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Jun 7th, 2014
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  1. [34352.262] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
  2. [34352.262] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ArtDefine_StrategicView(StrategicViewType, TileType, Asset) VALUES(?,?,?)'
  3. [34352.293] no such table: Buildings
  4. [34352.293] In Query - insert into Buildings('Type', 'BuildingClass', 'FreeStartEra', 'Cost', 'GoldMaintenance', 'PrereqTech', 'Help', 'Description', 'Civilopedia', 'Strategy', 'ArtDefineTag', 'MinAreaSize', 'Happiness', 'HurryCostModifier', 'IconAtlas', 'PortraitIndex') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  5. [34352.293] In XMLSerializer while updating table Buildings from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Buildings.xml.
  6. [34352.293] no such table: Civilizations
  7. [34352.293] In Query - insert into Civilizations('Type', 'Description', 'ShortDescription', 'Adjective', 'CivilopediaTag', 'DefaultPlayerColor', 'ArtDefineTag', 'ArtStyleType', 'ArtStyleSuffix', 'ArtStylePrefix', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas', 'AlphaIconAtlas', 'MapImage', 'DawnOfManQuote', 'DawnOfManImage', 'SoundtrackTag') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  8. [34352.293] In XMLSerializer while updating table Civilizations from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Civilizations.xml.
  9. [34352.309] no such table: Traits
  10. [34352.309] In Query - insert into Traits('Type', 'Description', 'ShortDescription', 'PlotCultureCostModifier') values (?, ?, ?, ?);
  11. [34352.309] In XMLSerializer while updating table Traits from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Traits.xml.
  12. [34352.309] no such table: IconTextureAtlases
  13. [34352.309] In Query - insert into IconTextureAtlases('Atlas', 'IconSize', 'Filename', 'IconsPerRow', 'IconsPerColumn') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  14. [34352.309] In XMLSerializer while updating table IconTextureAtlases from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5IconTextureAtlases.xml.
  15. [34352.324] no such table: Colors
  16. [34352.324] In Query - insert into Colors('Type', 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Alpha') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  17. [34352.324] In XMLSerializer while updating table Colors from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Colors.xml.
  18. [34352.324] no such table: PlayerColors
  19. [34352.324] In Query - insert into PlayerColors('Type', 'PrimaryColor', 'SecondaryColor', 'TextColor') values (?, ?, ?, ?);
  20. [34352.324] In XMLSerializer while updating table PlayerColors from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5PlayerColors.xml.
  21. [34352.340] no such table: Resources
  22. [34352.340] In Query - insert into Resources('Type', 'Happiness', 'TechCityTrade', 'Description', 'Civilopedia', 'ResourceClassType', 'ArtDefineTag', 'PlacementOrder', 'ConstAppearance', 'MinAreaSize', 'MaxLatitude', 'RandApp1', 'RandApp2', 'Player', 'Flatlands', 'GroupRange', 'GroupRand', 'IconString', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  23. [34352.340] In XMLSerializer while updating table Resources from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Great Fairy Alliance (v 8)\CIV5Resources.xml.
  24. [34352.356] no such table: Units
  25. [34352.356] In Query - insert into Units('Class', 'Type', 'Cost', 'Moves', 'Capture', 'CivilianAttackPriority', 'Domain', 'DefaultUnitAI', 'Description', 'Civilopedia', 'Strategy', 'Help', 'AdvancedStartCost', 'WorkRate', 'CombatLimit', 'UnitArtInfo', 'UnitArtInfoEraVariation', 'UnitFlagAtlas', 'UnitFlagIconOffset', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  26. [34352.356] In XMLSerializer while updating table Units from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Units.xml.
  27. [34352.356] no such table: UnitPromotions
  28. [34352.356] In Query - insert into UnitPromotions('Type', 'Description', 'Help', 'Sound', 'CannotBeChosen', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas', 'PediaType', 'PediaEntry') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  29. [34352.356] In XMLSerializer while updating table UnitPromotions from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Palace of Earth Spirits (v 5)\CIV5UnitPromotions.xml.
  30. [34357.176] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
  31. [34359.969] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
  32. [34368.299] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
  33. [34368.299] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ArtDefine_StrategicView(StrategicViewType, TileType, Asset) VALUES(?,?,?)'
