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a guest
Oct 30th, 2019
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  1. function windowResize() {
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  18. init: function() {
  19. Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function(e) {
  20. var t = this.length >>> 0,
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  22. for (i = i < 0 ? Math.ceil(i) : Math.floor(i), i < 0 && (i += t); i < t; i++)
  23. if (i in this && this[i] === e) return i;
  24. return -1
  25. }), this.scrollerWidth = Helpers.getScrollerWidth(), Menu.init(), $("body").hasClass("listing") && (Listing.resize(), Listing.init(), Listing.animationCascade()), $("body").hasClass("gallery") && (Gallery.init(), Lightbox.init1(), 0 != window.location.hash.substring(1).length && Lightbox.loadAsset1(window.location.hash.substring(1), !0)), $(window).on("throttledresize", windowResize), window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches && ($("").outerHeight() > 95 ? $("#content").css("padding-top", $("").outerHeight() + 5 + "px") : $("#content").css("padding-top", "95px"))
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  63. onTouchStart: function(e) {
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  69. onCloseClick: function() {
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  72. blogPagination: function() {
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  75. blogVideoHeight: function() {
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  85. setHeight: function() {
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  93. },
  94. Listing = {
  95. init: function() {
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  97. },
  98. resize: function() {
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  105. l = t.width(),
  106. r = e;
  107. if (l > s[n]) e = n;
  108. else
  109. for (var d = 0; d < 3; d++)
  110. if (l >= s[d] && l <= s[d + 1]) {
  111. e = d;
  112. break
  113. }
  114. r != e && (t.removeClass(a), t.addClass(i[e]), r = e)
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  117. "listing" == && ($("._4ORMAT_content_wrapper").removeClass("content-loaded"), $(".page-asset, .title").each(function(e) {
  118. var t = $(this);
  119. setTimeout(function() {
  120. t.addClass("asset-loaded")
  121. }, 100 * e)
  122. }))
  123. }
  124. },
  125. Gallery = {
  126. HIGH_RES_IMAGE_SIZE: 1400,
  127. container: null,
  128. assets: null,
  129. gallerySize: 0,
  130. init: function() {
  131. this.gallerySize =, this.container = $(".assets-container"), this.assets =, "Columns" == _4ORMAT_DATA.theme.gallery_thumbnail_layout && Gallery.buildGallery(), $(document).on("lazybeforeunveil", function(e) {
  132. $(".icon").fadeIn(300);
  133. var t = $(".overlay").css("filter");
  134. $(".overlay").fadeIn(300, function() {
  135. t && $(this).css("filter", t)
  136. }), $("loading")
  137. })
  138. },
  139. recalculateGallery: function() {
  140. var e, t, i, a = $(".grid-sizer").width(),
  141. o = $(".gutter-sizer").width(),
  142. s = 0,
  143. n = Math.floor(($("#content").width() + o) / a);
  144. n > 4 && (n -= 1);
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  146. if (null != && 1 == _4ORMAT_DATA.theme.gallery_title_style) s = n, e = 0;
  147. else if (null != switch (n) {
  148. case 4:
  149. ! && ? (s = 2, $(".asset-title").width(2 * a + o)) : && (s = 3, $(".asset-title").width(3 * a + 2 * o));
  150. break;
  151. case 3:
  152. ! && ? (s = 2, $(".asset-title").width(2 * a + o)) : && (s = 0, $(".asset-title").width(3 * a + 2 * o));
  153. break;
  154. case 2:
  155. $(".asset-title").width(2 * a + o), s = 0, e = 0
  156. }
  157. 0 != e && (e = $(".asset-title").outerWidth() + o), t = $(".asset-title").outerHeight() + o, i = new Array(n);
  158. for (var d = 0; d < n; d++) d < s || n < 3 || 3 == n && null != && ? (i[d] = t, r[d] += t) : i[d] = 0;
  159. null != && && (2 != n ? $(".asset-title").width(3 * a + 2 * o) : $(".asset-title").width(2 * a + o)), $(".asset").not(".asset-title").width(a), s = r.indexOf(Math.min.apply(Math, r));
