
Guildsteady Taco Intro

Jul 9th, 2014
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  1. [18:32] <!DM-sama> It's cold.
  2. [18:33] <!DM-sama> You've come all the way to the far north in pursuit of a wild goose chase.
  3. [18:34] <!DM-sama> You know that of course, but any lead that could one day bring you to the necromancer responsible for the death of your family is one you have to follow.
  4. [18:35] <!DM-sama> It's been only 4 months since you left the Lake Walkers in order to pursue your quarry, if you could even call him that.
  5. [18:35] <!DM-sama> You don't have a description or any real leads.
  6. [18:35] <!DM-sama> You don't even know what he looks like.
  7. [18:36] <!DM-sama> The village is just a bit further.
  8. [18:36] <!DM-sama> This snow is hellish.
  9. [18:36] <!DM-sama> You reach the gates of the town and they open for you.
  10. [18:36] <!DM-sama> You make your way to the inn.
  11. [18:37] <!DM-sama> When you enter it's decidedly empty.
  12. [18:37] <!DM-sama> The innkeeper, the waitress, and a handful of travellers.
  13. [18:38] <!DM-sama> It's warm though, and that's a comfort you're grateful for.
  14. [18:38] <!DM-sama> So now what?
  15. [18:38] * Johan`Taruk huddles his cloack close to him as has his large falcion on his side, the large blade almost dragging to the ground of the inn. He looks around as he pulls down his hood and walks over to the bar keep, placing his hands on the counter as he gives the man a nod. "Hello to you sir, I don't suppose you would be willing to shelter a man for a few moments would you?
  16. [18:40] <!DM-sama> "S'a bit cold out to be adventurin' innit, lad?" The heavy set man asks.
  17. [18:40] <!DM-sama> His gin soaked handlebar moustache is a dark red and his head is bald.
  18. [18:41] <!DM-sama> He finishes wiping a class and places it in front of you.
  19. [18:41] * Johan`Taruk simply smiles at the man. "It's not adventuring that I do, it's hunting. Speaking of, has there been anything strange in these parts? Any disapperances or deaths?"
  20. [18:41] <!DM-sama> "You mean besides the odd fellow gettin' lost and freezing to death in the snow? Not really."
  21. [18:42] <Johan`Taruk> "What..odd fellow would that be? And I'm sorry I don't have any money in me if that's what you're offering." He says as he nods over to the glass.
  22. [18:43] <Johan`Taruk> (on me rather)
  23. [18:43] <!DM-sama> "Ye don't look like a heavy drinker, lad. Warm milk sound good to ye? It's too cold to let you leave with an empty belly."
  24. [18:45] <Johan`Taruk> "I will forever be in your debt." He says with a slight nod then gives a quick look to the other travelers.
  25. [18:45] <!DM-sama> As you turn to look an armored figure in a long tattered cloak stands and leaves the bar.
  26. [18:46] <!DM-sama> The figure is over 6ft tall,
  27. [18:46] <!DM-sama> You don't get a look at the face but the long red hair blowing in the wind as the door opens is in stark contrast to the iting snow.
  28. [18:47] <!DM-sama> The cloak is a distinct off white and looks incredibly old and worn.
  29. [18:47] <!DM-sama> As the door slams shut you look around and see the waitress clean up several plates from the table that person was sitting at.
  30. [18:48] <!DM-sama> The other patrons look like some sort of expedition that bit off more than they could chew.
  31. [18:48] <!DM-sama> Only 3-4 of them with a solemn air about them.
  32. [18:49] <!DM-sama> "Poor sods. They had some young knight with them too but he went off to continue their quest alone and never came back."
  33. [18:49] <!DM-sama> "The north is a cruel mistress when ye underestimate her."
  34. [18:50] <Johan`Taruk> "The same could be said about anything really, that's why one must be prepared for all things, even death, when on a quest. What were they looking here for?"
  35. [18:53] <!DM-sama> He shrugs.
  36. [18:55] <Johan`Taruk> "Well...we must all go our on way I suppose." He says as the take the milk glass and drinks it, leaving himself with a bit of a milk mustache. "What about the one that just left though, know any thing about them?"
  37. [18:56] <!DM-sama> "The tall lass? Cannae say I do. She came in ordered enough food to feed five men and started asking the blokes over there questions."
  38. [18:56] <!DM-sama> "Ye showed up just as she finished her meal."
  39. [18:58] <Johan`Taruk> "To them? Thanks, may Pelor reward you with his sun, and if not then I'll be sure to repay you someday." He says as he gets walks away from the inn keeper and goes over to the other travelers. "Excuse me gentlemen, are you knights as well?"