  34. [34368.330] no such table: Buildings
  35. [34368.330] In Query - insert into Buildings('Type', 'BuildingClass', 'FreeStartEra', 'Cost', 'GoldMaintenance', 'PrereqTech', 'Help', 'Description', 'Civilopedia', 'Strategy', 'ArtDefineTag', 'MinAreaSize', 'Happiness', 'HurryCostModifier', 'IconAtlas', 'PortraitIndex') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  36. [34368.330] In XMLSerializer while updating table Buildings from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Buildings.xml.
  37. [34368.330] no such table: Civilizations
  38. [34368.330] In Query - insert into Civilizations('Type', 'Description', 'ShortDescription', 'Adjective', 'CivilopediaTag', 'DefaultPlayerColor', 'ArtDefineTag', 'ArtStyleType', 'ArtStyleSuffix', 'ArtStylePrefix', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas', 'AlphaIconAtlas', 'MapImage', 'DawnOfManQuote', 'DawnOfManImage', 'SoundtrackTag') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  39. [34368.330] In XMLSerializer while updating table Civilizations from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Civilizations.xml.
  40. [34368.330] no such table: Traits
  41. [34368.330] In Query - insert into Traits('Type', 'Description', 'ShortDescription', 'PlotCultureCostModifier') values (?, ?, ?, ?);
  42. [34368.330] In XMLSerializer while updating table Traits from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Traits.xml.
  43. [34368.346] no such table: IconTextureAtlases
  44. [34368.346] In Query - insert into IconTextureAtlases('Atlas', 'IconSize', 'Filename', 'IconsPerRow', 'IconsPerColumn') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  45. [34368.346] In XMLSerializer while updating table IconTextureAtlases from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5IconTextureAtlases.xml.
  46. [34368.346] no such table: Colors
  47. [34368.346] In Query - insert into Colors('Type', 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Alpha') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  48. [34368.346] In XMLSerializer while updating table Colors from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Colors.xml.
  49. [34368.346] no such table: PlayerColors
  50. [34368.346] In Query - insert into PlayerColors('Type', 'PrimaryColor', 'SecondaryColor', 'TextColor') values (?, ?, ?, ?);
  51. [34368.346] In XMLSerializer while updating table PlayerColors from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5PlayerColors.xml.
  52. [34368.361] no such table: Resources
  53. [34368.361] In Query - insert into Resources('Type', 'Happiness', 'TechCityTrade', 'Description', 'Civilopedia', 'ResourceClassType', 'ArtDefineTag', 'PlacementOrder', 'ConstAppearance', 'MinAreaSize', 'MaxLatitude', 'RandApp1', 'RandApp2', 'Player', 'Flatlands', 'GroupRange', 'GroupRand', 'IconString', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  54. [34368.361] In XMLSerializer while updating table Resources from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Great Fairy Alliance (v 8)\CIV5Resources.xml.
  55. [34368.361] no such table: Units
  56. [34368.361] In Query - insert into Units('Class', 'Type', 'Cost', 'Moves', 'Capture', 'CivilianAttackPriority', 'Domain', 'DefaultUnitAI', 'Description', 'Civilopedia', 'Strategy', 'Help', 'AdvancedStartCost', 'WorkRate', 'CombatLimit', 'UnitArtInfo', 'UnitArtInfoEraVariation', 'UnitFlagAtlas', 'UnitFlagIconOffset', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  57. [34368.361] In XMLSerializer while updating table Units from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Remilia Scarlet (v 5)\CIV5Units.xml.
  58. [34368.361] no such table: UnitPromotions
  59. [34368.361] In Query - insert into UnitPromotions('Type', 'Description', 'Help', 'Sound', 'CannotBeChosen', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas', 'PediaType', 'PediaEntry') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
  60. [34368.361] In XMLSerializer while updating table UnitPromotions from file Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Touhou - Palace of Earth Spirits (v 5)\CIV5UnitPromotions.xml.
  61. [34369.469] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
  62. [34389.344] no such table: Defines
  63. [34389.344] In Query - SELECT Value FROM Defines WHERE Name = ? LIMIT 1
  64. [34393.166] no such table: Defines
  65. [34393.166] In Query - SELECT Value from Defines where Name = ? LIMIT 1
  66. [34393.166] no such table: Defines
  67. [34393.166] In Query - INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Defines(Name, Value) VALUES(?, ?)
