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Nov 16th, 2019
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  1. 1. Mod Manager
  2. 2. I would like to organize a more structured chain of command. Assigning a variety of duties to myself as mod manager down to the t mods. I like how solider has started that with having forest help the t mods and dork ask questions on mod applications. However, I would write up a document of clear and expanded goals and responsibilities for each tier of mod in order to streamline the system and make it more efficient. This would set up a clear purpose for each and hold the individuals accountable for their respective responsibilities.
  3. 3. Using my position of mod manager I would address mainly the problems that I observe with the staff team: Currently we are having a lot of staff shortages, even though we have one of the largest mod team ever. I would, along with the smods police the hours of staff whom have not stated they will be absent and punish them accordingly should they not meet the minimum. There are certain benefits players enjoy as a mod and they should be doing their part to earn them. Aside from that, I would do my utmost to quash any drama between staff, ensure all are getting along and address any concerns. A like-minded, cohesive team is the most efficient. As such I would hold regular one on ones will all mods and have monthly meetings in order to gauge the mood and deal with any problems. (Something that currently does not happen)
  4. 4. While I realize the CM is a game and different from real life, I believe that my experience as a manager would be beneficial, the answers I provided above are all things that I have learned during my time in the military as a platoon commander. I oversee and manage 40+ people in a fast pace and sometimes dangerous environment. I am good at managing people and I enjoy doing it. Aside from that I have dedicated most of my free time to moderating the server since being accepted as a mod without and problems or staff reports against me. (Aside from a few small hiccups like restarting the server early that time and an incorrect EORG ban). All the while getting along well with any staff I have interacted with.
  5. 5. My main concerns are players having contempt with the moderation team as well as staff not getting along. I intend to take a very open and transparent approach to management, all staff will be required to tell someone if they are being noted and why, something I have seen happening less and less. In addition I will hold everyone to a very high standard of professionalism. Both amongst themselves and the players, I will make it clear when it is ok to relax and be buddies and when it is not (Similar to in the military).
  6. 6. Taketheshot56. He has been around for a long time and proven himself to be a capable smod. I have personally witnessed his dedication to the server in his ruthless investigation of rule breaks. He takes a hard stance but still obeys all the protocols. I like that and I think it could really benefit the server.
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