  40. [18:58] <!DM-sama> A thin man with spectacles and slick black hair looks up at you.
  41. [18:58] <!DM-sama> He looks frail.
  42. [18:59] <!DM-sama> "No... we're just treasure seekers."
  43. [18:59] <!DM-sama> "Are you going to ask about Daniel as well?"
  44. [18:59] <Johan`Taruk> "Is that your friend who ran out?"
  45. [19:00] <!DM-sama> "Yes, that woman asked us a lot of strange questions about him."
  46. [19:00] <!DM-sama> "He was... overeager. When we decided to turn back and prepare more he ran off alone..."
  47. [19:00] <Johan`Taruk> "Where did he run off to?"
  48. [19:01] <!DM-sama> "We came in search of something called the Night's Eye."
  49. [19:02] <!DM-sama> "Supposedly it's an enchanted gemstone in the possession of a necromancer... he came to slay the necromancer and we came to collect the gem."
  50. [19:02] <!DM-sama> "All that preparation for undead and it's the cold that takes us."
  51. [19:03] <Johan`Taruk> "And where is this necromancer supposed to be at?"
  52. [19:04] <!DM-sama> "We don't know, Daniel can sense evil and he was to be our guide."
  53. [19:06] <Johan`Taruk> "He's not the only one...Thank you, that's all I need to know. If your friend is still alive, I'll make sure to bring him back, if he's otherwise...then I'll make sure he doesn't suffer anymore." He says as he nods over to them and gets up, giving another nod to the innkeeper as he walsk out the door. Once outside he breathes in and closes his eyes, concentrating on the beacon of evil that
  54. [19:06] <Johan`Taruk> should be a necromancer
  55. [19:08] <!DM-sama> You feel a creeping darkness to the northeast.
  56. [19:08] <!DM-sama> You steel yourself and press on.
  57. [19:08] <!DM-sama> It's terrifyingly cold.
  58. [19:09] <!DM-sama> Even if you face the necromancer could you fight like this?
  59. [19:09] <!DM-sama> You'll have to decide soon, because it's approaching.
  60. [19:09] <!DM-sama> A figure in the snow moves towards you.
  61. [19:11] * Johan`Taruk stops in place and yells. "You there! My name is Johan, are you okay?!"
  62. [19:14] <!DM-sama> The dreadful clang of armor shambling towards you in an inhuman rhythm prompts you to draw your steel.
  63. [19:15] == DM-sama has changed nick to Daniel_the_Undead
  64. [19:23] <Johan`Taruk> roll 1d20+4
  65. [19:23] <Taco_Bot> Johan`Taruk rolled : 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{13}
  66. [19:24] <Johan`Taruk> (So undead 17, and me with 13, wonderva)
  67. [19:26] <!Daniel_the_Undead> roll 1d20+2
  68. [19:26] <Taco_Bot> Daniel_the_Undead rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{18}
  69. [19:26] <Johan`Taruk> (If it's AC, miss)
  70. [19:27] * Daniel_the_Undead swings at you mindlessly with his cracked greatsword.
  71. [19:28] <!Daniel_the_Undead> It's your turn.
  72. [19:28] <Johan`Taruk> roll 1d20+13
  73. [19:28] <Taco_Bot> Johan`Taruk rolled : 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{30}
  74. [19:29] * Johan`Taruk takes out his sword as he looks at the poor undead. "Your poor soul, may Pelor's light guide you." He then brings the large sword over his head and brings it down on the undead. "By Pelor's righteous fury! SMITE ALL EVIL!"
  75. [19:29] <Johan`Taruk> roll 2d6+16
  76. [19:29] <Taco_Bot> Johan`Taruk rolled : 2d6+16 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{23}
  77. [19:30] <!Daniel_the_Undead> Hit.
  78. [19:31] <Johan`Taruk> (Already rolled damage)
  79. [19:31] <!Daniel_the_Undead> Oh.
  80. [19:31] <!Daniel_the_Undead> You roleld it already.
  81. [19:31] <!Daniel_the_Undead> Your blade strikes him and his body explodes into golden ashes.
  82. [19:32] <!Daniel_the_Undead> Nothing remains of him as he blows away in the storm force winds.
  83. [19:32] <!Daniel_the_Undead> Before you can finish your silent prayer another figure approaches you.
  84. [19:34] * Johan`Taruk looks at the figure, his hands still gripping his blade. "Are you a poor soul as well? Or are you living?"
  85. [19:36] <!Daniel_the_Undead> The figure comes into view.
  86. [19:36] <!Daniel_the_Undead> It stands 6'6" easily and it's cloak blows in the wind.
  87. [19:36] <!Daniel_the_Undead> She pulls down her hood.
