
CYOA - Cheerilee (Clop)

Jun 29th, 2013
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  1. >you are Anon
  2. >and you are in detention alongside Sweetie Belle
  3. >you're not really sure why you're here though
  4. >Sweetie Belle cursed at Cheerilee, so naturally she got the detention deal
  5. >all you did was laugh at her joke and try to defend her
  6. >it's not like you go to school anyway
  7. >"All right you two, let's get this started."
  8. >Cheerilee sounds stern
  9. >it's actually quite intimidating
  10. >"You're going to be doing these tests in total silence while I review papers. Not one word from either of you."
  11. >sigh and look down at the paper
  13. >no fuck this
  14. >you are anon and you are not doing this stupid shit
  15. >stand up and turn around
  16. >walk towards the door
  17. >"Anon! What do you think you're doing?!"
  18. "Leaving"
  19. >"You get right back to your seat this instant, young man!"
  21. >her voice and tone reminds you of your mother scolding you
  22. >waves of embarassment course through your body
  23. >start shaking and feel like an idiot
  24. "O-of course, ma'am"
  25. >only thing you can utter as you scamper back to your seat
  26. >Sweetie Belle stares at you in disbelief the entire way
  27. >blushing at full force as you hit the seat
  28. >Cheerliee eyeing you cautiously until you pick up the pencil and look at the paper
  30. >when the embarrassment and blush slowly fades other emotions begin anew
  31. >you realise how attractive it was to be put in your place
  32. >something about Cheerilee scolding you was enjoyable
  33. >and she was quite the beautiful mare
  34. >well educated and kind, too
  35. >after pretending to look at the paper for a little while, you sneak a glance at her
  36. >she's absorbed in her paper grading
  37. >what an absolutely cute mare
  38. >you can see little smiles come across her lips as she reads the fillies papers
  39. >although she doesn't notice you, you do your best to stay sneakey
  40. >don't wanna get caught looking at her
  41. >but looking at the sheet of paper is so boring
  42. >your glances become more and more frequent
  43. >it's as if something is forcing you to look at this benevolent mare behind the desk
  44. >as you look at her, you begin to wonder what she's like in private
  45. >you never really got to know her
  46. >what music does she like?
  47. >what books does she read?
  48. >what positions -
  49. >you are suddenly brought back to reality as you realise Cheerilee is staring right at you
  50. >sweat forming on your forehead and spaghetti filling your pockets
  51. >you can't look back at the paper
  52. >you're fucked and you know it
  53. >"Anon, what are you doing?"
  55. "N-nothing..."
  56. >slowly lower your gaze back to the paper
  57. >you can still feel Cheerilee's piercing gaze upon you
  58. >pricking into you like needles
  59. >it's exhilarating
  60. >you finally grab the pencil and put it to the paper
  61. >instead of actually answering the quiz, you instead find yourself drawing pictures of Cheerilee
  62. >not that you were very good at drawing, but it's not like you don't have an imagination
  63. >at first it's just doodles of her, getting into the whole drawing thing
  64. >but after a few sketches, you quickly start drawing her more and more questionably
  65. >with whips, gags, rulers
  66. >spread out on the desk with sultry eyes
  67. >feel slight attention from your buddy down below the desk
  68. >this is all quickly forgotten as you hear a noise from your left
  69. >"Psst!"
  70. >you look over at Sweetie Belle
  71. >she's got a ball of paper in her hoof
  72. >insinuating throwing it to you and nodding
  75. >look back and forth from Sweetie to Cheerilee
  76. >have to make sure she doesn't see this
  77. >when you feel the coast is clear you nod to Sweetie Belle
  78. >she quietly tosses you the ball of paper
  79. >you catch it and quickly stow it under your desk
  80. >Cheerilee hasn't noticed a thing
  81. >from the looks of it she's deeply concentrated on her work
  82. >slowly unfold the piece of paper in your lap
  83. >adrenaline rush going strong
  84. >it's just like being in 4th grade again
  85. >realise it's kind of silly, but screw that, this is genuine fun
  86. >on the paper is simply words
  87. >"Why did you come back? Do you LIKE Cheerilee? ;)"
  88. >quickly look up at Sweetie Belle
  89. >she's just focusing on her test
  90. >there is a huge, shit eating grin on her face though
  91. >you glare at her for but a moment until you hear Cheerilee clearing her throat
  92. >panic.jpg
  93. >"Anon, is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?"