  160. for (var h, d = 0; d < this.gallerySize; d++) asset = $('.asset[data-asset-id="' + d + '"]'), "image" == this.assets[d].type ? (h = Helpers.calculateImageSizeW([d].image_dimensions_300x0, a), xOffset = s * h[0] + s * o, yOffset = r[s]) : "text" == this.assets[d].type ? (h = [a, a], xOffset = s * h[0] + s * o, yOffset = r[s]) : ("vimeo" == this.assets[d].source ? h = Helpers.calculateImageSizeW([this.assets[d].video_width, this.assets[d].video_height], a) : "youtube" == this.assets[d].source && (h = Helpers.calculateImageSizeW([this.assets[d].video_width, this.assets[d].video_height], a)), xOffset = s * h[0] + s * o, yOffset = r[s]), r[s] += h[1] + o, asset.height(h[1]).css({
  161. top: yOffset,
  162. left: xOffset
  163. }), s = r.indexOf(Math.min.apply(Math, r));
  164. for (d = 0; d < n; d++) l[d] += i[d];
  165. $(".assets-container").height(Math.max.apply(Math, r)), window.lazySizes && lazySizes.autoSizer.checkElems()
  166. },
  167. buildGallery: function() {
  168. for (var e = this, t = "", i = $(".grid-sizer").width(), a = 0; a < this.gallerySize; a++) {
  169. if (asset =[a], t += '<div data-asset-id="' + a + '" class="loading asset asset-' + asset.type + '">', "image" == asset.type) {
  170. var o = asset.image_url_550x0,
  171. s = asset.image_url_300x0 + "?300 " + asset.image_dimensions_300x0[0] + "w, " + asset.image_url_400x0 + "?400 " + asset.image_dimensions_400x0[0] + "w, " + asset.image_url_550x0 + "?550 " + asset.image_dimensions_550x0[0] + "w, " + asset.image_url_700x0 + "?700 " + asset.image_dimensions_700x0[0] + "w," + asset.image_url_1200x0 + "?1200 " + asset.image_dimensions_1200x0[0] + "w";
  172. t += '<a href="#" data-asset-id="' + a + '">', t += '<img class="lazy-asset lazyload" data-sizes="auto" alt="' + asset.alt_text + '" data-srcset="' + s + '" data-src="' + o + '" nopin="true" sizes="' + i + '"/><div class="overlay"></div>', _4ORMAT_DATA.theme.gallery_image_thumbnail_icon_visibility ? t += '<i class="icon"></i></a>' : t += "</a>"
  173. } else if ("text" == asset.type) {
  174. var n = asset.copy.replace("<p>", "").replace("</p>", ""),
  175. l = n.length,
  176. r = 0;
  177. r = "Two" == _4ORMAT_DATA.theme.gallery_columns ? 200 : "Three" == _4ORMAT_DATA.theme.gallery_columns ? 100 : 60;
  178. var d = l > r ? "..." : "";
  179. t += '<a data-asset-id="' + a + '"><div class="text-plus-icon"><svg xmlns="" width="17" height="17" viewBox="0 0 17 17"><path fill="#000000" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9,8 L17,8 L17,9 L9,9 L9,17 L8,17 L8,9 L0,9 L6.123234e-17,8 L8,8 L8,0 L9,0 L9,8 Z"/></svg></div><span>' + $("<div />").html(asset.copy).text().substr(0, r) + d + "</span></a>"
  180. } else t += '<a href="' + asset.iframe_url + '" data-asset-id="' + a + '">', t += '<img class="lazy-asset lazyload" data-src="' + asset.thumbnail_url_0x550 + '" nopin="true" /><div class="overlay"></div><i class="icon"></i></a>', t += '<div class="video_holder" style="">' + asset.embed + "</div>";
  181. t += "</div>"
  182. }
  183. this.container.append(t), null !== && ? $(".asset-title img").on("lazyloaded", function() {
  184. e.recalculateGallery()
  185. }) : setTimeout(function() {
  186. e.recalculateGallery()
  187. })
  188. }
  189. },
  190. Lightbox = {
  191. lightboxWindow: null,
  192. lightboxWindowinner: null,
  193. activeAssetId: null,
  194. init1: function() {
  195. this.bindEvents1(), this.lightboxWindow = $("#gallery_window")
  196. },
  197. init: function() {
  198. this.bindEvents(), this.lightboxWindow = $("#gallery_window")
  199. },
  200. closeCaption: function() {
  201. window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches && $("#copy_holder").hide()
  202. },
  203. loadNextAsset: function() {
  204. $("#gallery_window").removeAttr("class"), $("#bottomGradient").remove();
  205. var e = $(".current");
  206. if (parseInt(this.activeAssetId) + 1 == Gallery.assets.length) var t = $('.asset[data-asset-id="0"] a');
  207. else var t ="a");
  208. $(t).click(), null == $("#gallery_window").attr("class") ? ($("#copy_holder").show(), $("#bottomGradient").remove()) : this.closeCaption()
  209. },
  210. loadPrevAsset: function() {
  211. $("#gallery_window").removeAttr("class"), $("#bottomGradient").remove();
  212. var e = ($(".current"), this.activeAssetId - 1 < 0 ? Gallery.assets.length - 1 : this.activeAssetId - 1),
  213. t = $('.asset[data-asset-id="' + e + '"] a');
