

Jan 28th, 2018
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  1. The City of Greyfall
  4. Noble District: An extremely nice district, every building is well kept and gorgeous. People can be seen walking the streets in expensive clothing and jewelry. Guards patrol this part of the city heavily and it is unlikely you could do anything illegal without being caught if you don't know what you're doing. Luckily, they are just as greedy as the Guards in the slums and will let you go with a sufficient bribe. Anyone who looks or acts unkempt is looked upon like trash.
  6. Slums: The seedier part of town, the buildings have nowhere near the same amount of polish and some are even falling apart. Beggars and thieves run rampant but will leave you alone if you have the right connections, although some don't get the memo when it comes to this. Many people in the Slums respect Gulven and the Grey Hounds, although just as many fear or hate him.
  9. Groups Of Interest:
  11. Government:The Bureaucracy (Placeholder Title. This is the government of the city you mentioned.) runs Greyfall from a separate city, letting the mayor do most of the heavy lifting while still taxing the citizens. They know about the poor conditions of the slums but don't do anything to help. It is not uncommon to see officials from The Bureaucracy visiting the Nob;e District to check up on things.
  13. The Grey Hounds: A gang led by Gulven Cragbrooke, they are well know throughout the city for their crimes. They mostly deal in robberies, muggings, heists, and scams in the Noble District. They outright refuse to steal from anyone in the Slums. They have a rule to never kill unless it is necessary. Most members of the gang joined to earn a money and feel like they belong to something, but many have been taken into Gulven's idealism. The nobles hate them but the mayor is payed well enough that nothing is done about the gang at large. If they made themselves a big enough threat however, the mayor might be inclined to do something about them.
  15. The Guards: Your run of the mill guards, except for their voracious greed. They will turn a blind eye far too often due to the glint of coin and some even accuse you of crimes you didn't commit and expect you to pay them to stop. They never ask for bribes, but it has almost become expected.
  19. Places of Import:
  20. Tidy Hall Orphanage: A rather shabby looking orphanage run by a man named Wayland Bryce. It's situated by the divide between the Slums and the Noble District. He cares little for the children under his care and doesn't even bother giving names to the children if they didn't have any before coming there. Instead he refers to them as their age, such as Five, Seven, so on so forth. He feeds them and gives them a roof to sleep under but that where his generosity ends. He only opened the orphanage due to the money given to him by the Bureaucracy in exchange for running it. The only thing he requires from the children is for them to stay quiet and keep the place looking nice.
  22. The Loose Coin Pub: One of the nicer places in the slums. It's a bar where the booze runs freely as long as your coin lasts. It's rarely too busy but it always have a decent amount of customers. There's only one waitress, a woman named Amira Frell. She flirts with all the customers in hopes of getting a bigger tip but isn't attracted to any of them. The pub has been known to close for seemingly no reason at times. This is due to it being the entrance to The Grey Hounds' hideout. In the backroom, behind a few barrels of booze, is a secret door leading underground. Amira works for them and gathers information for them while she waits tables.
  24. The Pound: The Grey Hounds' Hideout. It's a few rooms underground that they use for meet ups, training new members, storing their loot, or just hiding while the heat on them dies down. They have a barracks room with a dozen or so beds in it along with a few safes hidden in various places, such as under floorboards. There's also a meeting hall, mostly consisting of a large table and some chairs. A training room is outfitted with some training dummies that have various vital points in the body labelled to help teach sneak attacks, some locks of various difficulty to train lock pickers, and a manikin dressed up like a noble with wooden jewelry and coins in his pockets to simulate pick pocketing. There's a mess hall where the members meet up to eat dinner. There's a storeroom where they keep supplies and loot. And finally, there's a master bedroom where Gulven sleeps.
  27. Octavius' Outrageous Oddities: One of the only shops in the slums district, this shop specializes in anything out of the ordinary, whether that be magical items, strange baubles, potions, or a juicy rumor. He also carries more mundane objects like ropes and the like. Octavius also buys any stolen items The Grey Hounds find for him. The outside is decorated with multicolored mage lights to attract customers at night time.
  29. The Bent Quill: A Magic Shop masquerading as a book store to fool the Bureaucracy and keep taxes low. If you needs scrolls or spell inscription this is the place to go. A shy Undine named Fana runs the shop and pretends to be selling only books until she's sure you aren't with the guard.
  31. The Burning Squire: A blacksmith situated in the Noble District named after an unfortunate incident with an apprentice. Due to it being the only smithy in town, they get traffic from residents of both districts. They specialize in goldsmithing to please the nobles but are adept with other metals as well. A dwarf named Thordan Firebeard runs the place, although most of the smithing is done by an Elf named Myru Iliven in the back room.
  34. Noble District Shops: Most shops in the Noble District are pricey and charge exorbitant prices for everything. If you're not wearing nice clothes, they'll talk down to you the whole time you shop.
  38. Important People:
  40. Gulven Cragbrooke: Leader of The Grey Hounds. He is a slightly aged man who is calm and accepting most of the time. He is one of the first people to suggest a party when something good happens He can fall into a cold fury when he sees something he sees as cruel or unjust. He started the Hounds in an attempt to create a community in the slums but once they had started to become larger in number he realized they might one day be able to make the city fair. His hope is that using the money he's stockpiling, The Grey Hounds could bring down the Mayor and put someone else in power. He looks forwards to the letters he gets from his adopted son Quinn who is adventuring abroad. One day expects Quinn to take over the Hounds for him.
  41. Varian Frell: Second in command of The Grey Hounds. He's kind of like a big brother to the other Hounds and tries to make sure none of them are hurt. He's very caring but also stubborn. He has no love for the Nobles, due to them leaving he and his sister in poverty. He in usually the one who trains any newbies in the ways of the Hounds. Helps lead the more difficult missions. He and Quinn were best friends while he was still around. Doesn't like the fact that Amira is apart of the Hounds but lets her make her own decisions as long as she doesn't get involved in the dangerous parts.
  42. Amira Frell: Info gatherer for The Grey Hounds. She's very flirty, but mostly just to get tips. Otherwise she is a free spirit who does what she wants, when she wants. She wants to get into the fight and help the Grey Hounds on the streets but Varian doesn't let her. She constantly begs her brother to teach her how to fight be he refuses. Was good friends with Quinn, mostly do to him teaching her the basics of fighting.
  43. Octavius: Flamboyant Owner of General Goods Store. Octavius is a flamboyant man who treats all his customers like royalty. He was rather fond of Quinn and even taught him how to find some of the shadier stores in cities.
  44. Fana: A shy Undine Shopkeeper of The Bent Quill. She stays to herself but gets very excitable when it comes to talking about magic.
  45. Thordan Firebeard: A dwarf who is apprenticed to Myru. During the early days of apprenticeship, before Myru opened the store, his beard caught fire in the forge, earning him his nickname, and the store it's name. He often creates elaborate displays for the nicer gear they have and is proud of his master's work.
  46. Wayland Bryce: A greedy man who runs the Orphanage. He is an aggressive man, unless you challenge him, then he backs down and acts scared.
  47. Myru Iliven: An elven smith who lets Thordan be treated as the smith of the equipment to due the stereotype of Dwarven Smiths being better. She doesn't mind giving him the credit as she mostly enjoys the smithing process itself.
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