  68. [34393.166] no such table: PostDefines
  69. [34393.166] In Query - select * from PostDefines
  70. [34393.166] no such table: Resources
  71. [34393.166] no such table: Resources
  72. [34393.166] no such table: Defines
  73. [34393.166] In Query - INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Defines(Name, Value) VALUES(?, ?);
  74. [34393.181] no such table: Colors
  75. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Colors where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  76. [34393.181] no such table: PlayerColors
  77. [34393.181] In Query - select * from PlayerColors where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  78. [34393.181] no such table: InterfaceModes
  79. [34393.181] In Query - select * from InterfaceModes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  80. [34393.181] no such table: AICityStrategies
  81. [34393.181] In Query - select * from AICityStrategies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  82. [34393.181] no such table: AIEconomicStrategies
  83. [34393.181] In Query - select * from AIEconomicStrategies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  84. [34393.181] no such table: AIGrandStrategies
  85. [34393.181] In Query - select * from AIGrandStrategies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  86. [34393.181] no such table: AIMilitaryStrategies
  87. [34393.181] In Query - select * from AIMilitaryStrategies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  88. [34393.181] no such table: CitySpecializations
  89. [34393.181] In Query - select * from CitySpecializations where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  90. [34393.181] no such table: TacticalMoves
  91. [34393.181] In Query - select * from TacticalMoves where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  92. [34393.181] no such table: UnitAIInfos
  93. [34393.181] In Query - select * from UnitAIInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  94. [34393.181] no such table: UnitCombatInfos
  95. [34393.181] In Query - select * from UnitCombatInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  96. [34393.181] no such table: BuildingClasses
  97. [34393.181] In Query - select * from BuildingClasses where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  98. [34393.181] no such table: Buildings
  99. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Buildings where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  100. [34393.181] no such table: EmphasizeInfos
  101. [34393.181] In Query - select * from EmphasizeInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  102. [34393.181] no such table: Eras
  103. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Eras where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  104. [34393.181] no such table: GameOptions
  105. [34393.181] In Query - select * from GameOptions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  106. [34393.181] no such table: GameSpeeds
  107. [34393.181] In Query - select * from GameSpeeds where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  108. [34393.181] no such table: HandicapInfos
  109. [34393.181] In Query - select * from HandicapInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  110. [34393.181] no such table: HurryInfos
  111. [34393.181] In Query - select * from HurryInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  112. [34393.181] no such table: MultiplayerOptions
  113. [34393.181] In Query - select * from MultiplayerOptions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  114. [34393.181] no such table: PlayerOptions
  115. [34393.181] In Query - select * from PlayerOptions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  116. [34393.181] no such table: Policies
  117. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Policies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  118. [34393.181] no such table: PolicyBranchTypes
  119. [34393.181] In Query - select * from PolicyBranchTypes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  120. [34393.181] no such table: Processes
  121. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Processes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  122. [34393.181] no such table: Projects
  123. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Projects where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  124. [34393.181] no such table: SmallAwards
  125. [34393.181] In Query - select * from SmallAwards where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  126. [34393.181] no such table: Specialists
  127. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Specialists where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  128. [34393.181] no such table: Victories
  129. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Victories where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  130. [34393.181] no such table: Votes
  131. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Votes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  132. [34393.181] no such table: VoteSources
  133. [34393.181] In Query - select * from VoteSources where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  134. [34393.181] no such table: Domains
  135. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Domains where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  136. [34393.181] no such table: Leaders
  137. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Leaders where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  138. [34393.181] no such table: Routes
  139. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Routes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  140. [34393.181] no such table: Notifications
  141. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Notifications where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  142. [34393.181] no such table: Technologies
  143. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Technologies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  144. [34393.181] no such table: Features
  145. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Features where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  146. [34393.181] no such table: Improvements
  147. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Improvements where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  148. [34393.181] no such table: ResourceClasses
  149. [34393.181] In Query - select * from ResourceClasses where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  150. [34393.181] no such table: Resources
  151. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Resources where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  152. [34393.181] no such table: Terrains
  153. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Terrains where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  154. [34393.181] no such table: Yields
  155. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Yields where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  156. [34393.181] no such table: Automates
  157. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Automates where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  158. [34393.181] no such table: Builds
  159. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Builds where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  160. [34393.181] no such table: Commands
  161. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Commands where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  162. [34393.181] no such table: Controls
  163. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Controls where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  164. [34393.181] no such table: EntityEvents
  165. [34393.181] In Query - select * from EntityEvents where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  166. [34393.181] no such table: Missions
  167. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Missions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  168. [34393.181] no such table: MultiUnitFormations
  169. [34393.181] In Query - select * from MultiUnitFormations where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  170. [34393.181] no such table: SpecialUnits
  171. [34393.181] In Query - select * from SpecialUnits where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  172. [34393.181] no such table: UnitClasses
  173. [34393.181] In Query - select * from UnitClasses where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  174. [34393.181] no such table: UnitPromotions