  214. $(t).click(), null == $("#gallery_window").attr("class") ? ($("#copy_holder").show(), $("#bottomGradient").remove()) : this.closeCaption()
  215. },
  216. close: function() {
  217. window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches && ($("#content").show(), $("header.nav-wrapper").show()), $("#gallery_window, #overlay, .lightbox-wrapper").fadeOut(200, function() {
  218. $("body").height() > $(window).height() && $("body").css("border-right", ""), $("body").removeClass("lightbox-active")
  219. }), $("#copy_holder .inner").html(""), $("#gallery_window").find("img").remove(), $("#window_inner").html(""), $("#bottomGradient").remove(), history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.pathname), this.closeCaption()
  220. },
  221. closestEdge: function(e, t) {
  222. var i = t.getBoundingClientRect(),
  223. a = i.left,
  224. o = i.right,
  225. s = e.pageX,
  226. n = (e.pageY, Math.abs(a - s)),
  227. l = Math.abs(o - s);
  228. switch (Math.min(n, l)) {
  229. case n:
  230. return "left";
  231. case l:
  232. return "right"
  233. }
  234. },
  235. gallerySwipe: function(e) {
  236. function t(e) {
  237. return e.touches || e.originalEvent.touches
  238. }
  240. function i(e) {
  241. if (a) {
  242. var i = t(e)[0].clientX;
  243. a - i > 0 ? Lightbox.loadNextAsset() : Lightbox.loadPrevAsset(), a = null
  244. }
  245. }
  246. $("#window_inner").on("touchmove", function(e) {
  247. i(e)
  248. });
  249. var a = null;
  250. a = t(e)[0].clientX
  251. },
  252. bindEvents1: function() {
  253. var e = this;
  254. $(".asset").not(".asset-title").on("click", "a", function(t) {
  255. return $("body").css("border-right", App.scrollerWidth), t.preventDefault(), window.location.hash = $(this).attr("data-asset-id"), $("body").hasClass("lightbox-active") ? e.loadAsset1($(this).attr("data-asset-id"), !1) : e.loadAsset1($(this).attr("data-asset-id"), !0), !1
  256. }), $(".lightbox-wrapper").scroll(function() {
  257. var e = $(".lightbox-wrapper").scrollTop();
  258. $("#gallery_window").outerHeight() + parseInt($("#gallery_window").css("top")) - $(window).height() - e < 25 ? $("#bottomGradient").removeClass("open") : $("#bottomGradient").addClass("open")
  259. }), $(document).on("click", "#bottomGradient .button", function() {
  260. $("#gallery_window").removeClass("loading"), $(this).hasClass("fade") ? ($(this).removeClass("fade"), $("body").scrollTop(0), $(".lightbox-wrapper").stop().animate({
  261. scrollTop: 0
  262. }, "slow", function() {
  263. $("#bottomGradient").removeClass("open"), $("#gallery_window").outerHeight(), $("#bottomGradient").outerHeight(), parseInt($("#gallery_window").css("top")), $(window).height()
  264. }), $("#copy_holder").fadeOut("slow")) : ($("#gallery_window").css("margin-bottom", "0px"), $("body").scrollTop(0), $(this).addClass("fade"), $("#copy_holder").fadeIn(200, function() {
  265. $(".lightbox-wrapper").stop().animate({
  266. scrollTop: $("#copy_holder").outerHeight() + 90
  267. }, "slow")
  268. }), $("#gallery_window").outerHeight() + parseInt($("#gallery_window").css("top")) > $(window).height() ? $("#bottomGradient").addClass("open") : $("#bottomGradient").removeClass("open"))
  269. }), $(".close").on("click", function(t) {
  270. t.preventDefault(), e.close1()
  271. }), $(".lightbox-wrapper").on("click", function(t) {
  272. ($("window-wrapper") || $("lightbox-wrapper")) && e.close1()
  273. }), $("#gallery_window").on("touchstart", function(t) {
  274. e.gallerySwipe(t)
  275. }), $("#window_inner").on("mousemove", function(t) {
  276. var i = e.closestEdge(t, this);
  277. $(this).removeClass("mouse-left mouse-right").addClass("mouse-" + i)
  278. }), $("#window_inner").on("mouseleave", function() {
  279. $(this).removeClass("mouse-left mouse-right")
  280. }), $("#window_inner").on("click", function(t) {
  281. var i = e.closestEdge(t, this);
  282. if ($("a")) return !0;
  283. "left" == i ? e.loadPrevAsset() : e.loadNextAsset()
  284. }), $(document).keydown(function(t) {
  285. if (Gallery.assets.length >= 1 && $("#overlay").is(":visible")) {
  286. if (37 == t.which) return Lightbox.loadPrevAsset(), !1;
  287. if (39 == t.which) return Lightbox.loadNextAsset(), !1;
