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a guest
Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. .choose squad stardew work-on-mud
  2. squad
  3. --
  4. .choose chili curry
  5. curry
  6. --
  7. .choose go-to-work stay-on-the-couch-and-work-in-pajamas
  8. stay-on-the-couch-and-work-in-pajamas
  9. --
  10. .choose make some poor bastard deliver me a milkshake, eat frozen food
  11. eat frozen food
  12. --
  13. .choose to weed, not to weed
  14. not to weed
  15. --
  16. .choose taco noodle
  17. taco
  18. --
  19. .choose pubg, overwatch, hatoful boyfriend, yourself
  20. yourself
  21. --
  22. .choose salad, waffles, cereal
  23. cereal
  24. --
  25. .choose dressed, pjs
  26. dressed
  27. --
  28. .choose pizza sandwich hot-food-bar
  29. sandwich
  30. --
  31. .choose potbelly delicatus zaccagnis
  32. potbelly
  33. --
  34. .choose buy the damn rowlet plush, don't you dumb bitch
  35. buy the damn rowlet plush
  36. --
  37. .choose stay go
  38. i don't really see the benefit in elm over some well-written react/redux
  39. --
  40. .choose breakup staytogether
  41. breakup
  42. --
  43. .choose 0.5mm 0.3mm
  44. 0.3mm
  45. --
  46. .choose chinese indian thai wings
  47. wings
  48. --
  49. .choose get fired, stay at the office
  50. stay at the office
  51. --
  52. 40AM, kill yourself
  53. kill yourself
  54. --
  55. .choose go home, gym
  56. gym
  57. --
  58. .choose fuck Mellow_
  59. Mellow_
  60. --
  61. .choose fuck Mellow_ pwfurkey
  62. Mellow_
  63. --
  64. .choose fuck Mellow_ myself
  65. Mellow_
  66. --
  67. .choose mez is better at eternal, elgruntox is better at eternal
  68. mez is better at eternal
  69. --
  70. .choose cut and donate, six more months
  71. six more months
  72. --
  73. .choose stay at work, get fired
  74. stay at work
  75. --
  76. .choose do work, goof off
  77. do work
  78. --
  79. .choose go home, keep my job
  80. go home
  81. --
  82. .choose get fired, stay at work
  83. get fired
  84. --
  85. .choose buy 1080ti, save for retirement
  86. .choose butt 1080ti, save for retirement
  87. save for retirement
  88. --
  89. .choose adar, robot
  90. robot
  91. --
  92. .choose die, live
  93. die
  94. --
  95. .choose invest in elgruntox, invest in al franken
  96. invest in al franken
  97. --
  98. .choose stress chill
  99. chill
  100. --
  101. .choose nra, black panthers
  102. nra
  103. --
  104. .choose
  105. .choose <choice1>, <choice2>, ... <choicen> -- makes a decision
  106. Billions of years of infinite power on the back of compound interest
  107. --
  108. .choose get synths out of car, leave them
  109. leave them
  110. --
  111. .choose walk, delivery
  112. walk
  113. --
  114. .choose life, death
  115. death
  116. --
  117. .choose marshmallows, whipped cream
  118. marshmallows
  119. --
  120. .choose play divinity 2, paint miniatures for kingdom death
  121. paint miniatures for kingdom death
  122. --
  123. .choose how, does this work again
  124. .choose how, does this work butt
  125. how
  126. --
  127. .choose play overwatch, play dishonored, play doom, keep working, go home
  128. play overwatch
  129. --
  130. .choose choose is biased, choose is not biased
  131. choose is not biased
  132. --
  133. .choose stream ow, dont
  134. stream ow
  135. --
  136. .choose butt ow, dont
  137. butt ow
  138. --
  139. .choose zfs btrfs xfs reiserfs
  140. .choose zfs btrfs butts reiserfs
  141. zfs
  142. --
  143. .choose destiny crackme advent crystal binex
  144. crackme
  145. --
  146. .choose "smoke weed" "smoke weed everyday"
  147. "smoke
  148. --
  149. .choose smoke weed, smoke "hella" weed
  150. smoke "hella" weed
  151. --
  152. .choose party, be bored
  153. be bored
  154. --
  155. .choose party, be bored
  156. party
  157. --
  158. .choose party, be bored
  159. party
  160. --
  161. .choose go outside, not
  162. not
  163. --
  164. .choose go home, play overwatch, do work
  165. go home
  166. --
  167. .choose go home, continue listening to dean martin
  168. .choose go home, continue lisbutting to dean martin
  169. continue listening to dean martin
  170. --
  171. .choose shoot, tshoot, pshoot
  172. i might butt about running one on my vps in a container or something
  173. --
  174. .choose bath, bed
  175. bath
  176. --
  177. .choose bath, butted
  178. hmm
  179. --
  180. .choose bath, bed, beyond
  181. beyond
  182. --
  183. .choose chinese mexican
  184. chinese
  185. --
  186. .choose chinese buttican
  187. ok
  188. --
  189. .choose tasty meal, food poisoning
  190. food poisoning
  191. --
  192. .choose vape, dont vape
  193. dont vape
  194. --
  195. .choose butt, dont butt
  196. damn..
