

May 17th, 2015
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  1. Name: Vrxex the Destroyer
  2. Race: Human / Dragon Hybrid
  3. Religion: Zhou
  4. Age: 28
  5. Appearance: Vrxex is a taller at the height of 6'7. His skin is light, hair is brown, and eyes are green, but his most notable quality is the scarring that reaches over half of his body. From his face downward towards covering his entire right side, arms and legs included is covered in almost warped flesh, red in color and leathery in feel. His teeth are as well usually pointed and his right eye draconic in nature. His right hand has claws on each finger, and right foot is altered in shape and has claws.
  7. Misc. Equipment: Alchemical Supplies, both for healing, subduing cancerous flesh, or bomb-making supplies, as well as bombs themselves. Flint.
  8. Weapons:
  10. Juggernaut Blade: A blade made from Dragonbone, a 4 foot, single edge, curved blade with a spear-like point, with a handle in the back of the first foot of the blade and a further foot of actual handle.
  12. Goliath Bow: A massive 5 foot-wide bow made for firing massive arrows at high speeds towards objects in the sky, specifically for dragon hunting. It has a flint of it's side to ignite Shapnel arrows. Only specially made arrows can be shot from the bow, otherwise they just break from the sheer strain of the bow, as well since it has a massive draw strength it takes both time and extreme energy to pull.
  14. Shrapnel Arrows: A special kind of arrow, more of a small spear than an actual arrow. At it's end is a bulbous arrowhead with a jagged hooked point. The bulbous head contains an explosive and shrapnel to act as a flying bomb to down dragons and cause serious harm to anything it hits, specifically large targets with thick hides. The Hooked point insures that if it hits it stays in the flesh until it ignites. Along the side of the bow is a fuse that is struck by the flint of the Goliath bow and is cut depending on the approximate time of impact. The Arrows themselves tend to heavy in their front and thus are prone to arcing especially, but is compensating by sheer bowstrength.
  16. Armor: A combination of steel, dragonbone, and dragonhide, with a large cuirass protecting the front, and a wide shoulder-guard and armor plates on the left arm. The Right arm and legs are kept lightly armored with just scraps of dragon-scale wrapped around with cloth strips, keeping them loose for fleshwarping abilities. As well the back of the armor is loose Scale-armor as well to be opened for fleshwarped wings. A helmet completely obscures most of the face, even the eyes being hidden under it with slits for visibility inside, however the mouth is kept open for firebreath, and the neck is wrapped in bandages and scales to protect from his own breath. As well a large tower-shield is either used on the back for back protection or to be used to protect against opposing attacks and dragonfire.
  18. Notable Skills: Hunting and Tacking: Specifically of supernatural creatures like dragons, Alchemy, Spear fighting, Large Sword Fighting, Fleshwarping, Fletching etc (For creating and maintaining his weaponry and armor.)
  19. Magical Specialty: Mortal Magic
  20. Preferred Types of Spells: Fleshwarping
  21. Spell Components: The release of mana within the body. (No real component, more acting as just on will command.)
  22. Spells:
  24. Fleshwarp: Heal: Using mana to accelerate growth of flesh to cover a wound, doesn't create a true heal, but it lessens the time it takes for a wound to heal immensely and temporarily solves the issue. It can also be used to transplant flesh from other or reshape flesh.
  26. Dragon's Claw: Mana is induced from the flesh of his right arm to allow it to grow larger and the claws more pronounced, increasing strength in it greatly, shielding it from fire, and increasing damage from claw attacks.
  28. Dragon's Foot: Both legs, or a singular, are given to the flesh of the dragon, increasing their bulk, and growing pronounced claws, increasing speed on foot, jump distance, and grip on surfaces.
  30. Dragon's Breath: Mana is circulated through the lungs, altered by the dragon flesh and turned into flame to be breathed out, acting just like a dragon's natural breath.