  94. >now she's even being sarcastic
  95. >you can barely sit still from all of this
  98. >once again you find yourself in a contest of endurance
  99. >it is a battle of the eyes, of the minds
  100. >Cheerilee is trained in this
  101. >she does this every day
  102. >resistance is futile
  103. >her gaze is piercing your very being
  104. >as a result you lose all concentration
  105. "My dick."
  106. >although the classroom had been silent up until that point, it seemed as if a groundbreaking one had taken its place
  107. >you feel stares even from Sweetie Belle now
  108. >but the reaction from Cheerilee isn't quite what you would have expected
  109. >"Your what now?"
  110. >she seems genuinely confused
  111. >from the corner of your eye it seems Sweetie Belle has the same expression on her face
  112. >this is your chance to save this shitty situation
  114. "Sweetie is passing notes!" you blurt out
  115. >Cheerilee is quite obviously taken by surprise
  116. >"WHAT?!" Sweetie Belle creaks in disbelief
  117. >it seems to have worked
  118. >Cheerilee is no longer looking at you, but Sweetie
  119. >just like in fifth grade when you blamed that annoying girl for spilling milk everywhere
  120. >"Sweetie Belle, I thought you knew better than this."
  121. >"B-but, I-"
  122. >"You will be silent and do the rest of the quiz."
  123. >Sweetie just grumbles and stares daggers at you
  124. >for some reason you want to rub it in even further
  125. "Here's what she gave me."
  126. >you feel the daggers intensifying
  127. >hand Cheerilee the piece of paper
  128. >you sly fucker you
  129. >you really outdid yourself this-uh oh
  130. >is that a drawing of a pony on the paper?
  131. >realising what you've just done, spaghetti once again starts spilling from every orifice
  132. >too late to stop it
  133. >it's happening
  134. >Cheerilee unfolds the paper
  135. >her face is a mixture of horror, surprise, and... no, she couldn't be blushing
  136. >"Sweetie Belle! What is this?!"
  137. >Sweetie takes one glance at the paper
  139. >"Proper schoolponies do not lie, Sweetie!"
  140. >"You KNOW how badly I draw! I can't even make macaroni pictures! Besides, that is DISGUSTING!"
  141. >Cheerilee's head slowly turns towards you
  142. >that sly smirk is long gone
  143. >it's hopped on over to Sweetie
  144. >"Sweetie Belle, you may leave."
  145. >Cheerilee doesn't even look away from you while saying that
  146. >Sweetie leaves with a smirk
  147. >you simply gulp
  149. >for what feels like the millionth time today, you have locked eyes with the teacher
  150. >but this time, something's different
  151. >you revel in her mental domination of you
  152. >her overpowering glare and authority radiating a strange form of desire
  153. >as you stare into her deep, green eyes your throat and lips dry out
  154. >you slowly lick your lips
  155. >you tell yourself it's to moisten them
  156. >both of you know that's bullshit
  157. >"Stop."
  158. >Cheerilee doesn't look one bit pleased
  159. >you thought for sure this was it
  160. >instead of succumbing to your manliness, she seems infuriated
  161. >with calm and calculated movements she gets off her chair
  162. >with the grace of a million women she moves towards your desk
  163. >still locking you in place with those eyes
  164. >you swear she must have had lessons from Fluttershy
  165. >both of her hooves are suddenly on your desk
  166. >she's mere inches from your face
  167. >this beautiful mare smells magnificent
  168. >unlike anything you've ever smelled before
  169. >and her breath on your face is like an intoxicating drug, lulling you into a false sense of security
  170. >"You will not move a muscle unless I tell you to, understood?" she whispers
  172. >you can do nothing but obey her
  173. >except for the slight twitches coming from your lower body
  174. >not like you could control it anyway
  175. >after a good 20 seconds have passed she is convinced you are obeying her
  176. >she tilts her head slightly to the side and moves her lips just close enough to touch yours
  177. >it is the purest of agony you have ever felt in your life
  178. >confined by nothing more than your word you are unable to give in to your desires and take what you want
  179. >Cheerilee feels this and smirks
  180. >"My, aren't you a good student."