  197. --
  198. .choose parse this markup, fuck it
  199. parse this markup
  200. --
  201. .choose y n
  202. y
  203. --
  204. .choose fallen enchantress, battle chasers
  205. fallen enchantress
  206. --
  207. .choose buy, rent
  208. rent
  209. --
  210. .choose feed my grumpy dogs, make them wait
  211. feed my grumpy dogs
  212. --
  213. .choose curry sushi
  214. "
  215. --
  216. .choose lift 600 pounds, lift 700 pounds
  217. lift 700 pounds
  218. --
  219. .choose lift nothing, don't lift anything
  220. lift nothing
  221. --
  222. .choose bart lyft
  223. bart
  224. --
  225. .choose weights, cardio
  226. weights
  227. --
  228. .choose ava, axis, sofia
  229. axis
  230. --
  231. .choose do the work i was supposed to do while napping, nap more
  232. do the work i was supposed to do while napping
  233. --
  234. .choose nap, nap more
  235. nap more
  236. --
  237. .choose late, barely made it
  238. late
  239. --
  240. .choose go home, stay and look busy
  241. go home
  242. --
  243. .choose useradd adduser
  244. useradd
  245. --
  246. .choose wfh, go to work
  247. go to work
  248. --
  249. .choose wfh, go to work
  250. go to work
  251. --
  252. .choose wfh, go to work
  253. wfh
  254. --
  255. .choose wfh, go to work
  256. wfh
  257. --
  258. .choose wfh, go to work
  259. wfh
  260. --
  261. .choose go home, sit at work
  262. go home
  263. --
  264. .choose burgerking dominos
  265. dominos
  266. --
  267. .choose death life
  268. death
  269. --
  270. .choose hamled victor
  271. hamled
  272. --
  273. .choose bedroom, office, bathroom
  274. office
  275. --
  276. .choose bedroom, bathroom
  277. bathroom
  278. --
  279. .choose sleep fuck
  280. sleep
  281. --
  282. .choose take off friday, take off monday
  283. take off monday
  284. --
  285. .choose go to work, one more meme
  286. one more meme
  287. --
  288. .choose go out, stay in
  289. go out
  290. --
  291. .choose eat, keep programmin
  292. eat
  293. --
  294. .choose work, dick around
  295. dick around
  296. --
  297. .choose motherboard, cpu
  298. cpu
  299. --
  300. .choose chili, ziti, soup
  301. ziti
  302. --
  303. .choose detroiter, lobster pizza
  304. lobster pizza
  305. --
  306. .choose sleep, eat
  307. sleep
  308. --
  309. .choose chili, salad
  310. chili
  311. --
  312. .choose art film, league of legends, sleep
  313. league of legends
  314. --
  315. .choose send it, don't
  316. don't
  317. --
  318. .choose send vape pic, don't
  319. send vape pic
  320. --
  321. .choose cheesybread garlictwists
  322. cheesybread
  323. --
  324. .choose ask to go back over, kill rats
  325. kill rats
  326. --
  327. .choose go to the hardware store, keep being a lazy fuck
  328. keep being a lazy fuck
  329. --
  330. .choose smash rats, fix bedroom lights
  331. smash rats
  332. --
  333. .choose die alone, die lonely
  334. die alone
  335. --
  336. .choose caffeine no
  337. no
  338. --
  339. .choose tenders, burger, quesadilla
  340. tenders
  341. --
  342. .choose pizza wings chinese
  343. pizza
  344. --
  345. .choose smash rats, nap
  346. nap
  347. --
  348. .choose macaron aux framboise, paris-brest, religieuse, carrot cake
  349. macaron aux framboise
  350. --
  351. .choose chicken, turkey
  352. chicken
  353. --
  354. .choose outside treadmill
  355. outside
  356. --
  357. .choose
  358. .choose <choice1>, <choice2>, ... <choicen> -- makes a decision
  359. //
  360. --
  361. .choose wholefoods, freshii, lataqueria
  362. freshii
  363. --
  364. .choose wholefoods, chipotle, anh chi
  365. anh chi
  366. --
  367. .choose go to slim shader, stay home
