
copy this for irony

May 2nd, 2013
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  1. Plagiarism is not a cynical act made to bring ruin to the literary community and has been extremely over exaggerated as something that destroys any sort of creativity, which simply isn’t true.
  2. Plagiarism by definition is made to sound destructive to the literary community and to any sort of knowledge. Even Merriam-Webster is guilty of making this act, which is no worse than any other cheating method, seem totally evil! By defining it as “to commit literary theft” (Webster ) makes the idea of this seem up to par with murder or embezzlement. It’s understood by everyone most everyone that plagiarism is bad. In fact, the Honors English class of Petoskey High School did a survey which showed that students are very aware of what constitutes plagiarism, mostly agree that it is against their ethics and under certain circumstances still find it ok. That comes with the generation though.
  3. It’s still cheating and that should be punished, but do not give them the metaphorical death penalty. By threatening the people who will become the authors of the future, taking whoever is reading this’s job, will be pushed firmly away from the idea of expressing themselves on a page. To do a piece, you must put in a great deal of work. It’s easy to write about ourselves, the hardest thing to do is to write about others and still show the writing style only you uniquely have. A large amount of your being needed to make the paper have any sort of meaning, and then you must condense what you have found in the study into something that will work for the subject. Then comes writing, which is one of the most painful things to do in life mainly because we don’t like to give up much of our person to others to read. This group of kids is not grown and still hasn’t figured out a major part of their person. Not only does the fact that they haven’t lived enough to have much meaning behind what they say, they also have to bleed out that humanity; this includes the occasional butchering of the students esteem by the teacher or classmates. The admiration of writers comes from knowing that they have to write something original. That’s why being a writer is noble. That sounds terrifying in hindsight. Plagiarism begins with the agonizing effects that may happen if failure is allowed to happen.
  4. The education ‘industry’ that the students are supposed to be getting the training for the career that could possibly be in journalism, novelist, playwright or any other job that requires the thought and effort of a humanities class is being shunned to avoid their developing thinking skills. Because of academies forcing you to maintain a certain grade point average, the children aren’t learning how to realize the writing ability they have. The cramming of last minute knowledge that every student does before a test must seem a little off to a teacher. Quite frankly I find it a bit disturbing to see the look of horror and worry on their faces as they find that they won’t be able to regurgitate this knowledge they barely focused on and form it into a perfect/ as close to perfect grade as they possibly can. Then you see those who will pass and those who won’t. You can tell by the way they look. Those people who are just normal can put up with that at the beginning of the schooling experience will end up being the plagiarizers. That’s right; the cause of the downfall of the education system is forced on us all by the education system. Ed Dante gives his insight into this subject with his own experience in the education system:
  5. My distaste for the early hours and regimented nature of high school was tempered by the promise of the educational community ahead, with its free exchange of ideas and access to great minds. How dispiriting to find out that college was just another place where grades were grubbed, competition overshadowed personal growth, and the threat of failure was used to encourage learning. (Dante 4)
  6. With great focus on something that isn’t quite possible but is necessary for the students in the school, the effects of failing become destructive to the student and ruin their self-esteem, which is already fragile at that age, and thus forces them to resort to whatever they can do to get the target grade. This is the catalyst that invokes the dreaded plagiarism. The effect of plagiarism makes students unmotivated to do the work. This is where the idea that plagiarism creates unoriginality comes from.
  7. To address the thought that plagiarism is creating unoriginality, it should be noted that the subject we are talking about isn’t plagiarism itself, but the effects of plagiarism. To clarify, I’m referring to the generation of students that we’ve been mentioning. Generation Y is noted for being the first group to grow up in such fast technological growth that we have begun to outmatch our own ends. The media covers all fronts. The medicines to keep us perfectly happy are what make us function. The internet is what has totally revolutionized everything; along with any change comes the loss of the old, less efficient method. The idea behind the internet is that it shares ideas. The writing community is about the personal growth and personalization of ideas. Internet has made the personal ideas of someone become public ideas which in some cases are perverted at the dismay of the original author. It is argued that plagiarism is taking the creativity out of these future writers. The thing about the advanced generation is that even we can’t adapt to match our creation’s greatness. Sorry to say this, but humans won’t be able to master the tool as fast as they can develop it for many more generations.
  8. This wouldn’t be a paper on plagiarism if I didn’t bring up copy and paste. The most generic way to think of plagiarism and the most obvious is to copy and paste. The terms are put together and used by every author who fears his pride and joy will be stolen. They hope that if they repeat them enough around a word with a bad connotation that will make them sound like bad words themselves. Maybe if they torture girls like Kaavya Viswanathan, a young Harvard novelist, they will make people actually fear doing this. In an interview on Today she tries desperately to hold shame; All that she wants to do is apologize to the author she had so much respect for. “All I want to do is tell her how profoundly sorry I am…” says Kaavya in voice that struggles to not cry right on national television. If this is the way that solves the issue of plagiarism, then I don’t support it.
  9. In summary, plagiarism is a trait which has had a subtitle effect on actual creativity in the writing community, but still isn’t preferable in any case. There is also a look at what causes this to happen; those being the education of our young and the way that our young respond to the new technology with which they have. Also, while focusing on the negatives and reasoning behind plagiarism, it is taken back closer to my thesis’ tone implications when the discussion on the morality of how we have gone about this takes place. The life of a student has shaped this paper, and that gives the insight that made me arrive at these conclusions after research.
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