
RevoX Chapter #5165

Sep 8th, 2015
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  1. [World]Ogden:Take Muneeb as your opponent
  2. [World]Ogden:ww?
  3. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:for who?
  4. [World]Smooke:and i havent met the strongest from server 1 :D
  5. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:eagle?
  6. [World]Smooke:for me :D
  7. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:ww = wind wing
  8. [World]Batou:why with every merge they have to reset all gears....
  9. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:yes Milo?
  10. [World]Ogden:D.Milo, I like your crew, Eagle
  11. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:If you want my help later, you can ask me later ;)
  12. [World]Ogden:ww only gives 150 or am I dumbing around?
  13. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:more like 750 :3
  14. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:it gives 750 speed
  15. [World]Ogden:yeah, damn, i was sure it said 10 speed. ha....
  16. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:did you want something Milo?
  17. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:lol
  18. [World]Ogden:who would ever max and use ww?
  19. [World]hannebot:Milo This Merge tho*
  20. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:oh you said something about 104.5k speed
  21. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:ww can be usefull in franky war
  22. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:hanne i know :D
  23. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:I think ogden frnaky got 104,5k speed
  24. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:i managed to take magas off of hanne and wortex
  25. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:but perv got fuked x)
  26. [World]hannebot:ok
  27. [World]hannebot:how was hit fuked
  28. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:i can only run 2 accs
  29. [World]hannebot:ok
  30. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:so never logged on to him... now anything on magas are fuked
  31. [Notice]Zeb has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  32. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:eagle can you beat ogden?
  33. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:he's faster
  34. [World]Eternal™:._.
  35. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:But can manage to beat if change some stuff like for
  36. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:._. but your eagle sensei... your not supposed to lose
  37. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:everyone else in my range
  38. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Well, I won't lose when I'll be supposed to win :3
  39. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Serena™.sng_20:a milo :v
  40. [World]KaleïD.Os:you will win. don't worry
  41. [World]KaleïD.Os:and, if he hurt you, i will kick his *** :)
  42. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:serena take arena ._.
  43. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:nevermind you did lol
  44. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Serena™.sng_20:wanna have r1? :v
  45. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:I can kick his AsS with soge or lort :3
  46. [World]KingHaris:woah eagle so strong
  47. [World]KingHaris:his fast than my franky
  48. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:still have stuff to put on... currently rank 341 *.*
  49. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:harris how fast your franky
  50. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Oh, a new one, how much speed Haris?
  51. [World]KingHaris:98
  52. [World]KingHaris:yours?
  53. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Oh, good luck on raising that
  54. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:98k so fast *.*
  55. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:104k here
  56. [World]KingHaris:im just a weakling my power is 212k
  57. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:so many fast frankys here :D
  58. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Serena™.sng_20:212k power is more than eagle has :v
  59. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:What is your lvl? I'm doing EL so can't check
  60. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:I agree with Serena
  61. [World]KingHaris:just went 140
  62. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:by far serena :D
  63. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Oh, gz
  64. [World]Nachös:*welp i guess im going no further in the arena lol
  65. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:i almost synth my shadows *.*
  66. [World]Nachös:lol
  67. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:go go milo :3
  68. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:i would have quit automatically without saying goodbye :v
  69. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:I missed a good moment, damn
  70. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:what was that?
  71. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Milo quitting :3
  72. [World]D.Milo.sng_20::D you can only dream :p
  73. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Meh
  74. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:99% on garp, franky and choppah ._.
  75. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:wow so close... pre*gz
  76. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:96% on navis I think
  77. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Guess, end of the week there will be done
  78. [Notice]hmf has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  79. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Serena™.sng_20:should be :v
  80. [Notice]Ogden has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  81. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:now only hakis left to put on...
  82. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:ogden so strong *.*
  83. [World]DaiMao:YAWN
  84. [World]Ogden:Rather lucky than strong
  85. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:daimao so strong *.*
  86. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Ogden rank 19 :3
  87. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:what rank are you eagle?
  88. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Serena™.sng_20:where is perona ogden? :v
  89. [World]Ogden:for today, give them a week and i am about 40 or 50
  90. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:15
  91. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:what was your rank in s1 Ogden?
  92. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:so that means i can probably manage top 100
  93. [World]Ogden:25+
  94. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:nice
  95. [World]Ogden:or shall I writeh 25 minues? :v
  96. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:still nice :3
  97. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:eagle you have lort. and dont remember ogden??
  98. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:I do remember, just saw him on ladder I think
  99. [World]Ogden:huuuuu? Eagle pilots Lortgnik? Eagle is Lortgnik?
