anyway."
  325. Jan 31 16:51:01 <denel_tasmant> "How many of those do you have by the way?
  326. Jan 31 16:51:21 <StarmanTheta> Diego_Fuego: You take care...I'll try again" the man says
  327. Jan 31 16:51:56 <Diego_Fuego> “You should. Don’t be so discouraged. You’re gonna hit or miss when you’re fixing an image. Trust me.” He sips his drink and steps away from the bar
  328. Jan 31 16:52:40 <StarmanTheta> Denel_tasmant: "Oh, well..." he checks his badge box. "Well, the imporant thing is enjoying the journey and seeing the sights, not rushing through it."
  329. Jan 31 16:53:51 <denel_tasmant> "True, but after learning that the salt master, that's Nash by the way, got 5 fairly quickly I'm wondering how fast other people are."
  330. Jan 31 16:55:06 <StarmanTheta> Scuba steve pats denel on the shoulder. "Eh, don't worry aout it! You have to do you, as they say!"
  331. Jan 31 16:56:18 <StarmanTheta> Alright
  332. Jan 31 16:56:24 <StarmanTheta> now it seems that people re clearing out
  333. Jan 31 16:56:35 <StarmanTheta> As it's grown late, and it's clear that th emeeting has waned
  334. Jan 31 16:57:02 * MariaSpada grabs Pepper and starts to head out. Denel, Getter and Diego will catch up.
  335. Jan 31 16:57:12 <StarmanTheta> When you finally regroup, Okpara himself approaches your group as you leave. He's with the blond haired man
  336. Jan 31 16:57:28 * MariaSpada raises an eyebrow.
  337. Jan 31 16:57:41 * Diego_Fuego looks at the group and yawns a bit, stretching before looking at the blond haired man
  338. Jan 31 16:58:09 * denel_tasmant regroups with the others
  339. Jan 31 16:58:28 <StarmanTheta> "My great subordiantes!" Okpara says, "I trust that you made many strong connections during this little gathering?"
  340. Jan 31 16:58:44 * MariaSpada smiles slightly, "I like to think we did."
  341. Jan 31 16:59:14 * Diego_Fuego shrugs “Who knows"
  342. Jan 31 16:59:40 <denel_tasmant> "Maybe? Oyebanjo and me hit it off prety good, Nash not so much and I have no idea about steve."
  343. Jan 31 17:00:22 <StarmanTheta> "So, you spoke with my brother? That is good...I had feared he would be too far withdrawn."
  344. Jan 31 17:00:59 <StarmanTheta> "But I digress! I hope to hear of your exploits in your report. Now, I know you are loath to leave my presence to continue your other engagements, but there is one last thing..." he motions to the man at his side, who smiles.
  345. Jan 31 17:01:10 <denel_tasmant> "He's your brother? didn't realise. He seemed impressed by my knowledge of the occult."
  346. Jan 31 17:01:21 <StarmanTheta> "Hey, sorry to hold you up!" the man says, "But I didn't get a chance to meet with you before."
  347. Jan 31 17:02:14 <StarmanTheta> "My name's Joseph, and I'm the one who designed your pokedexes! Well, with Dr. Bahari of course. I was wondering, firstly, if you had some feedback on the apps we installed."
  348. Jan 31 17:02:17 <StarmanTheta> The man looks like
  349. Jan 31 17:03:05 * Diego_Fuego looks. “The bank one is pretty good.” He laughs. “They have come in handy."
  350. Jan 31 17:03:10 <denel_tasmant> "I think I broke it."
  351. Jan 31 17:03:24 * denel_tasmant has forgoten how to start his dex... agian.
  352. Jan 31 17:04:08 <StarmanTheta> "Oh? Well, let me see..." the man says, holding out to take it
  353. Jan 31 17:04:23 * denel_tasmant hands over his dex.
  354. Jan 31 17:05:08 <denel_tasmant> "I hope I did broke it behyond repair after I hit it to see if it'd fix it."
  355. Jan 31 17:05:14 <denel_tasmant> *didn't
  356. Jan 31 17:05:30 <StarmanTheta> The man checks it. After a second, he boots it up." Seems perfectly fine, though you should charge it. Oh!"
  357. Jan 31 17:05:39 <StarmanTheta> "One last thing...I don't know if Juniper told you but
  358. Jan 31 17:07:07 <StarmanTheta> He takes out his own pokedex, and fiddles with it. "I had some updates for your Access application! It should be much easier for you to use..." he seems to say this mostly to Denel. "Do you have a second to let me update them?"
  359. Jan 31 17:07:28 * MariaSpada lets Cadmus take advantage of the Pokedex.
  360. Jan 31 17:07:38 * Diego_Fuego holds his dex out. “Sure, update all you want."
  361. Jan 31 17:08:10 * PepperSpice will hand her Dex over. "You should consider including some basic instructions with these, you know," She says, shaking her head. "Some members of the party still aren't sure how to use it very well..."
