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  1. server_log.txt:[01/06/2018 08:11:02] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 18 Drug dealer job, it's cannabis now.
  2. server_log.txt:[01/06/2018 13:37:17] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 44 By using /contract you put out a contract on that persons head for an amount of money and the Hitman Agency will be doing
  3. server_log.txt:[01/06/2018 13:42:37] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 44 Not really, sure they have more advantages than normal players. There are other factions/groups which have a set of comm
  4. server_log.txt:[01/06/2018 14:11:51] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 3 That is not related to newb(ie) chat.
  5. server_log.txt:[01/06/2018 16:38:37] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 13 The donated group masks were already removed.
  6. server_log.txt:[01/06/2018 16:47:59] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 57 The command for selling a car to market has been removed, it's /v dump now, you only get back the money for the upgrades
  7. server_log.txt:[01/06/2018 17:33:09] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 1 Rule-break tax.
  8. server_log.txt:[01/06/2018 17:33:11] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 1 Rule-break tax.
  9. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 07:00:59] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 41 You can be tazed for 12 seconds and you can be cuffed for almost 10 minutes until you break free.
  10. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 07:09:06] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 45 No, it will pause.
  11. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 07:24:17] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 11 Not any that I know of, /report and ask.
  12. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 07:24:23] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 11 Not any that I know of, /report and ask.
  13. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 07:54:10] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 7 Go to the forums, click on the usergroup tab, search for SAFMD usergroup and click join.
  14. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 08:09:53] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 19 To be announced/assigned/added.
  15. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 08:44:34] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 4 They don't, unless they donate for it as well.
  16. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 08:45:05] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 25 /dmv and follow the checkpoint for the drivers license and for the weapon license reach level 5 and apply at the forums
  17. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 08:45:41] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 11 They do, yes.
  18. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 08:56:20] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 21 Yes, use /transfer to transfer money through a cellphone.
  19. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 11:23:28] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 14 Warned for abuse, don't abuse newb(ie) chat.
  20. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 11:34:16] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 28 Warned for abuse, don't abuse /newb(ie) chat
  21. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 11:42:11] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 4 200,000$ money and unlimited items(Mats, drugs and weapons etc.)
  22. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 11:57:30] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 31 Use /fill infront of the gas station after turning the /engine off.
  23. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 12:05:59] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 0 If you have his number and you roleplay it properly, then yes.
  24. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 12:07:33] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 13 /v track if it has GPS intstalled otherwise, /v spawn and it'll tell you where it is,
  25. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 17:13:03] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 64 That's not a command as far as I know, there might be /sa for stopping animation.
  26. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 17:53:40] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 25 That is not for newb, keep /newb(ie) chat for server/script related Q/A's only.
  27. server_log.txt:[02/06/2018 17:58:11] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 19 No you can't, it's a donated vehicle.
  28. server_log.txt:[03/06/2018 07:02:09] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 18 You can buy a rope from a 24/7, the pink milk-shake icon on your minimap.
  29. server_log.txt:[03/06/2018 07:03:16] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 18 No need for thank you over /newb, just /pm the helper next time. Keep this chat for server/script related Q/A's only.
  30. server_log.txt:[03/06/2018 07:04:50] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 15 Alt-tabbed in public.
  31. server_log.txt:[03/06/2018 07:26:01] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 1 You can check that out on the forums at>Announcements.
  32. server_log.txt:[03/06/2018 07:46:20] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 36 It isn't.
  33. server_log.txt:[03/06/2018 15:01:46] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 62 Yeah, something like that.
  34. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 09:50:07] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 3 Weed usually goes around for 2-5k per gram, depends on the seller.
  35. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 09:50:23] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 5 It's a drug, canabis.
  36. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 10:42:04] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 19 That's not for newb(ie) chat, keep it for server/script related Q/A"s only. Verbally warned.
  37. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 12:01:01] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 57 In my opinion, MP2's route is faster.
  38. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 13:45:42] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 23 Team Deathmatch.
  39. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 14:16:39] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 52 Yes, they will be.
  40. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 15:38:21] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 27 Yes, it is certainly coming.
  41. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 15:49:41] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 37 It is, rule-break tax.
  42. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 16:02:15] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 1 No you can't, you need to play the time to earn them.
  43. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 16:09:42] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 55 Get a cigar packet from a 24/7 and then do /usecigar.
  44. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 16:16:48] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 55 Use /report for that.
  45. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 16:18:06] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 55 English only on /newb.
  46. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 16:18:28] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 1 They are, sort of.
  47. server_log.txt:[04/06/2018 16:45:56] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 69 Yes, it is.
  48. server_log.txt:[05/06/2018 15:58:15] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 29 I think its the name of a male name.
  49. server_log.txt:[05/06/2018 16:22:56] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 27 You can afk as long as you want just don't afk at a public place.