  88. [19:37] <!Daniel_the_Undead> It's a woman, a beautiful one even in this obscuring snow.
  89. [19:37] <!Daniel_the_Undead> Her long red hair dances like fire in the wind.
  90. [19:37] <!Daniel_the_Undead> Her eyes are an almost sparkling blue.
  91. [19:37] <!Daniel_the_Undead> "Impressive!" She says with a wide smile.
  92. [19:38] <!Daniel_the_Undead> "Unlike that poor kid." She says as she looks down at the ashes.
  93. [19:38] <Taco_Bot> "There was nothing impressive about it, I just did what had to be done. You...were at the inn weren't you?"
  94. [19:38] <Johan`Taruk> "There was nothing impressive about it, I just did what had to be done. You...were at the inn weren't you?" (Gah I'm so used to talking in mirc)
  95. [19:39] <!Daniel_the_Undead> "You're right, it was just a zombie. I'm more impressed with the fact you came looking for it." She steps forward, the woman is so large she blocks the driving winds like a mountain.
  96. [19:40] <!Daniel_the_Undead> She holds out a small violet gem surging with necromantic power.
  97. [19:40] <!Daniel_the_Undead> "This is all that's left of that necromancer, though I doubt it's the one you're probably looking for."
  98. [19:40] <!Daniel_the_Undead> The woman crushes the gem and it grinds into powder.
  99. [19:41] <Johan`Taruk> "I didn't come looking for a zombie, I came looking for a poor young man who got over his head." He says as he looks at the ashes, then looks at the woman as she crushes the gem. "So, you killed him then?"
  100. [19:43] <!Daniel_the_Undead> "Nope. The kid did." She says with a smile.
  101. [19:43] <!Daniel_the_Undead> "I'm Alessa." The woman says, even though you didn't ask.
  102. [19:43] == Daniel_the_Undead has changed nick to Alessa
  103. [19:44] <!Alessa> "I've got a proposition for you if you're interested."
  104. [19:45] <Johan`Taruk> "Johan, and I'm sorry but I don't have time for whatever it is you're offering. I need to find him..or And every moment that I do, it's more people that are suffering."
  105. [19:48] <!Alessa> "Have you ever her of Granda Lessil?"
  106. [19:48] <!Alessa> heard*
  107. [19:48] <!Alessa> "It's a continent across the ocean from here... far across."
  108. [19:48] <!Alessa> "It was first discovered about 20 years ago and since people have been gathering and trying to make settlements there."
  109. [19:49] <!Alessa> "By my best estimate I'd say it's probably 50 times larger than every other continent in the world combined."
  110. [19:50] <!Alessa> "The people have no clue how many monsters there are though."
  111. [19:50] <!Alessa> "Monsters that will kill and eat innocent people."
  112. [19:50] <!Alessa> "Innocent people who will pay handsomely to have those monsters dealt with by capable adventurers."
  113. [19:51] <!Alessa> "So then there's me, a single woman who can't possibly to it all myself."
  114. [19:52] <!Alessa> "My proposal for you is that I'd like you to join the very first Monster Slayer guild in Granda Lessil."
  115. [19:52] <!Alessa> The woman talks completely ignoring whatever you've got to say.
  116. [19:53] * Johan`Taruk rubs his eyes slightly. "I don't care about the pay...but you say there are innocent people dying every day?"
  117. [19:53] <!Alessa> " Granda Lessil is an uncharted unpoliced continent with hundreds of people being killed by monsters on a regular basis."
  118. [19:54] <!Alessa> "It would be very easy for a powerful necromancer to sneak across on one of the many boats of refugees and pilgrims in order to... saaaay... hide from an order of paladin's out for his head."
  119. [19:55] <!Alessa> "There's a town a few miles east of here, a fishing boat there will probably be setting out for Granda Lessil shortly... maybe you could hitch a ride."
  120. [19:55] <!Alessa> "If you do I'll be waiting..."
  121. [19:56] <!Alessa> " the port city of Athes."
  122. [19:57] <!Alessa> The woman turns and walks off into the snow.
  123. [19:57] <!Alessa> Only as she leaves do you realize she wasn't shivering at all.
  124. [19:57] <!Alessa> She layed down a request that felt more like an order and left before you could even respond.
  125. [19:58] <!Alessa> What a perculiar woman...
  126. [19:58] * Johan`Taruk closes his eyes and thinks for a moment then opens his eyes and looks over to where the woman walked to. "I wouldn't have ignored the innocent lives anyway." He says muttering under his breath as he begins to walk down the same direction she did, down to the port city of Athes.
  127. [19:59] <!Alessa> [End]
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