

Nov 1st, 2018
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  1. Qigong: You grew up the only son of a freshly widowed, Buddhist monk father. When your quirk manifested you both were returning from the grocery store when you were mugged by the local gang. You only got a quick work over, but your father resisted, and got a knife for his troubles. In the moment you could only think about how to keep him from bleeding out while holding him in your arms. As a last resort you started chanting like he did during and his wounds began to heal. You blacked out soon after. As you grew you learned a few of the limitations and nuances of your quirk.
  3. You can build, store, release, and absorb life force. You have a limit of course, and how the energy effects people & things depends on your will. Will to help someone and you can heal their bones and flesh. If you want to harm them you can drain their energy by touching them or shoot blasts of energy as kinetic force.
  5. Pro: You can heal others and have the abilities that monks only ever dreamed of attaining.
  7. Cons: If you overuse your own Life force, or take too much of someone else's you/they will faint. If you continue you/they could die.
  9. **Dragon**: Your Quirk was the mutant composition of your bloodline combined to form the very traits of a Dragon. School became hard for you because your traits seemed to manifest slowly. First were your eyes. You were talking to your crush when your pupils became slits and you creeped her out. Then your wings sprouted from your back which made you a week absent due to sheer pain, your skin hardened into red scales, your nails and teeth sharpened, thunderous laughs on no account of your own, a heavy tail to cope with, your strength seemingly doubling. Finally you released a particularly deep sigh after mom asked you to take out the garbage. You burned it AND the can to slag. All in all it's not so bad as far as a Quirk go.
  11. Pro: You're a human with dragon traits, fuck yeah! Strength, wings make gales, deafening roars, fire breath, the whole 9 yards!
  13. Cons: You're cold blooded and will weaken drastically if somehow you're subjected to below average temperatures.
  15. **Geomancy**: Your childhood years were spent in a sandbox in the local neighborhood making faces and other art in the dirt. One day you wanted to make a circle, but before you could draw it the circle began forming on it's own. It freaked you out, so you stood up and backed away, causing the whole of the sandpit to turn to a hard sandstone. Later on in your youth you would realize that you can sub-consciously or consciously manipulate the earth and other relatively pure forms of minerals.
  17. Pros: You can move and compress rocks, dirt, and other minerals.
  19. Cons: You can only move one form of mineral at a time. Granite, sand, onyx, all acquiesce as long as you only move one.
  21. **Martial Master**: As a young boy you always loved a good action flick. Guns, swords, and kenpo movies were all you ever watched in fact. When your Quirk manifested you were ecstatic to find out that you could study and learn any martial art you put your mind to. You always competed in various tournaments until your parents thought that a hero school would be a better fit for your exceptional talents, which was their way of saying that you were disallowed from competing anymore because the committees-that-be knew you were nominally better than others your age.
  23. Pros: You have great skill and adaptation with your body and weapons.
  25. Cons: You have to watch an entire video on a martial art 3 times all the way through to use its skill, so practice helps maintain your memory.
  27. **Darwin’s Apex**: As a child you always loved visiting the zoo to see the exotic animals with your family. It was a welcome surprise that on one visit in your junior high days you managed to gain Gorilla arms after imitating one. Ever since then you’ve experimented and trained yourself to better utilize these amazing traits, partially for prank purposes on your sister or cousin.
  29. Pros: You can combine traits from up to 2 animals.
  31. Cons: You have to imitate the animals before you do it.
  33. **Ironsides**: Your ability to enhance the toughness of things came to you at an early age, so you used it to play pranks on people. You fortified apples and watched people struggle to eat them, as well as paper for art projects so that they wouldn’t cut. You only were able to use it on people when you tried to save a friend from getting hit by a boxtruck and instinctively activated your quirk on the two of you. After the police came they had the driver arrested for illegal operation of a vehicle, and also had him explain the two person sized holes in his truck.
  35. Pros: You can fortify objects and people making them become 3 times stronger than a material you’re touching.
  37. Cons: The more you use it the less time it stays active for. 10 minutes is your current longest stretch, but it makes you exhausted.
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