  288. if (27 == t.which || 32 == t.which) return e.close(), !1
  289. }
  290. }), _4ORMAT.ImageProtection.is_enabled() && $("body").on("contextmenu", ".asset-image a[data-asset-id]", _4ORMAT.ImageProtection.trap)
  291. },
  292. loadAsset1: function(e, t) {
  293. this.activeAssetId = e;
  294. var i = Gallery.assets[e],
  295. a = i.image_dimensions_1600x1200,
  296. o = Math.round(.7 * $(window).width());
  297. $(window).height();
  298. if ($(".lightbox-wrapper").height($(window).height()), $("#copy_holder").removeClass("text"), i.copy ? ($("#copy_holder .inner").html(i.copy), $("#copy_holder").removeClass("noCopy")) : ($("#copy_holder .inner").html(""), $("#copy_holder").addClass("noCopy").css("")), $(".current").removeClass("current"), $('.asset[data-asset-id="' + e + '"]').addClass("current"), $("#window_inner").html(""), window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches ? ($("#overlay").addClass("loading"), $(".lightbox-wrapper").addClass("tL")) : ($("#gallery_window").addClass("loading"), $(".lightbox-wrapper").removeClass("tL")), "image" == i.type) {
  299. var s = Helpers.fitImage(a, o);
  300. $("#window_inner").html('<img alt="' + i.alt_text + '" data-src="' + i.image_url_1600x1200 + '" class="lazy-asset lazyload" />'), $("#gallery_window").addClass(i.type), $("#copy_holder").hasClass("noCopy") ? $("#bottomGradient").remove() : ($("#gallery_window").append('<div id="bottomGradient"><div class="button"></div></div></div>'), $("#bottomGradient").fadeIn(), $(window).width() > $(window).height() ? ($("#bottomGradient").addClass("landscape"), $("#copy_holder").show().addClass("landscape")) : ($("#bottomGradient").removeClass("landscape"), $("#copy_holder").removeClass("landscape"))), $(".lightbox-wrapper, #overlay").fadeIn(200), $("#gallery_window").fadeIn(200), $("#copy_holder").css({
  301. bottom: -$("#copy_holder").height()
  302. }), $("#window_inner").height(s[1]), t ? ($("#gallery_window").height(s[1] + $("#copy_holder").height()), $("#gallery_window").width(s[0]), $("#gallery_window").css({
  303. "margin-left": s[0] / -2 - 54,
  304. top: $(window).height() / 2 - s[1] / 2 - 54
  305. }), Helpers.updateLightboxSpacing()) : $("#gallery_window").stop(!0, !0).animate({
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  307. width: s[0],
  308. "margin-left": s[0] / -2 - 54,
  309. top: $(window).height() / 2 - s[1] / 2 - 54
  310. }, function() {
  311. Helpers.updateLightboxSpacing()
  312. }), $(window).height() / 2 - s[1] / 2 - 54, $("#copy_holder").stop(!0, !0).animate({
  313. bottom: 25
  314. }), $("#copy_holder").css("margin-left", -$("#copy_holder").width() / 2);
  315. var n = parseInt($("#gallery_window").css("top"));
  316. n += 100, window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches && ($("#copy_holder").hasClass("noCopy") ? $("#window_inner img").css("max-height", "calc(100vh - 10px") : $("#window_inner img").css("max-height", "calc(100vh - " + n + "px"))
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  319. "margin-left": "",
  320. bottom: ""
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  322. var l = o > 420 ? 420 : o;
  323. $("#gallery_window").fadeIn(200), t ? ($("#gallery_window").height($("#copy_holder").height()), $("#gallery_window").width(l).css({
  324. "margin-left": l / -2 - 54,
  325. top: 60
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  330. top: 60
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  332. Helpers.updateLightboxSpacing()
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  335. Helpers.captionButton()
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  337. "margin-left": s[0] / -2 - 54,
  338. top: $(window).height() / 2 - s[1] / 2 - 54
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  354. close1: function() {
  355. window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches && ($("#content").show(), $("header.nav-wrapper").show()), $("#gallery_window, #overlay, .lightbox-wrapper").fadeOut(200, function() {
  356. $("body").css("border-right", ""), $("body").removeClass("lightbox-active")
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  359. resizeLoadedAsset: function() {
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  363. if (e.find("img").length) {
