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- import pygame
- from pygame.locals import *
- # physics
- def CollisionTest(Object1,ObjectList):
- CollisionList = []
- for Object in ObjectList:
- if Object.colliderect(Object1):
- CollisionList.append(Object)
- return CollisionList
- class PhysicsObject(object):
- def __init__(self,x,y,x_size,y_size):
- self.width = x_size
- self.height = y_size
- self.rect = pygame.Rect(x,y,self.width,self.height)
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- self.hitbox = None
- def setup_hitbox(self,x_offset,y_offset,x_size,y_size):
- self.hitbox = [x_offset,y_offset,x_size,y_size]
- def get_hitbox(self):
- return pygame.Rect(self.x+self.hitbox[0],self.y+self.hitbox[1],self.hitbox[2],self.hitbox[3])
- def move(self,Movement,platforms,ramps):
- self.x += Movement[0]
- self.rect.x = int(self.x)
- block_hit_list = CollisionTest(self.rect,platforms)
- collision_types = {'top':False,'bottom':False,'right':False,'left':False,'slant_bottom':False}
- for block in block_hit_list:
- if Movement[0] > 0:
- self.rect.right = block.left
- collision_types['right'] = True
- elif Movement[0] < 0:
- self.rect.left = block.right
- collision_types['left'] = True
- self.x = self.rect.x
- self.y += Movement[1]
- self.rect.y = int(self.y)
- block_hit_list = CollisionTest(self.rect,platforms)
- for block in block_hit_list:
- if Movement[1] > 0:
- self.rect.bottom =
- collision_types['bottom'] = True
- elif Movement[1] < 0:
- = block.bottom
- collision_types['top'] = True
- self.change_y = 0
- self.y = self.rect.y
- for ramp in ramps:
- rampR = pygame.Rect(ramp[0],ramp[1],20,20)
- if self.rect.colliderect(rampR):
- if ramp[2] == 1:
- if self.rect.right-ramp[0]+self.rect.bottom-ramp[1] > 20:
- self.rect.bottom = ramp[1]+20-(self.rect.right-ramp[0])
- self.y = self.rect.y
- collision_types['slant_bottom'] = True
- if ramp[2] == 2:
- if ramp[0]+20-self.rect.left+self.rect.bottom-ramp[1] > 20:
- self.rect.bottom = ramp[1]+20-(ramp[0]+20-self.rect.left)
- self.y = self.rect.y
- collision_types['slant_bottom'] = True
- return collision_types
- def Draw(self):
- pygame.draw.rect(screen,(0,0,255),self.rect)
- def CollisionItem(self):
- CollisionInfo = [self.rect.x,self.rect.y,self.width,self.height]
- return CollisionInfo
- def flip(img,boolean=True):
- return pygame.transform.flip(img,boolean,False)
- def blit_center(surf,surf2,pos):
- x = int(surf2.get_width()/2)
- y = int(surf2.get_height()/2)
- surf.blit(surf2,(pos[0]-x,pos[1]-y))
- class entity(object):
- global animation_database, animation_higher_database
- def __init__(self,x,y,size_x,size_y,e_type): # x, y, size_x, size_y, type
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- self.size_x = size_x
- self.size_y = size_y
- self.obj = PhysicsObject(x,y,size_x,size_y)
- self.animation = None
- self.image = None
- self.animation_frame = 0
- self.animation_tags = []
- self.flip = False
- self.offset = [0,0]
- self.rotation = 0
- self.type = e_type # used to determine animation set among other things
- self.action_timer = 0
- self.action = ''
- self.set_action('idle') # overall action for the entity
- self.entity_data = {}
- self.alpha = None
- def set_pos(self,x,y):
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- self.obj.x = x
- self.obj.y = y
- self.obj.rect.x = x
- self.obj.rect.y = y
- def move(self,momentum,platforms,ramps):
- collisions = self.obj.move(momentum,platforms,ramps)
- self.x = self.obj.x
- self.y = self.obj.y
- return collisions
- def rect(self):
- return pygame.Rect(self.x,self.y,self.size_x,self.size_y)
- def set_flip(self,boolean):
- self.flip = boolean
- def set_animation_tags(self,tags):
