
Vladmir Stoksche

May 13th, 2014
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  1. michael0621: Hi
  2. Creedit: ey boi
  3. michael0621: Do you play sandbox hero?
  4. Creedit: Nope.
  5. Creedit: Do you?
  6. michael0621: Yes :p
  7. del5299516: hi
  8. Creedit: ey bio
  9. del5299516: how are you?
  10. Creedit: Pretty fine.
  11. Creedit: How are you?
  12. del5299516: I am wonderful
  13. del5299516: what is you name?
  14. del5299516: i learning english sorry
  15. Creedit: That doesn't matter. But you can refer to me as Creed.
  16. del5299516: creed is good name
  17. del5299516: my name is Vladmir Stoksche
  18. del5299516: i from ukraine
  19. del5299516: do you come to ukraine?
  20. Creedit: Nope.
  21. Creedit: I live far.
  22. del5299516: where you live?
  24. Creedit: Far, del. Faaaar.
  25. del5299516: in ukraine, gang of robbers take my dog and money
  26. del5299516: i miss dog
  27. del5299516: money come again
  28. HassK: Maybe Dog take your money & run away
  29. del5299516: no, dog very friend. dog only thing make me happy
  30. del5299516: i raise from baby he alway bring fresh rat to share
  31. HassK: Maybe Dog & Rat make big plan to take your money start new life somewhere else
  32. del5299516: in ukraine, dog and rat not so smart as where you live.
  33. HassK: In this city dogs & rats control our country
  34. del5299516: i want better life, maybe learn like dog and rat
  35. del5299516: why i try english
  36. del5299516: english very hard
  37. Creedit: Not at all, Del.
  38. del5299516: i wish to speak like america king barak
  39. del5299516: he very smart man
  40. HassK: I think your dog & your rat escape your clutches to start new like in bahamas
  41. HassK: "life"
  42. HassK: you must write to them to keep them happy
  43. del5299516: what is bahamas? america king barak cousin?
  44. del5299516: o'bahamas?
  45. del5299516: hassk, do rat and dog go to school
  46. HassK: Yes. The rats start to go school after the Plague
  47. RobertH204: nip
  48. del5299516: plague?
  49. HassK: They made big problem in europe. but they are learning
  50. del5299516: oh. plague in ukraine make very bad for people
  51. del5299516: i cough blood for week
  52. del5299516: and butt vomit for two week
  53. del5299516: how you say, bowel movement?
  54. HassK: yes
  55. HassK: we call this rectus momentus
  56. del5299516: very many bowel movement. rectus momentus bad
  57. HassK: yes it happens when you eat raw meat
  58. del5299516: i lose butcher job because very many bowel movement
  59. HassK: ohh this no good buddy
  60. del5299516: i very sad now. only have computer to learn english
  61. del5299516: try to become america lawyer
  62. HassK: i think its better for you to look for job in papua new guinea
  63. del5299516: what good is papua new guinea?
  64. del5299516: butcher job good in guinea?
  65. HassK: i think they like new people to train
  66. del5299516: i train you to be good butcher?
  67. del5299516: only 200 hryvnia
  68. del5299516: you pack whole cow in 5 minute
  69. del5299516: best butcher in city
  70. HassK: NO
  71. HassK: My unvle Vlad is best in the world
  72. HassK: "uncle"
  73. del5299516: haask here maybe?
  74. edawesome071: FAP
  75. del5299516: what is fap
  76. edawesome071: mastering the bait
  77. del5299516: how i master the bait? is hard?
  78. haate: it is if you're doing it right.
  79. audial40: baiting the master is a good way to pass time
  80. del5299516: do it make good money
  81. del5299516: ?
  82. edawesome071: lol
  83. del5299516: to be master bait you make moeny?
  84. del5299516: need money to pay rent or i must sleep on floor
  85. HassK: i think we should all sit together & have a mass debate
  86. TrevorH24: about what
  87. HassK: about the master bait
  88. del5299516: perhaps we can all debate eachother
  89. del5299516: in a circle shape maybe
  90. HassK: or maybe pentagon
  91. del5299516: JUST JERK ME OFF FAGGET
  92. HassK: I don't like to eat foggots but someone distinguished English gentlemen do
  93. HassK: do you understanf
  94. del5299516: no show me pls
  95. HassK: you are an interesting inquisitive creature
  96. kid_fantastic: sup
  97. del5299516: sup nigga
  98. kid_fantastic: nm just siting class playin games
  99. del5299516: aww naww niggy you need to get you some edumacation
  100. kid_fantastic: that chance
  101. HassK: So what they are trying to say is we all came from that primordial soup?
  102. del5299516: i aint no monkey
  103. del5299516: no teacher can tell me i dun used to be a monkey
  104. kid_fantastic: exactly
  105. HassK: ex act ly
  106. HassK: all my exes lie !
  107. HassK: they were all whorz
  108. del5299516: I just bought a boxer dog tho, pure bred. dat nigga went through 6 generations to become the beast he is todaay
  109. del5299516: but **** evolution
  110. del5299516: fo real
  111. kid_fantastic: pit bull is the way to go
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