  362. Jan 31 17:08:36 * MariaSpada knows how to use it, but Cadmus is better with tech, plus he stole it.
  363. Jan 31 17:10:16 <denel_tasmant> "Hey! i resent that. I'm very talented with technology, I managed to make a fan blow hot air instead of cold! I wonder why there was smoke coming out of it though."
  364. Jan 31 17:10:37 * MariaSpada facepalms at Denel
  365. Jan 31 17:10:40 <StarmanTheta> Joseph nods. "Right, right! This new update should have a better instruction interface...previous feedback showed it wasn't too intuitive." He takes your pokedexes, bringing his to yours one after another. Using the NFC, he transferrs the update to them, and hands them back."
  366. Jan 31 17:10:49 <MariaSpada> "DOn't mind him Joseph. He's adopted."
  367. Jan 31 17:11:01 * PepperSpice blinks. "Is he..?"
  368. Jan 31 17:11:08 <StarmanTheta> "There! Access.exe should be all updated. You've synced them all, right?"
  369. Jan 31 17:11:27 <MariaSpada> "Yes, I had Caddy do that when these guys weren't paying attention."
  370. Jan 31 17:11:34 <MariaSpada> "...I mean."
  371. Jan 31 17:12:24 * Diego_Fuego checks the apps
  372. Jan 31 17:12:51 <StarmanTheta> Joseph cocks his head. "Well, in any case, it shoudl be up and running. I've installed a new function for those lacking hands." he holds his pokedex in his palm. "Here, try picking this up. Concentrate on it, just think of grabbing it without physically doing so."
  373. Jan 31 17:13:03 <denel_tasmant> "I'm pretty sure my parents are my biological ones."
  374. Jan 31 17:13:21 * denel_tasmant thinks very hard
  375. Jan 31 17:13:35 <denel_tasmant> 1d6 how much will he fuck up?
  376. Jan 31 17:13:35 <CritSenpai> how much will he fuck up?: 6 [1d6=6]
  377. Jan 31 17:14:05 <StarmanTheta> Surprisingly little--as if you were reaching out the grab it, the pokedex floats to you--weakly, but it does.
  378. Jan 31 17:14:32 <MariaSpada> "Cadmus I swear if you make a mess on the floor right now."
  379. Jan 31 17:14:44 * MariaSpada laments, why does she have such a techie for a brother.
  380. Jan 31 17:14:52 * PepperSpice squints. "If I express my confusion that software updates make magic happen, does it stop working?" She questions absentmindedly
  381. Jan 31 17:15:02 <denel_tasmant> "Yay! I did a thing!"
  382. Jan 31 17:15:33 <MariaSpada> "Yes you did, good Denel."
  383. Jan 31 17:15:43 * MariaSpada pats his head affectionately.
  384. Jan 31 17:16:15 <StarmanTheta> JOseph seems proud. "Alright, it actually works!" and then to Pepper, "Well, it's been a work in progress. Dr. Bahari and I have been working on applications to provide ergonomic benefits to creatures of all species, whether or not they have manual's a work in progress, but please try it out."
  385. Jan 31 17:16:35 * Diego_Fuego puts his hands down and looks at the pokedex, attempting to lift it
  386. Jan 31 17:17:29 <StarmanTheta> You manage to...but only slightly. It doesn't seem it goes much farther than arms reach
  387. Jan 31 17:18:27 <StarmanTheta> In any case, "I've included the documentation on your pokedexes...check it out sometime!"
  388. Jan 31 17:18:45 <StarmanTheta> It seems you've gotten an upgrade, as well as met with many people
  389. Jan 31 17:18:54 <StarmanTheta> though the results of your meeting here have yet to be determined
  390. Jan 31 17:19:04 <StarmanTheta> Right now, though, what's important is to figure out where you'll go next
  391. Jan 31 17:19:08 <StarmanTheta> With that, I'll end it here
  392. Jan 31 17:19:44 <StarmanTheta> take 3 texp and 40 pEXP for being SOCIAL
  393. Jan 31 17:19:46 <StarmanTheta> also
  394. Jan 31 17:19:56 <StarmanTheta> ACCESS.exe
  395. Jan 31 17:19:56 <StarmanTheta> This app provides a wide array of accessibility options. When the user is synced to the pokedex and is holding it, they may project the screen and navigate menus without needing to physically interact with the console—intentions are sufficient to activate this feature. In addition, the user gains a very limited telekinetic capability that is sufficient for operating manual devices but is too weak for heavy lifting or m
  396. Jan 31 17:19:56 <StarmanTheta> aking attacks. It also includes a variety of standard accessibility tools for those with disabilities.
  397. Jan 31 17:20:51 <StarmanTheta> alright that's it
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