- self.animation_tags = tags
- def set_animation(self,sequence):
- self.animation = sequence
- self.animation_frame = 0
- def set_action(self,action_id,force=False):
- if (self.action == action_id) and (force == False):
- pass
- else:
- self.action = action_id
- anim = animation_higher_database[self.type][action_id]
- self.animation = anim[0]
- self.set_animation_tags(anim[1])
- self.animation_frame = 0
- def clear_animation(self):
- self.animation = None
- def set_image(self,image):
- self.image = image
- def set_offset(self,offset):
- self.offset = offset
- def set_frame(self,amount):
- self.animation_frame = amount
- def handle(self):
- self.action_timer += 1
- self.change_frame(1)
- def change_frame(self,amount):
- self.animation_frame += amount
- if self.animation != None:
- while self.animation_frame < 0:
- if 'loop' in self.animation_tags:
- self.animation_frame += len(self.animation)
- else:
- self.animation = 0
- while self.animation_frame >= len(self.animation):
- if 'loop' in self.animation_tags:
- self.animation_frame -= len(self.animation)
- else:
- self.animation_frame = len(self.animation)-1
- def get_current_img(self):
- if self.animation == None:
- if self.image != None:
- return flip(self.image,self.flip)
- else:
- return None
- else:
- return flip(animation_database[self.animation[self.animation_frame]],self.flip)
- def display(self,surface,scroll):
- image_to_render = None
- if self.animation == None:
- if self.image != None:
- image_to_render = flip(self.image,self.flip).copy()
- else:
- image_to_render = flip(animation_database[self.animation[self.animation_frame]],self.flip).copy()
- if image_to_render != None:
- center_x = image_to_render.get_width()/2
- center_y = image_to_render.get_height()/2
- image_to_render = pygame.transform.rotate(image_to_render,self.rotation)
- if self.alpha != None:
- image_to_render.set_alpha(self.alpha)
- blit_center(surface,image_to_render,(int(self.x)-scroll[0]+self.offset[0]+center_x,int(self.y)-scroll[1]+self.offset[1]+center_y))
- # animation stuff
- global animation_database
- animation_database = {}
- global animation_higher_database
- animation_higher_database = {}
- # a sequence looks like [[0,1],[1,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,2]]
- # the first numbers are the image name(as integer), while the second number shows the duration of it in the sequence
- def animation_sequence(sequence,base_path,colorkey=(255,255,255),transparency=255):
- global animation_database
- result = []
- for frame in sequence:
- image_id = base_path + base_path.split('/')[-2] + '_' + str(frame[0])
- image = pygame.image.load(image_id + '.png').convert()
- image.set_colorkey(colorkey)
- image.set_alpha(transparency)
- animation_database[image_id] = image.copy()
- for i in range(frame[1]):
- result.append(image_id)
- return result
- def get_frame(ID):
- global animation_database
- return animation_database[ID]
- def load_animations(path):
- global animation_higher_database
- f = open(path + 'entity_animations.txt','r')
- data =
- f.close()
- for animation in data.split('\n'):
- sections = animation.split(' ')
- anim_path = sections[0]
- entity_info = anim_path.split('/')
- entity_type = entity_info[0]
- animation_id = entity_info[1]
- timings = sections[1].split(';')
- tags = sections[2].split(';')
- sequence = []
- n = 0
- for timing in timings:
- sequence.append([n,int(timing)])
- n += 1
- anim = animation_sequence(sequence,path + anim_path)
- if entity_type not in animation_higher_database:
- animation_higher_database[entity_type] = {}
- animation_higher_database[entity_type][animation_id] = [anim.copy(),tags]
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