  175. [34393.181] In Query - select * from UnitPromotions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  176. [34393.181] no such table: Units
  177. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Units where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  178. [34393.181] no such table: Civilizations
  179. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Civilizations where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  180. [34393.181] no such table: MinorCivilizations
  181. [34393.181] In Query - select * from MinorCivilizations where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  182. [34393.181] no such table: Traits
  183. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Traits where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  184. [34393.181] no such table: Religions
  185. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Religions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  186. [34393.181] no such table: Beliefs
  187. [34393.181] In Query - select * from Beliefs where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  188. [34393.181] no such table: LeagueSpecialSessions
  189. [34393.181] In Query - select * from LeagueSpecialSessions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  190. [34393.181] no such table: LeagueNames
  191. [34393.181] In Query - select * from LeagueNames where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  192. [34393.181] no such table: LeagueProjects
  193. [34393.181] In Query - select * from LeagueProjects where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  194. [34393.197] no such table: LeagueProjectRewards
  195. [34393.197] In Query - select * from LeagueProjectRewards where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  196. [34393.197] no such table: Resolutions
  197. [34393.197] In Query - select * from Resolutions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  198. [34393.197] no such table: Flavors
  199. [34393.197] In Query - SELECT max(rowid) from Flavors
  200. [34393.197] no such table: Flavors
  201. [34393.197] In Query - select * from Flavors where ID > -1
  202. [34393.197] no such table: Worlds
  203. [34393.197] no such table: Climates
  204. [34393.197] no such table: SeaLevels
  205. [34393.197] no such table: GreatWorkArtifactClasses
  206. [34393.197] In Query - SELECT Type, ID from GreatWorkArtifactClasses
  207. [34393.197] no such table: GreatWorkSlots
  208. [34393.197] In Query - SELECT Type, ID from GreatWorkSlots
  209. [34393.197] no such table: Missions
  210. [34393.197] In Query - SELECT Type, ID from Missions
  211. [34393.197] no such table: Missions
  212. [34393.197]
  213. -- SQLite Memory Statistics --
  214. Memory Usage:
  215. [Cur] [Max]
  216. Malloc: 4058904 74395752
  217. PageCache: 7 13
  218. LookAside: 0 0
  219. Scratch: 0 1
  221. Static Buffer Overflows:
  222. [TooLarge] [NoSpace]
  223. PageCache: 3967824 61844664
  224. Scratch: 0 0
  226. Largest Allocations:
  227. Malloc: 262144
  228. PageCache: 1172
  229. Scratch: 6640
  231. Prepared Statements:
  232. Current: 4
  233. ------------------------------
  234. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  235. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  236. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  237. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  238. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  239. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  240. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  241. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  242. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  243. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  244. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  245. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  246. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  247. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  248. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  249. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  250. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  251. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  252. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  253. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  254. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  255. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  256. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  257. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  258. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  259. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  260. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  261. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  262. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  263. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  264. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  265. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  266. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  267. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  268. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  269. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  270. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  271. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  272. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  273. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  274. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  275. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  276. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  277. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  278. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  279. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  280. [34393.212] no such table: GameOptions
  281. [34393.212] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  282. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  283. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  284. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  285. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  286. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  287. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  288. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  289. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  290. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  291. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  292. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  293. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  294. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  295. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  296. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  297. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  298. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  299. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  300. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  301. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  302. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  303. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  304. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  305. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  306. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  307. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  308. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  309. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  310. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  311. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  312. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  313. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  314. [34393.228] no such table: GameOptions
  315. [34393.228] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  316. [34393.228] no such table: Worlds
  317. [34393.228] In Query - SELECT * from Worlds where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  318. [34393.228] no such table: Climates
  319. [34393.228] In Query - select * from Climates where Type = 'CLIMATE_TEMPERATE' LIMIT 1
  320. [34393.228] no such table: SeaLevels
  321. [34393.228] In Query - select * from SeaLevels where Type = 'SEALEVEL_MEDIUM' LIMIT 1
  322. [34393.275] no such table: Defines
  323. [34393.275] In Query - INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Defines(Name, Value) VALUES(?, ?)