  181. >with every word her lips graze yours
  182. >the stimulation that could be is driving you mad
  183. >it takes all of your willpower not to throw yourself at this mare right then and there
  184. >but there is no way you would fuck this up
  185. >her gentle hoof strokes your cheek
  186. >"Oh yes, you are indeed a perfect student."
  187. >she finally gives you what you need for but a brief second
  188. >her lips press against yours
  189. >it is the most passionate, one-sided kiss you have ever experienced
  190. >not kissing back is almost unbearable
  191. >after breaking the kiss, Cheerilee simply looks at you
  192. >studies you
  193. >"Bend over my desk, Anon. You did, after all, not perform very well during detention. Punishment is in order for such behavior."
  195. >after scurrying over to the desk like the good student you are, you practically throw yourself onto it stomach first
  196. >an audiable "pomf" is heard
  197. >wooden desk
  198. >how is this possible
  199. "W-What are we going to do on the desk, Cheerilee?"
  200. >before you can even think of what she might answer, you feel a sharp pain in your back
  201. >pain you haven't felt in a long time
  202. >you actually have to hold back tears
  203. >the teahcer has her front hooves firmly planted on your back after having stomped them onto you
  204. >"I did not give you permission to speak!" she hisses at you
  205. >although you cannot turn to face her, you know exactly what her face looks like
  206. >she twists her hoves into your back, eliciting further pain
  207. >you bite your lower lip to the point of bleeding to avoid making any noise
  208. >"That's better."
  209. >she gets off of you, pain immediately leaving your body
  210. >the mare is rummaging through the drawers in the desk
  211. >"Now, unfortunately we are not at my home, in which I have more... adequate tools for punishing misbehaving students. This ruler will have to suffice, I guess."
  212. >you get a quick glance at it
  213. >it's long, it's solid, it looks like pain
  214. >before fully registering the situation, Cheerilee has forcefully pulled your pants down to your ancles, leaving you in just your boxers
  215. >"Get ready", she says through her mouth holding the ruler
  217. >the first hit comes faster than you expected
  218. >and the pain which it causes to your buttocks in indescribable
  219. >the fights you've been in are nothin compared to this
  220. >pain of this magnitude should not befall you
  221. >before even fully accepting the pain you have received, another blow is struck
  222. >this time harder and faster
  223. >your body is tensed up and tears are now freely flowing from your eyes
  224. >this is not what you expected it to be
  225. >"Good! Students! Do not! Resist!"
  226. >she hits you with every word, emphazising your position and the pain
  227. >you want to sob
  228. >but somehow manage to hold back
  229. >despite the tears, you grow accustomed to the pain
  230. >you welcome it
  231. >she is your teacher, and you her student
  232. >slowly your body relaxes and absorbs the pain not as something negative, but as something wonderful and joyous
  233. >when the fourteenth hit lands on you, a small moan escapes your lips
  234. >Cheerilee temporarily stops
  235. >"Did you not learn you lesson before?!"
  236. >she quickly resumes her strikes
  237. >but all you can do is moan
  238. >"You're a terrible student! Dirty, villanous, bastard!"
  239. >at this point you have let go and your moans fill the classroom and possibly the entire school ground
  240. >Cheerilee stops all of a sudden
  241. >"You obviously need harsher punishment."
  242. >you hear a spit
  243. >you feel your boxers drop
  244. >before comprehending what she is doing you feel it
  245. >the ruler is slowly drilling its way into your rectum
  246. >you scream out in half pain half pleasure
  248. >"What's the matter, poor Anon can't handle a little fun?"
