

Dec 9th, 2016
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  1. The Penny-Verse
  3. Penny Gadget is hanging out with Barry Allen/Flash and Cisco/Vibe in Central City. She recently broke up with Generator Rex after an argument, and he drained all the Nanites out of her, meaning Penny no longer has Rex's weapon-generating powers. Penny is trying to help Cisco get a device up and running that will make it easier for him to open breaches. Penny is using her computer book to help set up the device. Her uncle, Chief Gadget, is back in Metro City keeping an eye out for trouble. Deadpool and Captain Ginyu are still on the loose.
  5. "Let me give it one more blast of Vibe energy and then you can use your computer book to activate it", Vibe informs Penny. After Vibe fires off a blast of Vibe energy, Penny presses some buttons on her computer book and the device activates, opening a breach. Penny is pulled into the breach, which is stronger than She and Vibe anticipated. Penny tumbles out of the breach a short time later to find herself in a weird city. Everywhere she looks, there seems to be alternate versions of herself.
  7. Penny sees a version of herself web-swinging across the city (Spider-Penny), a version in a black costume with a familiar bat-symbol on her chest (Bat-Penny), a Penny in a black and orange jester outfit (Penny Quinn), a Penny zooming around at lightning speed (Flash-Penny), and several others. Penny even sees a version of herself that is dressed like her uncle, and seemingly has gadgets like his too. "What is this place?", Penny asks out loud. Flash-Penny appears beside her without warning. "It's a city that exists on multiple Earths at the same time", Flash-Penny explains, "I am the Penny Gadget from Earth-27. I'm known as The Flash on my Earth". "I'm from Earth-1, I guess", Penny tells Flash-Penny.
  9. Another Penny approaches them. This Penny is wearing black robes and holding a magic wand. "I'm Penny Potter. I'm from Earth-24", She introduces herself. Spider-Penny lands beside them and introduces herself as Spider-Penny from Earth-12. "There's a breach in the center of town. Earth-30 Penny rigged it so, aside from speedsters, only herself and her doppelgangers can reach this city. That's why there's only Pennys here", Penny Potter explains. "If you want to go back to your Earth, you simply have to walk through the breach while thinking about your Earth", Spider-Penny explains. Flash-Penny, Spider-Penny, and Penny Potter take Earth-1 Penny to the breach. Earth-30 Penny approaches them. "I saw you earlier" Earth-1 Penny realizes, "you are the Inspector Gadget of your Earth, right?". "Correct", Earth-30 Penny responds. Then, she gives Earth-1 Penny a device which installs itself Earth-1 Penny's watch. "You can use this to open a breach that will connect to this one here, allowing you to reach this city", Earth-30 Penny explains. With that, Earth-1 Penny leaps through the breach and returns to her Earth.
  11. Barry and Cisco are surprised to see another breach open, without Cisco's help, and Penny tumble out of it. "What happened to you?", Cisco asks Penny. "The usual: went to another universe, met alternate versions of myself, and they helped me get back here", Penny quickly explains. Then, she rushes off and returns to Metro City. Meanwhile, a spaceship lands outside Metro City. Four individuals named Jace, Burter, Guldo, and Recoome emerge from it. "Captain Ginyu is around here some where", Jace tells the others, "We won't stop until we find him.
  13. Penny returns to her house in Metro City. Chief Gadget is waiting for her in the living room. "Uncle Gadget, did you find Deadpool and Ginyu yet?", She asks. "Not yet", Gadget replies. "Where's Rex?", Penny asks. "He left a while ago", Gadget answers. Penny rushes off to find Rex, and hears an explosion coming from just outside of town. She rushes to the scene of the explosion to find Rex battling Ginyu. "Penny, what are you doing here?", Rex asks, but his voice comes out of Ginyu's body. Penny realizes what has happened and turns to Ginyu, who is in Rex's Body). "Give Rex back his body this instant", Penny demands. She tosses a Poke Ball up in the air, and Volcanion emerges from it. "Use Steam Eruption", Penny commands. Ginyu promptly swaps back into his own body, giving Rex back his body. Ginyu flees and, moments later, Deadpool appears.
