
Tiy on #edgeofspace

Jan 12th, 2013
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  1. * Tiy ( has joined #edgeofspace
  2. <Tiy> Hello chaps
  3. <Tiy> Just to clear some things up
  4. <Tiy> When asked why terraria development stopped
  5. <Tiy> [16:00:33] <@Aijouchu> One word: Starbound.
  6. <Tiy> Completely untrue, Redigit was unaware of Starbound when he decided to stop development on Terraria
  7. <Tiy> [16:07:42] <@Aijouchu> The fame that Starbound has, is more or less completely because everyone is allowed to believe it's Terraria 2 :P
  8. <Tiy> how rude, we don't lead anyone to believe the game is terraria 2, people have followed my work sure. But that's an entirely seperate thing
  9. <Tiy> [16:10:42] <@Aijouchu> Drak, trust me. [16:10:45] <@Aijouchu> I know things.
  10. <Tiy> apparently not
  11. <Tiy> [16:11:07] <@Aijouchu> I'm here to tell you that Tiy is not legally allowed to MENTION Terraria
  12. <Tiy> terraria terraria terraria
  13. <Tiy> [16:11:16] <@Aijouchu> his mods and staff can't even SAY the word
  14. <Tiy> <@Marketh> terraria
  15. <Tiy> [16:20:16] <@Aijouchu> He won't open up beta. The game is being completely and totally optimized to a HANDFUL of computers
  16. <Tiy> How you know what we're optimising for, how we're doing it, or anything about us what so ever. I have no idea
  17. <Tiy> [16:20:25] <@Aijouchu> When it launches, its going to break SO HARD
  18. <Tiy> Clearly you have a good basis for that comment
  19. <Tiy> So here's the thing
  20. <Tiy> I think edge of space is a cool game
  21. <Tiy> I think the community is cool
  22. <Tiy> you guys are all great in my book
  23. <Tiy> It's a shame LadyAijou feels the need to spread mistruths and make completely unjustified comments that are both rude and could hurt our reputation
  24. <@LadyAijou> Tiy, come on. ~_~
  25. <Tiy> No
  26. <Tiy> Suggesting you *know* Starbound was the reason Terraria was canceled, when that is absolutely not the case is a clear shot at our reputation
  27. <Tiy> and I won't accept that
  28. <+SteamPunkProgrammer> Tiy you are very much justified to be angry, we put a stop to this right the text you are pasting and talked to LadyAijou about saying such things
  29. <Nero1534> I know I probably have no right to say so, but I find it rather childish that he's bringing this up in public to be honest. Things like this are better handled behind the scenes, with the offended and offending parties only, rather than playing the name n' shame game.
  30. <+LordShaggy> I wish you would have come to us directly. To everyone else, we have no knowledge so it would have made this process easier to track down. and solve now anything could be true. And the context of anything said is not understood. So relax we at handyman would never smear your name Tiy we don't do that.
  31. <Tiy> I'm under NDA on Terraria, that much is true. And as such I can't tell you what the reasons for it being discontinued are. However they have absolutely nothing to do with Starbound.
  32. <Tiy> Nero, when mistruths are spread in public, I feel the need to correct them publicly
  33. <+LordShaggy> Look everyone i want everyone to relax this is an issue for me and tiy to work out. I apologize for any distrurbance but lets be clear. We are not about smear compeigns period and have no part in doing such things.
  34. <Tiy> Again though
  35. <Tiy> I have no issue with EoS, or the people working on it, and especially not the community
  36. <Tiy> I wish you a great amount of luck
  37. <Tiy> But I did feel that those comments were unfair and so I wanted to correct them
  38. <Nero1534> Then correct them in private. Be the bigger company if this even did happen.
  39. <Tiy> Nero, it's important to me that the people who have been mislead are giving the proper information
  40. <Drakonis_> anything i might've said there, has no intentions of saying starbound is bad or hating you.
  41. <Drakonis_> honest.
  42. <Tiy> its cool drakonis
  43. <Tiy> dont worry :)
  44. <+LordShaggy> Well i dunno even know if those are correct and I don't know the vailidity of those logs either. So again we are down to hearsay and we could have solved the issue in better ways. But thank you for coming directly to us but again, I do wish you sould have contacted me outside because it would have helped nail down what really happened.
  45. <Tiy> LordShaggy I confirmed the logs with LadyAijou first
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