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World of Warcraft 10.0 Flight of the Aspects

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Jan 18th, 2022
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  1. Gonna just cover some basic stuff that people probably want to know about 10.0
  2. I don't care if you don't believe it, I'm not going to provide any proof.
  4. >Level cap
  5. 70 duh.
  7. >Pre patch event
  8. Infinite Dragon flight invasion. Basically a kind of lazy combination of the Shadowlands and Legion pre patch. Portals open up in Kalimdor and EK, Infinite dragons spawn and summon old raid and dungeon bosses. A bronze dragon in Orgrimmar and Stormwind will teleport you to the current active portal. The leaders of each dragon flight meet at Wyrmrest temple but Kalecgos is absent and Stellagosa is taking his place. Its not explicitly stated but why he's missing but they'll probably throw some note or hint later trying to explain it. The real reason hes missing is for gameplay reasons for the new class. Nozdormu is with Soridormi whose worried about Nozzykins because hes going senile and starting to change into Moruzond.
  10. The conclusion of the event is the dragonflight leaders trying to come up with a way to cure Nozdormu before he turns into Moruzond. Which despite having like
  13. >New Class Dragonsworn
  15. During SL development on a Necromancer class was discussed but the team didn't wanna do a new pet class unless they could rework the pet system all together but there wasn't enough resources to do it. 4th specs for existing classes were also suggested, didn't go anywhere but seemed like something people wanted to make, it was implied they'd be released in batches of 2-3 if they did ever decide to do it.
  17. Inevitable they decided to work on Dragonsworn for 10.0
  20. Available to all races, wears Mail. Starting zone has you helping representatives of each of the 5 Dragon flights. You learn that Kalecgos has gone missing from Wrathion. He refuses to elaborate because he is a chad. After some tutorial quests to teach you how your new flavor of the month overpower class works you 'pledge' yourself to one of the 4 dragonflight leaders. This has little effect on you and just gives you a relevant title, the NPC will have some additional dialogue for you during main story quests in the xpac, and some other minor flavor stuff.
  22. 4 Specs are
  24. Life-Binder, a healer that uses fire to burn away injuries, allies healed will have fire leap to nearby enemies buffing the healer so they can combo into larger heals by siphoning the fire on enemies and using it back on their allies.
  26. Destroyer, a Damage dealer that uses Earth and Fire. as you repeatedly deal damage with the same ability they power up a bit and the rocks look more molten. there's some Overheat mechanic that causes you to start taking damage if you stand still and keep casting for too long. You can't use your defensive or healing abilities if you're overheating either, but that's still being discussed by devs because they think it might be too punishing.
  28. Awakened, Nature based damage class. They use stuff you'd expect a druid to use, but purely for offense. They have attacks that use Vines, Mushrooms, Carnivorous and Poisonous plants. They can gain a passive buff from one of the shrines in the emerald dream dedicated to one of the wild gods, similar to Zandalari's racial. There's shrines for Malorne, Cenarius, Ursoc+Ursol, Ashamanne, Avianna, and some others I don't remember the names of. Only buff I got to try was the Boar one that gave me a refreshing thorns buff that would damage enemies that attacked me and heal me for a small amount.
  30. Timeless, A Tank spec that uses sand and time magic. They can stockpile damage they take kind of like monks and rewind it. They can leave behind a sand duplicate that will taunt but it has such low health that I'm not sure what it's purpose is. They have a work-in-progress rewind mobility that's supposed to, when pressed once start quickly retracing all your movements over the last 2 minutes but sped up, and when pressed again will stop and let you move from there, but it's been extremely buggy. They have an AOE defensive that throws out a circle of sand and when pressed again all allies in the circle will gain a damage absorb that heals when it expires.
  32. Blue Dragon's were left out because they couldn't come up with a spec for them that didn't feel like a mage. and as you can see from the 4 specs that did make the cut, they all already overlap with existing classes a little bit. My descriptions probably arn't that great but when playing them they really don't feel the same as any existing specs. they just share a lot of the same base concepts and themes, gameplay is diffrent enough to be unique and they're all pretty fun to play imo.
  36. >New Zones
  38. *The Dragon Isles
  40. - Cardinal Veil - The northern most zone of the Isles. The new hub city of Dragonshire is here, when you first get here It's abandoned, but the Dragonflights quickly repopulate it with their Dragonkin and Drakonids. Later on even some Nether and Storm drakes show up. A path runs through the middle of the city running north to south. The path north leads to a broken bridge out to sea that supposedly once led to Wyrmrest temple. But with how often islands like to move around on Azeroth it must not have lasted very long. Dragonshire itself is surrounded by a crimson Forrest called the Winewoods, which a new rabbit-like race live. The quests here are basically an introduction to the Isles, the history of the island, the various races that now inhabit the island, and why/how the island was lost in the first place.