  324. [34393.275] no such table: PostDefines
  325. [34393.275] In Query - select * from PostDefines
  326. [34393.275] no such table: Resources
  327. [34393.275] no such table: Resources
  328. [34393.275] no such table: Defines
  329. [34393.275] In Query - INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Defines(Name, Value) VALUES(?, ?);
  330. [34393.275] no such table: Colors
  331. [34393.275] In Query - select * from Colors where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  332. [34393.275] no such table: PlayerColors
  333. [34393.275] In Query - select * from PlayerColors where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  334. [34393.290] no such table: InterfaceModes
  335. [34393.290] In Query - select * from InterfaceModes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  336. [34393.290] no such table: AICityStrategies
  337. [34393.290] In Query - select * from AICityStrategies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  338. [34393.290] no such table: AIEconomicStrategies
  339. [34393.290] In Query - select * from AIEconomicStrategies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  340. [34393.290] no such table: AIGrandStrategies
  341. [34393.290] In Query - select * from AIGrandStrategies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  342. [34393.290] no such table: AIMilitaryStrategies
  343. [34393.290] In Query - select * from AIMilitaryStrategies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  344. [34393.290] no such table: CitySpecializations
  345. [34393.290] In Query - select * from CitySpecializations where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  346. [34393.290] no such table: TacticalMoves
  347. [34393.290] In Query - select * from TacticalMoves where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  348. [34393.290] no such table: UnitAIInfos
  349. [34393.290] In Query - select * from UnitAIInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  350. [34393.290] no such table: UnitCombatInfos
  351. [34393.290] In Query - select * from UnitCombatInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  352. [34393.290] no such table: BuildingClasses
  353. [34393.290] In Query - select * from BuildingClasses where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  354. [34393.290] no such table: Buildings
  355. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Buildings where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  356. [34393.290] no such table: EmphasizeInfos
  357. [34393.290] In Query - select * from EmphasizeInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  358. [34393.290] no such table: Eras
  359. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Eras where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  360. [34393.290] no such table: GameOptions
  361. [34393.290] In Query - select * from GameOptions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  362. [34393.290] no such table: GameSpeeds
  363. [34393.290] In Query - select * from GameSpeeds where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  364. [34393.290] no such table: HandicapInfos
  365. [34393.290] In Query - select * from HandicapInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  366. [34393.290] no such table: HurryInfos
  367. [34393.290] In Query - select * from HurryInfos where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  368. [34393.290] no such table: MultiplayerOptions
  369. [34393.290] In Query - select * from MultiplayerOptions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  370. [34393.290] no such table: PlayerOptions
  371. [34393.290] In Query - select * from PlayerOptions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  372. [34393.290] no such table: Policies
  373. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Policies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  374. [34393.290] no such table: PolicyBranchTypes
  375. [34393.290] In Query - select * from PolicyBranchTypes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  376. [34393.290] no such table: Processes
  377. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Processes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  378. [34393.290] no such table: Projects
  379. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Projects where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  380. [34393.290] no such table: SmallAwards
  381. [34393.290] In Query - select * from SmallAwards where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  382. [34393.290] no such table: Specialists
  383. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Specialists where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  384. [34393.290] no such table: Victories
  385. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Victories where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  386. [34393.290] no such table: Votes
  387. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Votes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  388. [34393.290] no such table: VoteSources
  389. [34393.290] In Query - select * from VoteSources where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  390. [34393.290] no such table: Domains
  391. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Domains where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  392. [34393.290] no such table: Leaders
  393. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Leaders where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  394. [34393.290] no such table: Routes
  395. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Routes where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  396. [34393.290] no such table: Notifications
  397. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Notifications where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  398. [34393.290] no such table: Technologies
  399. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Technologies where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  400. [34393.290] no such table: Features
  401. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Features where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  402. [34393.290] no such table: Improvements
  403. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Improvements where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  404. [34393.290] no such table: ResourceClasses
  405. [34393.290] In Query - select * from ResourceClasses where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  406. [34393.290] no such table: Resources
  407. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Resources where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  408. [34393.290] no such table: Terrains
  409. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Terrains where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  410. [34393.290] no such table: Yields
  411. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Yields where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  412. [34393.290] no such table: Automates
  413. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Automates where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  414. [34393.290] no such table: Builds
  415. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Builds where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  416. [34393.290] no such table: Commands