  50. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 09:09:19] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 32 /wtlow to do so.
  51. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 09:18:51] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 43 You need to call them.
  52. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 09:34:54] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 43 They might be drugs, if not they're bugged. You can pick them up using /takedrug if they are drugs.
  53. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 09:36:41] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 32 No, they're still down.
  54. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 09:42:27] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 35 Not for me, might be you. Try relogging or checking your internet connection.
  55. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 12:03:36] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 31 Yeah not for newbie, you've been here long enough to know the rules, muted.
  56. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 12:38:50] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 32 There's a rule about it which states that you can transfer things from main to alt but not the other way around.
  57. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 12:38:53] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 32 There's a rule about it which states that you can transfer things from main to alt but not the other way around.
  58. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 12:40:58] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 45 The forums are down because Smo closed them down due to constant ddos' and are working on a fix.
  59. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 13:20:44] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 7 Depends on what type of help you need, if you need just regular help, you can use /helpme, if you need administrator assis
  60. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 16:39:26] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 3 Not for newb(ie) chat, use it for server/script related Q/A's only. Verbally warned.
  61. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 16:45:24] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 3 There are other administrators such as Elmo.
  62. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 16:49:50] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 3 We do not know that yet, just be patient it's being worked on and will be fixed ASAP.
  63. server_log.txt:[06/06/2018 18:38:35] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 35 Warned for abuse.
  64. server_log.txt:[07/06/2018 09:37:14] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 8 No, you'll get your guns back after the event.
  65. server_log.txt:[07/06/2018 13:01:06] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 3 Yes.
  66. server_log.txt:[07/06/2018 13:16:58] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 44 No it is not.
  67. server_log.txt:[07/06/2018 14:13:42] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 13 If you feel they are bugged, feel free to use /reportbug or take some screenshots and report it over the Bug reports sect
  68. server_log.txt:[07/06/2018 14:14:56] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 No, in the previous vehicle system you could but it's been removed so you can spawn one at a time.
  69. server_log.txt:[07/06/2018 14:31:03] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 39 This month most probably.
  70. server_log.txt:[07/06/2018 14:33:00] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 39 No, it is 5 percent of the total wealth.
  71. server_log.txt:[08/06/2018 14:07:23] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 20 Roleplay with the family leaders, find them in-characterly and roleplay with their members.
  72. server_log.txt:[08/06/2018 14:16:40] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 20 To create a family you must first post a thread about it on the forums at Gangs&Families section and have steady roleplay
  73. server_log.txt:[11/06/2018 15:03:06] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 4 /clearallmods if it is your vehicle.
  74. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 17:29:33] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 25 /report to an administrator.
  75. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 17:29:43] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 2 Yes, as you can see.
  76. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 17:30:37] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 59 Level 15.
  77. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 17:42:45] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 57 /report to the administrators and tell them who teamkilled you.
  78. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 17:51:37] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 It's mostly around 20-50k
  79. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 17:52:29] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 19 It's $5, check for more info.
  80. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 17:53:38] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 Check it on the forums at at the announcements section.
  81. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 18:09:47] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 48 They aren't disbanded.
  82. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 18:09:57] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 35 /report to an administrator to slap/teleport you out.
  83. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 18:24:46] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 24 Don't abuse newb(ie) chat, keep it for server/script related Q/A's ONLY. To get your forums account activated, contact th
  84. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 18:24:49] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 24 Don't abuse newb(ie) chat, keep it for server/script related Q/A's ONLY. To get your forums account activated, contact th
  85. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 18:25:47] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 24 You can contact them in-game, any senior or above administrator might be a forum administrator.
  86. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 18:50:29] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 50 Unlimited.
  87. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 20:23:45] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 10 Buy a spraycan from a 24/7(Pink milk-shake icon) and then hop on the bike and use /spraycar or /colorcar.
  88. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 20:32:13] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 61 Hitman Agency is a group too so you can be either in a group/hitman + faction/family.
  89. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 20:37:06] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 7 /sellgun if you are an arms dealer and have materials to create a weapon.
  90. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 20:38:19] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 23 Not for newb(ie) chat, keep it for server/script related Q/A's only. Verbally warned.
  91. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 20:41:32] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 18 /pickweed.
  92. server_log.txt:[12/06/2018 20:42:13] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 9 /plandweed to do so.
  93. server_log.txt:[13/06/2018 19:22:48] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 11 It's not, it's totally upto you but I suggest taking it because you might get arrested for driving without a license in-c
  94. server_log.txt:[15/06/2018 12:40:29] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 1 It's being discussed by the developers and administrators, be patient, they'll announce it soon.
  95. server_log.txt:[15/06/2018 12:46:47] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 31 It is being discussed, be patient, it'll be announced once they make up a decision.
