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- % ------------------------------------------------ %
- % File shortcuts.tex
- % Author Troy
- % Description TeXstudio shortcuts cheat sheet
- % Version 1.2b
- % Notes: Inspired by:
- % See changelog:
- % How to use: 1. Place \rowcolor{impt} in front of rows you want to highlight
- % 2. The colour of 'impt' can be changed under `Table settings' -> \definecolor{}
- % 3. Add your own shortcuts in the last table.
- % Note the shortcut macros defined under `Shortcuts for the shortcuts'.
- % Boring Stuff: Feel free to use this anyway you like. :)
- % ------------------------------------------------ %
- \RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}
- \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
- \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
- \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
- \usepackage{libertine}
- \usepackage[libertine]{newtxmath}
- \usepackage[margin=1cm,landscape]{geometry}
- \usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype}
- \usepackage{mdframed}
- \usepackage[dvipsnames,table]{xcolor}
- \usepackage{multicol,booktabs,tabularx}
- % Shortcuts for the shortcuts
- \newcommand{\hlx}{\\\midrule}
- \newcommand{\cmd}[1]{\textbf{#1}}
- \newcommand{\tbl}{\textbackslash}
- \newcommand{\ctrlp}{Ctrl$+$}
- \newcommand{\ctrlshiftp}{Ctrl$+$Shift$+$}
- \newcommand{\ctrlaltp}{Ctrl$+$Alt$+$}
- \newcommand{\altp}{Alt$+$}
- \newcommand{\shiftp}{Shift$+$}
- \newcommand{\altshiftp}{Alt$+$Shift$+$}
- \newcommand*{\altcmd}{\hspace*{1em}\rule[.5ex]{3.5em}{.4pt}}
- % General document settings
- \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
- \newcommand{\spacebtwtables}{%
- \newline%
- \vspace*{1em}%
- \newline%
- }
- \pagestyle{empty}
- \sbox9{\scriptsize\libertine%
- \cmd{\ctrlshiftp \#[0--9]}% Enter the longest command here
- }
- % Mdframed settings
- \global\mdfdefinestyle{mystyle}{%
- linecolor=gray,linewidth=1pt,%
- leftmargin=0mm,rightmargin=0mm,skipbelow=0mm,skipabove=0mm
- }
- % Table settings
- \renewcommand\arraystretch{1.2}
- \renewcommand{\aboverulesep}{0pt}
- \renewcommand{\belowrulesep}{0pt}
- \newcommand{\headbf}[1]{\Large\textbf{#1}}
- \definecolor{impt}{HTML}{E6E7E9}
- \newcolumntype{P}{>{\columncolor{white}[0pt][\tabcolsep]}X}
- \newcolumntype{L}{>{\columncolor{white}[\tabcolsep][0pt]}m{\wd9}}
- \begin{document}
- \begin{multicols}{4}
- % Header/Title
- \begin{mdframed}[style=mystyle]
- \begin{center}
- \fontfamily{pnc}\selectfont
- \large\scshape
- TeXstudio \\
- Default Shortcuts \\\bigskip
- \footnotesize Last updated: \today
- \end{center}
- \end{mdframed}
- %
- % Main body
- \scriptsize
- \bigskip
- % <File>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{File}} \\
- \toprule
- New file & \cmd{\ctrlp N} \hlx
- Open file & \cmd{\ctrlp O} \hlx
- Save file & \cmd{\ctrlp S} \hlx
- Save file as & \cmd{\ctrlaltp S} \hlx
- Save all files & \cmd{\ctrlaltp Shift$+$S} \hlx
- Close file & \cmd{\ctrlp W} \hlx
- Print source code & \cmd{\ctrlp P} \hlx
- Exit TeXstudio & \cmd{\ctrlp Q} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- \spacebtwtables
- % <Edit>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{Edit}} \\
- \toprule
- Undo & \cmd{\ctrlp Z} \hlx
- Redo & \cmd{\ctrlp Y} \hlx
- & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp Z} \hlx
- Copy & \cmd{\ctrlp C} \hlx
- Paste & \cmd{\ctrlp V} \hlx
- Insert unicode character & \cmd{\ctrlaltp U} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Selection--} \hlx
- Select all & \cmd{\ctrlp A} \hlx
- Expand selection to word & \cmd{\ctrlp D} \hlx
- Expand selection to line & \cmd{\ctrlp L} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Line Operations--} \hlx
- \rowcolor{impt}
- Delete line & \cmd{\ctrlp K} \hlx
- Delete to end of line & \cmd{\altp K} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Searching--} \hlx
- Find & \cmd{\ctrlp F} \hlx
- Find next & \cmd{F3} \hlx
- Find previous & \cmd{\shiftp F3} \hlx
- Replace & \cmd{\ctrlp R} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Go To--} \hlx
- Go to line & \cmd{\ctrlp G} \hlx