  15. As Ginyu runs away from Penny and her Volcanion, he runs into his allies: Jace, Burter, Guldo, and Recoome. "We've been looking everywhere for you, boss", Recoome informs Ginyu. "We saw your ship hit that meteor, sending it hurdling towards this planet", Burder adds. "It's nice to see all of you again", Ginyu confides, "I need you help to deal with some "annoyances" that I've encountered on this planet". The Ginyu Force begin forming a plan of action, aiming to eliminate Penny and Deadpool.
  17. Deadpool notices Penny and her Volcanion, and sends out Greninja. He transforms it into Deadpool-Greninja. Penny responds by transforming Volcanion into Penny-Volcanion. "You looking for a rematch?", Penny teases. "Use Water Shuriken", Deadpool orders. "Use Steam Eruption", Penny commands. The two attacks collide, and Steam Eruption overpowers Water Shuriken, sending Deadpool-Greninja flying. Deadpool starts to recall Greninja into its Poke Ball, but Rex generates his sword and pins Deadpool to the ground. As Penny retrieves the Poke Ball, and recalls Greninja herself, Deadpool manages to unsheath one of his swords and knocks Rex's sword away. Deadpool jumps to his feet and takes off running.
  19. Penny chases after Deadpool, but then the Ginyu Force appear. Deadpool runs off in a different direction. "They're all yours, kid", he shouts at Penny. "Forget him", Ginyu orders, "Let's deal with the girl first". Guldo uses his time-freeze powers to immoibilize Rex and keep him out of the fight. "Its just you against the five of us", Ginyu taunts. "I can still whoop you bozos" Penny declares. "You and what army?", Ginyu further taunts. Penny presses some buttons on her watch. "Me and THIS army", Penny declares. She presses another button on her watch and a breach opens. Spider-Penny, Flash-Penny, Penny Potter, and Earth-30 Penny emerge from it.
  21. "It's five of me against the five of you", Penny remarks. "Get Them!" Ginyu yells. The two groups of five charge at each other. Guldo attempts to immobilize the Pennys, but Penny Potter points her wand at Guldo, yells "Petrificus Totallis", and immobilizes him instead. Spider-Penny clashes with Recoome. With her spider-strength, Spider-Penny easily pummels Recoome and then webs his hands and feet together. Flash-Penny runs circles around Burter, delivering rapid-fire punches. Earth-30 Penny confronts Jace. "Go Go Gadget Copter", she yells. Her pigtails start spinning like helicopter blades, allowing her to lift off. Earth-30 Penny then delivers a powerful karate kick to Jace, sending him flying. Meanwhile, Earth-1 Penny trades punches with Ginyu himself. Ginyu tosses Earth-1 Penny through the air. she collides with Rex, freeing him from the immobilization. Penny feels a power surge flowing into her and realizes Rex is giving her his Nanites, giving her back the powers he took from her after their earlier argument. "You'll be needing these, I presume" Rex comments. Ginyu opens his mouth, and is about to swap bodies with Rex (or Penny, its unclear which of them he's targeting) when Penny generates a big metal fist, and punches Ginyu's face in.
  23. "Retreat!" Ginyu frantically yells. The Ginyu force rush off and high-tail it onto the space ship that Guldo, Jace, Burter, and Recoome arrived in. Deadpool also sneaks on board, unbeknownst to anyone. The ship takes off into space before penny or Rex can board it. "Oh well", Penny remarks, "Hopefully, those weirdos won't come back". "Good Riddance", Rex adds. Penny opens a breach and her doppelgangers return to where they came from. Rex catches a glimpse of the "Penny-verse" city before the breach closes. "What in the world was that?" Rex wonders. "I'll explain everything on the way home", Penny answers and the two of them make their way back to Metro City.
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