
RP in Forgotten Fae

Aug 9th, 2019
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  1. Vaizel: (Sorry, at work and it’s getting busy. Thank you, King.)
  2. TemptingKiss: (Hello, sorry about the delay. Should I post an enterance?)
  3. Rebourn: ][ Would you like setting? :) ][
  4. TemptingKiss: (Yes please. :D )
  5. Rebourn: ][ Setting: A secluded and almost secret part of the Arindale continent. unbeknownst to most, a praised and ancient village lies in a tree-flooded valley in the country of Fenryn. The village being the size of a small town, it's walls and borders are patrolled by the secret manor that looms high above the hills, daring anyone to mess with its people. Snow-tipped mountains, fresh-water streams, and waterfalls coating the forest floor and cliffs; a would-be paradise, if it wasn't known for being the land of a fallen, once great Fenryn Kingdom. No roads lead to the mysterious manor, and only the most brave, dumb or arrogant people have tried to make the journey. What awaits is nothing but the Fae-Prince and his Mongrels of darkness. ][
  6. TemptingKiss: Dehma enjoyed herself as she walked through the forest, one that she has never traversed before but was pleasant to look at. There were countless dangers she had overcome on this journey but she walked now with no major injuries, bruises and scratches at most, some of which she liked to pick at or poke when she felt she was lonely. The other whom shared this body had been dormant for a while now and she dearly missed the company, so she walked now in search of something or someone to awaken the voice in her mind as it was the only thing she actually cared for. Eventually she broke free of the dense forest to see a small city before her, she paused her walking to assess it strategically before she began walking once more. Passing by the empty homes and forgotten buildings she found her way to one of the largest buildings she could see, thinking to herself it was most likely someone would reside in it than other places. She could see the pathway was not as covered in dirt as others and made her way inside the building. Greeted by warm fires and scents she did not recognize she continued to walk around, picking up some of the smaller decor to inspect it before placing it back in it's home. "Hello...?" Dehma addressed the room as she turned around slowly, her small black wings tucked in against her back as she lifted her hand towards her face to tuck a stray hair behind the rose adorned horns atop her head. "Is someone there...?" She asked again, her voice was gentle, but had a sweet thickness behind it as if she had just eaten a meal.
  7. TemptingKiss: ((I'm sorry, I got carried away. I hope that's alright. If I need to shorten the posts please let me know.))
  8. lostSoulx5: ello
  9. Rebourn: ][ Welcome Soul, RP is in session if you wish to join, I can paste the setting, if not I will answer any questions you have. OOC in brackets please. ][
  10. Rebourn: ][ All good, Kiss, it looks great! ][
  11. lostSoulx5: ahh i seee
  12. lostSoulx5: may i sit?
  13. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: (('))<- these are brackets))
  14. lostSoulx5: [ohh shitt i didnt even read that]
  15. lostSoulx5: [o.o[
  16. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((its alright))
  17. Rebourn: /me With a deep nod, the King slightly rolled his eyes at the backstory, clearing his throat to rid himself of any ill manners. "Nice to have you here, Gerald, I am Geraint, King of Fae on this continent. Your explanation is.. dare I say, Hollow?" He chuckled and shook his head at his own joke, straightening his back some in case the other didn't understand or thought it was rude. Though the King relaxed a bit, keeping note of the man. "Can you at least tell me what you did and what that means for you, or is she the mouth of your bond? Strange dynamic but I'm starting to understand it some." They approached the clearning for the large manor with tallgrass reflecting the afternoon sun; the gentle breeze welcoming it's King back. He looked toward the greenhouse and the residental wing, stepping next to the male as he pointed with his nose. "That is where I'll be having you two." His eyes fell to the front doors, his nose already picking up the new scent of a stranger. His lips tightened as he sighed some, leading the way as their boots were nice familiar noises against the cobblestone path. Geraint opened the doors for the two, nodding as he whispered an "Excuse me" noticing the somewhat lost woman in his home. "May I help you, Madame? I'm the Owner of this Haven and can attend to your needs."
  18. lostSoulx5: [[brb]]
  19. Rebourn: ][ What a cringey fellow. ][
  20. TemptingKiss: ((A little, but I think he could have been worse for sure. Is there a posting order?))
  21. Rebourn: ][ We RP in order, Kiss so I'll accomodate so it's now Kira-san, You and than Me. ][
  22. Rebourn: ][ His profile inticed me to say so xD ][
  23. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((oh didnt look at it *clicks*-))
  24. TemptingKiss: ((Oh yeah, wasn't it something about taking someones soul to hell?))
  25. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((ive seen better lines from a justin beiber diss track.))