  32. Dragon's Wings: Mana is used to warp the dragon flesh and grow it from his back to expand and form two wings to gain lift.
  35. Any Other Info You Deem Relevant:
  37. Being a fused with the flesh of a dragon, I have to expend mana to specifically fight back against it's cancerous effects across my body. Instead of just using mana to warp my flesh into that of a dragon it's done in reverse and rather mana is consumed to reverse or control the altering OR used to expand the flesh further into more flesh like that of larger claws or wings. However too much excess mana absorbed will instead the effects of the cancerous dragon flesh expand across the body and a strange were-dragon like monstrosity absorbs my body, shutting higher mental functions down and going on a primal rage. As well when injured my body naturally exudes mana and expands the dragonflesh over the wound rapidly and sealing it shut to heal by itself at a faster rate. However this wastes mana and spreads cancerous cells making it a double edged sword.
  39. Backstory:
  41. Vrxex was born to a family of mages, called the Shor, each of which was in particular a fleshwarper. His family's specialty was even further, warping the flesh of others and using it to heal. Now this had the added benefit of also working as a cosmetic surgery, and so they grew some renown in the land, especially among nobles that would like such a service. Vrxex himself was not a mage by heart, but he had no choice to learn alongside his family. However to keep his heart busy he would regularly go out into the forest to hunt deer, boar, and whatever beast he could track.
  42. One fateful day came when the impossible struck his small village. A dragon, although young, burned down the fields and began attacking the village. No one knew why, nor did they understand that a dragon would go so out of it's way to attack a village like so. Some wondered if they angered the gods, some wondered if it were a mage, many however blamed Shor. The people circled around their house crying for their blood, but as they did so the dragon took this chance and burned down the village with them, destroying their manor and many of the people. Vrxex however was away at this time, tracking a bear that had been marking many of the trees in the forest, but came as fast as he could when he saw the smoke of the village.
  43. He came to the wreckage of the town, the smell of burned flesh hanging over him, but he went over towards the his manor and saw no one to save within it and look up towards the smoke filled skies and saw the dragon still flying over. He screamed at it for it to come and kill him as well. But it ignored him. He then shot an arrow at it, but for no avail, as it ignored him. Knowing full well that the dragon had killed his family and his village, he took off to do what he thought he could. The village primarily bringing in money through mining in the hills, with their crops further down in the valley for themselves, it had plenty of explosives to suffice. Taking what he could from the remains of the village he walked off towards the now deserted guard tower and planted it along the sides of the wall and waited with a ballista. There was only one bolt left, but he knew it would be enough.
  44. After waiting for a full three days afterwards for the dragon to return he watched it cross over from the mountainside once again. Waiting until the dragon was within his range, he fired the ballista towards it, drawing it attention. This dragon being much more chaotic and enraged then normal rushed in to attack, but Vrxex withdrew into the tower and waited. The Dragon circled round the tower, breathing fire and whipping it's tail against the walls to try and lure the man out. Vrxex stood against the doorway and shot an arrow towards the dragon, and stood there taunting it. It then lunged it's head at him and he lept away, the dragon filling the room with fire detonated the explosives, collapsing the walls of the tower both on him and the dragon.
  45. After the wreckage cleared, the survivors came out from their hiding and circled around the tower, standing at awe of the dragon and dug through the wreckage to find a crushed, but still breathing Vrxex. Most of his body was destroyed under the stone and fire and he would soon die if there were anything to be done. Vrxex's father stood among the rest, having been the only one to survive during the ordeal and begin to work. Holding back his tears he fused the flesh of the dragon to his son to save his life, and covered him in bandaging. For the next week he watched over his son, barely eating, barely sleeping, just waiting for his son to live again. On the 8th morning, just as he was about to fall asleep himself, Vrxex woke up gasping for air. Unable to hold back any longer his father in tears hugged his son.
  47. Family:
  49. Trell Shor, 58 years old, master fleshwarper.
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