- Go to previous change & \cmd{\ctrlp H} \hlx
- Go to next change & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp H} \hlx
- Go to previous mark & \cmd{\ctrlp Up} \hlx
- Go to next mark & \cmd{\ctrlp Down} \hlx
- Go back & \cmd{\altp Left} \hlx
- Go forward & \cmd{\altp Right} \hlx
- Go to bookmark \#[0--9] & \cmd{\ctrlp \#[0--9]} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Toggle Bookmark--} \hlx
- Toggle (unnamed) bookmark & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp B} \hlx
- Toggle bookmark \#[0--9] & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp \#[0--9]} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- %\spacebtwtables
- % <Idefix>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{Idefix}} \\
- \toprule
- Erase word/cmd/env & \cmd{\altp Del} \hlx
- Paste as LaTeX & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp V} \hlx
- Preview selection/Parentheses & \cmd{\altp P} \hlx
- \rowcolor{impt}
- Toggle comment & \cmd{\ctrlp T} \hlx
- Uncomment & \cmd{\ctrlp U} \hlx
- Go to previous error & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp Up} \hlx
- Go to next error & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp Down} \hlx
- Go to previous bad box & \cmd{\altshiftp Up} \hlx
- Go to next bad box & \cmd{\altshiftp Down} \hlx
- Go to definition & \cmd{\ctrlaltp F} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Parenthesis--} \hlx
- Jump to match & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp P, J} \hlx
- Select inner & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp P, I} \hlx
- Select outer & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp P, O} \hlx
- Select command & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp P, C} \hlx
- Select line & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp P, L} \hlx
- Select inverting & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp P, S} \hlx
- Find mismatch & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp P, M} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Complete--} \hlx
- Normal & \cmd{\ctrlp Space} \hlx
- \tbl begin\{ completion & \cmd{\ctrlaltp Space} \hlx
- Normal text & \cmd{\altshiftp Space} \hlx
- Close latest open environment & \cmd{\altp Return} \hlx
- Remove placeholders & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp K} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- \spacebtwtables
- % <Tools>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{Tools}} \\
- \toprule
- \rowcolor{impt}
- Build and View & \cmd{F5} \hlx
- Compile & \cmd{F6} \hlx
- View & \cmd{F7} \hlx
- Bibliography & \cmd{F8} \hlx
- Glossary & \cmd{F9} \hlx
- Check spelling & \cmd{\ctrlp :} \hlx
- Thesaurus & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp F8} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- %\spacebtwtables
- % <LaTeX>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{LaTeX}} \\
- \toprule
- Insert \tbl ref to next label & \cmd{\ctrlaltp R} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Environments--} \hlx
- \rowcolor{impt}
- \tbl begin\{<environment>\} & \cmd{\ctrlp E} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--List Environments--} \hlx
- \tbl item & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp I} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Font Styles--} \hlx
- Emphasis -- \tbl emph & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp E} \hlx
- Italics -- \tbl textit & \cmd{\ctrlp I} \hlx
- Slanted -- \tbl textsl & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp S} \hlx
- Boldface -- \tbl textbf & \cmd{\ctrlp B} \hlx
- Typewriter -- \tbl texttt & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp T} \hlx
- Small caps -- \tbl textsc & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp C} \hlx
- Sans Serif -- \tbl textsf & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp A} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Vertical Spacing--} \hlx
- New line -- \tbl\tbl & \cmd{\ctrlp Return} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- \spacebtwtables
- % <Math>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{Math}} \\