  100. [World]Ogden:This game is getting crazy
  101. [World]DeezNuts™:Guess so
  102. [World]hannebot:wow all these strong people
  103. [World]Romero.s005:yo'
  104. [Notice]Batoussai has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  105. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:ok im finally done
  106. [Notice]Congrats to Butaw for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  107. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:*D.Milo*
  108. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Dat SS ._.
  109. [World]hannebot:i got back hannebot power back
  110. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:i run slow team ._. somewhat:v
  111. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:if ss is slow ok
  112. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:i said somewhat :p
  113. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:yea lol
  114. [Notice]southsider has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  115. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:sos did you beat ogden?
  116. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:lol what do you think
  117. [Notice]D.Milo.sng_20 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  118. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:if he didn't lie about his speed, you did
  119. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:lv 139 franky ._.
  120. [World]goddess:wazzup?
  121. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:lol
  122. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Serena™.sng_20:good ol goddess :o
  123. [World]goddess:cool blue diamond
  124. [World]Rooffy::)
  125. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Illusion™:yohohoho
  126. [World]goddess:sick
  127. [World]goddess:once i was in s5 * 8 nobody was diamond
  128. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Serena™.sng_20:a rooffy :O
  129. [World]FallofGan:if you get two of the same card can ou use it for something
  130. [World]FallofGan: other than composing?
  131. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Serena™.sng_20:thats similar in rareness level to a goddess :v
  132. [World]Rooffy:lol
  133. [World]hannebot:Wow the Legendary Butaw and SinBad is here
  134. [World]goddess:serena what was your original name?
  135. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Serena™.sng_20:dieu
  136. [World]goddess:oh the batman
  137. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:not even his own :3
  138. [World]Rooffy:yeah it was the first batman
  139. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:The original Arkham City Saviour :3
  140. [World]goddess:miss that time once forum was active :P
  141. [World]hannebot:Anyone remebers me
  142. [World]Rooffy:hm
  143. [World]Alcard:maybe hanne
  144. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:Only Rooffy bish is active on gladiator thread now xd
  145. [World]SexyMayIan:yow hanne . hahaha
  146. [World]hannebot:hey
  147. [World]Rooffy:lol eagle
  148. [World]hannebot:i got to go i'll see you on Saturday guys
  149. [World]SexyMayIan:cya hanne .
  150. [World]Seiryuu22:*Seiryuu22*
  151. [World]Eagle™.sng_20:well, cya guys
  152. [Notice]Spinifex has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  153. [World]FallofGan:*[B] Battle Spear*
  154. [World]Ogden:who will do enies lobby for me daily for say... 10 gb monthl
  155. [World]KingHaris:just enies lobby ogden?
  156. [World]Ogden:yeah, 300k prestige, and i got no time
  157. [World]RailGun™:i would do that
  158. [World]KingHaris:i can do that but question is do u trust me haha
  159. [World]SexyMayIan:Ogden ? if you want . lemme do it :)
  160. [World]Ogden:i dont trust eastern affiliation
  161. [World]KingHaris:but if u cant trust why not muneeb his trustable person
  162. [World]Ogden:damn, i need a trustworthy legion
  163. [World]RailGun™:hehe
  164. [World]KingHaris:lol ogden becareful ur acount might be hacked with what ur
  165. [World]SexyMayIan:go to our legion :)
  166. [World]KingHaris:doing
  167. [World]KingHaris:but if u want ogden i can do thaat for u im always using
  168. [World]KingHaris:computer so its not a problem
  169. [World]Ogden:i tell you on friday railgun, kingharis, whom i choose
  170. [World]KingHaris:why not try muneeb
  171. [World]KingHaris:his ur friend right?
  172. [World]RailGun™:okay
  173. [World]SexyMayIan:badly need those 10gb monthly :( . i would do even mf ?
  174. [World]KingHaris:well mf i wont do
  175. [World]Ogden:mun*san got 3+ accounts to handle
  176. [World]KingHaris:ahahaha
  177. [World]Ogden:okokok, i see, my offer's good. i will pick a lucky player
  178. [World]KingHaris:coz i dont want to do jobs that their is a time to do
  179. [World]Ogden:i already wrote down the names
  180. [World]Ogden:and yes, I am serious about dis
  181. [World]KingHaris:demn ogden u crazy baas****
  182. [World]KingHaris:u might lose ur acount lol
  183. [World]SexyMayIan:okay ogden :) .