  368. go to slim shader
  369. --
  370. .choose shoot scoot toot
  371. toot
  372. --
  373. .choose shoot scoot butt
  374. nah
  375. --
  376. .choose chinese, jamaican, tacos, gyros, pizza, sandwich, burger, cheesesteak
  377. jamaican
  378. --
  379. .choose pizza indian chinese
  380. pizza
  381. --
  382. .choose pizza wings chinese mexican indian
  383. pizza
  384. --
  385. .choose pizza wings chinese mexican indian
  386. mexican
  387. --
  388. .choose smoke a weed, quit the sin of combusting the devil's lettuce
  389. .choose smoke a butt, quit the butt of combusting the devil's lettuce
  390. smoke a weed
  391. --
  392. .choose
  393. .choose <choice1>, <choice2>, ... <choicen> -- makes a decision
  394. no band geeks
  395. --
  396. .choose go to sleep, one more hour
  397. go to sleep
  398. --
  399. .choose left over pizza, left over stirfly
  400. left over stirfly
  401. --
  402. .choose shower for the food delivery, just grab it really fast before they see you
  403. just grab it really fast before they see you
  404. --
  405. .choose shower for the butt delivbutt, just grab it really fast before they see you
  406. k
  407. --
  408. .choose wfh, wfw
  409. wfw
  410. --
  411. .choose work from home, work from work
  412. .choose wfh, nfh, wfw
  413. work from work
  414. --
  415. .choose accept friend request, deny friend request
  416. accept friend request
  417. --
  418. .choose get stoned, get stoned
  419. .choose get butted, get butted
  420. get stoned
  421. --
  422. .choose beer gym
  423. gym
  424. --
  425. .choose accept the updated terms & conditions, quit facebook
  426. quit facebook
  427. --
  428. .choose pizza, japanese curry
  429. japanese curry
  430. --
  431. .choose get dog, do not get dog
  432. get dog
  433. --
  434. .choose ubuntu, amazon linux
  435. ubuntu
  436. --
  437. .choose sell hold
  438. hold
  439. --
  440. .choose tacos, 7-layer
  441. tacos
  442. --
  443. .choose 3 4
  444. 4
  445. --
  446. .choose <choice1>, <choice2>, ... <choicen> -- makes a decision
  447. .ch Africa, Africa, Africa, Africa, Africa, Despacito
  448. --
  449. .choose store today, store tomorrow
  450. store today
  451. --
  452. .choose waterworks, shopnsave
  453. shopnsave
  454. --
  455. .choose yes no
  456. yes
  457. --
  458. .choose macaron croissant
  459. macaron
  460. --
  461. .choose goth frumpy
  462. frumpy
  463. --
  464. .choose baked good, no baked good
  465. no baked good
  466. --
  467. .choose baked butt, no baked butt
  468. fuck you bot
  469. --
  470. .choose be ill, be sick
  471. be sick
  472. --
  473. .choose cheesesteak pizza dtf
  474. dtf
  475. --
  476. .choose fuck
  477. the decision is up to you
  478. --
  479. .choose not-to-decide
  480. the decision is up to you
  481. --
  482. .choose fuck fuck
  483. fuck
  484. --
  485. .choose phantom-fears kindness-that-can-kill
  486. kindness-that-can-kill
  487. --
  488. .choose path-thats-clear freewill
  489. freewill
  490. --
  491. .choose fuck0 fuck1
  492. fuck1
  493. --
  494. .choose embrace the glory that is your birthright
  495. your
  496. --
  497. .choose .butt .lol
  498. .butt
  499. --
  500. .choose metal case, wooden case
  501. metal case
  502. --
  503. .choose panang red tom-kha
  504. tom-kha
  505. --
  506. .choose eatout leftovers
  507. leftovers
  508. --
  509. .choose party hermit
  510. hermit
  511. --
  512. .choose party hermit
  513. hermit
  514. --
  515. .choose party hermit
  516. lets play video games
  517. --
  518. .choose greasy pizza, greasy breakfast
  519. greasy pizza
  520. --