  42. - Ebonglade - The Westernmost zone of the Isles. A surprisingly colorful swampland with a Volcano situated in the center. Unsurprisingly, trying to traverse a zone will pools of water and lava can be very annoying. Eventually you'll get the ability to walk on water and lava while In this zone making it significantly less horrible to traverse. A totally not suspicious and probably not Deathwing's 7th secret lair Dragon head shaped entrance sticks out of the side of the Volcano, but you can't reach it without the ability to fly. Which obviously you can't do yet because of the very magically chaotic winds that you are too incompetent to fly through yet. Wrathion shows up to visit some shrines and talk about his daddy issues. Out off the coast half sunk in the ocean is a structure very similar to the one in the attached picture that most people are familiar with by now. A race of little two legged dragon dudes called the Dracolites live here.
  44. -Tempestrial Wastes - The eastern zone is an australia outback inspired zone where the rabbit people originate from. It used to have hot days and cold nights but after Sargeras's sword hit Silithus something caused a temporal anonmaly here and most of the Leppuns moved elsewhere, but a few still live here because they're masochists I guess. The skybox here is really cool, time is out of whack so the day/night cycle happens way faster. I think it stays daytime for one hour then nighttime for one hour. During the day its covered in sand, during the night it's covered in snow. There's a small titan facility dungeon here that the Infinite have taken over and made a little home base. They were able to find the Dragon Isles because of the time anomoly the place caused when it malfunctioned.
  46. -Cobalt Cove - The southern zone. Originally intended as a pretty generic beach, it's now the most alien looking of the zones. Ethereal have found their way here somehow and have torn the place up soaking up the massive amounts of energy under the Dragon Isles. Chunks land float in the air with chains attached to them holding them to the ground below. Massive cracks in the ground everywhere with water pouring in from the ocean. The Ethereal are currently fighting with Nuerubians that they accidently woke up while trying to siphon energy.
  48. - Uldest - In the very center of the four zones is a massive tower similar looking to Wyrmrest temple but leans much more heavily into the more recent titan designs that have been used. This titan facility has something to do with how the island was lost, how the aspects were made, the origins of dragons as a whole, and a bunch of other lore shit that I honestly stopped reading because my adderall was wearing off when I played through it and I just couldn't care. basically its the first raid teir. Infinite dragonflight have found their way inside and are fucking shit up. It's supposed to be important later for story stuff about empowering the aspects again and helping stop Moruzond despite us already killing him. The writings not great. I don't know why you would expect it to make any sense after the last two expansions. Everything looks cool as long as you pretend lore isn't a thing.
  50. *The Emerald Dream - This is where you'll be heading once you hit max level. By far the largest zone, similar to Vashj'ir it's made up of 4 sub zones that mimic the 4 zones of the dragon isles, playing in to the 'blueprint' theme. You can fly here after the first few quests here. You can only access one zone at first and unlock the others with a reputation grind that unlocks more story, but for once, the reputation isn't time gated and you can do It all at once if you wanna no life it.
  52. *Northern Lordaeron - at the time of writing this this zone is unfinished and just a mostly flat area with some hills and some beaches to the north. Its attached to the eastern kingdoms map north of Tirisfal I know this is some vanilla concept thing but I have no clue what the plan, if any is for this area.
  54. *Placeholder islands - A copy of east & west Plaugelands exists in the south west corner of the map, and a copy of Eversong woods and Ghostlands exists in the north east corner. Haven't heard any info on why these exist. You could fly to them from the dragon isles if there wasn't fatigue.
  56. >Systems and Misc.
  58. After fully exploring the Dragon Isles, you get to pick a Covena... I mean Dragon Flight to join. You gather, you guessed it Aspect Power to power to help restore power to the Aspects, with Stellagosa and Soridormi taking the places of Kalecgos and Nozdormu. Wrathion's plan of forming an Aspect harem is completed.
  60. Each flight has the cosmetic stuff you'd expect bought with a separate currency, but this time you can actually freely swap between the aspects at anytime. The Aspects also act as this expansions equivalent of soul binds. which currently looks pretty much identical to SLs soulbind system, but might change to at least appear to not be copy pasted.
  62. Reputations - Once you get exalted in a faction your alts will get a passive 20% more rep with that faction. You can purchase tabards at friendly and will get reputation from dungeons while wearing them. using the Tmog appearance of a tabard count's as actually wearing it but the appearance will override the actually equipped tabard, so you can't farm two reps at once.
  64. Flight master Whistle - This returns, but now a dragon based on your current chosen aspect comes to pick you up. cute.
  66. Allied races - Currently Dracolites for Alliance (the two legged lizardy dragons) and Leppuns for Horde (rabbit-kangaroo hybrid lookin humanoids) are planned as allied races in a future patch. Hope you're happy furries. A few people internally have been trying to get Mogu and Jinyu added during this xpac since it was planned for BFA but scrapped.
  68. There's discussions about wanting to explore alternate reality versions of major lore characters via having the infinite bring them to our Azeroth. I.E. A Galakrond that defeated the aspects, An Arthas that succesfully turned everyone and fought the burning legion. A Garrosh that claimed all of Azeroth for the Horde, A Varian that destroyed the Horde, Etc.
  70. Current release date goal is October but we all know that's not fucking happening. Wont stop the crunch time meta tho.
  72. Expansions name was originally gonna be Dawn of the Aspects after the novel but was changed after someone pointed out DoA stood for Dead on Arrival.
  74. There's a few other cool things to look forward to but I'm not willing to mention them because all of this info is known by enough people internally that it can't be traced back to me personally.
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