  26. Rebourn: ][ PFffff- ][
  27. TemptingKiss: ((-Snorts- XD))
  28. Rebourn: ][ Deaded ][
  29. Rebourn: ][ You guys will be here for awhile/a little? ][
  30. Rebourn: ][ I wanna shower x-x been holding it off for awhile lol Could we ooc until I return? ][
  31. TemptingKiss: ((Yeah that's fine by me.))
  32. Rebourn: ][ QwQ <3 Ty ][
  33. Rebourn: ][ I know we're just starting but that's been happening all day xD And I smell my armpits and I caaaaaant ][
  34. TemptingKiss: ((Hahaha, nah, you're good. I know the feeling. Can't concentrate at all if I can smell myself or I feel grimey.))
  35. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((sure ill just do up my post and hold onto it))
  36. Rebourn: -----OOC-----
  37. Rebourn: Brb then, Ladies~
  38. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: tyt
  39. TemptingKiss: ^-^ Kay, go get squeaky.
  40. Rebourn: xP I shall
  41. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: dont forget to smell yourself
  42. TemptingKiss: Right? I pretty much do that soon as I get out of the shower.
  43. TemptingKiss: Which, honestly.... A shower sounds damn good. I think I'm gonna follow suit.
  44. TemptingKiss: ;__; Sorry.
  45. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: lols already had mines long hoodie and coold breeze after the gym
  46. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: its like heaven
  47. TemptingKiss: Mmmmmmm. -Snuggles self into pile of pillows- This is what I live for. Clean self and comfy beds.
  48. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: i got like about 12 pillows and a gaint teddy o.o
  49. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: i know the feel
  50. TemptingKiss: Yesssss.
  51. TemptingKiss: I bought one of those huge worm pillows and I wrap it around myself like a chair.
  52. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: yeah i got 3 of of them feels like the beanbags
  53. TemptingKiss: Ooo nice.
  54. TemptingKiss: Only annoying thing right now is my cat nuzzling my hand that's on my mouse. -__-
  55. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: lol i got dog who dont like to be pestured
  56. TemptingKiss: Oooo, I like dogs like that.
  57. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: like if they give you attention is cause they want to
  58. TemptingKiss: I have one that wants all the attention and one that's like... "Eh, don't care. I'm sleeping. We can cuddle later. When -it's- not here."
  59. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: lols mines more like....alright 4 scratches
  60. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: 5
  61. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: to much
  62. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: leave
  63. LuciferDracul: ( May i enter?)
  64. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: yes you may
  65. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: we are in occ
  66. TemptingKiss: We are currently OOC but should be resuming soon.
  67. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: at the moment
  68. LuciferDracul: AH very well, my love will be here soon i hope that is alright
  69. TemptingKiss: I can't see a reason why it wouldn't be. ^-^
  70. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: same
  71. LuciferDracul: You have our thanks
  72. TemptingKiss: Those wings are really pretty, Kira.
  73. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ty ^^ you look like a doll idk why but i cant sway away from that thought
  74. TemptingKiss: Like an actual doll? Or the pet name doll. I mean, either I am appreciative of, haha.
  75. LuciferDracul: If i may , we have seen that you are recruiting . Is that offer still open ? If so what jobs do you currently have open ?
  76. TemptingKiss: It's actually my first time here and the room owner is currently away, I can't answer that question.
  77. LuciferDracul: That is fine , do you know if he will be back soon tonight ?
  78. TemptingKiss: He should be, yes.
  79. LuciferDracul: Would it be a bother for us to wait ?
  80. TemptingKiss: Not at all.
  81. LuciferDracul: We thank you
  82. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: like and actual ddoll X'D
  83. TemptingKiss: Awww, cute. XD
  84. TemptingKiss: It's my first time rp'ing as this character, I'm liking it so far.
  85. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: same i usually use my kitsune
  86. TemptingKiss: I think both are really beautiful.
  87. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: mhmm next outfit gonna be a angelic theme
  88. TemptingKiss: Oh, I've got one of those. They're really fun to play and enter the demonic rooms, some people freak out.
