
The Carnival Comes but Once a Year (Eris X Anon)

Feb 23rd, 2015
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  1. >You walked briskly down a lonely dirt road, the sun hanging high in the sky like a ripe lemon.
  2. >Another beautiful day in talking horse land by all accounts.
  3. >Most days were pretty much perfect, come to think of it.
  4. >And this day was going to be even better because--
  5. >*knock knock knock*
  6. "Yo, Eris! Open up! It's Anon!"
  7. >It was the weekend! And the weekends always meant hanging out with Eris.
  8. >Ah, Eris.
  9. >Initially a "rocky" relationship, to put it mildly. But after Discord showed up and helped smooth things over, she was a real peach.
  10. >Your best friend in fact.
  11. >Granted, her near constant flirting and penchant for busting your chops could still get under your skin. But it was all in good fun.
  12. >Oddly, the door to her home still hadn't opened yet.
  13. >She set herself up close to your own home, which itself was somewhat on the outskirts of Ponyville proper.
  14. >Speaking of her home, it was...unique.
  15. >Uniquely Eris in so many words.
  16. >It was shaped -somewhat- like a castle but not quite. It was a mish-mash of a lot of things. Organic and otherwise. And at all sorts of angles.
  17. >You didn't question her design sense.
  18. >You knocked again. Maybe she was in the bath or something? Eris -loved- bathing. Claimed it was the reason she was so cute.
  19. >”W-Who is it?”
  20. >Eris's voice softly came through the door. But it sounded off. Like a whisper. Eris didn't know -how- to whisper as far as you were concerned. She was much more prone to shouting, yelling, and being boisterous.
  21. “Uh, duh! It's Anon! Open the door already! You forget what day it is?”
  22. >”...O-Oh. Right. Today's the w-weekend...”
  23. “You okay in there? You sound weird.”
  24. >”N-No! I'm completely fine! Just, uh, one second...”
  25. >Eris went quiet and you could hear shuffling behind the door, followed by what sounded like tons of locks clicking out of place.
  26. >Strange. Eris didn't have locks last time you checked.
  27. >The door cracked open and you could spy one of Eris's eyes peeking out at you.
  28. >”Listen, I—eep!”
  29. >Not paying attention you push the door open and pass the flustered Eris.
  30. >”Hey! I didn't invite you in!” Eris complained.
  31. “Huh? Since when did I need an invite?”
  32. >”Well, that is to say, uh...” she babbled.
  33. “So what are we doin' today?” You asked obliviously.
  34. >Eris hovered in mid-air, a dead-pan expression on her face.
  35. >”You... Ugh. How should I know?! I'm not even up for going anywhere today!”
  36. “Why's that?”
  37. >”That's...none of you business!” Eris snapped.
  38. “Touchy, touchy today.”
  39. >”Listen, it's just today is--”
  40. “Oh, I know!”
  41. >”Stop interrupting me!”
  42. “The carnival! Let's go to that.”
  43. >”The what?”
  44. “Carnival. It should be in town this time of year. It's always a ball.”
  45. >”...I've never been to a carnival before.” Eris started getting starry-eyed before shaking her head. “Wait, no! Anonymous, listen, I cannot leave--”
  46. “Come on, let's go!”
  47. >Not letting the draconequus finish you grab her by the lions paw and drag her out the castle/house, her whining all the while.
  49. >The Trottingham Carnival comes around but once a year. And this year looked to be the best yet.
  50. >Throngs of ponies bustled through the fair-grounds; some chatting, other stuffing their faces with carnival junk-food. Candied apples, funnel cakes, over-priced hay-dogs.
  51. >Most though where there for the rides. Nothing as advanced as back on Earth, but they were well on their way.
  52. >The ferris wheel and wooden roller coaster were of particular popularity.
  53. >You and Eris walked around taking in the sights and smells. You noted further oddness in Eris's behavior by the fact that she was indeed walking, as in on all four of her limbs. She never did that. Eris always floated around.
  54. >She did seem to be enjoying herself though, despite the weird ticks you caught sometimes.
  55. >Things like licking her lips or wiping sweat from her furred forehead.
  56. >But you just passed it off as Eris being Eris.
  57. “Wanna try out a ride?”
  58. >”Uh... I-I guess so.” Eris's cheeks seemed flushed as she answered.
  59. “Let's see...” you glanced around for a suitable ride. “Ah! The tea cups. Those are fun. Come on!”
  60. >Eris nodded and followed almost sheepishly after you.
  61. >The two of you get a cup quickly enough after a short wait in line.
  62. >”So what does this ride do?” Eris asked as she took a seat opposite of you.
  63. “It spins around.”
  64. >”Spins? That doesn't sound too bad.”
  65. >The ride started up and slowly began spinning around, ponies giggling and hooting in excitement.
  66. >Eris started giggling herself, but that quickly died down when she noticed the ride was getting faster.
  67. >Babbling incoherently and blushing up a storm Eris slide in close next to you, the force of the spinning leaving her with little choice.
  68. >And as fast as it started the ride was over, dizzy ponies stumbling out of their cups with smiles plastered on their faces.
