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Jun 1st, 2015
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  1. Hey guys, have you ever heard of Karen Hudes, the World Bank whistle blower?
  3. in 2013 I started following her interviews, although for much of the time I wasn’t sure what to make of the story. She speaks of Vatican gold and a trust fund that holds this gold and other assets, which now belongs to the people of the world. She and many other whistle blowers and various organizations have been working for the rule of law.
  5. Lately, I have been also reading her twitter feed and the accompanying emails and documents. Wow, what a story. She is talking about the total worth of the trust fund being somewhere around $2,000 Trillion. It is not just gold, there is precious metals, gems, and artwork. This is an inventory list of the trust fund:
  7. Karen Hudes is legal counsel for the Global Debt Facility. which has ownership of the trust fund that holds the gold and other assets she speaks about. The trust fund, TVM-LSM-666, that has the assets was created in 1950, signed by Pres. Truman and Gen. Eisenhower, and many other leaders around the world. The fund is called the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement.
  9. The BIS (the bank for central banks) and all 60 central banks (including all 12 US Federal Reserve banks) have all been served (27 Feb 2015), and are in receivership now, i.e bankrupt, insolvent. 12 US central banks: This link shows that the Fed et. al. are insolvent and that the County Executives of America has already accepted this gold for the American people:
  11. The BIS and/or the central banks had written bonds on this gold. The bonds are called The Treaty of Versailles Bonds, these were due, with compounding interest. Instead of calling in the bonds they will use the gold for all countries’ new currencies.
  12. This is one of the latest articles posted, KH tweeted it: Board of Governors of World Bank and IMF announce transition to asset-backed currencies This email goes with the article:
  13. Here in the US we have CSPOA,org (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association) and (Military veterans, police, firefighters and citizens). Karen Hudes had sent an email containing docs, and copied the info to, sheriff mack (head of cspoa) and Email for: Receivership of the Network of Global Corporate Control
  14. The Network of Global Control is what runs the economy.
  15. This is the US agreement for the minting of the new coins and currency, and aurum notes to replace the Federal Reserve Notes
  16. First, the treasury dollars printed by Pres. Reagan, before he was shot, will be issued as the Federal Reserve Notes are taken out of circulation. These treasury dollars will be used until the gold can be made into coins and aurum. Legal tender laws will be abolished. Every country will have their own currency.
  17. Link for the uncut Treasury dollars issued by Pres. Reagan This is a similar deal that Kennedy made just days before he was killed. Reagan had done a study and found that US tax dollars were sent to The City of London, where they took a 25% cut, and the rest was sent to the Vatican.
  18. 8:41
  19. Receivership of the Network of Global Corporate Control in the Global Debt Facility
  20. I suggest you watch her youtube videos titled The Network of Global Corporate Control. There are two videos that have 2 weeks each. Each link has 2 alternating weeks combined. These videos will continue for a few months until the currency reset. KH YT channel:
  21. From what I’ve read she is in touch with all the countries of the world via their embassies. It started with the embassies in Japan, since the US is obligated to defend them. Caroline Kennedy is the American Ambassador to Japan.
  22. I’m still making my way through it all, man no wonder I thought at times that she must be a little nuts lol this is something else. In trying to explain it to a friend I found myself sounding a little nuts myself lol. :wink:
  23. The only thing I hadn’t really known about, in all she discusses, was the trust fund that contains the world’s gold/assets. Everything else I had already read about, birth certificates, the incorporation of the US, the 2nd Constitution, the nuke that was supposed to fall on Charleston, NC (detonated in the Atlantic Ocean) in 2013 etc. etc. etc.
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