  89. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: lol
  90. LuciferDracul: Welcome my love
  91. VespaKriegerDracul: Thank you sweetheart ^^
  92. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: greetings
  93. VespaKriegerDracul: Greetings to you as well -nods-
  94. TemptingKiss: Hello, it's nice to meet you. -smile-
  95. TemptingKiss: We are currently ooc but should be resuming soon.
  96. VespaKriegerDracul: Pleasure. -nods- Yes, I asked my husband before I was loaded lol
  97. VespaKriegerDracul: Wanted to make sure how to enter ^^
  98. TemptingKiss: No worries.
  99. LuciferDracul: We shall come back another time if possible
  100. LuciferDracul: Until then
  101. LuciferDracul: -Bows-
  102. VespaKriegerDracul: Yes thank you. -waves-
  103. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: poof
  104. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: -He pauses abit to his respond then back to his question."indeed it was a rather dry introduction to our history."A nother light pause was made as he lets out a sigh."i was given a task by my previous king to wipe out the domain of one of his lords.The lord of that domain was a good man...strong proud and strict but was also loving and was a perfect harmoney,he had a lovely wife who stood behind him in every decision they made."the wind flowed through his hair as it dances to the almost silent melody,he looks down at her as feels bits of her energy returning,but now enough to wake her from her slumber."They had a daughter...around 6-7 yrs at that time.."he chuckled once more."spritifull aggressive but held her fathers duty and flame deep within herself,it was like a mirror paradox of his formerself."he turns his face to the afternoon sun rest upon his face giving his bright blue eyes a bright glow. while he paused and stopped in his tracks."i killed them all but was the first mission i have failed in my thousands of years in serice to my king.Elleandrea Farenheights Tepes last of that accursed bloodline....brought to end by the fear of a foolish king to a oracles vision."-he starts back walking as he can see the outline of the mannor," i took her along with me as i fled my world...trained her not to love me...hate me.....resent me....vengence is the path she must walk...yet she forgave me.I dont derserve her forgiviness it maybe it is pride that wouldnt allow it, but not my pride...those that carried my name will not allow it.AS i said before my name is Gerald Hollow,i am many but not one,bot one that lives for many."Gerald words echo throughout the wind behind them as multiple voices can be heard them as the wind blow by revealing thousands of lost souls slained by gerald marching armed to the teeth,spears all chest leveled and shields dragged along beside them,but they were here yet not phyiscal forbid to walk amoung the living outcast to roam the afterline ethernally.Gerald stopped at the mannar"so this is the place....lovely home."
  105. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: my post incase i fall asleep
  106. Rebourn: HYY
  107. TemptingKiss: Ohey, welcome back squeaks.
  108. Rebourn: My sister came home with her niece while I was in so I had to greet them and hear the lil one's school day
  109. Rebourn: Thank you for being patient uwu
  110. TemptingKiss: Not a problem. ^-^
  111. Rebourn: Should I reply to her? Idk if she fell asleep o3o
  112. TemptingKiss: I'm not sure if she did or not
  113. Rebourn: Shall we continue than?
  114. TemptingKiss: Sure, I'd like that. :)
  115. Rebourn: Let's ^^
  116. TemptingKiss: I wrote a reply if you'd like me to post it.
  117. Rebourn: Please, darling, let's hop right in before I get dragged elsewhere.
  118. TemptingKiss: (( -Laughs- No worries. -Wiggles herself into character- ))
  119. TemptingKiss: Dehma turned on her heel at the sound of someone behind her, her chest tightening with the anxiety of being watched but she didn't let it show to the man she saw before her with silver eyes cut by a thick black limbic ring. She could feel his energy permeate the air around her and it made her muscles twitch with anticipation but she forced her body to still and appear at ease as she noticed the two that came in behind him as well and could also sense their energies melding together with the other. Dehma shifted her weight to her left leg and craned her neck upwards to look at them as she was a fairly short being yet her features were still mature as her age has been lost to her for some time now, she parted her lips behind the locked mask she wore over the lower half of her face yet paused for a moment before speaking as she was unsure of what to say. When they came to her a grin formed behind the black mask. "Unfortunately I don't think you are capable of helping me with what I need, however if you can offer your company that would do quite nicely." Her voice was as smooth as silk yet it had a twisted tone behind it, as if the gentle tone was an attempt to veil her emotions. She stood her ground as her body refused to move until she saw the move the ones before her chose to make, an obsessive habit she was unable to break.