  69. >You were laughing yourself as you stepped of the ride but you noticed Eris wasn't next to you.
  70. >You looked back to see she was still sitting in the cup, shivering by the looks of it.
  71. “Eris? Are...you okay? You didn't get scared or anything did you?”
  72. >“I'm fine...” her head was lowered so her face was hidden from view.
  73. “But--”
  74. >”I said I'm fine!” she shouted and clumsily trotted out of the cup and away from the ride.
  75. >With some concern you followed after her.
  76. “Eris, wait up. Come on, it's fine if you got scared. Nothing to be ashamed of.”
  77. >”I wasn't scared, you idiot! Leave me alone!” Eris huffed and ducked in between two empty stall vendors.
  78. “Eris, you can't fool me. I--” as soon as you were between the stalls with her Eris slammed you against one, her talons on your shoulders. Her head was hung low again and she was panting hard. “Eris...?”
  79. >”I told you...I wasn't scared...” she whispered in a husky voice. “I'm... I'm...”
  80. “Just tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help.”
  81. >Eris leaned in close, right next to your ear. “I'm...in heat.”
  82. >It felt like a 10-ton stone dropped right into your stomach and for the first time today it was your turn to stammer and blush.
  83. “Heat?! That happens to you?”
  84. >Eris nodded and raised her head up, there were tears playing at the corner of her normally lovely eyes.
  85. >”It happens every hundred years. This just happens to be the year... I -tried- to tell you, but you wouldn't let me get a word in.”
  86. “Sorry... So what do we do? I don't think I can help with...-this- issue.”
  87. >Eris's face was just inches from your own. Her blushing cheeks nearly matching the red in her eyes in intensity. “Please~ I need to mate so bad... The burning won't stop. Plus, I might as well say it, I really like you Anon.”
  88. “But-but-but-but we're best friends...”
  89. >”Yeah. And right now I want, -need-, my best friends -big-, -hard- cock inside me...”
  90. >Steam was practically shooting out of your ears.
  91. >”Mate with me...~”
  92. “I..”
  93. >”Be with me...~”
  94. “I just...”
  95. >”Cum~”
  96. >Her eyes...
  97. >”Inside~”
  98. >Her lips...
  99. >”Me~”
  100. >Her smell...
  101. >That train whistle noise you could swear you heard was coming from your mouth.
  102. “But the ponies... They could catch us...”
  103. >Eris let go of your shoulders and braced herself against the opposite stall. She lifted her scaly tail and you could see how wet she already was. Her lips were puffy and slick with desire. And her asshole twitched cutely.
  104. >You never have seen Eris's bits before. Ponies sure, all they had was a tail and they were way smaller. But Eris was taller than you, and her lanky body made seeing anything almost impossible.
  105. >And now that you had an eyeful you could safely say she had exquisite parts.
  106. >”I don't care. Just rut me. Rut me senseless. Then fill me up. So full I can't even move~”
  107. >If there was a speed record for taking off pants you just shattered it over your knee with extreme prejudice.
  109. >All that was left were your boxers which were in danger of being burning clean off because of the hot erection hidden within.
  110. >Eris looked back and saw your boner struggling against its cloth confines.
  111. >”Mmm~ Hurry up, hurry up! Don't make me beg!” Eris wagged her rear-end back and forth.
  112. >In an instance the boxers were gone as well.
  113. >You placed a hand on what passed for hips on Eris and used the other to line up with her dripping slit.
  114. >The heat wafting off it was intense...
  115. >The moment the head of your dick touched Eris's lips what felt like electricity raced through your body. Eris felt a similar reaction and arched her back, her mis-matched wings beating against the air.
  116. >You continued to push forward into Eris's moist and downright fiery pussy, the resistance was insane.
  117. “Are you, ugh, always this tight?”
  118. >”Actually, uhn~, yes, I am. I can control my gENitals like any other part of my body. I'm—yes, right there!--I'm making you work for it~”
  119. “Makes it more, mmm, rewarding, right? Heh.”
  120. >Eris panted in response as you finally bottomed out.
  121. >If she squeezed any tighter she was in danger of hurting you.
  122. >It was a good pain.
  123. >Now to make it even better.
  124. >You pulled back, leaving just the tip inside. And held it there for a bit. Just long enough to tease Eris.
  125. >”You are -killing- me here, Anon!”
  126. “Oh? And what exactly is the problem, hmm?”
  127. >The smugness could kill a lesser creature.
  128. >Just as your ego started to swell Eris brought you back down to Earth. Hard.
  129. >She did this by pushing back onto your cock with fervor.
  130. “Nnnngh! You really want it, don't you?”
  131. >”Mate, mate, mate, mate~!” Eris practically chanted.
  132. >The look on her face was something else; eyes rolled back into her head, tongue lolled out the side of her mouth, drool pouring freely down her chin.
  133. >You had never “fucked someone stupid” before.
  134. >But it was something you could definitely get used to.
  135. >Eris's back-end slammed into your hips with hurried, sloppy wet noises.
