
Fravelli Adaethi (Sauron Rp)

Jan 25th, 2015
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  3. Name - Fravelli Adaethi
  5. Age - 23
  7. Race - Human
  9. Nationality - Legannon
  11. Appearance - Fravelli is tall and lean, differentiating a bit from the standard build of people from the House Adaethi. He was still pretty fit from constant exposure to the rest of his more heavy armor and heavy weapon family members. Standing taller then most men and just around 6 feet tall, he manages to stand out in most crowds. Still following some Adaethi traditions, he keeps his scruff of dark hair short despite not ever wearing the great helms expected of him by the rest of the family. He is shaven as closely as possible and his eyes are dark brown like that of his brethren with sharp and wide facial features that makes him look very similar to his other family members
  13. Personality - Driven by Money, Whores, and Power, Fravelli's mindset is that of a conquerors and from an early age he exhibited none of the behavior that'd lead his family members or peers to think so. Usually, more concerned with his outwardly appearance and what kind of expensive toys he has at his fingertips Fravelli more than often comes off to others as nothing more than a spoiled playboy who has a lot of toys. Behind the scenes however, he has quite the aptitude of getting what he wants.
  15. Backstory - Prince of one of the most prestigious family in Legannon, Fravelli was born into a life of wealth and comfort and from a young age was pampered by his parents who consolidated their wealth through mostly mercenaries, assassins, hit-men and the like. Most born into the Adaethi family happen to be huge and made for battle but Fravelli happened to get the short end of the stick and came out a bit less bulkier than many of his cousins or siblings with some even claiming that the female head of the family had at some point an affair with someone else and gave birth to him.
  17. Either way, he spent most of his child hood training with the other children of the Adaethi and enjoying the pampered life style as he watched his older siblings get groomed to take over the business while he was usually kept away due to his weaker stature. It was around his 18th birthday that his father finally had enough of being reminded how lame Fravelli was and told him to go make something out of his life since he'll never make it as an Adaethi.
  19. This is when Fravelli left after freeing a large ass slave named Gilleon who was an old norse war-hero from a country that Legannon had previously defeated. He traveled trying to figure out how to get his hands in the slave trade after hearing about how successful it was from Gilleon and eventually encountered Davy Jones where the two struck a deal that Fravelli would provide Jones and his crew with ample gear and supplies if they provide him with slaves to sell.
  21. For the next five years Fravelli, invested time and resources into outfitting Jones and his crew with the means to expand their power under the seas and around atlantis and their ability to bring in more slaves. He made several acquaintances around Legannon and eventually got into the drug trade and the trafficking of human slaves to countries through underground markets.
  23. Figuring that he'd never amount to much in his home country, he left to Sienna with his crew, bodyguard, and informant where he had a better chance of expanding his power.
  26. Equipment: Fravelli comes from a wealthy Noble house, and while he bought top notch equipment, he didn't want to attract attention to himself and so didn't go 'all out' with his own wealth.
  27. Armor:
  28. - Head: None
  29. - Chest: Leather vest dotted with Iron Studs/ Small steel pauldrons(extending from shoulder to elbow)
  30. - Arms/Hands: Chain gloves with leather grip
  31. - Legs/Feet: Padded trousers and Leather boots
  32. Weapons:
  33. - Steel Longsword: The sword measures 5ft in total length and can be wielded in one hand, or two. The Blade is double edged and designed for cutting, more than piercing.
  34. - Hunter's Bow: The short bow is made for hunting small game, such as Boar or wild Foxes. It can't pierce any significant amount of armor, but if used correctly, it can be lethal.
  35. *Quiver of barbed Iron arrows (x20)
  36. - Iron Short Spear: The short spear was crafted of fine wood and topped with a pretty good quality iron tip. He was a bit experienced in it's use from a few boar hunts he went on and preferred it over a dagger. Had it usually strapped to his back.
  37. - Shield bearing family's crest, basic wooden buckler painted.
  39. STATS:
  41. These aren't going to be actually used in the roleplay, just there to give me a general idea of how balanced you are.
  42. (you get five points)
  44. STRENGTH - 2
  45. DEXTERITY - 1
  46. CHARISMA - 2
  47. WISDOM (magic!) - 0
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