  184. [World]Wh✩D✩eS:can u wrote my name there also?
  185. [World]RailGun™:hehe my acc is better :)
  186. [World]Ogden:got your name already
  187. [World]SexyMayIan:there's what we call fb for more understanding communication
  188. [World]KingHaris:yup
  189. [World]Ogden:supermario noted aswell
  190. [World]Ogden:Eternal noted
  191. [World]Ogden:Eternal won, haha
  192. [World]Eternal™:that was fast ._.
  193. [World]Wh✩D✩eS:hey eter just let us do this.. damn u.. lol
  194. [World]Ogden:applied, i need sleep, goddamit
  195. [World]Ogden:see ya in the morrow. greedheads
  196. [World]Shilo:asdasdas
  197. [Notice]Treasure hunters have appeared on the sea, kill them to obtain their treasure maps!
  198. [Notice]Mr.Wolf. has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  199. [World]Morph2:NO LADDER
  200. [World]Morph2::D
  201. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:P
  202. [World]Morph2:dang,you got snug 20'd also
  203. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:im changing my name to wambo
  204. [World]Morph2:you should name change to DeMilo XD
  205. [World]KingHaris:guys ladder
  206. [World]Morph2:no ladder,score from yesterday
  207. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:im changing to BartoloMilo :)
  208. [World]Morph2:baha,how stupid is that
  209. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:really :D
  210. [World]Morph2:Can tell how many merges been in by number of name cards :p
  211. [World]RailGun™:3v3 guys
  212. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:change your name to wakiki
  213. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:i cant 3v3
  214. [World]Morph2:I might change it to Bakka
  215. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:or kakka
  216. [World]Morph2:Bakka is idiot in Japanese :p
  217. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:i know ._.
  218. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:name yourself chorro
  219. [World]Morph2:wonder what sng 20 means anyways
  220. [World]Ðన్☪☠:3.3
  221. [World]Morph2:ladder is busted from yesterday :p
  222. [World]lucario:yeah
  223. [World]RailGun™:why is ladder empty
  224. [World]RailGun™:;*
  225. [Notice]Tanzanite killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  226. [World]Morph2:most did theirs yesterday
  227. [Notice]Mortem has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  228. [Notice]Congratulations to Butaw, the new Champion of the Arena!
  229. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:lol that champion spam will be insane lol
  230. [Notice]Gol_D_Rus has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  231. [Notice]Wh✮D✮eS.sng_20 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  232. [World]Romero.s005:nice amv :
  233. [World]Romero.s005:https:***watch?v=hxON0ECX1Ks
  234. [World]Romero.s005:if it interrests somebody
  235. [World]RailGun™:nice amv
  236. [World]Romero.s005:^^'
  237. [Notice]Morph2 killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  238. [World]AdamsDin:*[B] Hauberk*
  239. [Notice]felix.sng_20 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  240. [Notice]He11.s005 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  241. [Notice]Ðønlogia successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  242. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  243. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  244. [Notice]ZodiaGrey successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  245. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  246. [Notice]Ðønlogia successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  247. [Notice]Ðønlogia successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  248. [Notice]raikeeN has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  249. [Notice]Ðønlogia successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  250. [Notice]dracox successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  251. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  252. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  253. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  254. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 40 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 80%!
  255. [World]King7Seas:is it just me or some stuffs are missing
  256. [World]King7Seas:after merge
  257. [Notice]HawkKuma successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  258. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:its just you :v
  259. [World]King7Seas:T_T cant find magical shadow and mag pierce shell
  260. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:did you synth?
  261. [World]Wh✮D✮eS.sng_20:shells r not removed from ur equips.. only magas.. lol
  262. [World]King7Seas:nope i was very careful
  263. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:yeah that too^^^
  264. [World]soredingo:*Shanks*
  265. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  266. [World]King7Seas:it was a shell from magatamas
  267. [World]King7Seas:nevermind i found it
  268. [World]King7Seas:gave it to the wrong crew
  269. [World]Wh✮D✮eS.sng_20:lol
  270. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  271. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  272. [Notice]tarra.sng_20 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  273. [World]random21:o.O my shells didnt get removed from the gear
  274. [World]Wh✮D✮eS.sng_20:magas only..
  275. [World]random21:ah thought it removed everything
  276. [World]Fall.s0042:*Sanji*
  277. [World]j02e:*Zoro*
  278. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:*Smoker*
  279. [World]LoveClara:morning all
  280. [World]D.Milo.sng_20:morning clara.. even tho its night for me :)
  281. [Notice]Artemio has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
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