  136. >How none of the ponies anywhere nearby didn't hear a thing, you really didn't care.
  137. >If anything the prospect of getting caught only added to the excitement.
  138. >Not wanting to be out-done you grabbed Eris's tail with one hand and tugged quick and hard.
  139. >The effect was immediate; Eris seized up and stopped thrusting backwards.
  140. >”...Anonymous...”
  141. >Uh-oh, was that the line?
  142. >”I liked that. Pull harder~”
  143. >Line? Who said anything about a line? What's a line?
  144. >Using the fluff of Eris's tail as a better handhold you jerked the draconequus' serpentine tail in a shaky rhythm to your thrusts.
  145. >What's a little pleasure without pain, if you remember the saying,
  147. >A heady musk was starting to permeate the area. No surprise given the copious amount of fluids Eris was spurting out.
  148. >The Stank.
  149. >And Eris's was something downright intoxicating.
  150. >A mix of sweetness like chocolate and cotton candy along with a hint of sourness from lemons.
  151. >It was making your head swim.
  152. >Just another aspect to remember from this memorable day.
  153. >Surprisingly, Eris's stamina wasn't anything like ponies. The lovemaking had been going on now for almost half-an-hour.
  154. >And it was on your end that the battery was running low.
  155. “E-Eris, I'm gonna cum.”
  156. >”In me, in me, in me, in me~!” Eris mumbled into the side of the empty stall.
  157. >All at once you hilted and, just for a moment, were worried you'd fly off into the sky because your orgasm was racing through you at mach 10.
  158. >Eris's pussy slammed down on your cock and sucked--not milked--the jizz right out of you.
  159. >If you didn't know better you'd think her vagina was another mouth with this kind of suction.
  160. >You lost count of how many pumps you made after number six.
  161. >It -had- been awhile since your last nut-bust.
  162. >Eris didn't seem to mind though. In fact she cooed and gingerly rubbed her stomach that had started to swell just slightly.
  163. >Finally the floodgate closed back up and you could actually pull out. Eris's cunt not making that an easy task.
  164. >A slick pop announced you were out and Eris slumped forward resting her head against the stall.
  165. >Her hips were still pushing back on pure instinct.
  166. >What seemed like an endless river of cum poured from her battered, but satisfied, sex.
  167. >”N-No... Want it...all in...”
  168. >Using her lions paw Eris did her best to staunch the flow from escaping.
  169. >It didn't help much.
  170. >Plenty still dripped between her chubby digits.
  171. >You panted and leaned against your own stall wall. “Full...enough for ya? Heh.”
  172. >”For...now... Give me...five minutes and I'll be...good to go again.”
  173. “Sounds like my line.”
  175. >Eris wasn't kidding.
  176. >In five minutes she was all over you, begging and pleading for more.
  177. >This was new.
  178. >New and exciting.
  179. >It was the time heroes were made.
  180. >But the flesh was in danger of becoming spongy and bruised.
  181. >Until Eris worked her voodoo and made you, in her words, “King Cock of Fuckstania”.
  182. >Basically she removed your biological limiter with chaos magic.
  183. >So there in that little alleyway you and Eris continued the fuck-fest.
  184. >And not a hole went un-penetrated .
  185. >First Eris said she wanted to taste you, so you fucked her face until her cheeks bulged with your seed.
  186. >Then she said she was always curious about the back-door, so you took her black cherry and stuffed it like a turkey.
  187. >Finally, the old familiar. In numerous positions. Some that were brand-spanking new to you. Like being coiled up and fucking her. That one was of particular favorite.
  188. >By the end, the amount of orgasms shared between you two was wholly unknown.
  189. >Though judging by how swollen Eris's mid-section was it had to be in the double digits.
  190. >The two of you cuddled on the ground, not concerned with the dirt and grass considering the other stuff you were covered in.
  191. >Eris poked at her gut and smiled.
  192. >”Look, I'm doing my best pastry impression, Anon!”
  193. “Cute. Uh, you know you can't get pregnant, right? Not with my stuff.”
  194. >”Oh I know. I just needed to mate to stop that annoying heat. If I wanted to get knocked-up I'd just make you a draconequus.”
  195. “You can do that?”
  196. >”Not much I can't do.” Eris playfully grinned.
  197. “Amen to that.” You pull Eris in closer and kiss her on the forehead. “You know it's funny.”
  198. >”What is?”
  199. “I thought the carnival was only supposed to -come- once a year! Get it? I put the emphasis on--”
  200. >”...No, no, I get it. That was just a really corny joke, Anon. I loved it!” Eris kissed you back and laughed.
  201. “Good end to a good--”
  202. >”Hey! What are you two doing over there!” a voice rang out, clearly aimed at you and Eris.
  203. >”Cheese it!” Eris shouted and started flying away, looking like she was smuggling a beach ball in her stomach.
  204. “H-hey! Wait for me, Eris! This is no way to treat yer boyfriend!” You shouted after Eris, doing you best to get your pants back on.
  205. >The security pony gave chase but slipped on something white and slick...
  207. The end
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