  96. server_log.txt:[15/06/2018 12:50:57] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 49 Some of them.
  97. server_log.txt:[16/06/2018 12:36:50] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 22 They must be busy, be patient and keep reporting.
  98. server_log.txt:[16/06/2018 12:37:57] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 38 You can just check it on your minimap, it's indicated with a "S" icon.
  99. server_log.txt:[16/06/2018 14:26:55] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 52 You can use /ad to post an advertisement but I suggest you asking around ICly rather than posting an advertisement about
  100. server_log.txt:[16/06/2018 15:11:52] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 19 Go to a binco(T-shirt icon on your minimap) and use /buyclothes and pick the one you want.
  101. server_log.txt:[16/06/2018 16:00:30] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 31 It's at willowfield, behind the material point 2, /helpme for directions.
  102. server_log.txt:[16/06/2018 16:01:13] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 5 Yes, /time to check.
  103. server_log.txt:[20/06/2018 07:28:49] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 10 6 grams.
  104. server_log.txt:[22/06/2018 16:27:21] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 40 Check /animlist and try them one by one, maybe you'll find what you're looking for.
  105. server_log.txt:[23/06/2018 15:39:46] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 38 Not for newb(ie) chat. Please use /pm for that and pm the person you're trying to contact, use /newb(ie) chat for server/
  106. server_log.txt:[23/06/2018 15:45:55] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 No, it has been disbanded for quite some time.
  107. server_log.txt:[23/06/2018 15:49:25] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 17 Hello and Welcome to San Andreas Roleplay, use /help and /guide to get started. Please keep /newb for server/script relat
  108. server_log.txt:[23/06/2018 16:48:30] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 24 Indeed it is.
  109. server_log.txt:[24/06/2018 16:34:10] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 33 You can use it to exchange for some rewards at the /tikistore.
  110. server_log.txt:[24/06/2018 17:56:01] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 43 Use /admins to check if they are any admins online or use /report.
  111. server_log.txt:[24/06/2018 17:56:05] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 43 Use /admins to check if they are any admins online or use /report.
  112. server_log.txt:[24/06/2018 17:56:45] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 30 Yes you can, but you can't rob them.
  113. server_log.txt:[25/06/2018 08:14:45] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 15 Maybe you are having connection issues or try to clear your cache/cookies and then try again.
  114. server_log.txt:[27/06/2018 06:16:25] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 1 Must be your internet connection or your PC, sometimes one's distance from the server location can cause a bit of lag too.
  115. server_log.txt:[27/06/2018 06:47:12] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 18 Nope, for level the namechange costs 15k.
  116. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:27:39] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 22 Materials go around for 8-12$ per each material, so calculate them.
  117. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:29:25] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 It is a sports car, google it to find how it looks like.
  118. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:29:51] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 You need to roleplay with the members and leaders of the family first, gain their trust in-characterly and hang out with
  119. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:31:57] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 Do everything in-characterly, look for buyers and arrange deals and then use /sellmats to sell the materials to them
  120. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:35:15] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 If you think someone looks like they want materials, you can go to them and whisper to them if they want them or not, som
  121. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:37:24] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 You can buy a cellphone from a 24/7(Pink milk-shake icon on your minimap).
  122. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:39:39] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 33 No, it isn't bugged.
  123. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:40:27] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 Use /sellgun if you have the arms dealer job and have sufficient materials to craft a specific weapon.
  124. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:41:27] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 33 It is a license which allows you to sail in boats, in-short you can drive boats legally with the license.
  125. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 06:44:47] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 Around 400k.
  126. server_log.txt:[29/06/2018 16:10:29] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 17 Use /dealerships and click on the dealership you want go, it'll give you a checkpoint on your minimap.
  127. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 06:32:25] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 31 No, that's the skin you get when you get in jail, think of it as a prisoner skin.
  128. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 06:33:38] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 31 No need to say thanks over /newb(ie) chat, just /pm the helper next time and keep /newb for server/script related Q/A's o
  129. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 11:49:14] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 27 Because you are not a VIP, it's for VIP's only.
  130. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 11:49:49] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 20 40.
  131. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 11:50:22] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 27 8-10m.
  132. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 11:53:28] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 11 No, I think there are five or six kinds which you can train.
  133. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 11:53:34] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 Almost, yes.
  134. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 11:53:51] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 10 10-15m.
  135. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 12:04:32] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 26 Check in the Clothing Items, you might find some in them.
  136. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 12:05:20] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 10 200k cash and unlimited items.
  137. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 12:05:57] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 1 /report if you think he shot you without any reason.
  138. server_log.txt:[30/06/2018 12:07:09] [cmd] [Peter_Picciurro] /ap 1 It means that the car belongs to a faction, you need to be in a certain faction to drive that car.
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