  521. .choose walk dogs, continue cowering in bed
  522. continue cowering in bed
  523. --
  524. .choose normal dog sitter, cheaper dog sitter
  525. normal dog sitter
  526. --
  527. .choose normal dog butter, cheaper dog butter
  528. hmm
  529. --
  530. .choose play-dark-souls watch-expanse
  531. play-dark-souls
  532. --
  533. .choose curry, chicken, poutine, burger, parmesan truffle fries
  534. chicken
  535. --
  536. .choose go swimming now, wait until 4PM
  537. go swimming now
  538. --
  539. .choose weird indian pho
  540. weird
  541. --
  542. .choose hash, dab, flower
  543. flower
  544. --
  545. .choose butt, dab, flower
  546. too late skybot i already made up my mind when i pressed enter
  547. --
  548. .choose new job, same job
  549. new job
  550. --
  551. .choose nap, keep working
  552. nap
  553. --
  554. .choose goog, cf
  555. cf
  556. --
  557. .choose lm2 y0
  558. lm2
  559. --
  560. .choose book, game, anime, other book
  561. other book
  562. --
  563. .choose honzuki
  564. the decision is up to you
  565. --
  566. .choose bk wendys
  567. .butt bk wendys
  568. --
  569. .choose work, home
  570. work
  571. --
  572. .choose nap, dont nap
  573. dont nap
  574. --
  575. .choose go to brunch, dont go to brunch
  576. .choose go to butt, dont go to butt
  577. go to brunch
  578. --
  579. .choose pick fight with social media intern, dont
  580. dont
  581. --
  582. .choose new, old
  583. new
  584. --
  585. .choose stay at work for an hour, go home and leave shortly after
  586. go home and leave shortly after
  587. --
  588. .choose tikka korean thai chipotle
  589. chipotle
  590. --
  591. .choose buy persona 5 or never anime not even once
  592. never
  593. --
  594. .choose poop fart
  595. fart
  596. --
  597. .choose coffee, tea
  598. tea
  599. --
  600. .choose black, cream
  601. black
  602. --
  603. .choose healthy salad, meat salad, quesadilla
  604. meat salad
  605. --
  606. .choose lick bag in public, waste icing
  607. waste icing
  608. --
  609. .choose go home and fart around, stay and fart around
  610. stay and fart around
  611. --
  612. .choose guilty notguilty
  613. notguilty
  614. --
  615. .choose ncisaccelerationist ncisnotaccelerationist
  616. ncisnotaccelerationist
  617. --
  618. .choose eft csgo
  619. csgo
  620. --
  621. .choose eft csgo nexus nexus nexus nexus nexus
  622. eft
  623. --
  624. .choose sea of strangers, the princess savers herself, pillow thoughts
  625. the princess savers herself
  626. --
  627. .choose go home, die in a fire
  628. die in a fire
  629. --
  630. .choose go butt, die in a fire
  631. welp
  632. --
  633. .choose oolong, green, black
  634. oolong
  635. --
  636. .choose ff5ac+drwho, overwatch, buy a cheap steam game, wildcard
  637. buy a cheap steam game
  638. --
  639. .choose lil wickerman, horse head, horse tail
  640. horse head
  641. --
  642. .choose lil butterman, horse head, horse tail
  643. whats a little CTE instead of closing stories
  644. --
  645. .choose mcdo donuts
  646. donuts
  647. --
  648. .choose go home, stay
  649. go home
  650. --
  651. .choose chicken taco pizza
  652. chicken
  653. --
  654. .choose make coffee, go back to sleep in an hour
  655. make coffee
  656. --
  657. .choose which wich, blaze, zoup
  658. blaze
  659. --
  660. .choose mexican thai burger teriyaki
  661. mexican
  662. --
  663. .choose leftovers cook
  664. leftovers
  665. --
  666. .choose party, kiss my dog at midnight
  667. ???
  668. --
  669. .choose get out of bed, stay in bed, bring switch to bed
  670. get out of bed
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