  120. Rebourn: /me The golden eyes of the Fae King stared into the small woman's, his face stern but curious. He only nodded and stepped down the stairs, towering above her in height and strength as he flared his nostrils, getting a good whiff of her scent and possible species before he extended a hand. "Company you shall get. I am King of Fae, Geraint, pleased to have you here." He flashed a smile gone as soon as it appeared, though it was a polite gesture, he revealed his canines to the woman, never knowing where intentions of his guests may be.
  121. TemptingKiss: Dehma's stomach felt like a pit as he looked her over, yet in some way she was more at ease as she could sense the respect he commanded. It was in her nature to follow and seek out opportunities should they arise, feigning subordinance was one of the first tactics available in her wheelhouse. She glanced to his hand as he extended it and with one hand she reached out to meet his, gripping it firmly to somewhat show she was more than she appeared as her other hand instinctually drifted to the locked mask on her face as she pinched the bridge of her nose ever so lightly. "I thank you, Geraint, it is my pleasure to meet you. I am..." She paused a moment, her head moving to look at the floor to the left of her as she had completely forgotten her name since she had not spoken it to someone in quite a while. "I am Dehma." Her head snapped back on her neck once she remembered her name and met his golden eyes with her silver ones, she let her hands drop to her sides and continued to keep her eyes trained on him.
  122. Rebourn: /me The male bowed his head as her hand met with his, nodding in approval at her firm grip. Though as he listened to her snake-like voice, an eyebrow cocked at her pause, perhaps hesitation, unsure whether to take it as a sign of her bluffing or a rough past. Blinking from the thought, he forced a low chuckle out of him as he furrowed his brows at the intense eye contact she wished to uphold, and nothing in his body made him feel like backing down. "You sure?" Another chuckle. "Shall I get you water? Perhaps your hungry, I know I am." He gestured toward his bar, the sounds of stone on his manor floor began behind them as his statue servants that were positioned at the front were now coming up, bowing in unison to the King before hurrying to the bar to prepare him and his guest beverages, and the Fae male, food as he suggested.
  123. TemptingKiss: Taking a cue from his facial expression she quickly looked away, unaware that she was acting improperly, her wrist on her left arm twitching every couple seconds before it eventually subsided. She faught the urge to return her gaze to him and once she heard him laugh instinctually she laughed as well, it was another habit of hers to mimic the actions of others so she would not allow suspicions to arise of her improper behavior. Once he asked her if she desired sustenance her stomach erupted with a growl in protest to any answer she might have given that was not yes and with hesitation she sighed at herself and answered in a quieted tone as if she were embarassed. "Yes... Food would be acceptable. I thank you." She looked to the servants as they began moving about to prepare the sustenance and was confused at the sight, her head tilting as her eyes tracked their movements. "Is... is this normal?" Dehma lifted her arm to point towards the servants.
  124. Rebourn: /me His Fae senses picked up on her tension, her want to be 'correct' whatever that meant for her. He tried his best to be casual, to be open so perhaps she'd loosen up. His ears flicked as the statues began chopping veggies, leading her toward the bar as he wondered to himself if she was blind, and if he should've been more considerate. "That's nice to hear, I didn't want to be rude and eat in front of you without sharing." Geraint watched her get confused, his lips pulling to a light smile as he nodded at her question, waving a hand in dismissal to the confusion. "Yes. The story is a good one, but to simplify it, I awaken them with my magic and they do as I wish." Skipping steps to the stairs, he approached the bar and pulled a stool out for her, sitting to her right as he nodded to a stone elf as it gave him his usual: Ale with some rum. "And for you, Dehma?"
  125. TemptingKiss: Dehma followed Geraint as he led her to the bar, her eyes trained on the statues as she listened to him ease her default reaction of suspicion towards the stone servants. She took each step one at a time at a slower pace than normal and probed her mind for a voice that is not there. "I did not know that..." she paused once more to look for the words on her own in her mind. "I did not know that it was possible to animate stone from across the..." Only a slight pause this time as she watched him pull out a stool and gesture to it as he sat down. "From across the room." The tension in her chest subsided only just as she was pleased she is able to speak fluently, or at least what she believed to be fluent. Once Geraint asked her what she would have she made a small frustrated sound deep in the back of her throat but realized she could do as he does. "The same, yes. I thank you." She made a slight hop as she sat onto the stool that was for her. His last words echoing in her mind a few times since she hadn't heard her name spoken by another in a while and it made her relax slightly. She gently placed her hands onto the bars edge and turned her head to the right yet kept her eyes fixed infront of her. "Have you resided here long..?"
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