- \toprule
- Inline math mode \$\ldots\$ & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp M} \hlx
- Display math mode \tbl[\ldots]\tbl & \cmd{\altshiftp M} \hlx
- Subscript -- \_\{\,\} & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp D} \hlx
- Superscript -- \^{}\{\,\} & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp U} \hlx
- \tbl frac\{\,\}\{\,\} & \cmd{\altshiftp F} \hlx
- \tbl dfrac\{\,\}\{\,\} & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp F} \hlx
- \tbl sqrt\{\,\} & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp Q} \hlx
- \tbl left & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp L} \hlx
- \tbl right & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp R} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Math Equations--} \hlx
- env equation & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp N} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- \spacebtwtables
- % <View>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{View}} \\
- \toprule
- Previous document & \cmd{\ctrlp PgUp} \hlx
- \altcmd & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp Tab} \hlx
- Next document & \cmd{\ctrlp PgDown} \hlx
- \altcmd & \cmd{\ctrlp Tab} \hlx
- Focus editor & \cmd{\ctrlaltp Left} \hlx
- Focus viewer & \cmd{\ctrlaltp Right} \hlx
- Close something & \cmd{Esc} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Editor Zoom--} \hlx
- Zoom in & \cmd{\ctrlp $+$} \hlx
- Zoom out & \cmd{\ctrlp $-$} \hlx
- Full screen & \cmd{F11} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- %\spacebtwtables
- % <PDF-Viewer>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{PDF-Viewer}} \\
- \toprule
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--File--} \hlx
- Close & \cmd{\ctrlp W} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Edit--} \hlx
- Find & \cmd{\ctrlp F} \hlx
- Find again & \cmd{\ctrlp M} \hlx
- Quick build & \cmd{\ctrlp T} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--View--} \hlx
- First page & \cmd{Home} \hlx
- Back & \cmd{\altp L} \hlx
- Forward & \cmd{\altp R} \hlx
- Last page & \cmd{End} \hlx
- Go to page\ldots & \cmd{\ctrlp J} \hlx
- Zoom in & \cmd{\ctrlp $+$} \hlx
- Zoom out & \cmd{\ctrlp $-$} \hlx
- Actual size & \cmd{\ctrlp 1} \hlx
- Fit to width & \cmd{\ctrlp 2} \hlx
- Fit to text width & \cmd{\ctrlp 4} \hlx
- Fit to window & \cmd{\ctrlp 3} \hlx
- Full screen & \cmd{\ctrlshiftp F} \hlx
- Presentation & \cmd{F5} \hlx
- External viewer & \cmd{\ctrlaltp X} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Window--} \hlx
- Close something & \cmd{Esc} \hlx
- Go to source & \cmd{\ctrlp Click} \hlx
- Focus editor & \cmd{\ctrlaltp Left} \hlx
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Help--} \hlx
- About & \cmd{\ctrlaltp Shift$+$A} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- \spacebtwtables
- % <Editor>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{Editor}} \\
- \toprule
- \multicolumn{2}{c}{--Basic Key Mapping--} \hlx
- Change overwrite mode & \cmd{Ins} \hlx
- Create cursor mirror down & \cmd{\ctrlaltp Down} \hlx
- Create cursor mirror up & \cmd{\ctrlaltp Up} \hlx
- Cut & \cmd{\ctrlp X} \hlx
- \altcmd & \cmd{\shiftp Del} \hlx
- Delete left character & \cmd{Backspace} \hlx
- \altcmd & \cmd{\shiftp Backspace} \hlx
- Delete left word & \cmd{\ctrlp Backspace} \hlx
- Delete right character & \cmd{Del} \hlx
- Delete right word & \cmd{\ctrlp Del} \hlx
- Next placeholder or one word right & \cmd{\ctrlp Right} \hlx
- Previous placeholder or one word left & \cmd{\ctrlp Left} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- \spacebtwtables
- % <Own Shortcuts/Macros>
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[th]{%
- @{}P L@{}%
- }
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\headbf{Own Shortcuts/Macros}} \\
- \toprule
- Testing example macro 1 & \cmd{\shiftp F1} \hlx
- Testing example macro 2 & \cmd{\ctrlp M, A} \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabularx}
- \spacebtwtables
- \end{multicols}
- \end{document}
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