  249. >with the ruler lodged firmly in your anus, Cheerilee's teasing sounds like the singing of angels
  250. >you're still not convinced of this whole ass thing
  251. >anything to take your mind away from it is welcomed
  252. >"How do you like it? Answer me!"
  253. >she gives a slight twist of the ruler
  254. >your insides are stretching in ways you didn't think possible
  255. "I-I don't t-think I want m-more", you manage to stutter
  256. >"What's that? You want MORE?"
  257. >Cheerilee sounds like a madman at this point
  258. "N-no! That's n-no"
  259. >she pulls out the ruler in one fluid motion
  260. >the mixture of relief, pleasure and pain is a strange sensation, but you are happy to have it out of there
  261. >behind you the sound of a bottle being opened and a liquid being drunk is heard
  262. >you don't care, you simply rest after the ordeal
  263. >"Uh... Ugh, OHHH!"
  264. >Cheerilee's grunts of seeming pain catches your attention
  265. "A-are you okay back there? What's going on?"
  266. >two fuschia hooves slam onto the table beside you
  267. >the teacher's face appears mere inches beside your own
  269. >with those words you feel something horrible
  270. >meat
  271. >on your back
  272. >a long rod of lovemaking throbbing against your ass cheeks and lower back
  273. "W-what"
  274. >"SHUT UP!"
  275. >she bites your neck
  276. >a far more tolerable pain and far more pleasurable
  277. >but as she does, you feel her shifting
  278. >and voila, her head is aligned with your anus
  279. >"You're going to enjoy this", she smirks
  281. >never in your life has fear gripped you quite like in this moment
  282. >this unknown event is about to change everything
  283. >and everything started out so well
  284. >"Here. We. Go."
  285. >you bite your lip as you prepare for entry
  286. >instead of a fat horsecock in your anus, the front door opens
  287. >probably should have locked that
  288. >"Look, I'm really sorry about w-"
  289. >with absolute horror you realise the words were spoken by Sweetie Belle
  290. >you slowly turn your head towards the door and see not only the white unicorn, but also Apple Bloom and Scootaloo
  291. >this is it, your life is over
  292. >"W-whut's goin' on?" Apple Bloom squeaks
  293. >gotta think fast
  294. >think man think
  295. >you put on your best calm voice
  296. "Well, t-this is my extra punishment for passing notes during detention."
  297. >Cheerilee picks up on it and nods eagerly
  298. >"What kind of punishment is this?" Scootaloo asks
  299. >fucking kids and all their questions
  300. >"This is adult punishment, Scootaloo."
  301. >Cheerilee is amazingly calm for the situation
  302. >"Adults and foals are different, so we punish adults differently, of course. This is very natural."
  303. >you nod and give a weak smile
  304. >"Why do you have a penis?" Sweetie Belle asks
  305. >silence
  306. >you didn't think the fillies were old enough to understand any of this
  307. >"Mares aren't supposed to have this, only stallions!"
  308. >Cheerilee is mumbling
  309. >shit shit shit
  311. >"Girls, come in and sit down".
  312. >Cheerilee's voice is back to her usual, motherly voice she sports during teaching
  313. >the fillies are nervous but listen to their teacher and sit down each at a desk
  314. >"Well, girls, normally we don't have sexual education for another year, but since we're here, we might as well get into it."
  315. >the girls look unnerved
  316. >you feel weirded out by the whole thing
  317. >her head is still throbbing against your anus, and they are watching
  318. >"While you are right, Sweetie, only stallions have penises, it's actually not always the case."
  319. >oh boy here we go
  320. >"You see, some ponies are born with BOTH genders for instance! Me, on the other hand, I drank a potion made by Zecora. It's very powerful magic, but it only lasts for about a day with no side effects. It's like playing pretend, just for real."
  321. >the girls are opening up to the idea a bit more, but they have begun to blush
  322. >"So, why do ya need tah have a.. penis to punsh Anon?" Apple Bloom asks
  323. >uh oh
  324. >"Good question! You see, stallions put their penis inside of mares to make them feel good, but if a mare puts something into the stallion, it doesn't feel all that good for him. For most stallions, at least. So I'm doing this to punish Anon for his bad behavior!"
