

Mar 16th, 2020
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  1. Thank you for taking the time to see this and all the good points of it!"
  2. "I checked the book again and found the answer to a question I'd been dreading asking most of the day."
  3. john "Yeah, I guess I'm just a little curious."
  4. "The answer grading went through the whole of the class and was only interrupted by homeroom class. After the first bell period, I managed to change the topic of discussion with Yui."
  5. yui "Like, what's the most important thing happening right now with the union?"
  6. john "Y-Yeah, this is a lot of work."
  7. john "It's not like there's anything inherently wrong about being bisexual but half of the bisexual population in this school is genderqueer! We should be working together on a safer, more just society!"
  8. yui "Of course, we'd like that to be true, but we, like, really need to start planning things now! What do you think we should do?"
  9. john "Well, actually, I'm not sure that we can!"
  10. john "We already have planning already, do you really?"
  11. yui "What? No! This is so bureaucratic!"
  12. john "You know, the bureaucracy that is going to be taking care of this for the next few days!"
  13. john "What are you talking about? How are we going to get out of this?"
  14. yui "We already have planning to fix this, actually. We just had to start from the ground up [$magicmina_philaname.period]"
  15. john "Oh? Really?"
  16. "Almost immediately I was curious. What were we going to do with this?"
  17. john "We can do something with the spell... I mean, I really don't know."
  18. john "But I'm not sure {i}why{/i} but..."
  19. john "We can experiment. I'm not going to tell you what to do."
  20. "Yui was having a hard time holding her laughter in."
  21. "We were in the middle of one of her favorite subjects, the subjects, and it was a strange, foreign feeling; the same, familiar, sensations of being on the other side of a door frame, but navigating around with my eyes while looking like a normal person."
  22. yui "It's magic! I can't believe it!"
  23. john "It's {i}magic!{/i} What are we doing?"
  24. yui "We're practicing, actually. Which I feel like I should already be good about this, but I mistaken for luck."
  25. john "We'll... have to. Let's just get back to studying then."
  26. yui "Yeah, when's that actually going to happen?"
  27. john "When we're back down to the principal's office."
  28. yui "John! We're going to--"
  29. "I had a sudden bad feeling in my voice. I had been confident that I would be the person to help Kyoko, but like me, I had built an empty mind around magic. Now I was the bad guy."
  30. john "...Now's not the time to be thinking about magic."
  31. yui "But we probably should have started with studying after. At least we have time."
  32. john "Right. Yeah, I guess that would be the point."
  33. yui "But... I don't know if we'll have any friends over next week, or if we should just use the magic book for experimentation..."
  34. yui "Not that I know of if we should, but... we should have starting tomorrow right?"
  35. john "So, wait, what are we going to do with magic books instead?"
  36. yui "Well... We could give ourselves a fighting chance. Maybe have some kind of support system here?"
  37. john "You know, my family. Maybe we could even trade our bodies, like we're going to be able to disappear like you are without even having to morph."
  38. yui "I'm not... I'm not going to morph. I'm going to be myself."
  39. john "Do you know where my bedroom is? It's hard to tell with Kyoko."
  40. john "...She's not able to transform here."
  41. yui " lett'd you know because she's so short, and I'm not sure where else could she get a room because of the detention."
  42. john "Well, since she's so short, would you be able to give me a kiss? If literature has taught me anything, it's that it's almost never the case."
  43. john "And anyway, since you're the kind of girl to talk about yourself, I'd give you a kiss. It would be the perfect opportunity to broach the subject."
  44. yui "What, have you talked about going out with the girl you're embarrassed about beating around the bush with?"
  45. john "What, have you talked about going out with the girl you're embarrassed about beating
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