  417. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Commands where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  418. [34393.290] no such table: Controls
  419. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Controls where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  420. [34393.290] no such table: EntityEvents
  421. [34393.290] In Query - select * from EntityEvents where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  422. [34393.290] no such table: Missions
  423. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Missions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  424. [34393.290] no such table: MultiUnitFormations
  425. [34393.290] In Query - select * from MultiUnitFormations where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  426. [34393.290] no such table: SpecialUnits
  427. [34393.290] In Query - select * from SpecialUnits where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  428. [34393.290] no such table: UnitClasses
  429. [34393.290] In Query - select * from UnitClasses where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  430. [34393.290] no such table: UnitPromotions
  431. [34393.290] In Query - select * from UnitPromotions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  432. [34393.290] no such table: Units
  433. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Units where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  434. [34393.290] no such table: Civilizations
  435. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Civilizations where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  436. [34393.290] no such table: MinorCivilizations
  437. [34393.290] In Query - select * from MinorCivilizations where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  438. [34393.290] no such table: Traits
  439. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Traits where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  440. [34393.290] no such table: Religions
  441. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Religions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  442. [34393.290] no such table: Beliefs
  443. [34393.290] In Query - select * from Beliefs where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  444. [34393.290] no such table: LeagueSpecialSessions
  445. [34393.290] In Query - select * from LeagueSpecialSessions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  446. [34393.290] no such table: LeagueNames
  447. [34393.290] In Query - select * from LeagueNames where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  448. [34393.306] no such table: LeagueProjects
  449. [34393.306] In Query - select * from LeagueProjects where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  450. [34393.306] no such table: LeagueProjectRewards
  451. [34393.306] In Query - select * from LeagueProjectRewards where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  452. [34393.306] no such table: Resolutions
  453. [34393.306] In Query - select * from Resolutions where ID > -1 ORDER BY ID
  454. [34393.306] no such table: Flavors
  455. [34393.306] In Query - SELECT max(rowid) from Flavors
  456. [34393.306] no such table: Flavors
  457. [34393.306] In Query - select * from Flavors where ID > -1
  458. [34393.306] no such table: Worlds
  459. [34393.306] no such table: Climates
  460. [34393.306] no such table: SeaLevels
  461. [34393.306] no such table: GreatWorkArtifactClasses
  462. [34393.306] In Query - SELECT Type, ID from GreatWorkArtifactClasses
  463. [34393.306] no such table: GreatWorkSlots
  464. [34393.306] In Query - SELECT Type, ID from GreatWorkSlots
  465. [34393.306] no such table: Missions
  466. [34393.306] In Query - SELECT Type, ID from Missions
  467. [34393.306] no such table: Missions
  468. [34393.306]
  469. -- SQLite Memory Statistics --
  470. Memory Usage:
  471. [Cur] [Max]
  472. Malloc: 4058904 74395752
  473. PageCache: 7 13
  474. LookAside: 0 0
  475. Scratch: 0 1
  477. Static Buffer Overflows:
  478. [TooLarge] [NoSpace]
  479. PageCache: 3967824 61844664
  480. Scratch: 0 0
  482. Largest Allocations:
  483. Malloc: 262144
  484. PageCache: 1172
  485. Scratch: 6640
  487. Prepared Statements:
  488. Current: 4
  489. ------------------------------
  490. [34393.634] no such table: Defines
  491. [34393.634] In Query - Select Value From Defines Where Name = ? limit 1
  492. [34426.924] no such table: Colors
  493. [34426.924] In Query - select Red, Green, Blue, Alpha from Colors where Type = ? LIMIT 1;
  494. [34426.924] no such table: IconFontMapping
  495. [34426.924] In Query - SELECT IconFontTextureFile, IconMapping from IconFontMapping inner join IconFontTextures on IconFontMapping.IconFontTexture = IconFontTextures.IconFontTexture where IconFontMapping.IconName = ? LIMIT 1
  496. [34426.955] no such table: Cursors
  497. [34426.955] In Query - SELECT CursorPath from Cursors
  498. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  499. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  500. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  501. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  502. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  503. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  504. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  505. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  506. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  507. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  508. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  509. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  510. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  511. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  512. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  513. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  514. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  515. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  516. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  517. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  518. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  519. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  520. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  521. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  522. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  523. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  524. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  525. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  526. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  527. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  528. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  529. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  530. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  531. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  532. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  533. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  534. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  535. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  536. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  537. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
  538. [34426.955] no such table: GameOptions
  539. [34426.955] In Query - Select "Default" from GameOptions where Type = ? LIMIT 1
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