  364. var a = Helpers.fitImage(Gallery.assets[Lightbox.activeAssetId].image_dimensions_1600x1200);
  365. e.find("img").width(a[0]).height(a[1]), Helpers.setWindowGallerySize(a[0], a[1])
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  367. else if (e.find(".video_inner").length) {
  368. var o = Lightbox.getVideoSize(Gallery.assets[Lightbox.activeAssetId]);
  369. Helpers.setWindowGallerySize(o[0], o[1])
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  372. getVideoSize: function(e) {
  373. var t = .7 * $(window).width(),
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  378. Helpers = {
  379. getScrollerWidth: function() {
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  381. t = null,
  382. i = 0,
  383. a = 0;
  384. return e = document.createElement("div"), = "absolute", = "-1000px", = "-1000px", = "100px", = "50px", = "hidden", t = document.createElement("div"), = "100%", = "200px", e.appendChild(t), document.body.appendChild(e), i = t.offsetWidth, = "auto", a = t.offsetWidth, document.body.removeChild(document.body.lastChild), i - a
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  389. onlyCaptionGalleryMobile: function() {
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  391. top: $(window).height() / 2 - $("#copy_holder").height() / 2 - 95
  392. }) : $("#copy_holder").css({
  393. top: 0
  394. }))
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  396. calculateImageSizeW: function(e, t) {
  397. var i, a = e[0],
  398. o = e[1];
  399. return i = a / t, o = Math.round(o / i), [t, o]
  400. },
  401. fitImage: function(e) {
  402. var t, i, a, o, s = .7 * $(window).width();
  403. s = s < 1600 ? s : 1600;
  404. var n = .8 * $(window).height();
  405. n = n < 1200 ? n : 1200;
  406. a = t = e[0], o = i = e[1];
  407. for (var l = !1; !l;) t > s ? (t = s, i = o / a * t) : i > n ? (i = n, t = a / o * i) : l = !0;
  408. return i = Math.round(i), t = Math.round(t), [t, i]
  409. },
  410. setWindowGallerySize: function(e, t) {
  411. var i = ($(window).height() - t) / 2 - 54;
  412. i < 0 && (i = 0), "text" == Gallery.assets[Lightbox.activeAssetId].type ? $("#window_inner").height("") : ($("#window_inner").height(t), $("#copy_holder").width() >= $("#window_inner").width() ? ($("#copy_holder").width($("#window_inner").width()), $("#copy_holder").css("margin-left", -$("#copy_holder").width() / 2)) : ($("#copy_holder").width(""), $("#copy_holder").css("margin-left", -$("#copy_holder").width() / 2))), 0 != $("#window_inner .video_inner").length && $("#window_inner .video_inner").height(t).width(e), $(".lightbox-wrapper").height($(window).height()), window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches ? $("#overlay").removeClass("loading") : $("#gallery_window").removeClass("loading"), "text" == Gallery.assets[Lightbox.activeAssetId].type ? ($("#gallery_window").height(""), $("#gallery_window").stop(!0, !0).animate({
  413. width: e,
  414. "margin-left": -e / 2 - 54,
  415. top: i
  416. }, 0, function() {
  417. Helpers.updateLightboxSpacing()
  418. })) : Gallery.assets[Lightbox.activeAssetId].copy ? $("#gallery_window").stop(!0, !0).animate({
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  421. "margin-left": -e / 2 - 54,
  422. top: i
  423. }, 0, function() {
  424. Helpers.updateLightboxSpacing()
  425. }) : $("#gallery_window").stop(!0, !0).animate({
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  427. height: $("#window_inner").height(),
  428. "margin-left": -e / 2 - 54,
  429. top: i
  430. }, 0, function() {
  431. Helpers.updateLightboxSpacing(), $(this).find("img, .text_inner, .video_inner").animate({
  432. opacity: 1
  433. })
  434. })
  435. },
  436. updateLightboxSpacing: function() {
  437. $("#gallery_window").outerHeight() + $("#gallery_window").position().top > $(window).height() ? $(".lightbox-wrapper .window-wrapper").height($("#gallery_window").outerHeight() + $("#gallery_window").position().top).css("margin-bottom", $("#gallery_window").position().top) : $(".lightbox-wrapper .window-wrapper").height("")
  438. }
  439. };
  440. $(function() {
  441. "use strict";
  442. App.init()
  443. }), $(window).resize(function() {
  444. Listing.resize()
  445. });
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