  325. >her eager voice and natural teaching element is sickening to your ears in this situation
  326. >"Here, let me show you!"
  327. >you completely forgot about the fact that this could still happen
  328. >and it did
  329. >she plunges into you and moans loudly
  331. >strangely, the feeling of a cock inside you isn't as bad as you imagined
  332. >it's actually quite pleasuable
  333. >you just have to get used to the feeling
  334. >as a result, you can't help letting out a moan after the initial thrust
  335. >all of the fillies blush, but you no longer care
  336. >you are at Cheerilee's mercy
  337. >she seems to have dropped the dominatrix act for now and lets you voice your pleasure
  338. >she pumps your ass with her lovestick in a slow, rythmic fashion
  339. >"Now girls, as you can see, this punishment seems to be ineffective on Anon."
  340. >the girls probably aren't even listening to their teacher any more
  341. >"Anon seems to be enjoying this quite a bit, in fact", she smirks
  342. >you can only moan in reply
  343. >although she is a mare, and you an ass-virgin, she moves with skill you thought impossible
  344. >you have never had more fulfilling sex in your life
  345. >and you're playing the part of woman
  346. >"Hey! Ah know what could help!" Apple Bloom suddenly chides
  347. >wat
  348. >she jumps off her chair and moves towards you
  349. >"Apple.. Bloom, what are you... doing?" Cheerilee manages between thrusts
  350. >"Ah'm givin' Anon ah BJ!"
  351. >you have no time to react to this
  352. >all you know is there is now a filly sitting underneath your legs, licking your rock hard member
  353. >you want to stop her
  354. >make Cheerilee stop her
  355. >but the pleasure is too much
  356. >words cannot be formed in your state
  357. >resistance is futile
  358. >Apple Bloom may not be an expert, but at this point, anything is bliss
  360. >never in your life have you experienced such sweet salvation
  361. >feeling Cheerilee fill you up to the brim with her sweet, magical cock
  362. >massaging your insides and vigorously slamming your prostate
  363. >you are at her complete mercy, and it feels liberating
  364. >at the same time, Apple Bloom is doing all she can just to pleasure you
  365. >she is your little bitch
  366. >this mix of being used and abusing the filly is creating indescribable feelings
  367. >you think you spot the two remaining fillies with their hooves at their nether regions
  368. >but you don't care, it's all about you
  369. >as Cheerilee thrusts and grunts, you feel her throbbing member spasm inside you
  370. >with one final, hard thrust she shoots her seed inside you and groans in feminine pleasure
  371. >the force from the thrust forces your own cock deep into Apple Bloom's throat
  372. >she was clearly not prepared
  373. >as Cheerilee moan, Apple Bloom gags as you reach your own climax and grace her with your manly sperm
  374. >she clearly didn't know about this part
  375. >you can feel her trying to get off, but you reach down and hold her in place
  376. >she's gotta learn to swallow
  377. >might as well learn early
  378. >she is frantically hitting your legs
  379. >gurgling and heaving for air
  380. >you think she pukes, but it could just be more of your lovejuice
  381. >as she swallows more and more, her frantic wailing stops and she accepts her fate
  382. >after enjoying the afterglow for a full minute, the three of you release yourselves
  383. >Apple Bloom slumps to the ground
  385. >you only have eyes for one mare
  386. >or should you say, your mistress
  387. >after this ordeal you have fully accepted your place as her tool for pleasure
  388. >as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle frantically run to their friend, you simply embrace Cheerilee and engage in a deep kiss
  389. >kissing ponies was a bit odd, but in the end, so was kissing humans
  390. >you register the voice of fillies but hear not what they say
  391. >after a good minute, you reluctantly break the kiss and stare longingly into Cheerilee's eyes
  392. >she gives you a sultry smile
  393. >"I'll see you after class tomorrow."
  394. "Yes, ma'am."
  395. End
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